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  • PostGIS 爆管分析之找出总阀门









    -- Function: test_getpoint7(character varying, double precision, double precision)
    -- DROP FUNCTION test_getpoint7(character varying, double precision, double precision);
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_getpoint7(
        IN tbl character varying,
        IN startx double precision,
        IN starty double precision)
      RETURNS TABLE(v_gid integer, v_res geometry, v_type integer) AS
        v_startLine geometry;--离起点最近的线 
        v_startTarget integer;--距离起点最近线的终点 
        v_startSource integer; 
        v_statpoint geometry;--在v_startLine上距离起点最近的点  
        v_endpoint geometry;--在v_endLine上距离终点最近的点  
        v_up_source integer;--游标,记录是否有记录
        v_up_idx integer;--记录遍历到多少层级
        v_uptap_gid integer;--上游阀门gid
        v_uptap_geom geometry;--上游阀门要素
        v_all_where integer[];--记录所有查询过的管段
        v_up_where integer[];--where条件,将遍历到阀门的管段gid排除
        v_down_where integer[];--where条件,将遍历到阀门的管段gid排除
        up_temprow record ;
        --v_cost record;--记录阀门管段source(用于计算消耗,判断方向)
        m_cost integer;
        m_cost_value integer;
        temprow record;
        v_cost integer[];
        res_source integer;
        res_tap_pipe text[];
        m_tap_pipe text;
        idx_tap_pipe integer; --遍历结果游标
        m_up_cost integer;--上游阀门
        v_up_cost integer[];--上游阀门集合
        res_main_pipe integer[];--总阀门集合
        m_main_pipe integer;--总阀门
        execute 'select geom, source, target, ST_StartPoint(geom) as startpoint,ST_EndPoint(geom) as endpoint from ' ||tbl|| 
                                ' where ST_DWithin(geom,ST_Geometryfromtext(''point('|| startx ||' ' || starty ||')'',3857),15)
                                order by ST_Distance(geom,ST_GeometryFromText(''point('|| startx ||' '|| starty ||')'',3857))  limit 1' 
                                into v_startLine, v_startSource ,v_startTarget, v_statpoint ,v_endpoint; 
        IF(v_startLine is not null) THEN
        v_up_idx = 0;
        v_up_source = 1;
        SELECT array_append(v_up_where, v_startSource) into v_up_where;
        WHILE array_length(v_up_where,1) > 0 
          v_up_source = 0; 
          v_up_idx = v_up_idx + 1;
          FOR up_temprow IN 
            select zy1.gid,zy1.source,zy1.target from zy zy1 where source = any(v_up_where) or target = any(v_up_where) 
            --select zy1.gid,zy1.source,zy1.target from zy zy1 where target = any(v_up_where)--找上游
            IF(v_up_source = 0) THEN
              v_up_where = null;
            END IF;
            v_startSource = 0;
            v_up_source = 1;
            select t.gid,t.geom from fm t where t.gid  in (
              select a.gid from fm a,(select c.* from zy c where c.gid = up_temprow.gid) b where ST_intersects(a.geom,b.geom) 
            ) into v_uptap_gid, v_uptap_geom;  
            raise notice '%' , 'UP---'||up_temprow.gid;
            IF(v_uptap_gid is null) then
              IF (v_up_where @> ARRAY[up_temprow.source::integer] OR v_all_where @> ARRAY[up_temprow.source::integer]) THEN
                SELECT array_append(v_up_where,up_temprow.source) into v_up_where;
                SELECT array_append(v_all_where,up_temprow.source) into v_all_where;
              END IF;
              IF (v_up_where @> ARRAY[up_temprow.target::integer] OR v_all_where @> ARRAY[up_temprow.target::integer]) THEN
                SELECT array_append(v_up_where,up_temprow.target) into v_up_where;
                SELECT array_append(v_all_where,up_temprow.target) into v_all_where;
              END IF;
              raise notice '%' , up_temprow.source;
              IF (v_cost @> ARRAY[up_temprow.source::integer]) THEN
                SELECT array_append(v_cost,up_temprow.source) into v_cost;
                SELECT array_append(v_cost,up_temprow.target) into v_cost;
              END IF;
              --insert into v_cost values (up_temprow.gid,up_temprow.source,v_uptap_gid,v_uptap_geom );
              --insert into v_cost values (up_temprow.gid,up_temprow.target,v_uptap_gid,v_uptap_geom );
              --insert into v_cost values (up_temprow.gid,v_uptap_geom ,v_uptap_gid);
              --return next v_cost;
              --insert into v_taps values (v_uptap_gid, v_uptap_geom, up_temprow.source);
              --v_cost = up_temprow;
              --return query
              --select v_uptap_gid as res_uptap_gid,v_uptap_geom as res_uptap_geom ,up_temprow.source as res_source;
              --raise notice '%' , 'res_tap_pipe---'||cast(res_tap_pipe as text);
              IF (res_tap_pipe is not null) THEN
                --SELECT array_append(res_tap_pipe,ARRAY[v_uptap_gid,up_temprow.source]) into res_tap_pipe;
                --select cast(res_tap_pipe as text);
                select res_tap_pipe || ARRAY[v_uptap_gid||','||cast(v_uptap_geom as text)||','||up_temprow.source] into res_tap_pipe;
                select ARRAY[v_uptap_gid||','||cast(v_uptap_geom as text)||','||up_temprow.source] into res_tap_pipe;
              END IF;
            END IF;
            --return next;
          END LOOP;
        END LOOP;
        --raise notice '%' , v_cost;
        raise notice '%' , 'res_tap_pipe---'||cast(res_tap_pipe as text);
        --return query select * from v_cost;
        raise notice '%' , 'v_cost---'||cast(v_cost as text);
        FOREACH m_cost IN ARRAY v_cost 
          SELECT count(*) FROM pgr_dijkstraCost('select gid as id, source, target, length as cost, reverse_cost from zy',m_cost, ARRAY[v_startSource,v_startTarget], true) where agg_cost >= 9999999 into m_cost_value;
          raise notice '%' , 'm_cost_value---'||cast(m_cost_value as text);
          IF(m_cost_value = 0) THEN
            SELECT array_append(v_up_cost,m_cost) into v_up_cost;
          END IF;
          --IF(m_cost_value = array_length(v_cost,1)/2 - 1) THEN
            ----return query
            ----  select * from v_taps where source = m_cost;
            ----raise notice '%' , 'res_tap_pipe---'||cast(unnest(res_tap_pipe) as text);
            --FOREACH m_tap_pipe IN ARRAY res_tap_pipe 
              --raise notice '%' , 'm_cost---'||cast(m_cost as text)  ;
              --IF (split_part(m_tap_pipe, ',', 3)::integer = m_cost) THEN 
                --return query
                --select split_part(m_tap_pipe, ',', 1)::integer as res_uptap_gid,split_part(m_tap_pipe, ',', 2)::geometry  as res_uptap_geom ,split_part(m_tap_pipe, ',', 3)::integer as res_source;
              --END IF;
              --idx_tap_pipe = idx_tap_pipe+1;
            --END LOOP;
          --END IF;
        END LOOP;
        raise notice '%' , '上游阀门---'||cast(v_up_cost as text);
        FOREACH m_up_cost IN ARRAY v_up_cost
            SELECT count(*) FROM pgr_dijkstraCost('select gid as id, source, target, length as cost, reverse_cost from zy',m_up_cost, v_up_cost, true) where agg_cost >= 9999999 into m_cost_value;
            IF(m_cost_value = 0) THEN          
              SELECT array_append(res_main_pipe,m_up_cost) into res_main_pipe;
            END IF;
         END LOOP;
         raise notice '%' , 'res_main_pipe---'||cast(res_main_pipe as text);
         IF(res_main_pipe IS NULL OR array_length(res_main_pipe,1)=0) THEN
           res_main_pipe = v_up_cost;
         END IF;
         FOREACH m_main_pipe IN ARRAY res_main_pipe
           FOREACH m_tap_pipe IN ARRAY res_tap_pipe 
             raise notice '%' , 'm_cost---'||cast(m_cost as text)  ;
             IF (split_part(m_tap_pipe, ',', 3)::integer = m_main_pipe) THEN 
               return query
               select split_part(m_tap_pipe, ',', 1)::integer as res_uptap_gid,split_part(m_tap_pipe, ',', 2)::geometry  as res_uptap_geom ,split_part(m_tap_pipe, ',', 3)::integer as res_source;
             END IF;
           END LOOP; 
         END LOOP;
      END IF;
    --查找总阀门 --FOR temprow IN  -- select * from v_cost --LOOP -- SELECT count(*) FROM pgr_dijkstraCost('select gid as id, source, target, length as cost, reverse_cost from zy',m_cost, v_cost, true) where agg_cost <9999999 into m_cost_value; -- if(m_cost_value == ) --END LOOP;

    end; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT COST 100 ROWS 1000; ALTER FUNCTION test_getpoint7(character varying, double precision, double precision) OWNER TO postgres;
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    Jmeter -准备篇
    SQL- AND & OR & Order by & INSERT INTO
    SQL- select distinct
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/giser-s/p/11714825.html
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