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  • Javascript 地图经度纬度之间的距离的算法(轉)

    Calculate distance, bearing and more between Latitude/Longitude points


    This page presents a variety of calculations for latitude/longitude points, with the formul? and code fragments for implementing them.

    All these formul? are for calculations on the basis of a spherical earth (ignoring ellipsoidal effects) – which is accurate enough* for most purposes… [In fact, the earth is very slightly ellipsoidal; using a spherical model gives errors typically up to 0.3% – see notes for further details].

    Enter the co-ordinates into the text boxes to try out the calculations. A variety of formats are accepted, principally:


    This uses the ‘haversine’ formula to calculate the great-circle distance between two points – that is, the shortest distance over the earth’s surface – giving an ‘as-the-crow-flies’ distance between the points (ignoring any hills, of course!).

    Haversine formula:

    a = sin²(Δlat/2) + cos(lat1).cos(lat2).sin²(Δlong/2)
    c = 2.atan2(√a, √(1−a))
    d = R.c
      where R is earth’s radius (mean radius = 6,371km);
    note that angles need to be in radians to pass to trig functions!
    var R =6371;// kmvar dLat =(lat2-lat1).toRad();var dLon =(lon2-lon1).toRad();var lat1 = lat1.toRad();var lat2 = lat2.toRad();var a =Math.sin(dLat/2)*Math.sin(dLat/2)+Math.sin(dLon/2)*Math.sin(dLon/2)*Math.cos(lat1)*Math.cos(lat2);var c =2*Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a),Math.sqrt(1-a));var d = R * c;

    The haversine formula1 ‘remains particularly well-conditioned for numerical computation even at small distances’ – unlike calculations based on the spherical law of cosines. The ‘versed sine’ is 1-cosθ, and the ‘half-versed-sine’ (1-cosθ)/2 = sin²(θ/2) as used above. It was published by R W Sinnott in Sky and Telescope, 1984, though known about for much longer by navigators. (For the curious, c is the angular distance in radians, and a is the square of half the chord length between the points). A (surprisingly marginal) performance improvement can be obtained, of course, by factoring out the terms which get squared.

    Spherical Law of Cosines

    In fact, when Sinnott published the haversine formula, computational precision was limited. Nowadays, JavaScript (and most modern computers & languages) use IEEE 754 64-bit floating-point numbers, which provide 15 significant figures of precision. With this precision, the simple spherical law of cosines formula (cos c = cos a cos b + sin a sin b cos C) gives well-conditioned results down to distances as small as around 1 metre. (Note that the geodetic form of the law of cosines is rearranged from the canonical one so that the latitude can be used directly, rather than the colatitude).

    This makes the simpler law of cosines a reasonable 1-line alternative to the haversine formula for many purposes. The choice may be driven by coding context, available trig functions (in different languages), etc.

    Spherical law
    of cosines:
    d = acos(sin(lat1).sin(lat2)+cos(lat1).cos(lat2).cos(long2−long1)).R
    var R =6371;// kmvar d =Math.acos(Math.sin(lat1)*Math.sin(lat2)+Math.cos(lat1)*Math.cos(lat2)*Math.cos(lon2-lon1))* R;
    Excel: =ACOS(SIN(lat1)*SIN(lat2)+COS(lat1)*COS(lat2)*COS(lon2-lon1))*6371

    (Note that here and in all subsequent code fragments, for simplicity I do not show conversions from degrees to radians; see below for complete versions).

    Equirectangular approximation

    If performance is an issue and accuracy less important, for small distances Pythagoras’ theorem can be used on an equirectangular projection:*

      x = Δlon.cos(lat)
    y = Δlat
    d = R.√x² + y²
    var x =(lon2-lon1)*Math.cos((lat1+lat2)/2);var y =(lat2-lat1);var d =Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y)* R;
    (lat/lon in radians!)

    This uses just one trig and one sqrt function – as against half-a-dozen trig functions for cos law, and 7 trigs + 2 sqrts for haversine. Accuracy is somewhat complex: along meridians there are no errors, otherwise they depend on distance, bearing, and latitude, but are small enough for many purposes* (and often trivial compared with the spherical approximation itself).


    In general, your current heading will vary as you follow a great circle path (orthodrome); the final heading will differ from the initial heading by varying degrees according to distance and latitude (if you were to go from say 35°N,45°E (Baghdad) to 35°N,135°E (Osaka), you would start on a heading of 60° and end up on a heading of 120°!).

    This formula is for the initial bearing (sometimes referred to as forward azimuth) which if followed in a straight line along a great-circle arc will take you from the start point to the end point:1

    Formula: θ = atan2( sin(Δlong).cos(lat2),
    cos(lat1).sin(lat2) − sin(lat1).cos(lat2).cos(Δlong) )
    var y =Math.sin(dLon)*Math.cos(lat2);var x =Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(lat2)-Math.sin(lat1)*Math.cos(lat2)*Math.cos(dLon);var brng =Math.atan2(y, x).toDeg();
    Excel: =ATAN2(COS(lat1)*SIN(lat2)-SIN(lat1)*COS(lat2)*COS(lon2-lon1),
    * Note that Excel reverses the arguments to ATAN2 – see notes below

    Since atan2 returns values in the range -π ... +π (that is, -180° ... +180°), to normalise the result to a compass bearing (in the range 0° ... 360°, with -ve values transformed into the range 180° ... 360°), convert to degrees and then use (θ+360) % 360, where % is modulo.

    For final bearing, simply take the initial bearing from the end point to the start point and reverse it (using θ = (θ+180) % 360).


    This is the half-way point along a great circle path between the two points.1

    Formula: Bx = cos(lat2).cos(Δlong)
    By = cos(lat2).sin(Δlong)
    latm = atan2(sin(lat1) + sin(lat2), √((cos(lat1)+Bx)² + By²))
    lonm = lon1 + atan2(By, cos(lat1)+Bx)
    varBx=Math.cos(lat2)*Math.cos(dLon);varBy=Math.cos(lat2)*Math.sin(dLon);var lat3 =Math.atan2(Math.sin(lat1)+Math.sin(lat2),Math.sqrt((Math.cos(lat1)+Bx)*(Math.cos(lat1)+Bx)+By*By));var lon3 = lon1 +Math.atan2(By,Math.cos(lat1)+Bx);

    Just as the initial bearing may vary from the final bearing, the midpoint may not be located half-way between latitudes/longitudes; the midpoint between 35°N,45°E and 35°N,135°E is around 45°N,90°E.

    Destination point given distance and bearing from start point

    Given a start point, initial bearing, and distance, this will calculate the destination point and final bearing travelling along a (shortest distance) great circle arc.

    Formula: lat2 = asin(sin(lat1)*cos(d/R) + cos(lat1)*sin(d/R)*cos(θ))
      lon2 = lon1 + atan2(sin(θ)*sin(d/R)*cos(lat1), cos(d/R)−sin(lat1)*sin(lat2))
      θ is the bearing (in radians, clockwise from north);
    d/R is the angular distance (in radians), where
    d is the distance travelled and R is the earth’s radius
    var lat2 =Math.asin(Math.sin(lat1)*Math.cos(d/R)+Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(d/R)*Math.cos(brng));var lon2 = lon1 +Math.atan2(Math.sin(brng)*Math.sin(d/R)*Math.cos(lat1),Math.cos(d/R)-Math.sin(lat1)*Math.sin(lat2));
    Excel: lat2: =ASIN(SIN(lat1)*COS(d/R) + COS(lat1)*SIN(d/R)*COS(brng))
    lon2: =lon1 + ATAN2(COS(d/R)-SIN(lat1)*SIN(lat2), SIN(brng)*SIN(d/R)*COS(lat1))

    For final bearing, simply take the initial bearing from the end point to the start point and reverse it (using θ = (θ+180) % 360).


    Intersection of two paths given start points and bearings

    This is a rather more complex calculation than most others on this page, but I've been asked for it a number of times. See below for the JavaScript.


    d12 = 2.asin( √(sin²(Δlat/2) + cos(lat1).cos(lat2).sin²(Δlon/2)) )
    φ1 = acos( sin(lat2) − sin(lat1).cos(d12) / sin(d12).cos(lat1) )
    φ2 = acos( sin(lat1) − sin(lat2).cos(d12) / sin(d12).cos(lat2) )

    if sin(lon2−lon1) > 0
        θ12 = φ1, θ21 = 2.π − φ2
        θ12 = 2.π − φ1, θ21 = φ2

    α1 = (θ1 − θ12 + π) % 2.π − π
    α2 = (θ21 − θ2 + π) % 2.π − π

    α1 = |α1|
    α2 = |α2|

    α3 = acos( −cos(α1).cos(α2) + sin(α1).sin(α2).cos(d12) )
    d13 = atan2( sin(d12).sin(α1).sin(α2), cos(α2)+cos(α1).cos(α3) )
    lat3 = asin( sin(lat1).cos(d13) + cos(lat1).sin(d13).cos(θ1) )
    Δlon13 = atan2( sin(θ1).sin(d13).cos(lat1), cos(d13)−sin(lat1).sin(lat3) )
    lon3 = (lon1+Δlon13+π) % 2.π − π


    lat1, lon1, θ1 : 1st point & bearing
    lat2, lon2, θ2 : 2nd point & bearing
    lat3, lon3 : intersection point

    % = mod, | | = abs

    note – if sin(α1)=0 and sin(α2)=0: infinite solutions
    if sin(α1).sin(α2) < 0: ambiguous solution
    this formulation is not always well-conditioned for meridional or equatorial lines

    Note this can also be solved using vectors rather than trigonometry:

    • For each point φ,λ (lat=φ, lon=λ), we can define a unit vector pointing to it from the centre of the earth: u{x,y,z} = [ cosφ·cosλ, cosφ·sinλ, sinφ ] (taking x=0º, y=90º, z=north – note that these formulæ depend on convention used for directions and handedness)
    • And for any great circle defined by two points, we can define a unit vector N normal to the plane of the circle: N(u1, u2) = (u1×u2) / ||u1×u2|| where × is the vector cross product, and ||u|| the norm (length of the vector)
    • The vector representing the intersection of the two great circles is then ui = ±N( N(u1, u2), N(u3, u4) )
    • We can then get the latitude and longitude of Pi by φ = atan2(uz, sqrt(ux² + uy²)), λ = atan2(uy, ux)
    • The antipodal intersection point is (-φ, λ+π)

    Cross-track distance

    Here’s a new one: I’ve sometimes been asked about distance of a point from a great-circle path (sometimes called cross track error).

    Formula: dxt = asin(sin(d13/R)*sin(θ13−θ12)) * R
    where d13 is distance from start point to third point
    θ13 is (initial) bearing from start point to third point
    θ12 is (initial) bearing from start point to end point
    R is the earth’s radius
    var dXt =Math.asin(Math.sin(d13/R)*Math.sin(brng13-brng12))* R;

    Here, the great-circle path is identified by a start point and an end point – depending on what initial data you’re working from, you can use the formulæ above to obtain the relevant distance and bearings. The sign of dxt tells you which side of the path the third point is on.

    The along-track distance, from the start point to the closest point on the path to the third point, is

    Formula: dat = acos(cos(d13/R)/cos(dxt/R)) * R
    where d13 is distance from start point to third point
    dxt is cross-track distance
    R is the earth’s radius
    var dAt =Math.acos(Math.cos(d13/R)/Math.cos(dXt/R))* R;

    Closest point to the poles

    And: ‘Clairaut’s formula’ will give you the maximum latitude of a great circle path, given a bearing and latitude on the great circle:

    Formula: latmax = acos(abs(sin(θ)*cos(lat)))
    var latMax =Math.acos(Math.abs(Math.sin(brng)*Math.cos(lat)));

    Rhumb lines

    A ‘rhumb line’ (or loxodrome) is a path of constant bearing, which crosses all meridians at the same angle.

    Sailors used to (and sometimes still) navigate along rhumb lines since it is easier to follow a constant compass bearing than to be continually adjusting the bearing, as is needed to follow a great circle. Rhumb lines are straight lines on a Mercator Projection map (also helpful for navigation).

    Rhumb lines are generally longer than great-circle (orthodrome) routes. For instance, London to New York is 4% longer along a rhumb line than along a great circle – important for aviation fuel, but not particularly to sailing vessels. New York to Beijing – close to the most extreme example possible (though not sailable!) – is 30% longer along a rhumb line.


    These formulæ give the distance and (constant) bearing between two points.

    Formula: Δφ = ln(tan(lat2/2+π/4)/tan(lat1/2+π/4)) [= the ‘stretched’ latitude difference]
    if E:W line, q = cos(lat1)  
    otherwise, q = Δlat/Δφ  
      d = √(Δlat² + q².Δlon²).R [pythagoras]
      θ = atan2(Δlon, Δφ)  
      where ln is natural log, Δlon is taking shortest route (<180º), and R is the earth’s radius
    var dPhi =Math.log(Math.tan(lat2/2+Math.PI/4)/Math.tan(lat1/2+Math.PI/4));var q =(!isNaN(dLat/dPhi))? dLat/dPhi :Math.cos(lat1);// E-W line gives dPhi=0
    // if dLon over 180° take shorter rhumb across 180° meridian:if(Math.abs(dLon)>Math.PI){ dLon = dLon>0?-(2*Math.PI-dLon):(2*Math.PI+dLon);}var d =Math.sqrt(dLat*dLat + q*q*dLon*dLon)* R;var brng =Math.atan2(dLon, dPhi);


    Given a start point and a distance d along constant bearing θ, this will calculate the destination point. If you maintain a constant bearing along a rhumb line, you will gradually spiral in towards one of the poles.

    Formula: α = d/R (angular distance)  
      lat2 = lat1 + α.cos(θ)  
      Δφ = ln(tan(lat2/2+π/4)/tan(lat1/2+π/4)) [= the ‘stretched’ latitude difference]
    if E:W line q = cos(lat1)  
    otherwise q = Δlat/Δφ  
      Δlon = α.sin(θ)/q  
      lon2 = (lon1+Δlon+π) % 2.π − π  
      where ln is natural log and % is modulo, Δlon is taking shortest route (<180°), and R is the earth’s radius
    var dLat = d*Math.cos(brng);var lat2 = lat1 + dLat;var dPhi =Math.log(Math.tan(lat2/2+Math.PI/4)/Math.tan(lat1/2+Math.PI/4));var q =(!isNaN(dLat/dPhi))? dLat/dPhi :Math.cos(lat1);// E-W line gives dPhi=0var dLon = d*Math.sin(brng)/q;// check for some daft bugger going past the pole, normalise latitude if soif(Math.abs(lat2)>Math.PI/2) lat2 = lat2>0?Math.PI-lat2 :-(Math.PI-lat2);
    lon2 =(lon1+dLon+Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI)-Math.PI;


    This formula for calculating the ‘loxodromic midpoint’, the point half-way along a rhumb line between two points, is due to Robert Hill and Clive Tooth1 (thx Axel!).

    Formula: latm = (lat1+lat2)/2  
      f1 = tan(π/4+lat1/2)  
      f2 = tan(π/4+lat2/2)  
      fm = tan(π/4+latm/2)  
      lonm = [ (lon2−lon1).ln(fm) + lon1.ln(f2) − lon2.ln(f1) ] / ln(f2/f1)  
      where ln is natural log
    var lat3 =(lat1+lat2)/2;var f1 =Math.tan(Math.PI/4+ lat1/2);var f2 =Math.tan(Math.PI/4+ lat2/2);var f3 =Math.tan(Math.PI/4+ lat3/2);var lon3 =((lon2-lon1)*Math.log(f3)+ lon1*Math.log(f2)- lon2*Math.log(f1))/Math.log(f2/f1);

    Using the scripts in web pages

    Using these scripts in web pages would be something like the following:

    <script src="latlon.js">/* Latitude/Longitude formulae */</script>
    <script src="geo.js">/* Geodesy representation conversions */</script>
      Lat1: <input type="text" name="lat1" id="lat1"> Lon1: <input type="text" name="lon1" id="lon1">
      Lat2: <input type="text" name="lat2" id="lat2"> Lon2: <input type="text" name="lon2" id="lon2">
      <button onClick="var p1 = new LatLon(Geo.parseDMS(f.lat1.value), Geo.parseDMS(f.lon1.value));
                       var p2 = new LatLon(Geo.parseDMS(f.lat2.value), Geo.parseDMS(f.lon2.value));
                       alert(p1.distanceTo(p2));">Calculate distance</button>

    If you use jQuery, the code can be separated from the HTML:

    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script src="latlon.js">/* Latitude/Longitude formulae */</script>
    <script src="geo.js">/* Geodesy representation conversions */</script>
      $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#calc-dist').click(function() {
          var p1 = new LatLon(Geo.parseDMS($('#lat1').val()), Geo.parseDMS($('#lon1').val()));
          var p2 = new LatLon(Geo.parseDMS($('#lat2').val()), Geo.parseDMS($('#lon2').val()));
          $('#result-distance').html(p1.distanceTo(p2)+' km');
      Lat1: <input type="text" name="lat1" id="lat1"> Lon1: <input type="text" name="lon1" id="lon1">
      Lat2: <input type="text" name="lat2" id="lat2"> Lon2: <input type="text" name="lon2" id="lon2">
      <button id="calc-dist">Calculate distance</button>
      <output id="result-distance"></output>
    /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  */
    /*  Latitude/longitude spherical geodesy formulae & scripts (c) Chris Veness 2002-2011            */
    /*   - www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html                                                */
    /*                                                                                                */
    /*  Sample usage:                                                                                 */
    /*    var p1 = new LatLon(51.5136, -0.0983);                                                      */
    /*    var p2 = new LatLon(51.4778, -0.0015);                                                      */
    /*    var dist = p1.distanceTo(p2);          // in km                                             */
    /*    var brng = p1.bearingTo(p2);           // in degrees clockwise from north                   */
    /*    ... etc                                                                                     */
    /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  */
    /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  */
    /*  Note that minimal error checking is performed in this example code!                           */
    /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  */
     * Creates a point on the earth's surface at the supplied latitude / longitude
     * @constructor
     * @param {Number} lat: latitude in numeric degrees
     * @param {Number} lon: longitude in numeric degrees
     * @param {Number} [rad=6371]: radius of earth if different value is required from standard 6,371km
    function LatLon(lat, lon, rad) {
      if (typeof(rad) == 'undefined') rad = 6371;  // earth's mean radius in km
      // only accept numbers or valid numeric strings
      this._lat = typeof(lat)=='number' ? lat : typeof(lat)=='string' && lat.trim()!='' ? +lat : NaN;
      this._lon = typeof(lon)=='number' ? lon : typeof(lon)=='string' && lon.trim()!='' ? +lon : NaN;
      this._radius = typeof(rad)=='number' ? rad : typeof(rad)=='string' && trim(lon)!='' ? +rad : NaN;
     * Returns the distance from this point to the supplied point, in km 
     * (using Haversine formula)
     * from: Haversine formula - R. W. Sinnott, "Virtues of the Haversine",
     *       Sky and Telescope, vol 68, no 2, 1984
     * @param   {LatLon} point: Latitude/longitude of destination point
     * @param   {Number} [precision=4]: no of significant digits to use for returned value
     * @returns {Number} Distance in km between this point and destination point
    LatLon.prototype.distanceTo = function(point, precision) {
      // default 4 sig figs reflects typical 0.3% accuracy of spherical model
      if (typeof precision == 'undefined') precision = 4;  
      var R = this._radius;
      var lat1 = this._lat.toRad(), lon1 = this._lon.toRad();
      var lat2 = point._lat.toRad(), lon2 = point._lon.toRad();
      var dLat = lat2 - lat1;
      var dLon = lon2 - lon1;
      var a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
              Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) * 
              Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2);
      var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
      var d = R * c;
      return d.toPrecisionFixed(precision);
     * Returns the (initial) bearing from this point to the supplied point, in degrees
     *   see http://williams.best.vwh.net/avform.htm#Crs
     * @param   {LatLon} point: Latitude/longitude of destination point
     * @returns {Number} Initial bearing in degrees from North
    LatLon.prototype.bearingTo = function(point) {
      var lat1 = this._lat.toRad(), lat2 = point._lat.toRad();
      var dLon = (point._lon-this._lon).toRad();
      var y = Math.sin(dLon) * Math.cos(lat2);
      var x = Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(lat2) -
      var brng = Math.atan2(y, x);
      return (brng.toDeg()+360) % 360;
     * Returns final bearing arriving at supplied destination point from this point; the final bearing 
     * will differ from the initial bearing by varying degrees according to distance and latitude
     * @param   {LatLon} point: Latitude/longitude of destination point
     * @returns {Number} Final bearing in degrees from North
    LatLon.prototype.finalBearingTo = function(point) {
      // get initial bearing from supplied point back to this point...
      var lat1 = point._lat.toRad(), lat2 = this._lat.toRad();
      var dLon = (this._lon-point._lon).toRad();
      var y = Math.sin(dLon) * Math.cos(lat2);
      var x = Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(lat2) -
      var brng = Math.atan2(y, x);
      // ... & reverse it by adding 180°
      return (brng.toDeg()+180) % 360;
     * Returns the midpoint between this point and the supplied point.
     *   see http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/51822.html for derivation
     * @param   {LatLon} point: Latitude/longitude of destination point
     * @returns {LatLon} Midpoint between this point and the supplied point
    LatLon.prototype.midpointTo = function(point) {
      lat1 = this._lat.toRad(), lon1 = this._lon.toRad();
      lat2 = point._lat.toRad();
      var dLon = (point._lon-this._lon).toRad();
      var Bx = Math.cos(lat2) * Math.cos(dLon);
      var By = Math.cos(lat2) * Math.sin(dLon);
      lat3 = Math.atan2(Math.sin(lat1)+Math.sin(lat2),
                        Math.sqrt( (Math.cos(lat1)+Bx)*(Math.cos(lat1)+Bx) + By*By) );
      lon3 = lon1 + Math.atan2(By, Math.cos(lat1) + Bx);
      lon3 = (lon3+3*Math.PI) % (2*Math.PI) - Math.PI;  // normalise to -180..+180º
      return new LatLon(lat3.toDeg(), lon3.toDeg());
     * Returns the destination point from this point having travelled the given distance (in km) on the 
     * given initial bearing (bearing may vary before destination is reached)
     *   see http://williams.best.vwh.net/avform.htm#LL
     * @param   {Number} brng: Initial bearing in degrees
     * @param   {Number} dist: Distance in km
     * @returns {LatLon} Destination point
    LatLon.prototype.destinationPoint = function(brng, dist) {
      dist = typeof(dist)=='number' ? dist : typeof(dist)=='string' && dist.trim()!='' ? +dist : NaN;
      dist = dist/this._radius;  // convert dist to angular distance in radians
      brng = brng.toRad();  // 
      var lat1 = this._lat.toRad(), lon1 = this._lon.toRad();
      var lat2 = Math.asin( Math.sin(lat1)*Math.cos(dist) + 
                            Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(dist)*Math.cos(brng) );
      var lon2 = lon1 + Math.atan2(Math.sin(brng)*Math.sin(dist)*Math.cos(lat1), 
      lon2 = (lon2+3*Math.PI) % (2*Math.PI) - Math.PI;  // normalise to -180..+180º
      return new LatLon(lat2.toDeg(), lon2.toDeg());
     * Returns the point of intersection of two paths defined by point and bearing
     *   see http://williams.best.vwh.net/avform.htm#Intersection
     * @param   {LatLon} p1: First point
     * @param   {Number} brng1: Initial bearing from first point
     * @param   {LatLon} p2: Second point
     * @param   {Number} brng2: Initial bearing from second point
     * @returns {LatLon} Destination point (null if no unique intersection defined)
    LatLon.intersection = function(p1, brng1, p2, brng2) {
      brng1 = typeof brng1 == 'number' ? brng1 : typeof brng1 == 'string' && trim(brng1)!='' ? +brng1 : NaN;
      brng2 = typeof brng2 == 'number' ? brng2 : typeof brng2 == 'string' && trim(brng2)!='' ? +brng2 : NaN;
      lat1 = p1._lat.toRad(), lon1 = p1._lon.toRad();
      lat2 = p2._lat.toRad(), lon2 = p2._lon.toRad();
      brng13 = brng1.toRad(), brng23 = brng2.toRad();
      dLat = lat2-lat1, dLon = lon2-lon1;
      dist12 = 2*Math.asin( Math.sqrt( Math.sin(dLat/2)*Math.sin(dLat/2) + 
        Math.cos(lat1)*Math.cos(lat2)*Math.sin(dLon/2)*Math.sin(dLon/2) ) );
      if (dist12 == 0) return null;
      // initial/final bearings between points
      brngA = Math.acos( ( Math.sin(lat2) - Math.sin(lat1)*Math.cos(dist12) ) / 
        ( Math.sin(dist12)*Math.cos(lat1) ) );
      if (isNaN(brngA)) brngA = 0;  // protect against rounding
      brngB = Math.acos( ( Math.sin(lat1) - Math.sin(lat2)*Math.cos(dist12) ) / 
        ( Math.sin(dist12)*Math.cos(lat2) ) );
      if (Math.sin(lon2-lon1) > 0) {
        brng12 = brngA;
        brng21 = 2*Math.PI - brngB;
      } else {
        brng12 = 2*Math.PI - brngA;
        brng21 = brngB;
      alpha1 = (brng13 - brng12 + Math.PI) % (2*Math.PI) - Math.PI;  // angle 2-1-3
      alpha2 = (brng21 - brng23 + Math.PI) % (2*Math.PI) - Math.PI;  // angle 1-2-3
      if (Math.sin(alpha1)==0 && Math.sin(alpha2)==0) return null;  // infinite intersections
      if (Math.sin(alpha1)*Math.sin(alpha2) < 0) return null;       // ambiguous intersection
      //alpha1 = Math.abs(alpha1);
      //alpha2 = Math.abs(alpha2);
      // ... Ed Williams takes abs of alpha1/alpha2, but seems to break calculation?
      alpha3 = Math.acos( -Math.cos(alpha1)*Math.cos(alpha2) + 
                           Math.sin(alpha1)*Math.sin(alpha2)*Math.cos(dist12) );
      dist13 = Math.atan2( Math.sin(dist12)*Math.sin(alpha1)*Math.sin(alpha2), 
                           Math.cos(alpha2)+Math.cos(alpha1)*Math.cos(alpha3) )
      lat3 = Math.asin( Math.sin(lat1)*Math.cos(dist13) + 
                        Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(dist13)*Math.cos(brng13) );
      dLon13 = Math.atan2( Math.sin(brng13)*Math.sin(dist13)*Math.cos(lat1), 
                           Math.cos(dist13)-Math.sin(lat1)*Math.sin(lat3) );
      lon3 = lon1+dLon13;
      lon3 = (lon3+3*Math.PI) % (2*Math.PI) - Math.PI;  // normalise to -180..+180º
      return new LatLon(lat3.toDeg(), lon3.toDeg());
    /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  */
     * Returns the distance from this point to the supplied point, in km, travelling along a rhumb line
     *   see http://williams.best.vwh.net/avform.htm#Rhumb
     * @param   {LatLon} point: Latitude/longitude of destination point
     * @returns {Number} Distance in km between this point and destination point
    LatLon.prototype.rhumbDistanceTo = function(point) {
      var R = this._radius;
      var lat1 = this._lat.toRad(), lat2 = point._lat.toRad();
      var dLat = (point._lat-this._lat).toRad();
      var dLon = Math.abs(point._lon-this._lon).toRad();
      var dPhi = Math.log(Math.tan(lat2/2+Math.PI/4)/Math.tan(lat1/2+Math.PI/4));
      var q = (!isNaN(dLat/dPhi)) ? dLat/dPhi : Math.cos(lat1);  // E-W line gives dPhi=0
      // if dLon over 180° take shorter rhumb across 180° meridian:
      if (dLon > Math.PI) dLon = 2*Math.PI - dLon;
      var dist = Math.sqrt(dLat*dLat + q*q*dLon*dLon) * R; 
      return dist.toPrecisionFixed(4);  // 4 sig figs reflects typical 0.3% accuracy of spherical model
     * Returns the bearing from this point to the supplied point along a rhumb line, in degrees
     * @param   {LatLon} point: Latitude/longitude of destination point
     * @returns {Number} Bearing in degrees from North
    LatLon.prototype.rhumbBearingTo = function(point) {
      var lat1 = this._lat.toRad(), lat2 = point._lat.toRad();
      var dLon = (point._lon-this._lon).toRad();
      var dPhi = Math.log(Math.tan(lat2/2+Math.PI/4)/Math.tan(lat1/2+Math.PI/4));
      if (Math.abs(dLon) > Math.PI) dLon = dLon>0 ? -(2*Math.PI-dLon) : (2*Math.PI+dLon);
      var brng = Math.atan2(dLon, dPhi);
      return (brng.toDeg()+360) % 360;
     * Returns the destination point from this point having travelled the given distance (in km) on the 
     * given bearing along a rhumb line
     * @param   {Number} brng: Bearing in degrees from North
     * @param   {Number} dist: Distance in km
     * @returns {LatLon} Destination point
    LatLon.prototype.rhumbDestinationPoint = function(brng, dist) {
      var R = this._radius;
      var d = parseFloat(dist)/R;  // d = angular distance covered on earth's surface
      var lat1 = this._lat.toRad(), lon1 = this._lon.toRad();
      brng = brng.toRad();
      var lat2 = lat1 + d*Math.cos(brng);
      var dLat = lat2-lat1;
      var dPhi = Math.log(Math.tan(lat2/2+Math.PI/4)/Math.tan(lat1/2+Math.PI/4));
      var q = (!isNaN(dLat/dPhi)) ? dLat/dPhi : Math.cos(lat1);  // E-W line gives dPhi=0
      var dLon = d*Math.sin(brng)/q;
      // check for some daft bugger going past the pole
      if (Math.abs(lat2) > Math.PI/2) lat2 = lat2>0 ? Math.PI-lat2 : -(Math.PI-lat2);
      lon2 = (lon1+dLon+3*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI) - Math.PI;
      return new LatLon(lat2.toDeg(), lon2.toDeg());
    /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  */
     * Returns the latitude of this point; signed numeric degrees if no format, otherwise format & dp 
     * as per Geo.toLat()
     * @param   {String} [format]: Return value as 'd', 'dm', 'dms'
     * @param   {Number} [dp=0|2|4]: No of decimal places to display
     * @returns {Number|String} Numeric degrees if no format specified, otherwise deg/min/sec
     * @requires Geo
    LatLon.prototype.lat = function(format, dp) {
      if (typeof format == 'undefined') return this._lat;
      return Geo.toLat(this._lat, format, dp);
     * Returns the longitude of this point; signed numeric degrees if no format, otherwise format & dp 
     * as per Geo.toLon()
     * @param   {String} [format]: Return value as 'd', 'dm', 'dms'
     * @param   {Number} [dp=0|2|4]: No of decimal places to display
     * @returns {Number|String} Numeric degrees if no format specified, otherwise deg/min/sec
     * @requires Geo
    LatLon.prototype.lon = function(format, dp) {
      if (typeof format == 'undefined') return this._lon;
      return Geo.toLon(this._lon, format, dp);
     * Returns a string representation of this point; format and dp as per lat()/lon()
     * @param   {String} [format]: Return value as 'd', 'dm', 'dms'
     * @param   {Number} [dp=0|2|4]: No of decimal places to display
     * @returns {String} Comma-separated latitude/longitude
     * @requires Geo
    LatLon.prototype.toString = function(format, dp) {
      if (typeof format == 'undefined') format = 'dms';
      if (isNaN(this._lat) || isNaN(this._lon)) return '-,-';
      return Geo.toLat(this._lat, format, dp) + ', ' + Geo.toLon(this._lon, format, dp);
    /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  */
    // ---- extend Number object with methods for converting degrees/radians
    /** Converts numeric degrees to radians */
    if (typeof(Number.prototype.toRad) === "undefined") {
      Number.prototype.toRad = function() {
        return this * Math.PI / 180;
    /** Converts radians to numeric (signed) degrees */
    if (typeof(Number.prototype.toDeg) === "undefined") {
      Number.prototype.toDeg = function() {
        return this * 180 / Math.PI;
     * Formats the significant digits of a number, using only fixed-point notation (no exponential)
     * @param   {Number} precision: Number of significant digits to appear in the returned string
     * @returns {String} A string representation of number which contains precision significant digits
    if (typeof(Number.prototype.toPrecisionFixed) === "undefined") {
      Number.prototype.toPrecisionFixed = function(precision) {
        if (isNaN(this)) return 'NaN';
        var numb = this < 0 ? -this : this;  // can't take log of -ve number...
        var sign = this < 0 ? '-' : '';
        if (numb == 0) {  // can't take log of zero, just format with precision zeros
          var n = '0.'; 
          while (precision--) n += '0'; 
          return n 
        var scale = Math.ceil(Math.log(numb)*Math.LOG10E);  // no of digits before decimal
        var n = String(Math.round(numb * Math.pow(10, precision-scale)));
        if (scale > 0) {  // add trailing zeros & insert decimal as required
          l = scale - n.length;
          while (l-- > 0) n = n + '0';
          if (scale < n.length) n = n.slice(0,scale) + '.' + n.slice(scale);
        } else {          // prefix decimal and leading zeros if required
          while (scale++ < 0) n = '0' + n;
          n = '0.' + n;
        return sign + n;
    /** Trims whitespace from string (q.v. blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/faster-trim-javascript) */
    if (typeof(String.prototype.trim) === "undefined") {
      String.prototype.trim = function() {
        return String(this).replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');
    /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  */
    /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  */
    /*  Geodesy representation conversion functions (c) Chris Veness 2002-2011                        */
    /*   - www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html                                                */
    /*                                                                                                */
    /*  Sample usage:                                                                                 */
    /*    var lat = Geo.parseDMS('51° 28′ 40.12″ N');                                                 */
    /*    var lon = Geo.parseDMS('000° 00′ 05.31″ W');                                                */
    /*    var p1 = new LatLon(lat, lon);                                                              */
    /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  */
    var Geo = {};  // Geo namespace, representing static class
     * Parses string representing degrees/minutes/seconds into numeric degrees
     * This is very flexible on formats, allowing signed decimal degrees, or deg-min-sec optionally
     * suffixed by compass direction (NSEW). A variety of separators are accepted (eg 3º 37' 09"W) 
     * or fixed-width format without separators (eg 0033709W). Seconds and minutes may be omitted. 
     * (Note minimal validation is done).
     * @param   {String|Number} dmsStr: Degrees or deg/min/sec in variety of formats
     * @returns {Number} Degrees as decimal number
     * @throws  {TypeError} dmsStr is an object, perhaps DOM object without .value?
    Geo.parseDMS = function(dmsStr) {
      if (typeof deg == 'object') throw new TypeError('Geo.parseDMS - dmsStr is [DOM?] object');
      // check for signed decimal degrees without NSEW, if so return it directly
      if (typeof dmsStr === 'number' && isFinite(dmsStr)) return Number(dmsStr);
      // strip off any sign or compass dir'n & split out separate d/m/s
      var dms = String(dmsStr).trim().replace(/^-/,'').replace(/[NSEW]$/i,'').split(/[^0-9.,]+/);
      if (dms[dms.length-1]=='') dms.splice(dms.length-1);  // from trailing symbol
      if (dms == '') return NaN;
      // and convert to decimal degrees...
      switch (dms.length) {
        case 3:  // interpret 3-part result as d/m/s
          var deg = dms[0]/1 + dms[1]/60 + dms[2]/3600; 
        case 2:  // interpret 2-part result as d/m
          var deg = dms[0]/1 + dms[1]/60; 
        case 1:  // just d (possibly decimal) or non-separated dddmmss
          var deg = dms[0];
          // check for fixed-width unseparated format eg 0033709W
          //if (/[NS]/i.test(dmsStr)) deg = '0' + deg;  // - normalise N/S to 3-digit degrees
          //if (/[0-9]{7}/.test(deg)) deg = deg.slice(0,3)/1 + deg.slice(3,5)/60 + deg.slice(5)/3600; 
          return NaN;
      if (/^-|[WS]$/i.test(dmsStr.trim())) deg = -deg; // take '-', west and south as -ve
      return Number(deg);
     * Convert decimal degrees to deg/min/sec format
     *  - degree, prime, double-prime symbols are added, but sign is discarded, though no compass
     *    direction is added
     * @private
     * @param   {Number} deg: Degrees
     * @param   {String} [format=dms]: Return value as 'd', 'dm', 'dms'
     * @param   {Number} [dp=0|2|4]: No of decimal places to use - default 0 for dms, 2 for dm, 4 for d
     * @returns {String} deg formatted as deg/min/secs according to specified format
     * @throws  {TypeError} deg is an object, perhaps DOM object without .value?
    Geo.toDMS = function(deg, format, dp) {
      if (typeof deg == 'object') throw new TypeError('Geo.toDMS - deg is [DOM?] object');
      if (isNaN(deg)) return 'NaN';  // give up here if we can't make a number from deg
        // default values
      if (typeof format == 'undefined') format = 'dms';
      if (typeof dp == 'undefined') {
        switch (format) {
          case 'd': dp = 4; break;
          case 'dm': dp = 2; break;
          case 'dms': dp = 0; break;
          default: format = 'dms'; dp = 0;  // be forgiving on invalid format
      deg = Math.abs(deg);  // (unsigned result ready for appending compass dir'n)
      switch (format) {
        case 'd':
          d = deg.toFixed(dp);     // round degrees
          if (d<100) d = '0' + d;  // pad with leading zeros
          if (d<10) d = '0' + d;
          dms = d + '\u00B0';      // add º symbol
        case 'dm':
          var min = (deg*60).toFixed(dp);  // convert degrees to minutes & round
          var d = Math.floor(min / 60);    // get component deg/min
          var m = (min % 60).toFixed(dp);  // pad with trailing zeros
          if (d<100) d = '0' + d;          // pad with leading zeros
          if (d<10) d = '0' + d;
          if (m<10) m = '0' + m;
          dms = d + '\u00B0' + m + '\u2032';  // add º, ' symbols
        case 'dms':
          var sec = (deg*3600).toFixed(dp);  // convert degrees to seconds & round
          var d = Math.floor(sec / 3600);    // get component deg/min/sec
          var m = Math.floor(sec/60) % 60;
          var s = (sec % 60).toFixed(dp);    // pad with trailing zeros
          if (d<100) d = '0' + d;            // pad with leading zeros
          if (d<10) d = '0' + d;
          if (m<10) m = '0' + m;
          if (s<10) s = '0' + s;
          dms = d + '\u00B0' + m + '\u2032' + s + '\u2033';  // add º, ', " symbols
      return dms;
     * Convert numeric degrees to deg/min/sec latitude (suffixed with N/S)
     * @param   {Number} deg: Degrees
     * @param   {String} [format=dms]: Return value as 'd', 'dm', 'dms'
     * @param   {Number} [dp=0|2|4]: No of decimal places to use - default 0 for dms, 2 for dm, 4 for d
     * @returns {String} Deg/min/seconds
    Geo.toLat = function(deg, format, dp) {
      var lat = Geo.toDMS(deg, format, dp);
      return lat=='' ? '' : lat.slice(1) + (deg<0 ? 'S' : 'N');  // knock off initial '0' for lat!
     * Convert numeric degrees to deg/min/sec longitude (suffixed with E/W)
     * @param   {Number} deg: Degrees
     * @param   {String} [format=dms]: Return value as 'd', 'dm', 'dms'
     * @param   {Number} [dp=0|2|4]: No of decimal places to use - default 0 for dms, 2 for dm, 4 for d
     * @returns {String} Deg/min/seconds
    Geo.toLon = function(deg, format, dp) {
      var lon = Geo.toDMS(deg, format, dp);
      return lon=='' ? '' : lon + (deg<0 ? 'W' : 'E');
     * Convert numeric degrees to deg/min/sec as a bearing (0º..360º)
     * @param   {Number} deg: Degrees
     * @param   {String} [format=dms]: Return value as 'd', 'dm', 'dms'
     * @param   {Number} [dp=0|2|4]: No of decimal places to use - default 0 for dms, 2 for dm, 4 for d
     * @returns {String} Deg/min/seconds
    Geo.toBrng = function(deg, format, dp) {
      deg = (Number(deg)+360) % 360;  // normalise -ve values to 180º..360º
      var brng =  Geo.toDMS(deg, format, dp);
      return brng.replace('360', '0');  // just in case rounding took us up to 360º!
    /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  */








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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/geovindu/p/2320439.html
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