Write code to partition a linked list around a value x, such that all nodes less than x
come before alt nodes greater than or equal to.
public class Main { public static void appendToTail(List head, int d) { List end = new List(d); List n = head; while (n.next != null) { n = n.next; } n.next = end; } public static void print(List head) { List n = head; System.out.print("{"); while (n != null) { if (n.next != null) System.out.print(n.data + ", "); else System.out.println(n.data + "}"); n = n.next; } } public static List partition(List head, int x) { List small = null; List large = null; List largeHead = null; List smallHead = null; while (head != null) { List next = head.next; head.next = null; if (head.data < x) { if (small == null) { small = head; smallHead = small; } else { small.next = head; small = small.next; } } else { if (large == null) { large = head; largeHead = large; } else { large.next = head; large = large.next; } } head = next; } if(small == null) { return largeHead; } small.next = largeHead; return smallHead; } public static void main(String args[]) { List list = new List(0); appendToTail(list, 9); appendToTail(list, 8); appendToTail(list, 7); appendToTail(list, 6); appendToTail(list, 5); appendToTail(list, 4); appendToTail(list, 3); appendToTail(list, 2); appendToTail(list, 1); print(list); print(partition(list, 5)); } } class List { int data; List next; public List(int d) { this.data = d; this.next = null; } public List() { } }