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  • SQL 生成公曆和農曆對照數據,公曆查找農曆和農曆查找公曆函數

      1 ---数据来源:http://topic.csdn.net/u/20100424/07/29529d9d-bc54-4877-b198-4426b4d85024.html
      2 if object_id('SolarData') is not null
      3     drop table SolarData
      4 go
      5 create table SolarData
      6 (
      7   yearid int not null,
      8   data char(7) not null,
      9   dataint int not null
     10 )  
     11 --插入数据
     12 insert into  
     13 SolarData select 1900,'0x04bd8',19416 union all select 1901,'0x04ae0',19168
     14 union all select 1902,'0x0a570',42352 union all select 1903,'0x054d5',21717
     15 union all select 1904,'0x0d260',53856 union all select 1905,'0x0d950',55632
     16 union all select 1906,'0x16554',91476 union all select 1907,'0x056a0',22176
     17 union all select 1908,'0x09ad0',39632 union all select 1909,'0x055d2',21970
     18 union all select 1910,'0x04ae0',19168 union all select 1911,'0x0a5b6',42422
     19 union all select 1912,'0x0a4d0',42192 union all select 1913,'0x0d250',53840
     20 union all select 1914,'0x1d255',119381 union all select 1915,'0x0b540',46400
     21 union all select 1916,'0x0d6a0',54944 union all select 1917,'0x0ada2',44450
     22 union all select 1918,'0x095b0',38320 union all select 1919,'0x14977',84343
     23 union all select 1920,'0x04970',18800 union all select 1921,'0x0a4b0',42160
     24 union all select 1922,'0x0b4b5',46261 union all select 1923,'0x06a50',27216
     25 union all select 1924,'0x06d40',27968 union all select 1925,'0x1ab54',109396
     26 union all select 1926,'0x02b60',11104 union all select 1927,'0x09570',38256
     27 union all select 1928,'0x052f2',21234 union all select 1929,'0x04970',18800
     28 union all select 1930,'0x06566',25958 union all select 1931,'0x0d4a0',54432
     29 union all select 1932,'0x0ea50',59984 union all select 1933,'0x06e95',28309
     30 union all select 1934,'0x05ad0',23248 union all select 1935,'0x02b60',11104
     31 union all select 1936,'0x186e3',100067 union all select 1937,'0x092e0',37600
     32 union all select 1938,'0x1c8d7',116951 union all select 1939,'0x0c950',51536
     33 union all select 1940,'0x0d4a0',54432 union all select 1941,'0x1d8a6',120998
     34 union all select 1942,'0x0b550',46416 union all select 1943,'0x056a0',22176
     35 union all select 1944,'0x1a5b4',107956 union all select 1945,'0x025d0',9680
     36 union all select 1946,'0x092d0',37584 union all select 1947,'0x0d2b2',53938
     37 union all select 1948,'0x0a950',43344 union all select 1949,'0x0b557',46423
     38 union all select 1950,'0x06ca0',27808 union all select 1951,'0x0b550',46416
     39 union all select 1952,'0x15355',86869 union all select 1953,'0x04da0',19872
     40 union all select 1954,'0x0a5d0',42448 union all select 1955,'0x14573',83315
     41 union all select 1956,'0x052d0',21200 union all select 1957,'0x0a9a8',43432
     42 union all select 1958,'0x0e950',59728 union all select 1959,'0x06aa0',27296
     43 union all select 1960,'0x0aea6',44710 union all select 1961,'0x0ab50',43856
     44 union all select 1962,'0x04b60',19296 union all select 1963,'0x0aae4',43748
     45 union all select 1964,'0x0a570',42352 union all select 1965,'0x05260',21088
     46 union all select 1966,'0x0f263',62051 union all select 1967,'0x0d950',55632
     47 union all select 1968,'0x05b57',23383 union all select 1969,'0x056a0',22176
     48 union all select 1970,'0x096d0',38608 union all select 1971,'0x04dd5',19925
     49 union all select 1972,'0x04ad0',19152 union all select 1973,'0x0a4d0',42192
     50 union all select 1974,'0x0d4d4',54484 union all select 1975,'0x0d250',53840
     51 union all select 1976,'0x0d558',54616 union all select 1977,'0x0b540',46400
     52 union all select 1978,'0x0b5a0',46496 union all select 1979,'0x195a6',103846
     53 union all select 1980,'0x095b0',38320 union all select 1981,'0x049b0',18864
     54 union all select 1982,'0x0a974',43380 union all select 1983,'0x0a4b0',42160
     55 union all select 1984,'0x0b27a',45690 union all select 1985,'0x06a50',27216
     56 union all select 1986,'0x06d40',27968 union all select 1987,'0x0af46',44870
     57 union all select 1988,'0x0ab60',43872 union all select 1989,'0x09570',38256
     58 union all select 1990,'0x04af5',19189 union all select 1991,'0x04970',18800
     59 union all select 1992,'0x064b0',25776 union all select 1993,'0x074a3',29859
     60 union all select 1994,'0x0ea50',59984 union all select 1995,'0x06b58',27480
     61 union all select 1996,'0x055c0',21952 union all select 1997,'0x0ab60',43872
     62 union all select 1998,'0x096d5',38613 union all select 1999,'0x092e0',37600
     63 union all select 2000,'0x0c960',51552 union all select 2001,'0x0d954',55636
     64 union all select 2002,'0x0d4a0',54432 union all select 2003,'0x0da50',55888
     65 union all select 2004,'0x07552',30034 union all select 2005,'0x056a0',22176
     66 union all select 2006,'0x0abb7',43959 union all select 2007,'0x025d0',9680
     67 union all select 2008,'0x092d0',37584 union all select 2009,'0x0cab5',51893
     68 union all select 2010,'0x0a950',43344 union all select 2011,'0x0b4a0',46240
     69 union all select 2012,'0x0baa4',47780 union all select 2013,'0x0ad50',44368
     70 union all select 2014,'0x055d9',21977 union all select 2015,'0x04ba0',19360
     71 union all select 2016,'0x0a5b0',42416 union all select 2017,'0x15176',86390
     72 union all select 2018,'0x052b0',21168 union all select 2019,'0x0a930',43312
     73 union all select 2020,'0x07954',31060 union all select 2021,'0x06aa0',27296
     74 union all select 2022,'0x0ad50',44368 union all select 2023,'0x05b52',23378
     75 union all select 2024,'0x04b60',19296 union all select 2025,'0x0a6e6',42726
     76 union all select 2026,'0x0a4e0',42208 union all select 2027,'0x0d260',53856
     77 union all select 2028,'0x0ea65',60005 union all select 2029,'0x0d530',54576
     78 union all select 2030,'0x05aa0',23200 union all select 2031,'0x076a3',30371
     79 union all select 2032,'0x096d0',38608 union all select 2033,'0x04bd7',19415
     80 union all select 2034,'0x04ad0',19152 union all select 2035,'0x0a4d0',42192
     81 union all select 2036,'0x1d0b6',118966 union all select 2037,'0x0d250',53840
     82 union all select 2038,'0x0d520',54560 union all select 2039,'0x0dd45',56645
     83 union all select 2040,'0x0b5a0',46496 union all select 2041,'0x056d0',22224
     84 union all select 2042,'0x055b2',21938 union all select 2043,'0x049b0',18864
     85 union all select 2044,'0x0a577',42359 union all select 2045,'0x0a4b0',42160
     86 union all select 2046,'0x0aa50',43600 union all select 2047,'0x1b255',111189
     87 union all select 2048,'0x06d20',27936 union all select 2049,'0x0ada0',44448
     88 GO
     89 ---公曆日期返回農曆日期函數
     90 if object_id('fn_GetLunarNumber') is not null
     91     drop function fn_GetLunarNumber
     92 go
     93 create function dbo.fn_GetLunarNumber(@solarday datetime)    
     94 returns  datetime--   nvarchar(80)
     95 as    
     96 begin    
     97   --declare @solarday datetime
     98   declare @soldata int    
     99   declare @offset int    
    100   declare @ilunar int    
    101   declare @i int     
    102   declare @j int     
    103   declare @ydays int    
    104   declare @mdays int    
    105   declare @mleap int
    106   declare @mleap1 int  
    107   declare @mleapnum int    
    108   declare @bleap smallint    
    109   declare @temp int    
    110   declare @year nvarchar(10)
    111   declare @outyear nvarchar(10)
    112   declare @outdate nvarchar(10)    
    113   declare @month nvarchar(10)    
    114   declare @day nvarchar(10)
    115   declare @chinesenum nvarchar(10)       
    116   declare @outputdate nvarchar(30)  
    117   --set @solarday=getdate()  
    118   set @offset=datediff(day,'1900-01-30',@solarday)    
    119   --确定农历年开始    
    120   set @i=1900    
    121   --set @offset=@soldata    
    122   while @i<2050 and @offset>0    
    123   begin    
    124     set @ydays=348    
    125     set @mleapnum=0    
    126     select @ilunar=dataint from solardata where yearid=@i    
    128     --传回农历年的总天数    
    129     set @j=32768    
    130     while @j>8    
    131     begin    
    132       if @ilunar & @j >0    
    133         set @ydays=@ydays+1    
    134       set @j=@j/2    
    135     end    
    136     --传回农历年闰哪个月 1-12 , 没闰传回 0    
    137     set @mleap = @ilunar & 15    
    138     --传回农历年闰月的天数 ,加在年的总天数上    
    139     if @mleap > 0    
    140     begin    
    141       if @ilunar & 65536 > 0    
    142         set @mleapnum=30    
    143       else     
    144         set @mleapnum=29         
    145       set @ydays=@ydays+@mleapnum    
    146     end    
    147     set @offset=@offset-@ydays    
    148     set @i=@i+1    
    149   end    
    150   if @offset <= 0    
    151   begin    
    152     set @offset=@offset+@ydays    
    153     set @i=@i-1    
    154   end    
    155   --确定农历年结束      
    156   set @year=@i    
    157   --确定农历月开始    
    158   set @i = 1    
    159   select @ilunar=dataint from solardata where yearid=@year  
    160   --判断那个月是润月    
    161   set @mleap = @ilunar & 15
    162   set @bleap = 0   
    163   while @i < 13 and @offset > 0    
    164   begin    
    165     --判断润月    
    166     set @mdays=0    
    167     if (@mleap > 0 and @i = (@mleap+1) and @bleap=0)    
    168     begin--是润月    
    169       set @i=@i-1    
    170       set @bleap=1
    171       set @mleap1= @mleap            
    172       --传回农历年闰月的天数    
    173       if @ilunar & 65536 > 0    
    174         set @mdays = 30    
    175       else     
    176         set @mdays = 29    
    177     end    
    178     else    
    179     --不是润月    
    180     begin    
    181       set @j=1    
    182       set @temp = 65536     
    183       while @j<=@i    
    184       begin    
    185         set @temp=@temp/2    
    186         set @j=@j+1    
    187       end    
    189       if @ilunar & @temp > 0    
    190         set @mdays = 30    
    191       else    
    192         set @mdays = 29    
    193     end    
    195     --解除润月  
    196     if @bleap=1 and @i= (@mleap+1)  
    197       set @bleap=0  
    199     set @offset=@offset-@mdays    
    200     set @i=@i+1    
    201   end    
    203   if @offset <= 0    
    204   begin    
    205     set @offset=@offset+@mdays    
    206     set @i=@i-1    
    207   end    
    209   --确定农历月结束      
    210   set @month=@i  
    212   --确定农历日结束      
    213   set @day=ltrim(@offset)
    214   set @outyear=@year
    215   --select  @day,@offset,@year,@outyear           ----
    216   --输出日期〇
    217   set @chinesenum=N'零一二三四五六七八九十' 
    218   while len(@year)>0
    219   select @outputdate=isnull(@outputdate,'')
    220          + substring(@chinesenum,left(@year,1)+1,1)
    221          , @year=stuff(@year,1,1,'')
    222  --select @outputdate
    223   set @outputdate=@outputdate+N''
    224          + case @mleap1 when @month then N'' else '' end
    225   if cast(@month as int)<10
    226     set @outputdate=@outputdate
    227          + case @month when 1 then N''
    228              else substring(@chinesenum,left(@month,1)+1,1)
    229            end
    230   else if cast(@month as int)>=10
    231     set @outputdate=@outputdate
    232          + case @month when '10' then N'' when 11 then N'十一'
    233            else N'十二' end
    235   set @outputdate=@outputdate + N''
    236   if cast(@day as int)<10
    237     set @outputdate=@outputdate + N''
    238          + substring(@chinesenum,left(@day,1)+1,1)
    239   else if @day between '10' and '19'
    240     set @outputdate=@outputdate
    241          + case @day when '10' then N'初十' else N''+
    242            substring(@chinesenum,right(@day,1)+1,1) end
    243   else if @day between '20' and '29'
    244     set @outputdate=@outputdate
    245          + case @day when '20' then N'二十' else N'廿' end
    246          + case @day when '20' then N'' else
    247            substring(@chinesenum,right(@day,1)+1,1) end
    248   else
    249     set @outputdate=@outputdate+N'三十'
    250 --select @month
    251     set @outdate=@outyear+'-'+@month+'-'+@day
    252    --select @outdate
    253     set @outdate=cast(@outdate as datetime)
    254     --select @outdate
    255     --return @outputdate  ---中文日期
    256   return @outdate  ---數字日期
    257 end
    258 GO
    259 --生成兩日期之間的公曆農曆日期數據
    260 declare @int int,@satatdate smalldatetime,@enddate smalldatetime,@intTotal int
    261 set @satatdate='1901-01-01'
    262 set @enddate='2049-12-31'
    263 set @int=0
    264 if object_id('LunarCalenderContrastTable') is not null
    265 drop table LunarCalenderContrastTable
    266 create table LunarCalenderContrastTable(Calender datetime,Lunar datetime)
    267 select @intTotal=DATEDIFF(day,@satatdate,@enddate)
    268 while @int<@intTotal
    269     begin
    271         insert into LunarCalenderContrastTable(Calender,Lunar) select dateadd(d,@int,@satatdate),dbo.fn_GetLunarNumber(dateadd(d,@int,@satatdate))
    272         --INSERT INTO sptValues(number) values(@int)
    273         set @int=@int+1
    274 end
    275 --測試:  塗聚文 20120917 缔友计算机信息技术有限公司 捷为工作室
    277 --農曆查公曆
    278 select * from LunarCalenderContrastTable where Lunar='2012-08-02'
    279 --公曆查農曆
    280 select * from LunarCalenderContrastTable where Calender='2012-09-17'
    283 --创建根据农历获取公历日期函数
    284 if object_id('fn_GetDate') is not null
    285 drop function fn_GetDate
    286 go
    287 create function dbo.fn_GetDate(@day DATETIME)
    288 returns datetime
    289 as
    290 begin
    291 return(select Calender from LunarCalenderContrastTable where Lunar=@day)
    292 end
    293 go
    295 select * from LunarCalenderContrastTable
    297 --获取公历
    298 select dbo.fn_GetDate('2012-08-2')
    哲学管理(学)人生, 文学艺术生活, 自动(计算机学)物理(学)工作, 生物(学)化学逆境, 历史(学)测绘(学)时间, 经济(学)数学金钱(理财), 心理(学)医学情绪, 诗词美容情感, 美学建筑(学)家园, 解构建构(分析)整合学习, 智商情商(IQ、EQ)运筹(学)成功.---Geovin Du(涂聚文)
  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/geovindu/p/2688917.html
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