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  • MATLAB消除曲线毛刺Outlier Detection and Removal [hampel]

    MATLAB消除曲线毛刺Outlier Detection and Removal [hampel]
    function [YY, I, Y0, LB, UB, ADX, NO] = hampel(X, Y, DX, T, varargin)
    % HAMPEL Hampel Filter.
    % HAMPEL(X,Y,DX,T,varargin) returns the Hampel filtered values of the
    % elements in Y. It was developed to detect outliers in a time series,
    % but it can also be used as an alternative to the standard median
    % filter.
    % References
    % Chapters 1.4.2, 3.2.2 and 4.3.4 in Mining Imperfect Data: Dealing with
    % Contamination and Incomplete Records by Ronald K. Pearson.
    % Acknowledgements
    % I would like to thank Ronald K. Pearson for the introduction to moving
    % window filters. Please visit his blog at:
    % http://exploringdatablog.blogspot.com/2012/01/moving-window-filters-and
    % -pracma.html
    % X,Y are row or column vectors with an equal number of elements.
    % The elements in Y should be Gaussian distributed.
    % Input DX,T,varargin must not contain NaN values!
    % DX,T are optional scalar values.
    % DX is a scalar which defines the half width of the filter window.
    % It is required that DX > 0 and DX should be dimensionally equivalent to
    % the values in X.
    % T is a scalar which defines the threshold value used in the equation
    % |Y - Y0| > T*S0.
    % Standard Parameters for DX and T:
    % DX = 3*median(X(2:end)-X(1:end-1));
    % T = 3;
    % varargin covers addtional optional input. The optional input must be in
    % the form of 'PropertyName', PropertyValue.
    % Supported PropertyNames:
    % 'standard': Use the standard Hampel filter.
    % 'adaptive': Use an experimental adaptive Hampel filter. Explained under
    % Revision 1 details below.
    % Supported PropertyValues: Scalar value which defines the tolerance of
    % the adaptive filter. In the case of standard Hampel filter this value
    % is ignored.
    % Output YY,I,Y0,LB,UB,ADX are column vectors containing Hampel filtered
    % values of Y, a logical index of the replaced values, nominal data,
    % lower and upper bounds on the Hampel filter and the relative half size
    % of the local window, respectively.
    % NO is a scalar that specifies the Number of Outliers detected.
    % Examples
    % 1. Hampel filter removal of outliers
    % X = 1:1000; % Pseudo Time
    % Y = 5000 + randn(1000, 1); % Pseudo Data
    % Outliers = randi(1000, 10, 1); % Index of Outliers
    % Y(Outliers) = Y(Outliers) + randi(1000, 10, 1); % Pseudo Outliers
    % [YY,I,Y0,LB,UB] = hampel(X,Y);
    % plot(X, Y, 'b.'); hold on; % Original Data
    % plot(X, YY, 'r'); % Hampel Filtered Data
    % plot(X, Y0, 'b--'); % Nominal Data
    % plot(X, LB, 'r--'); % Lower Bounds on Hampel Filter
    % plot(X, UB, 'r--'); % Upper Bounds on Hampel Filter
    % plot(X(I), Y(I), 'ks'); % Identified Outliers
    % 2. Adaptive Hampel filter removal of outliers
    % DX = 1; % Window Half size
    % T = 3; % Threshold
    % Threshold = 0.1; % AdaptiveThreshold
    % X = 1:DX:1000; % Pseudo Time
    % Y = 5000 + randn(1000, 1); % Pseudo Data
    % Outliers = randi(1000, 10, 1); % Index of Outliers
    % Y(Outliers) = Y(Outliers) + randi(1000, 10, 1); % Pseudo Outliers
    % [YY,I,Y0,LB,UB] = hampel(X,Y,DX,T,'Adaptive',Threshold);
    % plot(X, Y, 'b.'); hold on; % Original Data
    % plot(X, YY, 'r'); % Hampel Filtered Data
    % plot(X, Y0, 'b--'); % Nominal Data
    % plot(X, LB, 'r--'); % Lower Bounds on Hampel Filter
    % plot(X, UB, 'r--'); % Upper Bounds on Hampel Filter
    % plot(X(I), Y(I), 'ks'); % Identified Outliers
    % 3. Median Filter Based on Filter Window
    % DX = 3; % Filter Half Size
    % T = 0; % Threshold
    % X = 1:1000; % Pseudo Time
    % Y = 5000 + randn(1000, 1); % Pseudo Data
    % [YY,I,Y0] = hampel(X,Y,DX,T);
    % plot(X, Y, 'b.'); hold on; % Original Data
    % plot(X, Y0, 'r'); % Median Filtered Data
    % Version: 1.5
    % Last Update: 09.02.2012
    % Copyright (c) 2012:
    % Michael Lindholm Nielsen
    % --- Revision 5 --- 09.02.2012
    % (1) Corrected potential error in internal median function.
    % (2) Removed internal "keyboard" command.
    % (3) Optimized internal Gauss filter.
    % --- Revision 4 --- 08.02.2012
    % (1) The elements in X and Y are now temporarily sorted for internal
    % computations.
    % (2) Performance optimization.
    % (3) Added Example 3.
    % --- Revision 3 --- 06.02.2012
    % (1) If the number of elements (X,Y) are below 2 the output YY will be a
    % copy of Y. No outliers will be detected. No error will be issued.
    % --- Revision 2 --- 05.02.2012
    % (1) Changed a calculation in the adaptive Hampel filter. The threshold
    % parameter is now compared to the percentage difference between the
    % j'th and the j-1 value. Also notice the change from Threshold = 1.1
    % to Threshold = 0.1 in example 2 above.
    % (2) Checks if DX,T or varargin contains NaN values.
    % (3) Now capable of ignoring NaN values in X and Y.
    % (4) Added output Y0 - Nominal Data.
    % --- Revision 1 --- 28.01.2012
    % (1) Replaced output S (Local Scaled Median Absolute Deviation) with
    % lower (LB) and upper (UB) bounds on the Hampel filter.
    % (2) Added option to use an experimental adaptive Hampel filter.
    % The Principle behind this filter is described below.
    % a) The filter changes the local window size until the change in the
    % local scaled median absolute deviation is below a threshold value
    % set by the user. In the above example (2) this parameter is set to
    % 0.1 corresponding to a maximum acceptable change of 10% in the
    % local scaled median absolute deviation. This process leads to three
    % locally optimized parameters Y0 (Local Nominal Data Reference
    % value), S0 (Local Scale of Natural Variation), ADX (Local Adapted
    % Window half size relative to DX).
    % b) The optimized parameters are then smoothed by a Gaussian filter with
    % a standard deviation of DX=2*median(XSort(2:end) - XSort(1:end-1)).
    % This means that local values are weighted highest, but nearby data
    % (which should be Gaussian distributed) is also used in refining
    % ADX, Y0, S0.
    % --- Revision 0 --- 26.01.2012
    % (1) Release of first edition.
    %% Error Checking
    % Check for correct number of input arguments
    if nargin < 2
    error('Not enough input arguments.');
    % Check that the number of elements in X match those of Y.
    if ~isequal(numel(X), numel(Y))
    error('Inputs X and Y must have the same number of elements.');
    % Check that X is either a row or column vector
    if size(X, 1) == 1
    X = X'; % Change to column vector
    elseif size(X, 2) == 1
    error('Input X must be either a row or column vector.')
    % Check that Y is either a row or column vector
    if size(Y, 1) == 1
    Y = Y'; % Change to column vector
    elseif size(Y, 2) == 1
    error('Input Y must be either a row or column vector.')
    % Sort X
    SortX = sort(X);
    % Check that DX is of type scalar
    if exist('DX', 'var')
    if ~isscalar(DX)
    error('DX must be a scalar.');
    elseif DX < 0
    error('DX must be larger than zero.');
    DX = 3*median(SortX(2:end) - SortX(1:end-1));
    % Check that T is of type scalar
    if exist('T', 'var')
    if ~isscalar(T)
    error('T must be a scalar.');
    T = 3;
    % Check optional input
    if isempty(varargin)
    Option = 'standard';
    elseif numel(varargin) < 2
    error('Optional input must also contain threshold value.');
    % varargin{1}
    if ischar(varargin{1})
    Option = varargin{1};
    error('PropertyName must be of type char.');
    % varargin{2}
    if isscalar(varargin{2})
    Threshold = varargin{2};
    error('PropertyValue value must be a scalar.');
    % Check that DX,T does not contain NaN values
    if any(isnan(DX) | isnan(T))
    error('Inputs DX and T must not contain NaN values.');
    % Check that varargin does not contain NaN values
    CheckNaN = cellfun(@isnan, varargin, 'UniformOutput', 0);
    if any(cellfun(@any, CheckNaN))
    error('Optional inputs must not contain NaN values.');
    % Detect/Ignore NaN values in X and Y
    IdxNaN = isnan(X) | isnan(Y);
    X = X(~IdxNaN);
    Y = Y(~IdxNaN);
    %% Calculation
    % Preallocation
    YY = Y;
    I = false(size(Y));
    S0 = NaN(size(YY));
    Y0 = S0;
    ADX = repmat(DX, size(Y));
    if numel(X) > 1
    switch lower(Option)
    case 'standard'
    for i = 1:numel(Y)
    % Calculate Local Nominal Data Reference value
    % and Local Scale of Natural Variation
    [Y0(i), S0(i)] = localwindow(X, Y, DX, i);
    case 'adaptive'
    % Preallocate
    Y0Tmp = S0;
    S0Tmp = S0;
    DXTmp = (1:numel(S0))'*DX; % Integer variation of Window Half Size
    % Calculate Initial Guess of Optimal Parameters Y0, S0, ADX
    for i = 1:numel(Y)
    % Setup/Reset temporary counter etc.
    j = 1;
    S0Rel = inf;
    while S0Rel > Threshold
    % Calculate Local Nominal Data Reference value
    % and Local Scale of Natural Variation using DXTmp window
    [Y0Tmp(j), S0Tmp(j)] = localwindow(X, Y, DXTmp(j), i);
    % Calculate percent difference relative to previous value
    if j > 1
    S0Rel = abs((S0Tmp(j-1) - S0Tmp(j))/(S0Tmp(j-1) + S0Tmp(j))/2);
    % Iterate counter
    j = j + 1;
    Y0(i) = Y0Tmp(j - 2); % Local Nominal Data Reference value
    S0(i) = S0Tmp(j - 2); % Local Scale of Natural Variation
    ADX(i) = DXTmp(j - 2)/DX; % Local Adapted Window size relative to DX
    % Gaussian smoothing of relevant parameters
    DX = 2*median(SortX(2:end) - SortX(1:end-1));
    ADX = smgauss(X, ADX, DX);
    S0 = smgauss(X, S0, DX);
    Y0 = smgauss(X, Y0, DX);
    error('Unknown option ''%s''.', varargin{1});
    %% Prepare Output
    UB = Y0 + T*S0; % Save information about local scale
    LB = Y0 - T*S0; % Save information about local scale
    Idx = abs(Y - Y0) > T*S0; % Index of possible outlier
    YY(Idx) = Y0(Idx); % Replace outliers with local median value
    I(Idx) = true; % Set Outlier detection
    NO = sum(I); % Output number of detected outliers
    % Reinsert NaN values detected at error checking stage
    if any(IdxNaN)
    [YY, I, Y0, LB, UB, ADX] = rescale(IdxNaN, YY, I, Y0, LB, UB, ADX);
    %% Built-in functions
    function [Y0, S0] = localwindow(X, Y, DX, i)
    % Index relevant to Local Window
    Idx = X(i) - DX <= X & X <= X(i) + DX;
    % Calculate Local Nominal Data Reference Value
    Y0 = median(Y(Idx));
    % Calculate Local Scale of Natural Variation
    S0 = 1.4826*median(abs(Y(Idx) - Y0));
    function M = median(YM)
    % Isolate relevant values in Y
    YM = sort(YM);
    NYM = numel(YM);
    % Calculate median
    if mod(NYM,2) % Uneven
    M = YM((NYM + 1)/2);
    else % Even
    M = (YM(NYM/2)+YM(NYM/2+1))/2;
    function G = smgauss(X, V, DX)
    % Prepare Xj and Xk
    Xj = repmat(X', numel(X), 1);
    Xk = repmat(X, 1, numel(X));
    % Calculate Gaussian weight
    Wjk = exp(-((Xj - Xk)/(2*DX)).^2);
    % Calculate Gaussian Filter
    G = Wjk*V./sum(Wjk,1)';
    function varargout = rescale(IdxNaN, varargin)
    % Output Rescaled Elements
    varargout = cell(nargout, 1);
    for k = 1:nargout
    Element = varargin{k};
    if islogical(Element)
    ScaledElement = false(size(IdxNaN));
    elseif isnumeric(Element)
    ScaledElement = NaN(size(IdxNaN));
    ScaledElement(~IdxNaN) = Element;
    varargout(k) = {ScaledElement};
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