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  • The plot Function in matlab

    from http://pundit.pratt.duke.edu/wiki/MATLAB:Plotting

    The plot Function

    The plot function is used to plot sets of data on a 2-D grid. What follows comes from MATLAB's help function in MATLAB R2009a[1] (some paragraphs have been snipped out). The line styles, symbols, and colors are formatted as a clearer table.

     PLOT   Linear plot.
        PLOT(X,Y) plots vector Y versus vector X. If X or Y is a matrix,
        then the vector is plotted versus the rows or columns of the matrix,
        whichever line up.  If X is a scalar and Y is a vector, disconnected
        line objects are created and plotted as discrete points vertically at
        PLOT(Y) plots the columns of Y versus their index.
        If Y is complex, PLOT(Y) is equivalent to PLOT(real(Y),imag(Y)).
        In all other uses of PLOT, the imaginary part is ignored.
        Various line types, plot symbols and colors may be obtained with
        PLOT(X,Y,S) where S is a character string made from one element
        from any or all the following 3 columns:
    Color codeMeaning
    b blue
    g green
    r red
    c cyan
    m magenta
    y yellow
    k black
    w white
    Symbol codeMeaning
    . point
    o circle
    x x-mark
    + plus
    * star
    s square
    d diamond
    v triangle (down)
    ^ triangle (up)
    < triangle (left)
    > triangle (right)
    p pentagram
    h hexagram
    Line codeMeaning
    - solid
     : dotted
    -. dash-dot
    -- dashed
        For example, PLOT(X,Y,'c+:') plots a cyan dotted line with a plus 
        at each data point; PLOT(X,Y,'bd') plots blue diamond at each data 
        point but does not draw any line.
        PLOT(X1,Y1,S1,X2,Y2,S2,X3,Y3,S3,...) combines the plots defined by
        the (X,Y,S) triples, where the X's and Y's are vectors or matrices 
        and the S's are strings.  
        For example, PLOT(X,Y,'y-',X,Y,'go') plots the data twice, with a
        solid yellow line interpolating green circles at the data points.
        The PLOT command, if no color is specified, makes automatic use of
        the colors specified by the axes ColorOrder property.  The default
        ColorOrder is listed in the table above for color systems where the
        default is blue for one line, and for multiple lines, to cycle
        through the first six colors in the table.  For monochrome systems,
        PLOT cycles over the axes LineStyleOrder property.
        If you do not specify a marker type, PLOT uses no marker. 
        If you do not specify a line style, PLOT uses a solid line.
    % snip 
        The X,Y pairs, or X,Y,S triples, can be followed by 
        parameter/value pairs to specify additional properties 
        of the lines. For example, PLOT(X,Y,'LineWidth',2,'Color',[.6 0 0]) 
        will create a plot with a dark red line width of 2 points.
  • 相关阅读:
    IntelliJ IDEA 导入Project
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gisalameda/p/5629264.html
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