declare o_booking_flag char(10); begin -- Call the procedure destine_ticket('000000037', 20, 'E', 2, o_booking_flag); dbms_output.put_line(o_booking_flag); end;
create or replace procedure destine_ticket(i_flightId in char, --不需要些类型值 i_LuggageLimit in number , i_class_code in char , i_seats in number, o_booking_flag out char ) is v_temp integer; v_temp1 integer; begin begin select 1 into v_temp from flight t1 where t1.flightid=i_flightId and to_number(t1.estdeparturedatetime-sysdate)*24 >= 3; exception --异常捕获 when no_data_found then v_temp:=0; --复制要写:= end;
return; --退出存储过程 end destine_ticket;
--一异常处理的代码 --sqlcode 异常编号 --sqlerrm 信号字符串 /* 在plsql 块中格式 Declare 变量 Begin 代码块 EXCEPTION when 异常的名称 then 如生上面的异常时做的具体工作。 End; */ set serveroutput on; create or replace procedure pr12 as --定义一个int变liang v_age integer; v_name varchar(30); begin v_age:=89; --通过select给v_name设置值 --修改成过程 select name into v_name from stud where id=1; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('没有出错'); exception when value_error then SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('数值错误'); when no_data_found then SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('没有数据'); when others then SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(sqlcode||'你出错了'||sqlerrm); end; exec pr12(); ----------------------------------------- --自定义异常自己抛出异常/ /* 定义一个自己的异常 myException Exception; 抛出异常 RAISE myException; 处理自己的异常: Exception When myException then .... */ set serveroutput on; declare myEx exception; begin DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('这里没错'); raise myEx; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('不会输出,前面抛出异常'); --处理异常 exception when myEx then DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('自己的异常'||sqlcode||' '||sqlerrm); when others then DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('不知知道什么错误'||sqlcode||sqlerrm); END; ---出错直接抛出 declare begin DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('no errors'); --直接抛出 RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'A'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('go okk....'); exception when others then DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(sqlcode||' '||sqlerrm); end;
declare o_booking_flag char(10); begin -- Call the procedure destine_ticket(i_flightid =>'000000037', i_luggagelimit =>20, i_class_code =>'E', i_seats =>2, o_booking_flag =>o_booking_flag); end;
create or replace trigger flight_staff_check before insert or update or delete on flight for each row declare -- local variables here cap_id char(100); fir_id char(100); flag integer; begin if inserting then --select :new.captainstaffid into cap_id,:new.firstofficerstaffid into fir_id from dual; cap_id:=:new.captainstaffid; fir_id:=:new.firstofficerstaffid; end if; if updating then --select :new.captainstaffid into cap_id,:new.firstofficerstaffid into fir_id from dual; cap_id:=:new.captainstaffid; fir_id:=:new.firstofficerstaffid; end if; if deleting then --select :old.captainstaffid into cap_id,:old.firstofficerstaffid into fir_id from dual; cap_id:=:old.captainstaffid; fir_id:=:old.firstofficerstaffid; end if; end