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  • Cocos2d-x之数据的处理

    |   版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。




        1. 资源存放在硬盘中

        2. 资源存放在内存中

        3. 资源存放在缓存中



      1 /**  Gets the instance of FileUtils.获得文件模块的单例对象 */
      2 static FileUtils* getInstance();
      3 /**  Destroys the instance of FileUtils.释放文件模块*/
      4 static void destroyInstance(); 
      5 /**     清空缓存
      6 *  Purges full path caches.
      7 */
      8 virtual void purgeCachedEntries();
      9 /**     从文件中获取字符串。
     10 *  Gets string from a file.
     11 */
     12 virtual std::string getStringFromFile(const std::string& filename);
     13 /** 获得资源文件的内容
     14 *  Creates binary data from a file.
     15 *  @return A data object.
     16 */
     17 virtual Data getDataFromFile(const std::string& filename);
     18 /** 获取资源文件数据
     19 *  Gets resource file data
     20 *  @param[in]  filename The resource file name which contains the path.
     21 *  @param[in]  mode The read mode of the file.
     22 *  @param[out] size If the file read operation succeeds, it will be the data size, otherwise 0.
     23 *  @return Upon success, a pointer to the data is returned, otherwise NULL.
     24 *  @warning Recall: you are responsible for calling free() on any Non-NULL pointer returned.
     25 */
     26 CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE virtual unsigned char* getFileData(const std::string& filename, const char* mode, ssize_t *size);
     27 /**     从zip文件中获得资源文件的内容
     28 *  Gets resource file data from a zip file.
     29 *  @param[in]  filename The resource file name which contains the relative path of the zip file.
     30 *  @param[out] size If the file read operation succeeds, it will be the data size, otherwise 0.
     31 *  @return Upon success, a pointer to the data is returned, otherwise nullptr.
     32 *  @warning Recall: you are responsible for calling free() on any Non-nullptr pointer returned.
     33 */
     34 virtual unsigned char* getFileDataFromZip(const std::string& zipFilePath, const std::string& filename, ssize_t *size);
     35 /** 获得一个文件的绝对路径,返回值为文件的绝对路径(通过文件名查找文件,并将它所在的路径返回)
     36 *       Returns the fullpath for a given filename.
     37 */
     38 virtual std::string fullPathForFilename(const std::string &filename) const;
     39 /** 通过一个文件名在字典容器中查找文件
     40 * Loads the filenameLookup dictionary from the contents of a filename.
     41 * @note The plist file name should follow the format below:
     42 */
     43 virtual void loadFilenameLookupDictionaryFromFile(const std::string &filename);
     44 /** 设置一个按文件名查找的字典。
     45 *  Sets the filenameLookup dictionary.
     46 *  @param pFilenameLookupDict The dictionary for replacing filename.
     47 */
     48 virtual void setFilenameLookupDictionary(const ValueMap& filenameLookupDict);
     49 /**     获得一个文件的绝对路径包含文件名
     50 *  Gets full path from a file name and the path of the relative file.
     51 */
     52 virtual std::string fullPathFromRelativeFile(const std::string &filename, const std::string &relativeFile);
     53 /**     设置数组容器内所包含的资源的搜索顺序。
     54 *  Sets the array that contains the search order of the resources.
     55 *  @param searchResolutionsOrder The source array that contains the search order of the resources.
     56 *  @see getSearchResolutionsOrder(), fullPathForFilename(const char*).
     57 */
     58 virtual void setSearchResolutionsOrder(const std::vector<std::string>& searchResolutionsOrder);
     59 /**     追加资源的搜索顺序。
     60 * Append search order of the resources.
     61 * @see setSearchResolutionsOrder(), fullPathForFilename().
     62 */
     63 virtual void addSearchResolutionsOrder(const std::string &order,const bool front=false);
     64 /**     获取数组中所包含的资源的搜索顺序
     65 *  Gets the array that contains the search order of the resources.
     66 *  @see setSearchResolutionsOrder(const std::vector<std::string>&), fullPathForFilename(const char*).
     67 */
     68 virtual const std::vector<std::string>& getSearchResolutionsOrder() const;
     69 /**     设置资源路径
     70 *  Sets the array of search paths.
     71 */
     72 virtual void setSearchPaths(const std::vector<std::string>& searchPaths);
     73 /**     设置默认资源的根路径。
     74 * Set default resource root path.
     75 */
     76 void setDefaultResourceRootPath(const std::string& path);
     77 /**     添加搜索路径。
     78 * Add search path.
     79 */
     80 void addSearchPath(const std::string & path, const bool front=false);
     81 /** 获取的搜索路径的数组。
     82 *  Gets the array of search paths.
     83 */
     84 virtual const std::vector<std::string>& getSearchPaths() const;
     85 /**     获取可写的路径。
     86 *  Gets the writable path.
     87 *  @return  The path that can be write/read a file in
     88 */
     89 virtual std::string getWritablePath() const = 0;
     90 /**     设置可写的路径。
     91 *  Sets writable path.
     92 */
     93 virtual void setWritablePath(const std::string& writablePath);
     94 /**     设置在无法加载图像时候是否弹出一个消息框。
     95 *  Sets whether to pop-up a message box when failed to load an image.
     96 */
     97 virtual void setPopupNotify(bool notify);
     98 /** 检查在无法加载图像的时候是否弹出一个消息框。
     99 *       Checks whether to pop up a message box when failed to load an image.
    100 *  @return True if pop up a message box when failed to load an image, false if not.
    101 */
    102 virtual bool isPopupNotify() const;
    103 /**     文件到ValueMap的内容转换。(将文件中的内容转换成ValueMap类型)
    104 *  Converts the contents of a file to a ValueMap.
    105 *  @param filename The filename of the file to gets content.
    106 *  @return ValueMap of the file contents.
    107 *  @note This method is used internally.
    108 */
    109 virtual ValueMap getValueMapFromFile(const std::string& filename);
    110 /** Converts the contents of a file to a ValueMap.
    111 *  This method is used internally.
    112 */
    113 virtual ValueMap getValueMapFromData(const char* filedata, int filesize);
    114 /**     写一个内容为ValueMap类型的plist文件
    115 * write a ValueMap into a plist file
    116 *@param dict the ValueMap want to save
    117 *@param fullPath The full path to the file you want to save a string
    118 *@return bool
    119 */
    120 virtual bool writeToFile(ValueMap& dict, const std::string& fullPath);
    121 /** 写一个内容为String类型的.plist文件
    122 *  write a string into a file
    123 * @param dataStr the string want to save
    124 * @param fullPath The full path to the file you want to save a string
    125 * @return bool True if write success
    126 */
    127 virtual bool writeStringToFile(std::string dataStr, const std::string& fullPath);
    128 /**
    129 * write Data into a file
    130 *@param retData the data want to save
    131 *@param fullPath The full path to the file you want to save a string
    132 *@return bool
    133 */
    134 virtual bool writeDataToFile(Data retData, const std::string& fullPath);
    135 /**
    136 * write ValueMap into a plist file
    137 *@param dict the ValueMap want to save
    138 *@param fullPath The full path to the file you want to save a string
    139 *@return bool
    140 */
    141 virtual bool writeValueMapToFile(ValueMap& dict, const std::string& fullPath);
    142 /**
    143 * write ValueVector into a plist file
    144 *@param vecData the ValueVector want to save
    145 *@param fullPath The full path to the file you want to save a string
    146 *@return bool
    147 */
    148 virtual bool writeValueVectorToFile(ValueVector vecData, const std::string& fullPath);
    149 /**
    150 * Windows fopen can't support UTF-8 filename
    151 * Need convert all parameters fopen and other 3rd-party libs
    152 * @param filename std::string name file for conversion from utf-8
    153 * @return std::string ansi filename in current locale
    154 */
    155 virtual std::string getSuitableFOpen(const std::string& filenameUtf8) const;
    156 // Converts the contents of a file to a ValueVector.
    157 // This method is used internally.
    158 virtual ValueVector getValueVectorFromFile(const std::string& filename);
    159 /**     判断文件是否存在
    160 *  Checks whether a file exists.
    161 *  @note If a relative path was passed in, it will be inserted a default root path at the beginning.
    162 *  @param filename The path of the file, it could be a relative or absolute path.
    163 *  @return True if the file exists, false if not.
    164 */
    165 virtual bool isFileExist(const std::string& filename) const;
    166 /** 获取文件的扩展名是在较低的情况下的后缀(由点从基本文件名隔开)。
    167 *  Gets filename extension is a suffix (separated from the base filename by a dot) in lower case.
    168 *  Examples of filename extensions are .png, .jpeg, .exe, .dmg and .txt.
    169 *  @param filePath The path of the file, it could be a relative or absolute path.
    170 *  @return suffix for filename in lower case or empty if a dot not found.
    171 */
    172 virtual std::string getFileExtension(const std::string& filePath) const;
    173 /**     检查路径是否是绝对路径。
    174 *  Checks whether the path is an absolute path.t.
    175 */
    176 virtual bool isAbsolutePath(const std::string& path) const;
    177 /**检查路径是否是一个目录。
    178 *  Checks whether the path is a directory.
    179 *  @param dirPath The path of the directory, it could be a relative or an absolute path.
    180 *  @return True if the directory exists, false if not.
    181 */
    182 virtual bool isDirectoryExist(const std::string& dirPath) const;
    183 /**     创建一个字典目录
    184 *  Creates a directory.
    185 *  @param dirPath The path of the directory, it must be an absolute path.
    186 *  @return True if the directory have been created successfully, false if not.
    187 */
    188 virtual bool createDirectory(const std::string& dirPath);
    189 /**     移除一个目录
    190 *  Removes a directory.
    191 *  @param dirPath  The full path of the directory, it must be an absolute path.
    192 *  @return True if the directory have been removed successfully, false if not.
    193 */
    194 virtual bool removeDirectory(const std::string& dirPath);
    195 /**     移除一个文件
    196 *  Removes a file.
    197 *  @param filepath The full path of the file, it must be an absolute path.
    198 *  @return True if the file have been removed successfully, false if not.
    199 */
    200 virtual bool removeFile(const std::string &filepath);
    201 /**     给指定目录下的文件重命名
    202 *  Renames a file under the given directory.
    203 *  @param path     The parent directory path of the file, it must be an absolute path.
    204 *  @param oldname  The current name of the file.
    205 *  @param name     The new name of the file.
    206 *  @return True if the file have been renamed successfully, false if not.
    207 */
    208 virtual bool renameFile(const std::string &path, const std::string &oldname, const std::string &name);
    209 /** 给指定目录下的文件重命名
    210 *  Renames a file under the given directory.
    211 *  @param oldfullpath  The current fullpath of the file. Includes path and name.
    212 *  @param newfullpath  The new fullpath of the file. Includes path and name.
    213 *  @return True if the file have been renamed successfully, false if not.
    214 */
    216 virtual bool renameFile(const std::string &oldfullpath, const std::string &newfullpath);
    217 /**     检索文件的大小
    218 *  Retrieve the file size.
    219 *  @note If a relative path was passed in, it will be inserted a default root path at the beginning.
    220 *  @param filepath The path of the file, it could be a relative or absolute path.
    221 *  @return The file size.
    222 */
    223 virtual long getFileSize(const std::string &filepath);
    224 /** 返回的完整路径缓存。
    225 *       Returns the full path cache.
    226 */
    227 const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& getFullPathCache() const { return _fullPathCache; }
    229 protected CONUT:
    231 /** 在字典中使用一个文件的密钥来查找文件名
    232 *       Dictionary used to lookup filenames based on a key.
    233 *  It is used internally by the following methods:基于下面的方法在内部使用
    234 *  std::string fullPathForFilename(const char*);
    235 */
    236 ValueMap _filenameLookupDict;
    237 /** 该Vector容器包含有分辨率文件夹。元素在此向量的低指数,该决议目录优先级越高。
    238 *  The vector contains resolution folders.
    239 *  The lower index of the element in this vector, the higher priority for this resolution directory.
    240  */
    241 std::vector<std::string> _searchResolutionsOrderArray;
    242 /**Vector容器包含的搜索路径。
    243 * The vector contains search paths.
    244 * The lower index of the element in this vector, the higher priority for this search path.
    245 */
    246 std::vector<std::string> _searchPathArray;
    247 /**     资源的默认根路径。
    248 *  The default root path of resources.
    249 *  If the default root path of resources needs to be changed, do it in the `init` method of FileUtils's subclass.
    250 *  For instance:
    251 *  On Android, the default root path of resources will be assigned with "assets/" in FileUtilsAndroid::init().
    252 *  Similarly on Blackberry, we assign "app/native/Resources/" to this variable in FileUtilsBlackberry::init().
    253 */
    254 std::string _defaultResRootPath;
    255 /**     完整路径缓存。当一个文件被发现,它将被添加到该高速缓存。
    256 *  The full path cache. When a file is found, it will be added into this cache.
    257 *  This variable is used for improving the performance of file search.
    258 */
    259 mutable std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> _fullPathCache;
    260 /**可写路径。
    261 * Writable path.
    262 */
    263 std::string _writablePath;
    264 /**     文件实用的单指针。
    265 *  The singleton pointer of FileUtils.
    266 */
    267 static FileUtils* s_sharedFileUtils;
    View Code


    .h files
    #include "cocos2d.h"
    class fileUtil : public cocos2d::Layer
            static cocos2d::Scene* createScene();
            virtual bool init();
            void fileUtil::testResolutionDirectories(Ref* sender);
            void fileUtil::testSearchPath(Ref* sender);
            void fileUtil::testFilenameLookup(Ref* sender);
            void fileUtil::testIsFileExist(Ref* sender);
            void fileUtil::testWritePlist(Ref* sender);
    .cpp files
    #include "fileUtilsTest.h"
    Scene* fileUtil::createScene()
            auto scene = Scene::create();
            auto layer = fileUtil::create();
            return scene;
    bool fileUtil::init()
            if (!Layer::init())
                   return false;
            Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
            Vec2 origin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin();
            auto item1 = MenuItemFont::create("testResolutionDirectories", CC_CALLBACK_1(fileUtil::testResolutionDirectories, this));
            auto item2 = MenuItemFont::create("testSearchPath", CC_CALLBACK_1(fileUtil::testSearchPath, this));
            auto item3 = MenuItemFont::create("testFilenameLookup", CC_CALLBACK_1(fileUtil::testFilenameLookup, this));
            auto item4 = MenuItemFont::create("testIsFileExist", CC_CALLBACK_1(fileUtil::testIsFileExist, this));
            auto item5 = MenuItemFont::create("testWritePlist", CC_CALLBACK_1(fileUtil::testWritePlist, this));
            auto menu = Menu::create(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, NULL);
            menu->setPosition(Vec2(250, visibleSize.height - 200));
            return true;
    void fileUtil::testResolutionDirectories(Ref* sender)
            auto fileUtil = FileUtils::getInstance();
            std::vector<std::string> _defaultSearchPathArray;
            _defaultSearchPathArray = fileUtil->getSearchPaths();
            std::vector<std::string> searchPath = _defaultSearchPathArray;
            searchPath.insert(searchPath.begin(), "Misc");
            std::vector<std::string> _defaultResolutionsOrderArray = fileUtil->getSearchResolutionsOrder();
            std::vector<std::string> resolutionsOrder = _defaultResolutionsOrderArray;
            resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin(), "resources-ipadhd");
            resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin() + 1, "resources-ipad");
            resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin() + 2, "resources-widehd");
            resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin() + 3, "resources-wide");
            resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin() + 4, "resources-hd");
            resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin() + 5, "resources-iphone");
            for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)
                   auto filename = String::createWithFormat("test%d.txt", i);
                   std::string ret = fileUtil->fullPathForFilename(filename->getCString());
                   log("%s --> %s", filename->getCString(), ret.c_str());
    void fileUtil::testSearchPath(Ref* sender)
            auto fileUtil = FileUtils::getInstance();
            std::string ret;
            std::vector<std::string> _defaultSearchPathArray = fileUtil->getSearchPaths();
            std::vector<std::string> searchPaths = _defaultSearchPathArray;
            std::string writablePath = fileUtil->getWritablePath();
            std::string fileName = writablePath + "external.txt";
            char szBuf[100] = "Hello Cocos2d-x!";
            FILE* fp = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "wb");
            if (fp)
                   size_t ret = fwrite(szBuf, 1, strlen(szBuf), fp);
                   CCASSERT(ret != 0, "fwrite function returned zero value");
                   if (ret != 0)
                           log("Writing file to writable path succeed");
            searchPaths.insert(searchPaths.begin(), writablePath);
            searchPaths.insert(searchPaths.begin() + 1, "Misc/searchpath1");
            searchPaths.insert(searchPaths.begin() + 2, "Misc/searchpath2");
            std::vector<std::string> _defaultResolutionsOrderArray = fileUtil->getSearchResolutionsOrder();
            std::vector<std::string> resolutionsOrder = _defaultResolutionsOrderArray;
            resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin(), "resources-ipad");
            for (int i = 1; i<3; i++)
                   auto filename = String::createWithFormat("file%d.txt", i);
                   ret = fileUtil->fullPathForFilename(filename->getCString());
                   log("%s --> %s", filename->getCString(), ret.c_str());
            // Gets external.txt from writable path
            std::string fullPath = fileUtil->fullPathForFilename("external.txt");
            log("external file path = %s", fullPath.c_str());
            if (fullPath.length()>0)
                   fp = fopen(fullPath.c_str(), "rb");
                   if (fp)
                           char szReadBuf[100] = { 0 };
                           int read = fread(szReadBuf, 1, strlen(szBuf), fp);
                           if (read>0)
                                   log("The content of file from writable path: %s", szReadBuf);
    void fileUtil::testFilenameLookup(Ref* sender)
            auto sharedFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance();
            ValueMap dict;
            dict["grossini.bmp"] = Value("Images/grossini.png");
            dict["grossini.xcf"] = Value("Images/grossini.png");
            // Instead of loading carlitos.xcf, it will load grossini.png
            auto sprite = Sprite::create("grossini.png");
            auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
            sprite->setPosition(Vec2(s.width / 2, s.height / 2));
    void fileUtil::testIsFileExist(Ref* sender)
            auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
            auto sharedFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance();
            Label* pTTF = nullptr;
            bool isExist = false;
            isExist = sharedFileUtils->isFileExist("Images/grossini.png");
            pTTF = Label::createWithSystemFont(isExist ? "Images/grossini.png exists" : "Images/grossini.png doesn't exist", "", 20);
            pTTF->setPosition(Vec2(s.width / 2, s.height / 3));
    void fileUtil::testWritePlist(Ref* sender)
            auto root = Dictionary::create();
    //设置字典的key-》String element value
            auto string = String::create("String element value");
            root->setObject(string, "string element key");
            auto array = Array::create();
            auto dictInArray = Dictionary::create();
            dictInArray->setObject(String::create("string in dictInArray value 0"), "string in dictInArray key 0");
            dictInArray->setObject(String::create("string in dictInArray value 1"), "string in dictInArray key 1");
            array->addObject(String::create("string in array"));
            auto arrayInArray = Array::create();
            arrayInArray->addObject(String::create("string 0 in array"));
            arrayInArray->addObject(String::create("string 1 in array"));
            auto dictInDict = Dictionary::create();
            dictInDict->setObject(String::create("string in dictInDict value"), "String in dictInDict key");
            //add booleans to the plist
            auto booleanObject = Bool::create(true);
            dictInDict->setObject(booleanObject, "bool");
            //add integer to the plist
            auto intObject = Integer::create(624);
            dictInDict->setObject(intObject, "integer");
            //add float to the plist
            auto floatObject = Float::create(524.2);
            dictInDict->setObject(floatObject, "float");
            //add double to the plist
            auto doubleObject = Double::create(524.2);
            dictInDict->setObject(doubleObject, "double");
            root->setObject(dictInDict, "dictInDict, hello world!");
            //end with
            std::string writablePath = FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath();
            std::string fullPath = writablePath + "text.plist";
            if (root->writeToFile(fullPath.c_str()))
                   log("see the plist file at %s", fullPath.c_str());
                   log("write plist file failed");
            auto label = LabelTTF::create(fullPath.c_str(), "Arial", 12);
            auto winsize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
            label->setPosition(Vec2(winsize.width / 2, winsize.height / 3));
            auto loadDict = __Dictionary::createWithContentsOfFile(fullPath.c_str());
            auto loadDictInDict = (__Dictionary*)loadDict->objectForKey("dictInDict,hello world");
            auto boolValue = (__String*)loadDictInDict->objectForKey("bool");
            CCLOG("%s", boolValue->getCString());
            auto floatValue = (__String*)loadDictInDict->objectForKey("float");
            CCLOG("%s", floatValue->getCString());
            auto doubleValue = (__String*)loadDictInDict->objectForKey("double");
            CCLOG("%s", doubleValue->getCString());
            auto integerValue = (__String*)loadDictInDict->objectForKey("int");
            CCLOG("%s", integerValue->getCString());




        在上面实现了数据的读写等一些操作,但是游戏的某些数据时要实现持久化的,因此Cocos2d-x引擎中有提供了一个类UserDefault来让我们来实现数据的持久化。UserDefault可以实现数据的存储,但是它不宜储存大量的数据,一般的情况下,用于保存一些游戏设置和玩家偏好设置;数据持久化就是数据能够存储起来,然后在需要的时候可以查找回来,即使设备从新启动也可以查找回来。在UserDefault提供了对int, double, bool和string等数据类型的读写。



    1. 普通文本文件的持久化。

    2. UserDefault.可以设置用户的偏好设置等一些少量的数据

    3. 属性列表。

    4. SQL数据库



      1 // get value methods
      2 /**根据键值取出布尔值
      3 * Get bool value by key, if the key doesn't exist, will return false.
      4 * You can set the default value, or it is false.
      5 * @param key The key to get value.
      6 * @return Bool value by `key`.
      7 */
      8 bool getBoolForKey(const char* key);    
      9 /**根据键值取出布尔值,如果键不存在,返回defaultValue
     10 * Get bool value by key, if the key doesn't exist, will return passed default value.
     11 * @param key The key to get value.
     12 * @param defaultValue The default value to return if the key doesn't exist.
     13 */
     14 virtual bool getBoolForKey(const char* key, bool defaultValue);    
     15 /**根据键值取出int类型的数据
     16 * Get integer value by key, if the key doesn't exist, will return 0.
     17 * You can set the default value, or it is 0.
     18 * @param key The key to get value.
     19 * @return Integer value of the key.
     20 */
     21 int getIntegerForKey(const char* key);    
     22 /**根据键值取出int类型的数据,如果键不存在,返回defaultValue
     23 * Get bool value by key, if the key doesn't exist, will return passed default value.
     24 * @param key The key to get value.
     25 * @param defaultValue The default value to return if the key doesn't exist.
     26 * @return Integer value of the key.
     27 */
     28 virtual int getIntegerForKey(const char* key, int defaultValue);    
     29 /**根据键值取出float类型的数据
     30 * Get float value by key, if the key doesn't exist, will return 0.0.
     31 * @param key The key to get value.
     32 * @return Float value of the key.
     33 */
     34 float getFloatForKey(const char* key);    
     35 /**根据键值取出float类型的数据,如果键不存在,返回defaultValue
     36 * Get float value by key, if the key doesn't exist, will return passed default value.
     37 * @param key The key to get value.
     38 * @param defaultValue The default value to return if the key doesn't exist.
     39 * @return Float value of the key.
     40 */
     41 virtual float getFloatForKey(const char* key, float defaultValue);    
     42 /**根据键值取出double类型的数据
     43 * Get double value by key, if the key doesn't exist, will return 0.0.
     44 * @param key The key to get value.
     45 * @return Double value of the key.
     46 */
     47 double getDoubleForKey(const char* key);    
     48 /**根据键值取出double类型的数据,如果键不存在,返回defaultValue
     49 * Get double value by key, if the key doesn't exist, will return passed default value.
     50 * @param key The key to get value.
     51 * @param defaultValue The default value to return if the key doesn't exist.
     52 * @return Double value of the key.
     53 */
     54 virtual double getDoubleForKey(const char* key, double defaultValue);    
     55 /**根据键值取出string类型的数据
     56 * Get string value by key, if the key doesn't exist, will return an empty string.
     57 * @param key The key to get value.
     58 * @return String value of the key.
     59 */
     60 std::string getStringForKey(const char* key);    
     61 /**根据键值取出string类型的数据,如果键不存在,返回defaultValue
     62 * Get string value by key, if the key doesn't exist, will return passed default value.
     63 * @param key The key to get value.
     64 * @param defaultValue The default value to return if the key doesn't exist.
     65 * @return String value of the key.
     66 */
     67 virtual std::string getStringForKey(const char* key, const std::string & defaultValue);    
     68 /**根据键值取出Data类型的数据
     69 * Get Data value by key, if the key doesn't exist, will return an empty Data.
     70 * @param key The key to get value.
     71 * @return Data value of the key.
     72 */
     73 Data getDataForKey(const char* key);    
     74 /**根据键值取出Data类型的数据,如果键不存在,返回defaultValue
     75 * Get Data value by key, if the key doesn't exist, will return an empty Data.
     76 * @param key The key to get value.
     77 * @param defaultValue The default value to return if the key doesn't exist.
     78 * @return Data value of the key.
     79 */
     80 virtual Data getDataForKey(const char* key, const Data& defaultValue);
     81 // set value methods
     82 /**根据键写入布尔值
     83 * Set bool value by key.
     84 * @param key The key to set.
     85 * @param value A bool value to set to the key.
     86 */
     87 virtual void setBoolForKey(const char* key, bool value);
     88 /**根据键写入int类型数据
     89 * Set integer value by key.
     90 * @param key The key to set.
     91 * @param value A integer value to set to the key.
     92 */
     93 virtual void setIntegerForKey(const char* key, int value);
     94 /**根据键写入float类型数据
     95 * Set float value by key.
     96 * @param key The key to set.
     97 * @param value A float value to set to the key.
     98 */
     99 virtual void setFloatForKey(const char* key, float value);
    100 /**根据键写入double类型数据
    101 * Set double value by key.
    102 * @param key The key to set.
    103 * @param value A double value to set to the key.
    104 */
    105 virtual void setDoubleForKey(const char* key, double value); 
    106 /**根据键写入String类型数据
    107 * Set string value by key.
    108 * @param key The key to set.
    109 * @param value A string value to set to the key.
    110 */
    111 virtual void setStringForKey(const char* key, const std::string & value);   
    112 /**根据键写入Data类型数据
    113 * Set Data value by key.
    114 * @param key The key to set.
    115 * @param value A Data value to set to the key.
    116 */
    117 virtual void setDataForKey(const char* key, const Data& value);      
    118 /**调用此函数会将我们所改变的数据保存在.xml文件中去。
    119 * You should invoke this function to save values set by setXXXForKey().
    120 */
    121 virtual void flush();
    122 /**
    123 * delete any value by key,
    124 * @param key The key to delete value.
    125 */
    126 virtual void deleteValueForKey(const char* key);    
    127 /** 
    128 * Returns the singleton.
    129 */
    130 static UserDefault* getInstance();    
    131 /**
    132 * 
    133 */
    134 static void destroyInstance();
    135 /**
    136 * You can inherit from platform dependent implementation of UserDefault, such as UserDefaultAndroid,
    137 * and use this function to set delegate, then UserDefault will invoke delegate's implementation.
    138 * For example, your store native data base or other format store.
    139 * If you don't want to system default implementation after setting delegate, you can just pass nullptr
    140 * to this function.
    141 * @warm It will delete previous delegate
    142 */
    143 static void setDelegate(UserDefault *delegate);
    144 /** @deprecated Use getInstace() instead.
    145 */
    146 CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE static UserDefault* sharedUserDefault();
    147 /**@deprecated Use destroyInstance() instead.
    148 */
    149 CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE static void purgeSharedUserDefault();
    150 /** All supported platforms other iOS & Android use xml file to save values. This function is return the file path of the xml path.
    151 */
    152 static const std::string& getXMLFilePath();
    153 /** All supported platforms other iOS & Android and CC_PLATFORM_WINRT use xml file to save values. This function checks whether the xml file exists or not.
    154 * @return True if the xml file exists, false if not.
    155 */
    156 static bool isXMLFileExist();
    View Code


    .h files 
    #include "cocos2d.h"
    class userDefault : public cocos2d::Layer
            static cocos2d::Scene* createScene();
            virtual bool init();
            void testUserDefault(Ref* sendef);
    .cpp files
    #include "UserDefaultTest.h"
    Scene* userDefault::createScene()
            auto scene = Scene::create();
            auto layer = userDefault::create();
            return scene;
    bool userDefault::init()
            if (!Layer::init())
                   return false;
            Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
            Vec2 origin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin();
            auto item = MenuItemFont::create("Test", CC_CALLBACK_1(userDefault::testUserDefault, this));
            auto menu = Menu::create(item, NULL);
            return true;
    void userDefault::testUserDefault(Ref* sendef)
            //set default value
            UserDefault::getInstance()->setStringForKey("String", "value1");
            UserDefault::getInstance()->setIntegerForKey("Integer", 100);
            UserDefault::getInstance()->setFloatForKey("Float", 5.326f);
            UserDefault::getInstance()->setDoubleForKey("Double", 3.1415967);
            UserDefault::getInstance()->setBoolForKey("Bool", false);
            //printf value
            std::string ret = UserDefault::getInstance()->getStringForKey("String");
            CCLOG("string is %s", ret.c_str());
            int intValue = UserDefault::getInstance()->getIntegerForKey("Integer");
            CCLOG("Integer value is %d", intValue);
            float floValue = UserDefault::getInstance()->getFloatForKey("Float");
            CCLOG("Float value is %f", floValue);
            double douValue = UserDefault::getInstance()->getDoubleForKey("Double");
            CCLOG("Double value is %f", douValue);
            bool boolValue = UserDefault::getInstance()->getBoolForKey("Bool");
            if (boolValue)
                   CCLOG("bool value is true");
                   CCLOG("bool value is false");
            UserDefault::getInstance()->setStringForKey("String", "value2");
            UserDefault::getInstance()->setIntegerForKey("Integer", 10);
            UserDefault::getInstance()->setFloatForKey("Float", 15.326f);
            UserDefault::getInstance()->setDoubleForKey("Double", 2 * 3.1415967);
            UserDefault::getInstance()->setBoolForKey("Bool", true);
            //after change value
            ret = UserDefault::getInstance()->getStringForKey("String");
            CCLOG("string is %s", ret.c_str());
            intValue = UserDefault::getInstance()->getIntegerForKey("Integer");
            CCLOG("Integer value is %d", intValue);
            floValue = UserDefault::getInstance()->getFloatForKey("Float");
            CCLOG("Float value is %f", floValue);
            douValue = UserDefault::getInstance()->getDoubleForKey("Double");
            CCLOG("Double value is %f", douValue);
            boolValue = UserDefault::getInstance()->getBoolForKey("Bool");
            if (boolValue)
                   CCLOG("bool value is true");
                   CCLOG("bool value is false");

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/geore/p/5799570.html
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