1. 类的版权注释格式及设置步骤方式:
Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Code Templates -> Code -> New Java files -> Edit ->
* Copyright (c) 2010-2020 Founder Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
* This software is the confidential and proprietary information of
* Founder. You shall not disclose such Confidential Information
* and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the agreements
* you entered into with Founder.
Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Code Templates -> Comments -> Types -> Edit ->把注释格式设置为:
* This class is used for ...
* @version
* 1.0, ${date} ${time}
* @author Jiang Haiying
-> OK 设置完毕。
把@author改为自己的名字拼音即可. 自动生成的代码如下:
* This class is used for ...
* @version 1.0, Apr 22, 2010 10:05:00 AM
* @author Jiang Haiying
* This class is used for ...
* @version 1.0, Apr 22, 2010 10:05:00 AM
* @author Jiang Haiying
* @see com.founder.mcpm.crt.dao.IBatchCompoundAnalysisDAO
在生成的JavaDoc中会生成 ” 另请参见com.founder.mcpm.crt.dao.IBatchCompoundAnalysisDAO“ 的链接。
Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Code Templates -> Comments -> Methods -> Edit ->把注释格式设置为:
* ${tags}
* @author Jiang Haiying
把 @author 修改为自己的品拼音名字,生成的格式如下:
* @param value
* @return
* @throws Exception
* @author Jiang Haiying
public String add(String value) throws Exception {
<b>.若对已有的类修改或增强功能,在 @author 之后再添加自己的名字并用英文逗号隔开。
* This class is used for ...
* @version 1.0, Apr 22, 2010 10:05:00 AM
* @author Jiang Haiying, Lisa
<c>.当创建新的Class时,把Generate comments选中,Eclipse会自动生成类的版权注释及类的注释,否则不会生成(需要手工修改)。
5. 接口及实现类的注释样例代码
* Gets total count of rows by sql string.
* @param sql the sql string is the filter and sort condition.
* @return return 0 if there is no data.
* @throws DAOException if it occurs an error, it will throw a DAOException exception.
* @author Jiang Haiying
Integer getTotalRowCount(String sql) throws DAOException;
* @see com.founder.bcimp.core.dao.IBCIMPUserDAO#getTotalRowCount(java.lang.String)
public Integer getTotalRowCount(String sql) throws DAOException {
return null;
方法异常签名时,在@throws 之后加上异常类型 DAOException
如: @throws DAOException .......
1. 类的版权注释格式及设置步骤方式:
Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Code Templates -> Code -> New Java files -> Edit ->
* Copyright (c) 2010-2020 Founder Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
* This software is the confidential and proprietary information of
* Founder. You shall not disclose such Confidential Information
* and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the agreements
* you entered into with Founder.
Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Code Templates -> Comments -> Types -> Edit ->把注释格式设置为:
* This class is used for ...
* @version
* 1.0, ${date} ${time}
* @author Jiang Haiying
-> OK 设置完毕。
把@author改为自己的名字拼音即可. 自动生成的代码如下:
* This class is used for ...
* @version 1.0, Apr 22, 2010 10:05:00 AM
* @author Jiang Haiying
* This class is used for ...
* @version 1.0, Apr 22, 2010 10:05:00 AM
* @author Jiang Haiying
* @see com.founder.mcpm.crt.dao.IBatchCompoundAnalysisDAO
在生成的JavaDoc中会生成 ” 另请参见com.founder.mcpm.crt.dao.IBatchCompoundAnalysisDAO“ 的链接。
Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Code Templates -> Comments -> Methods -> Edit ->把注释格式设置为:
* ${tags}
* @author Jiang Haiying
把 @author 修改为自己的品拼音名字,生成的格式如下:
* @param value
* @return
* @throws Exception
* @author Jiang Haiying
public String add(String value) throws Exception {
<b>.若对已有的类修改或增强功能,在 @author 之后再添加自己的名字并用英文逗号隔开。
* This class is used for ...
* @version 1.0, Apr 22, 2010 10:05:00 AM
* @author Jiang Haiying, Lisa
<c>.当创建新的Class时,把Generate comments选中,Eclipse会自动生成类的版权注释及类的注释,否则不会生成(需要手工修改)。
5. 接口及实现类的注释样例代码
* Gets total count of rows by sql string.
* @param sql the sql string is the filter and sort condition.
* @return return 0 if there is no data.
* @throws DAOException if it occurs an error, it will throw a DAOException exception.
* @author Jiang Haiying
Integer getTotalRowCount(String sql) throws DAOException;
* @see com.founder.bcimp.core.dao.IBCIMPUserDAO#getTotalRowCount(java.lang.String)
public Integer getTotalRowCount(String sql) throws DAOException {
return null;
方法异常签名时,在@throws 之后加上异常类型 DAOException
如: @throws DAOException .......