1 msg_list = [ 2 ['iphone',8888], 3 ['coffe',38], 4 ['book',90], 5 ['Tesla',100000], 6 ['RR',1000000000] 7 ] 8 9 10 shopping_cart = [] 11 12 salary = int(input('input your salary:')) 13 14 while True: 15 #计数器,给列表的物品赋值 16 index = 0 17 # 循环列表msg_list,并打印 18 for product in msg_list: 19 print(index,product) 20 index +=1 21 #输入要选取的物品编号 22 choice = input('>>:').strip() 23 #对输入的类型进程判断,看是否是数字,isdigit是判断是否是数字的方法 24 if choice.isdigit(): 25 #判断输入的数字是否在列表的索引值范围内 26 choice = int(choice) 27 if choice >= 0 and choice <= len(msg_list): 28 #商品存在,取到商品。 29 product = msg_list[choice] 30 #判断输入的金额是否买得起。 31 if product[1] <= salary: 32 #买得起,并加入购物车。 33 shopping_cart.append(product) 34 #总金额减去加入购物车的钱 35 salary -= product[1] 36 # 33[31;1m XXXXXXXX 33[0m 固定写法,可以改变XXXXXX的字体颜色 37 print('Added product:' + product[0] + ' into shopping cart, 33[31;1myour current 33[0m balance:' + str(salary)) 38 else: 39 print('买不起了,产品价格是' + str(product[1]) + "还差" + str(product[1]-salary) + '钱') 40 else: 41 print('商品不存在') 42 elif choice == 'q': 43 print('-------已购买商品-------') 44 45 for i in shopping_cart: 46 print(i) 47 48 print('您的余额为:',salary) 49 print('---------结束----------') 50 break 51 else: 52 print('无此选项')
1 msg_list = [['IphoneX',8888], 2 ['Coffee',30], 3 ['MINI',300000], 4 ['Python',998], 5 ['LAND ROVER',4000000], 6 ['RR',10000000], 7 ] 8 9 shopping_cart = {} 10 11 salary = int(input("input your salary:")) 12 13 while True: 14 index = 0 15 for product in msg_list: 16 print(index,product) 17 index +=1 18 choice = input(">>:").strip() 19 if choice.isdigit(): #判断是否为数字 20 choice = int(choice) 21 if choice >= 0 and choice < len(msg_list):#商品存在 22 product = msg_list[choice] #取到商品 23 if product[1] <= salary: #判断能否买的起 24 #买的起 25 if product[0] in shopping_cart: #之前购买过呀 26 #字典的取值方法 27 shopping_cart[product[0]][1] += 1 #[price, 数量],只需要把数量+1,加入购物车 28 else: 29 shopping_cart[product[0]] = [product[1], 1] #创建一条商品购买记录 30 31 salary -= product[1] #扣钱 32 print("Added product " + product[0] + " into shopping cart, 33[42;1myour current 33[0m balance " + str(salary) ) 33 else: 34 print("买不起,穷逼! 产品价格是" + str(product[1]) + " 你还差" + str(product[1]-salary) + "钱") 35 else: 36 print("商品不存在!") 37 elif choice == "q": 38 print("-------已购买商品列表--------") 39 #print(shopping_cart) 40 id_counter = 1 41 #初始化一个总花费的变量 42 total_cost = 0 43 print("id 商品 数量 单价 总价") 44 for key in shopping_cart: 45 #字符串格式化,10是每个占位符的距离 46 print("%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s" %(id_counter, 47 key, 48 shopping_cart[key][1], 49 shopping_cart[key][0], 50 shopping_cart[key][1]*shopping_cart[key][0])) 51 52 id_counter +=1 53 total_cost += shopping_cart[key][1]*shopping_cart[key][0] #单个商品总价 54 55 print("您的总花费为:",total_cost) 56 print("您的余额为:",salary) 57 print("----------end----------") 58 break 59 else: 60 print("无此选项!")