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  • 亚马逊店铺如何计算?



    • Costs: Amazon Fees + Cost of Goods + Inbound Shipping + Reshipping + PPC Spend
    • 成本列表:亚马逊费用 + 商品成本 + 内部运输成本 + 二次运输成本 + 付费点击成本
    • Cost of Goods: Cost of labor and materials to produce your product
    • 商品的成本:人工和材料成本
    • Inbound Shipping: Cost of shipping your product from the production site
    • 内部运输成本:从产地运输的成本
    • Reshipping: Cost of shipping from a storage location directly to an Amazon Fulfillment Center using Amazon’s freight forwarding services. This section will be blank for users that do not use reshipping services.
    • 二次运输成本:使用亚马逊的货运服务从仓储点直接运到亚马逊配送中心的成本
    • Amazon Fees: They are displayed in two categories: Recurring Fees & Orders Fees.
    • 亚马逊费用:定期的收费 和订单的费用
    • Recurring Fees: The sum of all non-orders fees paid to Amazon. 
    • 定期的收费:所有非订单的费用总计
      • Subscription Fee, Storage Fee, DisposalComplete, Inventory Placement Service Fee, BalanceAdjustment, WarehousePrep, ShippingServices, RemovalComplete, Current Reserve Amount, FBACustomerReturn, Amazon Capital Services, PostageAdjustment, FBAInboundDefectFee_LABEL_ISSUE, Unplanned Service Fee - Barcode label missing, StorageRenewalBilling, FBADisposalFee, FBARemovalFee, FBAInboundConvenienceFee, FBAStorageFee, LabelingFee, FBALongTermStorageFee, PolybaggingFee, FBAInboundDefectFee
      • 订阅费,仓储费,收尾费?,仓库服务费,余额调整费?,仓库预定费?,运输费,清理费,保证金?,FBA客户退款?,亚马逊资本服务,邮资调整,FBA内部缺陷费标签事件?,计划外服务费-标签缺失,仓库更新费用,FBA处理费,FBA清理费,FBA内部设施费,FBA仓储费,标签费,FBA长期仓储费,塑料袋包装费,FBA内部缺陷费?
    • Orders Fees:The sum of orders fees. Referral Fees + FBA Fees + Other Fees
    • 订单费:订单费用合计。引流费 +FBA费 +其他费用
      • Referral Fees: The commission paid to Amazon (15% for most products).
      • 引流费:支付给亚马逊的佣金(大多数产品为15%)。
      • FBA Fees: Order Handling Fees, Pick Pack Fees, Weight Handling Fees
      • FBA费用:订单处理费,挑选包费,重量处理费
      • Other Fees:  FixedClosingFee, GiftwrapChargeback, GiftwrapComission, SSOFFFulfillmentFee, SalesTaxCollectionFee, ShippingChargeback, ShippingHB, TransactionFee, VariableClosingFee, RefundCommission, GetPaidFasterFee, CBAPaymentAuthFeeOnFinalize
      • 其他费用:固定收盘费?,礼品包装费用?,礼品包装费,FBA履约费 , 销售税 , 运费返点 ,运输HB费?,交易费,可变收盘费?,退款佣金,加速费,CBA支付费?
    • PPC Spend: The amount of money spent on Amazon product ads.
    • 付费点击支出:在亚马逊产品广告上花费的金额
    • PPC Sales: The amount of sales generated by PPC ads
    • 付费销售额:PPC广告产生的销售额
    • ACOS: Advertising Cost of Sales = PPC Spend / PPC Generated Sales
    • 广告销售成本= PPC支出/ PPC生成的销售额




    • Sales: Total sales revenue. Units Sold x Product Price + Reimbursements - Refunds - Promo Rebates.
    • 销售额:总销售收入。销售单位x产品价格+报销 - 退款 - 促销折扣。
    • Refunds: The sum of all refund expenses.
    • 退款:所有退款费用的总和。
    • Promo Rebates: The difference between the Regular Price and Discounted price when using coupons promotions
    • 促销折扣:使用优惠券促销时,正常价格和折扣价格之间的差额
    • Reimbursements: The sum of repayments from Amazon to your account.
    • 退款:亚马逊到您账户的退款总额
    • Profit:  Sales - Costs
    • 利润:  销售 - 成本
    • Profit Margin: Profit / Sales
    • 利润率:利润/销售额
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gg_lihui/p/8341938.html
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