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  • Scheduling Jobs with Oracle Scheduler

    In this chapter:


    This chapter describes how to use the DBMS_SCHEDULER package to work with Scheduler objects. You can accomplish the same tasks using Oracle Enterprise Manager.

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for DBMS_SCHEDULER information and the Oracle Enterprise Manager online help for information on Oracle Scheduler pages.


    About Scheduler Objects and Their Naming

    You operate Oracle Scheduler by creating and managing a set of Scheduler objects. Each Scheduler object is a complete database schema object of the form [schema.]name. Scheduler objects follow the naming rules for database objects exactly and share the SQL namespace with other database objects.

    Follow SQL naming rules to name Scheduler objects in the DBMS_SCHEDULER package. By default, Scheduler object names are uppercase unless they are surrounded by double quotes. For example, when creating a job, job_name => 'my_job' is the same as job_name => 'My_Job' and job_name => 'MY_JOB', but different from job_name => '"my_job"'. These naming rules are also followed in those cases where comma-delimited lists of Scheduler object names are used within the DBMS_SCHEDULER package.


    Creating, Running, and Managing Jobs

    A job is the combination of a schedule and a program, along with any additional arguments required by the program. This section introduces you to basic job tasks, and discusses the following topics:

    See Also:

    "Jobs" for an overview of jobs.

    Job Tasks and Their Procedures

    Table 29-1 illustrates common job tasks and their appropriate procedures and privileges:


    Table 29-1 Job Tasks and Their Procedures

    TaskProcedurePrivilege Needed

    Create a job



    Alter a job


    ALTER or CREATE ANY JOB or be the owner

    Run a job


    ALTER or CREATE ANY JOB or be the owner

    Copy a job


    ALTER or CREATE ANY JOB or be the owner

    Drop a job


    ALTER or CREATE ANY JOB or be the owner

    Stop a job


    ALTER or CREATE ANY JOB or be the owner

    Disable a job


    ALTER or CREATE ANY JOB or be the owner

    Enable a job


    ALTER or CREATE ANY JOB or be the owner

    See "Scheduler Privileges" for further information regarding privileges.


    Creating Jobs

    This section contains:


    Overview of Creating Jobs

    You create one or more jobs using the DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB or DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOBS procedures or Enterprise Manager. You use theCREATE_JOB procedure to create a single job. This procedure is overloaded to enable you to create different types of jobs that are based on different objects. You can create multiple jobs in a single transaction using the CREATE_JOBS procedure.

    You must have the CREATE JOB privilege to create a job in your own schema, and the CREATE ANY JOB privilege to create a job in any schema except SYS.

    For each job being created, you specify a job type, an action, and a schedule. You can also optionally specify a credential name, a destination or destination group name, a job class, and other attributes. As soon as you enable a job, it is automatically run by the Scheduler at its next scheduled date and time. By default, jobs are disabled when created and must be enabled with DBMS_SCHEDULER.ENABLE to run. You can also set the enabledargument of the CREATE_JOB procedure to TRUE, in which case the job is ready to be automatically run, according to its schedule, as soon as you create it.

    Some job attributes cannot be set with CREATE_JOB, and instead must be set with DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE. For example, to set the logging_levelattribute for a job, you must call SET_ATTRIBUTE after calling CREATE_JOB.

    You can create a job in another schema by specifying schema.job_name. The creator of a job is, therefore, not necessarily the job owner. The job owner is the user in whose schema the job is created. The NLS environment of the job, when it runs, is the existing environment at the time the job was created.

    Example 29-1 demonstrates creating a database job called update_sales, which calls a package procedure in the OPS schema that updates a sales summary table:


    Example 29-1 Creating a Job

       job_name           =>  'update_sales',
       job_type           =>  'STORED_PROCEDURE',
       job_action         =>  'OPS.SALES_PKG.UPDATE_SALES_SUMMARY',
       start_date         =>  '28-APR-08 07.00.00 PM Australia/Sydney',
       repeat_interval    =>  'FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=2', /* every other day */
       end_date           =>  '20-NOV-08 07.00.00 PM Australia/Sydney',
       auto_drop          =>   FALSE,
       job_class          =>  'batch_update_jobs',
       comments           =>  'My new job');

    Because no destination_name attribute is specified, the job runs on the originating (local) database. The job runs as the user who created the job.

    The repeat_interval argument specifies that this job runs every other day until it reaches the end date and time. Another way to limit the number of times that a repeating job runs is to set its max_runs attribute to a positive number.

    The job is disabled when it is created, by default. You must enable it with DBMS_SCHEDULER.ENABLE before the Scheduler will automatically run it.

    Jobs are set to be automatically dropped by default after they complete. Setting the auto_drop attribute to FALSE causes the job to persist. Note that repeating jobs are not auto-dropped unless the job end date passes, the maximum number of runs (max_runs) is reached, or the maximum number of failures is reached (max_failures).

    After a job is created, it can be queried using the *_SCHEDULER_JOBS views.


    Specifying a Job Action and Job Schedule

    Because the CREATE_JOB procedure is overloaded, there are several different ways of using it. In addition to specifying the job action and job repeat interval as job attributes as shown in Example 29-1, known as specifying the job action and job schedule inline, you can create a job that points to a program object (program) to specify the job action, a schedule object (schedule) to specify the repeat interval, or both a program and schedule. This is discussed in the following sections:

    Creating Jobs Using a Named Program

    You can create a job by pointing to a named program instead of inlining its action. To create a job using a named program, you specify the value forprogram_name in the CREATE_JOB procedure when creating the job and do not specify the values for job_typejob_action, and number_of_arguments.

    To use an existing program when creating a job, the owner of the job must be the owner of the program or have EXECUTE privileges on it. The following PL/SQL block is an example of a CREATE_JOB procedure with a named program that creates a regular job called my_new_job1:

       job_name          =>  'my_new_job1',
       program_name      =>  'my_saved_program', 
       repeat_interval   =>  'FREQ=DAILY;BYHOUR=12',
       comments          =>  'Daily at noon');

    The following PL/SQL block creates a lightweight job. Lightweight jobs must reference a program, and the program type must be 'PLSQL_BLOCK' or 'STORED_PROCEDURE'. In addition, the program must be already enabled when you create the job.

       job_name         =>  'my_lightweight_job1',
       program_name     =>  'polling_prog_n2',
       repeat_interval  =>  'FREQ=SECONDLY;INTERVAL=10',
       end_date         =>  '30-APR-09 04.00.00 AM Australia/Sydney',
       job_style        => 'LIGHTWEIGHT',
       comments         => 'Job that polls device n2 every 10 seconds');
    Creating Jobs Using a Named Schedule

    You can also create a job by pointing to a named schedule instead of inlining its schedule. To create a job using a named schedule, you specify the value for schedule_name in the CREATE_JOB procedure when creating the job and do not specify the values for start_daterepeat_interval, and end_date.

    You can use any named schedule to create a job because all schedules are created with access to PUBLIC. The following CREATE_JOB procedure has a named schedule and creates a regular job called my_new_job2:

       job_name                 =>  'my_new_job2', 
       job_type                 =>  'PLSQL_BLOCK',
       job_action               =>  'BEGIN SALES_PKG.UPDATE_SALES_SUMMARY; END;',
       schedule_name            =>  'my_saved_schedule');
    Creating Jobs Using Named Programs and Schedules

    A job can also be created by pointing to both a named program and a named schedule. For example, the following CREATE_JOB procedure creates a regular job called my_new_job3, based on the existing program, my_saved_program1, and the existing schedule, my_saved_schedule1:

       job_name            =>  'my_new_job3', 
       program_name        =>  'my_saved_program1', 
       schedule_name       =>  'my_saved_schedule1');

    Specifying Job Credentials and Job Destinations

    For local external jobs, remote external jobs, and remote database jobs, you must specify the credentials under which the job runs. You do so by creating a credential object and assigning it to the credential_name job attribute.

    For remote external jobs and remote database jobs, you specify the job destination by creating a destination object and assigning it to thedestination_name job attribute. A job with a NULL destination_name attribute runs on the host where the job is created.

    This section contains:

    Credential and Destination Tasks and Their Procedures

    Table 29-2 illustrates credential and destination tasks and their procedures and privileges:


    Table 29-2 Credential and Destination Tasks and Their Procedures

    TaskProcedurePrivilege Needed

    Create a credential



    Drop a credential


    CREATE ANY JOB or be the owner

    Create an external destination


    See "Creating Destinations"

    Drop an external destination



    Create a database destination



    Drop a database destination


    CREATE ANY JOB or be the owner

    Create a destination group



    Drop a destination group


    CREATE ANY JOB or be the owner

    Add members to a destination group


    ALTER or CREATE ANY JOB or be the owner

    Remove members from a destination group


    ALTER or CREATE ANY JOB or be the owner

    Creating Credentials

    credential is a user name and password pair stored in a dedicated database object. You assign a credential to a job so that it can authenticate with an Oracle database or the operating system before running.

    To create a credential: 


    You must have the CREATE JOB privilege to create a credential in your own schema, and the CREATE ANY JOB privilege to create a credential in any schema except SYS. A credential can be used only by a job whose owner has EXECUTE privileges on the credential or whose owner also owns the credential. Because a credential belongs to a schema like any other schema object, you use the GRANT SQL statement to grant privileges on a credential.


    Example 29-2 Creating a Credential


    You can query the *_SCHEDULER_CREDENTIALS views to see a list of credentials in the database. Credential passwords are stored obfuscated and are not displayed in the *_SCHEDULER_CREDENTIALS views.

    See Also:

    "Credentials" for more information about credentials
    Creating Destinations

    destination is a Scheduler object that defines a location for running a job. You designate the locations where a job runs by specifying either a single destination or a destination group in the destination_name attribute of the job. If you leave the destination_name attribute NULL, the job runs on the local host (the host where the job was created).

    Use external destinations to specify locations where remote external jobs run. Use database destinations to specify locations where remote database jobs run.

    You do not need object privileges to use a destination created by another user.

    To create an external destination: 


    There is no DBMS_SCHEDULER package procedure to create an external destination. You create an external destination implicitly by registering a remote agent.

    You can also register a local Scheduler agent if you have other database instances on the same host that are targets for remote jobs. This creates an external destination that references the local host.

    The external destination name is automatically set to the agent name. To verify that the external destination was created, query the viewsDBA_SCHEDULER_EXTERNAL_DESTS or ALL_SCHEDULER_EXTERNAL_DESTS.

    To create a database destination: 


      You must specify the name of an external destination as a procedure argument. This designates the remote host that the database destination points to. You also specify a net service name or complete connect descriptor that identifies the database instance being connected to. If you specify a net service name, it must be resolved by the local tnsnames.ora file. If you do not specify a database instance, the remote Scheduler agent connects to its default database, which is specified in the agent configuration file.

    To create a database destination, you must have the CREATE JOB system privilege. To create a database destination in a schema other than your own, you must have the CREATE ANY JOB privilege.


    Example 29-3 Creating a Database Destination

    The following example creates a database destination named DBHOST1_ORCLDW. For this example, assume the following:

    • You installed a Scheduler agent on the remote host dbhost1.example.com, and you registered the agent with the local database.

    • You did not modify the agent configuration file to set the agent name. Therefore the agent name and the external destination name default toDBHOST1.

    • You used Net Configuration Assistant on the local host to create a connect descriptor in tnsnames.ora for the Oracle Database instance namedorcldw, which resides on the remote host dbhost1.example.com. You assigned a net service name (alias) of ORCLDW to this connect descriptor.

      destination_name     => 'DBHOST1_ORCLDW',
      agent                => 'DBHOST1',
      tns_name             => 'ORCLDW',
      comments             => 'Instance named orcldw on host dbhost1.example.com');

    To verify that the database destination was created, query the views *_SCHEDULER_DB_DESTS.

    See Also:

    • "Destinations" for more information about destinations

    • "Jobs" to learn about remote external jobs and remote database jobs

    Creating Destination Groups for Multiple-Destination Jobs

    To create a job that runs on multiple destinations, you must create a destination group and assign that group to the destination_name attribute of the job. You can specify group members (destinations) when you create the group, or you can add group members at a later time.

    To create a destination group: 

    • Call the DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_GROUP procedure.

    For remote external jobs you must specify a group of type 'EXTERNAL_DEST', and all group members must be external destinations. For remote database jobs, you must specify a group of type 'DB_DEST', and all members must be database destinations.

    Members of destination groups have the following format:



    • credential is the name of an existing credential.

    • destination is the name of an existing database destination or external destination

    The credential portion of a destination member is optional. If omitted, the job using this destination member uses its default credential.

    You can include another group of the same type as a member of a destination group. Upon group creation, the Scheduler expands the included group into its members.

    If you want the local host to be one of many destinations on which a job runs, you can include the keyword LOCAL as a group member for either type of destination group. LOCAL can be preceded by a credential only in an external destination group.

    A group is owned by the user who creates it. You must have the CREATE JOB system privilege to create a group in your own schema, and the CREATE ANYJOB system privilege to create a group in another schema. You can grant object privileges on a group to other users by granting SELECT on the group.


    Example 29-4 Creating a Database Destination Group

    This example creates a database destination group. Because some members do not include a credential, a job using this destination group must have default credentials.

        GROUP_NAME    => 'all_dbs',
        GROUP_TYPE    => 'DB_DEST',
        MEMBER        => 'oltp_admin@orcl, orcldw1, LOCAL',
        COMMENTS      => 'All databases managed by me');

    The following code adds another member to the group.

        GROUP_NAME    => 'all_dbs',
        MEMBER        => 'dw_admin@orcldw2');

    See Also:

    "Groups" for an overview of groups.
    Example: Creating a Remote Database Job

    The following example creates a remote database job by specifying a database destination object in the destination_name object of the job. A credential must also be specified so the job can authenticate with the remote database. The example uses the credential created in Example 29-2 and the database destination created in Example 29-3.

       job_name            =>  'SALES_SUMMARY1', 
       job_type            =>  'STORED_PROCEDURE',
       job_action          =>  'SALES.SALES_REPORT1',
       start_date          =>  '15-JUL-09 11.00.00 PM Europe/Warsaw',
       repeat_interval     =>  'FREQ=DAILY',
       credential_name     =>  'DW_CREDENTIAL',
       destination_name    =>  'DBHOST1_ORCLDW');

    Creating Multiple-Destination Jobs

    You can create a job that runs on multiple destinations, but that is managed from a single location. A typical reason to do this is to run a database maintenance job on all of the databases that you administer. Rather than create the job on each database, you create the job once and designate multiple destinations for the job. From the database where you created the job (the local database), you can monitor the state and results of all instances of the job at all locations.

    To create a multiple-destination job: 

    • Call the DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB procedure and set the destination_name attribute of the job to the name of database destination group or external destination group.

      If not all destination group members include a credential prefix (the schema), assign a default credential to the job.

      To include the local host or local database as one of the destinations on which the job runs, ensure that the keyword LOCAL is one of the members of the destination group.

    To obtain a list of destination groups, submit this query:

    SELECT owner, group_name, group_type, number_of_members FROM all_scheduler_groups
      WHERE group_type = 'DB_DEST' or group_type = 'EXTERNAL_DEST';
    --------------- --------------- ------------- -----------------
    DBA1            ALL_DBS         DB_DEST                       4
    DBA1            ALL_HOSTS       EXTERNAL_DEST                 4

    The following example creates a multiple-destination database job, using the database destination group created in Example 29-4. Because this is a system administration job, it uses a credential with system administrator privileges.

       job_name            =>  'MAINT_SET1', 
       job_type            =>  'STORED_PROCEDURE',
       job_action          =>  'MAINT_PROC1',
       start_date          =>  '15-JUL-09 11.00.00 PM Europe/Warsaw',
       repeat_interval     =>  'FREQ=DAILY',
       credential_name     =>  'DBA_CREDENTIAL',
       destination_name    =>  'ALL_DBS');

    Setting Job Arguments

    After creating a job, you may need to set job arguments if:

    • The inline job action is a stored procedure or other executable that requires arguments

    • The job references a named program object and you want to override one or more default program arguments

    • The job references a named program object and one or more of the program arguments were not assigned a default value

    To set job arguments, use the SET_JOB_ARGUMENT_VALUE or SET_JOB_ANYDATA_VALUE procedures or Enterprise Manager. SET_JOB_ANYDATA_VALUE is used for complex data types that cannot be represented as a VARCHAR2 string.

    An example of a job that might need arguments is one that starts a reporting program that requires a start date and end date. The following code example sets the end date job argument, which is the second argument expected by the reporting program:

       job_name                => 'ops_reports',
       argument_position       => 2,
       argument_value          => '12-DEC-03');

    If you use this procedure on an argument whose value has already been set, it will be overwritten. You can set argument values using either the argument name or the argument position. To use argument name, the job must reference a named program object, and the argument must have been assigned a name in the program object. If a program is inlined, only setting by position is supported. Arguments are not supported for jobs of type 'PLSQL_BLOCK'.

    To remove a value that has been set, use the RESET_JOB_ARGUMENT procedure. This procedure can be used for both regular and ANYDATA arguments.

    SET_JOB_ARGUMENT_VALUE only supports arguments of SQL type. Therefore, argument values that are not of SQL type, such as booleans, are not supported as program or job arguments.


    Setting Additional Job Attributes

    After creating a job, you can set additional job attributes or change attribute values by using the SET_ATTRIBUTE or SET_JOB_ATTRIBUTES procedures. You can also set job attributes with Enterprise Manager. Although many job attributes can be set with the call to CREATE_JOB, some attributes, such asdestination and credential_name, can be set only with SET_ATTRIBUTE or SET_JOB_ATTRIBUTES after the job is created.


    Creating Detached Jobs

    A detached job must point to a program object (program) that has its detached attribute set to TRUE.


    Example 29-5 Creating a Detached Job That Performs a Cold Backup

    This example for Linux and UNIX creates a nightly job that performs a cold backup of the database. It contains three steps.

    Step 1—Create the Script That Invokes RMAN

    Create a shell script that calls an RMAN script to perform a cold backup. The shell script is located in $ORACLE_HOME/scripts/coldbackup.sh. It must be executable by the user who installed Oracle Database (typically the user oracle).

    export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1
    export ORACLE_SID=orcl
    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/rman TARGET / @$ORACLE_HOME/scripts/coldbackup.rman
      trace /u01/app/oracle/backup/coldbackup.out &
    exit 0

    Step 2—Create the RMAN Script

    Create an RMAN script that performs the cold backup and then ends the job. The script is located in $ORACLE_HOME/scripts/coldbackup.rman.

    run {
    # Shut down database for backups and put into MOUNT mode
    shutdown immediate
    startup mount
    # Perform full database backup
    backup full format "/u01/app/oracle/backup/%d_FULL_%U" (database) ;
    # Open database after backup
    alter database open;
    # Call notification routine to indicate job completed successfully
    sql " BEGIN  DBMS_SCHEDULER.END_DETACHED_JOB_RUN(''sys.backup_job'', 0,
      null); END; ";

    Step 3—Create the Job and Use a Detached Program

    Submit the following PL/SQL block:

        program_name   => 'sys.backup_program',
        program_type   => 'executable',
        program_action => '?/scripts/coldbackup.sh',
        enabled        =>  TRUE);
      DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE('sys.backup_program', 'detached', TRUE);
        job_name        => 'sys.backup_job',
        program_name    => 'sys.backup_program',
        repeat_interval => 'FREQ=DAILY;BYHOUR=1;BYMINUTE=0');

    See Also:

    "Detached Jobs"

    Creating Multiple Jobs in a Single Transaction

    If you must create many jobs, you may be able to reduce transaction overhead and experience a performance gain if you use the CREATE_JOBSprocedure. Example 29-6 demonstrates how to use this procedure to create multiple jobs in a single transaction.


    Example 29-6 Creating Multiple Jobs in a Single Transaction

     newjob sys.job_definition;
     newjobarr sys.job_definition_array;
     -- Create an array of JOB_DEFINITION object types
     newjobarr := sys.job_definition_array();
     -- Allocate sufficient space in the array
     -- Add definitions for 5 jobs
     FOR i IN 1..5 LOOP
       -- Create a JOB_DEFINITION object type
       newjob := sys.job_definition(job_name => 'TESTJOB' || to_char(i),
                         job_style => 'REGULAR',
                         program_name => 'PROG1',
                         repeat_interval => 'FREQ=HOURLY',
                         start_date => systimestamp + interval '600' second,
                         max_runs => 2,
                         auto_drop => FALSE,
                         enabled => TRUE
       -- Add it to the array
       newjobarr(i) := newjob;
     END LOOP;
     -- Call CREATE_JOBS to create jobs in one transaction
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    5 rows selected.

    Techniques for External Jobs

    This section contains the following examples, which demonstrate some practical techniques for external jobs:


    Example 29-7 Creating a Local External Job That Runs a DOS Command

    This example demonstrates how to create a local external job on Windows that runs a DOS built-in command (in this case, mkdir). The job runs cmd.exewith the /c option.

       job_name             => 'MKDIR_JOB',
       job_type             => 'EXECUTABLE',
       number_of_arguments  => 3,
       job_action           => 'windowssystem32cmd.exe',
       auto_drop            => FALSE,
       credential_name      => 'TESTCRED');
     DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_JOB_ARGUMENT_VALUE('mkdir_job',3,'	empextjob_test_dir');

    Example 29-8 Creating a Local External Job and Retrieving stdout

    This example for Linux and UNIX shows how to create and run a local external job and then use the GET_FILE procedure to retrieve the job's stdout output. For local external jobs, stdout output is stored in a log file in ORACLE_HOME/scheduler/log. It is not necessary to supply this path to GET_FILE; you supply only the file name, which you generate by querying the log views for the job's external log ID and then appending "_stdout".

    -- User scott must have CREATE JOB and CREATE EXTERNAL JOB privileges
    grant create job, create external job to scott ;
    connect scott/password
    set serveroutput on
    -- Create a credential for the job to use
    exec dbms_scheduler.create_credential('my_cred','host_username','host_passwd')
    -- Create a job that lists a directory. After running, the job is dropped.
      job_name            => 'lsdir',
      job_type            => 'EXECUTABLE',
      job_action          => '/bin/ls',
      number_of_arguments => 1,
      enabled             => false,
      auto_drop           => true,
      credential_name     => 'my_cred');
    -- Wait a bit for the job to run, and then check the job results.
    select job_name, status, error#, actual_start_date, additional_info
     from user_scheduler_job_run_details where job_name='LSDIR';
    -- Now use the external log id from the additional_info column to
    -- formulate the log file name and retrieve the output
     my_blob blob;
     log_id varchar2(50);
     select regexp_substr(additional_info,'job[_0-9]*') into log_id
       from user_scheduler_job_run_details where job_name='LSDIR';
     dbms_lob.createtemporary(my_blob, false);
       source_file     => log_id ||'_stdout',
       credential_name => 'my_cred',
       file_contents   => my_blob,
       source_host     => null);


    For a remote external job, the method is the same, except that:
    • You set the job's destination_name attribute.

    • You designate a source host for the GET_FILE procedure.

    GET_FILE automatically searches the correct host location for log files for both local and remote external jobs.


    Altering Jobs

    You alter a job by modifying its attributes. You do so using the SET_ATTRIBUTESET_ATTRIBUTE_NULL, or SET_JOB_ATTRIBUTES package procedures or Enterprise Manager. See the CREATE_JOB procedure in Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details on job attributes.

    All jobs can be altered, and, except for the job name, all job attributes can be changed. If there is a running instance of the job when the change is made, it is not affected by the call. The change is only seen in future runs of the job.

    In general, you should not alter a job that was automatically created for you by the database. Jobs that were created by the database have the columnSYSTEM set to TRUE in job views. The attributes of a job are available in the *_SCHEDULER_JOBS views.

    It is valid for running jobs to alter their own job attributes. However, these changes do not take effect until the next scheduled run of the job.

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information about the SET_ATTRIBUTESET_ATTRIBUTE_NULL, andSET_JOB_ATTRIBUTES procedures.

    The following example changes the repeat_interval of the job update_sales to once per week on Wednesday.

       name         =>  'update_sales',
       attribute    =>  'repeat_interval',
       value        =>  'freq=weekly; byday=wed');

    Running Jobs

    There are three ways in which a job can be run:

    • According to the job schedule—In this case, provided that the job is enabled, the job is automatically picked up by the Scheduler job coordinator and run under the control of a job slave. The job runs as the user who is the job owner, or in the case of a local external job with a credential, as the user named in the credential. To find out whether the job succeeded, you must query the job views (*_SCHEDULER_JOBS) or the job log (*_SCHEDULER_JOB_LOG and *_SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS). See "How Jobs Execute" for more information job slaves and the Scheduler architecture.

    • When an event occurs—Enabled event-based jobs start when a specified event is received on an event queue or when a file watcher raises a file arrival event. (See "Using Events to Start Jobs".) Event-based jobs also run under the control of a job slave and run as the user who owns the job, or in the case of a local external job with a credential, as the user named in the credential. To find out whether the job succeeded, you must query the job views or the job log.

    • By calling DBMS_SCHEDULER.RUN_JOB—You can use the RUN_JOB procedure to test a job or to run it outside of its specified schedule. You can run the job asynchronously, which is similar to the previous two methods of running a job, or synchronously, in which the job runs in the session that called RUN_JOB, and as the user logged in to that session. The use_current_session argument of RUN_JOB determines whether a job runs synchronously or asynchronously.

      RUN_JOB accepts a comma-delimited list of job names.

      The following example asynchronously runs two jobs:

          JOB_NAME            => 'DSS.ETLJOB1, DSS.ETLJOB2',


      It is not necessary to call RUN_JOB to run a job according to its schedule. Provided that job is enabled, the Scheduler runs it automatically.

    Stopping Jobs

    You stop one or more running jobs using the STOP_JOB procedure or Enterprise Manager. STOP_JOB accepts a comma-delimited list of jobs, job classes, and job destination IDs. A job destination ID is a number, assigned by the Scheduler, that represents a unique combination of a job, a credential, and a destination. It serves as a convenient method for identifying a particular child job of a multiple-destination job and for stopping just that child. You obtain the job destination ID for a child job from the *_SCHEDULER_JOB_DESTS views.

    If a job class is supplied, all running jobs in the job class are stopped. For example, the following statement stops job job1, all jobs in the job classdw_jobs, and two child jobs of a multiple-destination job:

      DBMS_SCHEDULER.STOP_JOB('job1, sys.dw_jobs, 984, 1223');

    All instances of the designated jobs are stopped. After stopping a job, the state of a one-time job is set to STOPPED, and the state of a repeating job is set to SCHEDULED (because the next run of the job is scheduled). In addition, an entry is made in the job log with OPERATION set to 'STOPPED', andADDITIONAL_INFO set to 'REASON="Stop job called by user: username"'.

    By default, the Scheduler tries to gracefully stop a job using an interrupt mechanism. This method gives control back to the slave process, which can collect statistics of the job run. If the force option is set to TRUE, the job is abruptly terminated and certain run-time statistics might not be available for the job run.

    Stopping a job that is running a chain automatically stops all running steps (by calling STOP_JOB with the force option set to TRUE on each step).

    You can use the commit_semantics argument of STOP_JOB to control the outcome if multiple jobs are specified and errors occur when trying to stop one or more jobs. If you set this argument to ABSORB_ERRORS, the procedure may be able to continue after encountering an error and attempt to stop the remaining jobs. If the procedure indicates that errors occurred, you can query the view SCHEDULER_BATCH_ERRORS to determine the nature of the errors. See "Dropping Jobs" for a more detailed discussion of commit semantics.

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information about the STOP_JOB procedure.


    When a job is stopped, only the current transaction is rolled back. This can cause data inconsistency.

    Stopping External Jobs

    The Scheduler offers implementors of external jobs a mechanism to gracefully clean up after their external jobs when STOP_JOB is called with force set to FALSE. The following applies only to local external jobs created without credentials on any platform, and remote external jobs on the UNIX and Linux platforms.

    On UNIX and Linux, a SIGTERM signal is sent to the process launched by the Scheduler. The implementor of the external job is expected to trap theSIGTERM in an interrupt handler, clean up whatever work the job has done, and exit. On Windows, STOP_JOB with force set to FALSE is supported only on Windows XP, Windows 2003, and later operating systems. On those platforms, the process launched by the Scheduler is a console process. To stop it, the Scheduler sends a CTRL-BREAK to the process. The CTRL_BREAK can be handled by registering a handler with the SetConsoleCtrlHandler() routine.


    Stopping a Chain Job

    If a job pointing to a chain is stopped, all steps of the running chain that are running are stopped.

    See "Stopping Individual Chain Steps" for information about stopping individual chain steps.


    Dropping Jobs

    You drop one or more jobs using the DROP_JOB procedure or Enterprise Manager. DROP_JOB accepts a comma-delimited list of jobs and job classes. If a job class is supplied, all jobs in the job class are dropped, although the job class itself is not dropped. (The DROP_JOB_CLASS procedure should be used to drop a job class. See "Dropping Job Classes" for information about how to drop job classes.) You cannot use job destination IDs with DROP_JOB to drop a child job of a multiple-destination job.

    The following statement drops jobs job1 and job3, and all jobs in job classes jobclass1 and jobclass2:

      DBMS_SCHEDULER.DROP_JOB ('job1, job3, sys.jobclass1, sys.jobclass2');

    If a job is running at the time of the procedure call, the attempt to drop the job fails. You can modify this default behavior by setting either the force ordefer option.

    When you set the force option to TRUE, the Scheduler first attempts to stop the running job by using an interrupt mechanism—calling STOP_JOB with theforce option set to FALSE. If the job is successfully stopped, the job is then dropped. Alternatively, you can call STOP_JOB to first stop the job and then callDROP_JOB. If STOP_JOB fails, you can call STOP_JOB with the force option, provided you have the MANAGE SCHEDULER privilege. You can then drop the job. By default, force is set to FALSE for both the STOP_JOB and DROP_JOB procedures.

    When you set the defer option to TRUE, the running job is allowed to complete and is then dropped. The force and defer options are mutually exclusive; setting both results in an error.

    When you specify multiple jobs to drop, the commit_semantics argument determines the outcome when an error occurs on one of the jobs. The following are the possible values for this argument:

    • STOP_ON_FIRST_ERROR, the default—The call returns on the first error and the previous drop operations that were successful are committed to disk.

    • TRANSACTIONAL—The call returns on the first error and the previous drop operations before the error are rolled back. force must be FALSE.

    • ABSORB_ERRORS—The call tries to absorb any errors, attempts to drop the rest of the jobs, and commits all the drops that were successful.

    Setting commit_semantics is valid only when no job classes are included in the job_name list. When you include job classes, default commit semantics (STOP_ON_FIRST_ERROR) are in effect.

    The following example drops the jobs myjob1 and myjob2 with the defer option and with transactional commit semantics:

         job_name         => 'myjob1, myjob2',
         defer            => TRUE,
         commit_semantics => 'TRANSACTIONAL');

    This next example illustrates the ABSORB_ERRORS commit semantics. Assume that myjob1 is running when the procedure is called and that myjob2 is not.

         job_name         => 'myjob1, myjob2',
         commit_semantics => 'ABSORB_ERRORS');
    Error report:
    ORA-27362: batch API call completed with errors

    You can query the view SCHEDULER_BATCH_ERRORS to determine the nature of the errors.

    SELECT object_name, error_code, error_message FROM scheduler_batch_errors;
    -------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------
    STEVE.MYJOB1        27478 "ORA-27478: job "STEVE.MYJOB1" is running

    Checking USER_SCHEDULER_JOBS, you would find that myjob2 was successfully dropped and that myjob1 is still present.

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information about the DROP_JOB procedure.


    Disabling Jobs

    You disable one or more jobs using the DISABLE procedure or Enterprise Manager. A job can also become disabled for other reasons. For example, a job will be disabled when the job class it belongs to is dropped. A job is also disabled if either the program or the schedule that it points to is dropped. Note that if the program or schedule that the job points to is disabled, the job will not be disabled and will therefore result in an error when the Scheduler tries to run the job.

    Disabling a job means that, although the metadata of the job is there, it should not run and the job coordinator will not pick up these jobs for processing. When a job is disabled, its state in the job table is changed to disabled.

    When a job is disabled with the force option set to FALSE and the job is currently running, an error is returned. When force is set to TRUE, the job is disabled, but the currently running instance is allowed to finish.

    If commit_semantics is set to STOP_ON_FIRST_ERROR, then the call returns on the first error and the previous disable operations that were successful are committed to disk. If commit_semantics is set to TRANSACTIONAL and force is set to FALSE, then the call returns on the first error and the previous disable operations before the error are rolled back. If commit_semantics is set to ABSORB_ERRORS, then the call tries to absorb any errors and attempts to disable the rest of the jobs and commits all the disable operations that were successful. If the procedure indicates that errors occurred, you can query the viewSCHEDULER_BATCH_ERRORS to determine the nature of the errors.

    By default, commit_semantics is set to STOP_ON_FIRST_ERROR.

    You can also disable several jobs in one call by providing a comma-delimited list of job names or job class names to the DISABLE procedure call. For example, the following statement combines jobs with job classes:

      DBMS_SCHEDULER.DISABLE('job1, job2, job3, sys.jobclass1, sys.jobclass2');

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information about the DISABLE procedure.


    Enabling Jobs

    You enable one or more jobs by using the ENABLE procedure or Enterprise Manager. The effect of using this procedure is that the job will now be picked up by the job coordinator for processing. Jobs are created disabled by default, so you must enable them before they can run. When a job is enabled, a validity check is performed. If the check fails, the job is not enabled.

    If you enable a disabled job, it begins to run immediately according to its schedule. Enabling a disabled job also resets the job RUN_COUNTFAILURE_COUNT, and RETRY_COUNT attributes.

    If commit_semantics is set to STOP_ON_FIRST_ERROR, then the call returns on the first error and the previous enable operations that were successful are committed to disk. If commit_semantics is set to TRANSACTIONAL, then the call returns on the first error and the previous enable operations before the error are rolled back. If commit_semantics is set to ABSORB_ERRORS, then the call tries to absorb any errors and attempts to enable the rest of the jobs and commits all the enable operations that were successful. If the procedure indicates that errors occurred, you can query the view SCHEDULER_BATCH_ERRORSto determine the nature of the errors.

    By default, commit_semantics is set to STOP_ON_FIRST_ERROR.

    You can enable several jobs in one call by providing a comma-delimited list of job names or job class names to the ENABLE procedure call. For example, the following statement combines jobs with job classes:

     DBMS_SCHEDULER.ENABLE ('job1, job2, job3, 
       sys.jobclass1, sys.jobclass2, sys.jobclass3');

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information about the ENABLE procedure.


    Copying Jobs

    You copy a job using the COPY_JOB procedure or Enterprise Manager. This call copies all the attributes of the old job to the new job (except job name). The new job is created disabled.

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information about the COPY_JOB procedure.


    Viewing stdout and stderr for External Jobs

    External jobs with credentials write stdout and stderr to log files. Local external jobs write to log files in the directory ORACLE_HOME/scheduler/log. Remote external jobs write to log files in the directory AGENT_HOME/data/log. You can retrieve the contents of these files with DBMS_SCHEDULER.GET_FILE. File names consist of the string "_stdout" or "_stderr" appended to a job log ID. You obtain the job log ID for a job by querying the ADDITIONAL_INFOcolumn of the *_SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS views and parsing for a name/value pair that looks similar to this:


    An example file name is job_71035_3158_stdout. Example 29-8, "Creating a Local External Job and Retrieving stdout" illustrates how to retrieve stdout output. Although this example is for a local external job, the method is the same for remote external jobs.

    In addition, when a local external job or remote external job writes output to stderr, the first 200 bytes are recorded in the ADDITIONAL_INFO column of the *_SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS views. The information is in a name/value pair that looks like this:



    The ADDITIONAL_INFO column can have multiple name/value pairs. The order is indeterminate, so you must parse the field to locate the STANDARD_ERROR name/value pair.

    See Also:

    Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information about DBMS_SCHEDULER.GET_FILE


    Creating and Managing Programs to Define Jobs

    A program is a collection of metadata about a particular task. You optionally use a program to help define a job. This section introduces you to basic program tasks, and discusses the following topics:

    See Also:

    "Programs" for an overview of programs.

    Program Tasks and Their Procedures

    Table 29-3 illustrates common program tasks and their appropriate procedures and privileges:


    Table 29-3 Program Tasks and Their Procedures

    TaskProcedurePrivilege Needed

    Create a program



    Alter a program


    ALTER or CREATE ANY JOB or be the owner

    Drop a program


    ALTER or CREATE ANY JOB or be the owner

    Disable a program


    ALTER or CREATE ANY JOB or be the owner

    Enable a program


    ALTER or CREATE ANY JOB or be the owner

    See "Scheduler Privileges" for further information regarding privileges.


    Creating Programs

    You create programs by using the CREATE_PROGRAM procedure or Enterprise Manager. By default, programs are created in the schema of the creator. To create a program in another user's schema, you must qualify the program name with the schema name. For other users to use your programs, they must have EXECUTE privileges on the program, therefore, once a program has been created, you have to grant the EXECUTE privilege on it. An example of creating a program is the following, which creates a program called my_program1:

       program_name           => 'my_program1',
       program_action         => '/usr/local/bin/date',
       program_type           => 'EXECUTABLE',
       comments               => 'My comments here');

    Programs are created in the disabled state by default; you must enable them before you can enable jobs that point to them.

    Do not attempt to enable a program that requires arguments before you define all program arguments, which you must do in a DEFINE_XXX_ARGUMENTprocedure as described in "Defining Program Arguments".


    Defining Program Arguments

    After creating a program, you can define program arguments. Arguments are defined by position in the calling sequence, with an optional argument name and optional default value. If no default value is defined for a program argument, the job that references the program must supply an argument value. (The job can also override a default value.) All argument values must be defined before the job can be enabled.

    To set program argument values, use the DEFINE_PROGRAM_ARGUMENT or DEFINE_ANYDATA_ARGUMENT procedures. DEFINE_ANYDATA_ARGUMENT is used for complex types that must be encapsulated in an ANYDATA object. An example of a program that might need arguments is one that starts a reporting program that requires a start date and end date. The following code example sets the end date argument, which is the second argument expected by the reporting program. The example also assigns a name to the argument so that you can refer to the argument by name (instead of position) from other package procedures, including SET_JOB_ANYDATA_VALUE and SET_JOB_ARGUMENT_VALUE.

       program_name            => 'operations_reporting',
       argument_position       => 2,
       argument_name           => 'end_date',
       argument_type           => 'VARCHAR2',
       default_value           => '12-DEC-03');

    Valid values for the argument_type argument are only SQL data types, therefore booleans are not supported. For external executables, only string types such as CHAR or VARCHAR2 are permitted.

    You can drop a program argument either by name or by position, as in the following:

       program_name            => 'operations_reporting',
       argument_position       => 2);
       program_name            => 'operations_reporting',
       argument_name           => 'end_date');

    In some special cases, program logic is dependent on the Scheduler environment. The Scheduler has some predefined metadata arguments that can be passed as an argument to the program for this purpose. For example, for some jobs whose schedule is a window name, it is useful to know how much longer the window will be open when the job is started. This is possible by defining the window end time as a metadata argument to the program.

    If a program needs access to specific job metadata, you can define a special metadata argument using the DEFINE_METADATA_ARGUMENT procedure, so values will be filled in by the Scheduler when the program is executed.


    Altering Programs

    You alter a program by modifying its attributes. You can use Enterprise Manager or the DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE andDBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE_NULL package procedures to alter programs. See the DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_PROGRAM procedure in Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details on program attributes.

    If any currently running jobs use the program that you altered, they continue to run with the program as defined before the alter operation.

    The following example changes the executable that program my_program1 runs:

       name           => 'my_program1',
       attribute      => 'program_action',
       value          => '/usr/local/bin/salesreports1');

    Dropping Programs

    You drop one or more programs using the DROP_PROGRAM procedure or Enterprise Manager.

    Running jobs that point to the program are not affected by the DROP_PROGRAM call, and are allowed to continue. Any arguments that pertain to the program are also dropped when the program is dropped. You can drop several programs in one call by providing a comma-delimited list of program names. For example, the following statement drops three programs:

      DBMS_SCHEDULER.DROP_PROGRAM('program1, program2, program3');

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information about the DROP_PROGRAM procedure.


    Disabling Programs

    You disable one or more programs using the DISABLE procedure or Enterprise Manager. When a program is disabled, the status is changed to disabled. A disabled program implies that, although the metadata is still there, jobs that point to this program cannot run.

    Running jobs that point to the program are not affected by the DISABLE call, and are allowed to continue. Any argument that pertains to the program will not be affected when the program is disabled.

    A program can also become disabled for other reasons. For example, if a program argument is dropped or number_of_arguments is changed so that all arguments are no longer defined.

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information about the DISABLE procedure.


    Enabling Programs

    You enable one or more programs using the ENABLE procedure or Enterprise Manager. When a program is enabled, the enabled flag is set to TRUE. Programs are created disabled by default, therefore, you have to enable them before you can enable jobs that point to them. Before programs are enabled, validity checks are performed to ensure that the action is valid and that all arguments are defined.

    You can enable several programs in one call by providing a comma-delimited list of program names to the ENABLE procedure call. For example, the following statement enables three programs:

      DBMS_SCHEDULER.ENABLE('program1, program2, program3');

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information about the ENABLE procedure.


    Creating and Managing Schedules to Define Jobs

    You optionally use a schedule object (a schedule) to define when a job should be run. Schedules can be shared among users by creating and saving them as objects in the database.

    This section introduces you to basic schedule tasks, and discusses the following topics:

    See Also:


    Schedule Tasks and Their Procedures

    Table 29-4 illustrates common schedule tasks and the procedures you use to handle them.


    Table 29-4 Schedule Tasks and Their Procedures

    TaskProcedurePrivilege Needed

    Create a schedule



    Alter a schedule


    ALTER or CREATE ANY JOB or be the owner

    Drop a schedule


    ALTER or CREATE ANY JOB or be the owner

    See "Scheduler Privileges" for further information regarding privileges.


    Creating Schedules

    You create schedules by using the CREATE_SCHEDULE procedure or Enterprise Manager. Schedules are created in the schema of the user creating the schedule, and are enabled when first created. You can create a schedule in another user's schema. Once a schedule has been created, it can be used by other users. The schedule is created with access to PUBLIC. Therefore, there is no need to explicitly grant access to the schedule. An example of creating a schedule is the following statement:

      schedule_name     => 'my_stats_schedule',
      start_date        => SYSTIMESTAMP,
      end_date          => SYSTIMESTAMP + INTERVAL '30' day,
      repeat_interval   => 'FREQ=HOURLY; INTERVAL=4',
      comments          => 'Every 4 hours');

    See Also:


    Altering Schedules

    You alter a schedule by using the SET_ATTRIBUTE and SET_ATTRIBUTE_NULL package procedures or Enterprise Manager. Altering a schedule changes the definition of the schedule. With the exception of schedule name, all attributes can be changed. The attributes of a schedule are available in the*_SCHEDULER_SCHEDULES views.

    If a schedule is altered, the change will not affect running jobs and open windows that use this schedule. The change will only be in effect the next time the jobs runs or the window opens.

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information about the SET_ATTRIBUTE procedure.


    Dropping Schedules

    You drop a schedule using the DROP_SCHEDULE procedure or Enterprise Manager. This procedure call will delete the schedule object from the database.

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information about the DROP_SCHEDULE procedure.


    Setting the Repeat Interval

    You control when and how often a job repeats by setting the repeat_interval attribute of the job itself or of the named schedule that the job references. You can set repeat_interval with DBMS_SCHEDULER package procedures or with Enterprise Manager.

    The result of evaluating the repeat_interval is a set of timestamps. The Scheduler runs the job at each timestamp. Note that the start date from the job or schedule also helps determine the resulting set of timestamps. (See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information about repeat_interval evaluation.) If no value for repeat_interval is specified, the job runs only once at the specified start date.

    Immediately after a job is started, the repeat_interval is evaluated to determine the next scheduled execution time of the job. The next scheduled execution time might arrive while the job is still running. A new instance of the job, however, will not be started until the current one completes.

    There are two ways to specify the repeat interval:


    Using the Scheduler Calendaring Syntax

    The primary method of setting how often a job will repeat is by setting the repeat_interval attribute with a Scheduler calendaring expression. SeeOracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for a detailed description of the calendaring syntax for repeat_interval as well as theCREATE_SCHEDULE procedure.

    ADMIN12676Examples of Calendaring Expressions

    The following examples illustrate simple repeat intervals. For simplicity, it is assumed that there is no contribution to the evaluation results by the start date.

    Run every Friday. (All three examples are equivalent.)


    Run every other Friday.


    Run on the last day of every month.


    Run on the next to last day of every month.


    Run on March 10th. (Both examples are equivalent)


    Run every 10 days.


    Run daily at 4, 5, and 6PM.

    FREQ=DAILY; BYHOUR=16,17,18;

    Run on the 15th day of every other month.


    Run on the 29th day of every month.


    Run on the second Wednesday of each month.


    Run on the last Friday of the year.


    Run every 50 hours.


    Run on the last day of every other month.


    Run hourly for the first three days of every month.


    Here are some more complex repeat intervals:

    Run on the last workday of every month (assuming that workdays are Monday through Friday).


    Run on the last workday of every month, excluding company holidays. (This example references an existing named schedule called Company_Holidays.)


    Run at noon every Friday and on company holidays.


    Run on these three holidays: July 4th, Memorial Day, and Labor Day. (This example references three existing named schedules—JUL4MEM, and LAB—where each defines a single date corresponding to a holiday.)


    ADMIN12677Examples of Calendaring Expression Evaluation

    A repeat interval of "FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=2;BYHOUR=17; BYMINUTE=2,4,5,50,51,7;" with a start date of 28-FEB-2004 23:00:00 will generate the following schedule:

    SUN 29-FEB-2004 17:02:00
    SUN 29-FEB-2004 17:04:00
    SUN 29-FEB-2004 17:50:00
    MON 01-MAR-2004 17:02:00
    MON 01-MAR-2004 17:04:00
    MON 01-MAR-2004 17:50:00

    A repeat interval of "FREQ=MONTHLY;BYMONTHDAY=15,-1" with a start date of 29-DEC-2003 9:00:00 will generate the following schedule:

    WED 31-DEC-2003 09:00:00
    THU 15-JAN-2004 09:00:00
    SAT 31-JAN-2004 09:00:00
    SUN 15-FEB-2004 09:00:00
    SUN 29-FEB-2004 09:00:00
    MON 15-MAR-2004 09:00:00
    WED 31-MAR-2004 09:00:00

    A repeat interval of "FREQ=MONTHLY;" with a start date of 29-DEC-2003 9:00:00 will generate the following schedule. (Note that because there is noBYMONTHDAY clause, the day of month is retrieved from the start date.)

    MON 29-DEC-2003 09:00:00
    THU 29-JAN-2004 09:00:00
    SUN 29-FEB-2004 09:00:00
    MON 29-MAR-2004 09:00:00

    ADMIN12678Example of Using a Calendaring Expression

    As an example of using the calendaring syntax, consider the following statement:

       job_name             => 'scott.my_job1',
       start_date           => '15-JUL-04 01.00.00 AM Europe/Warsaw',
       repeat_interval      => 'FREQ=MINUTELY; INTERVAL=30;',
       end_date             => '15-SEP-04 01.00.00 AM Europe/Warsaw',
       comments             => 'My comments here');

    This creates my_job1 in scott. It will run for the first time on July 15th and then run until September 15. The job is run every 30 minutes.


    Using a PL/SQL Expression

    When you need more complicated capabilities than the calendaring syntax provides, you can use PL/SQL expressions. You cannot, however, use PL/SQL expressions for windows or in named schedules. The PL/SQL expression must evaluate to a date or a timestamp. Other than this restriction, there are no limitations, so with sufficient programming, you can create every possible repeat interval. As an example, consider the following statement:

       job_name             => 'scott.my_job2', 
       start_date           => '15-JUL-04 01.00.00 AM Europe/Warsaw',
       repeat_interval      => 'SYSTIMESTAMP + INTERVAL '30' MINUTE',
       end_date             => '15-SEP-04 01.00.00 AM Europe/Warsaw',
       comments             => 'My comments here');

    This creates my_job1 in scott. It will run for the first time on July 15th and then every 30 minutes until September 15. The job is run every 30 minutes because repeat_interval is set to SYSTIMESTAMP + INTERVAL '30' MINUTE, which returns a date 30 minutes into the future.


    Differences Between PL/SQL Expression and Calendaring Syntax Behavior

    The following are important differences in behavior between a calendaring expression and PL/SQL repeat interval:

    • Start date

      Using the calendaring syntax, the start date is a reference date only. Therefore, the schedule is valid as of this date. It does not mean that the job will start on the start date.

      Using a PL/SQL expression, the start date represents the actual time that the job will start executing for the first time.

    • Next run time

      Using the calendaring syntax, the next time the job will run is fixed.

      Using the PL/SQL expression, the next time the job will run depends on the actual start time of the current run of the job. As an example of the difference, if a job started at 2:00 PM and its schedule was to repeat every 2 hours, then, if the repeat interval was specified with the calendaring syntax, it would repeat at 4, 6 and so on. If PL/SQL was used and the job started at 2:10, then the job would repeat at 4:10, and if the next job actually started at 4:11, then the subsequent run would be at 6:11.

    To illustrate these two points, consider a situation where you have a start date of 15-July-2003 1:45:00 and you want it to repeat every two hours. A calendar expression of "FREQ=HOURLY; INTERVAL=2; BYMINUTE=0;" will generate the following schedule:

    TUE 15-JUL-2003  03:00:00
    TUE 15-JUL-2003  05:00:00
    TUE 15-JUL-2003  07:00:00
    TUE 15-JUL-2003  09:00:00
    TUE 15-JUL-2003  11:00:00

    Note that the calendar expression repeats every two hours on the hour.

    A PL/SQL expression of "SYSTIMESTAMP + interval '2' hour", however, might have a run time of the following:

    TUE 15-JUL-2003  01:45:00
    TUE 15-JUL-2003  03:45:05
    TUE 15-JUL-2003  05:45:09
    TUE 15-JUL-2003  07:45:14
    TUE 15-JUL-2003  09:45:20

    Repeat Intervals and Daylight Savings

    For repeating jobs, the next time a job is scheduled to run is stored in a timestamp with time zone column. When using the calendaring syntax, the time zone is retrieved from start_date. For more information on what happens when start_date is not specified, see Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference.

    In the case of repeat intervals that are based on PL/SQL expressions, the time zone is part of the timestamp that is returned by the PL/SQL expression. In both cases, it is important to use region names. For example, "Europe/Istanbul", instead of absolute time zone offsets such as "+2:00". Only when a time zone is specified as a region name will the Scheduler follow daylight savings adjustments that apply to that region.


    Using Events to Start Jobs

    This section contains:

    See Also:


    About Events

    An event is a message sent by one application or system process to another to indicate that some action or occurrence has been detected. An event israised (sent) by one application or process, and consumed (received) by one or more applications or processes.

    There are two kinds of events consumed by the Scheduler:

    • Events raised by your application

      An application can raise an event to be consumed by the Scheduler. The Scheduler reacts to the event by starting a job. For example, when an inventory tracking system notices that the inventory has gone below a certain threshold, it can raise an event that starts an inventory replenishment job.

      See "Starting Jobs with Events Raised by Your Application".

    • File arrival events raised by a file watcher

      You can create a file watcher—a Scheduler object introduced in Oracle Database 11g Release 2—to watch for the arrival of a file on a system. You can then configure a job to start when the file watcher detects the presence of the file. For example, a data warehouse for a chain of stores loads data from end-of-day revenue reports uploaded from the point-of-sale systems in the stores. The data warehouse load job starts each time a new end-of-day report arrives.

      See "Starting a Job When a File Arrives on a System"

    See Also:


    Starting Jobs with Events Raised by Your Application

    Your application can raise an event to notify the Scheduler to start a job. A job started in this way is referred to as an event-based job. You can create a named schedule that references an event instead of containing date, time, and recurrence information. If a job is given such a schedule (an event schedule), the job runs when the event is raised.

    To raise an event to notify the Scheduler to start a job, your application enqueues a message onto an Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing queue that was specified when setting up the job. When the job starts, it can optionally retrieve the message content of the event.

    To create an event-based job, you must set these two additional attributes:

    • queue_spec

      A queue specification that includes the name of the queue where your application enqueues messages to raise job start events, or in the case of a secure queue, the queue name followed by a comma and the agent name.

    • event_condition

      A conditional expression based on message properties that must evaluate to TRUE for the message to start the job. The expression must have the syntax of an Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing rule. Accordingly, you can include user data properties in the expression, provided that the message payload is an object type, and that you prefix object attributes in the expression with tab.user_data.

      For more information on rules, see the DBMS_AQADM.ADD_SUBSCRIBER procedure in Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference.

      The following example sets event_condition to select only low-inventory events that occur after midnight and before 9:00 a.m. Assume that the message payload is an object with two attributes called event_type and event_timestamp.

      event_condition = 'tab.user_data.event_type = ''LOW_INVENTORY'' and 
      extract hour from tab.user_data.event_timestamp < 9'

    You can specify queue_spec and event_condition as inline job attributes, or you can create an event schedule with these attributes and point to this schedule from the job.


    The Scheduler runs the event-based job for each occurrence of an event that matches event_condition. However, by default, events that occur while the job is already running are ignored; the event gets consumed, but does not trigger another run of the job. Beginning in Oracle Database 11g Release 1, you can change this default behavior by setting the job attribute PARALLEL_INSTANCES to TRUE. In this case, an instance of the job is started for every instance of the event, and all job instances are lightweight jobs. See the SET_ATTRIBUTE procedure in Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details.

    Table 29-5 describes common administration tasks involving events raised by an application (and consumed by the Scheduler) and the procedures associated with them.


    Table 29-5 Event Tasks and Their Procedures for Events Raised by an Application

    TaskProcedurePrivilege Needed

    Creating an Event-Based Job



    Altering an Event-Based Job


    CREATE ANY JOB or ownership of the job being altered or ALTER privileges on the job

    Creating an Event Schedule



    Altering an Event Schedule


    CREATE ANY JOB or ownership of the schedule being altered or ALTER privileges on the schedule

    See Also:

    Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide for information on how to create queues and enqueue messages.

    Creating an Event-Based Job

    You use the CREATE_JOB procedure or Enterprise Manager to create an event-based job. The job can include event information inline as job attributes or can specify event information by pointing to an event schedule.

    Like jobs based on time schedules, event-based jobs are not auto-dropped unless the job end date passes, max_runs is reached, or the maximum number of failures (max_failures) is reached.

    Specifying Event Information as Job Attributes

    To specify event information as job attributes, you use an alternate syntax of CREATE_JOB that includes the queue_spec and event_condition attributes.

    The following example creates a job that starts when an application signals the Scheduler that inventory levels for an item have fallen to a low threshold level:

       job_name            =>  'process_lowinv_j1',
       program_name        =>  'process_lowinv_p1',
       event_condition     =>  'tab.user_data.event_type = ''LOW_INVENTORY''',
       queue_spec          =>  'inv_events_q, inv_agent1',
       enabled             =>  TRUE,
       comments            =>  'Start an inventory replenishment job');

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information regarding the CREATE_JOB procedure.

    Specifying Event Information in an Event Schedule

    To specify event information with an event schedule, you set the job's schedule_name attribute to the name of an event schedule, as shown in the following example:

       job_name            =>  'process_lowinv_j1',
       program_name        =>  'process_lowinv_p1',
       schedule_name       =>  'inventory_events_schedule',
       enabled             =>  TRUE,
       comments            =>  'Start an inventory replenishment job');

    See "Creating an Event Schedule" for more information.


    Altering an Event-Based Job

    You alter an event-based job by using the SET_ATTRIBUTE procedure. For jobs that specify the event inline, you cannot set the queue_spec andevent_condition attributes individually with SET_ATTRIBUTE. Instead, you must set an attribute called event_spec, and pass an event condition and queue specification as the third and fourth arguments, respectively, to SET_ATTRIBUTE.

    The following is an example of using the event_spec attribute:

      DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE ('my_job', 'event_spec', 
       'tab.user_data.event_type = ''LOW_INVENTORY''', 'inv_events_q, inv_agent1');

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information regarding the SET_ATTRIBUTE procedure.


    Creating an Event Schedule

    You can create a schedule that is based on an event. You can then reuse the schedule for multiple jobs. To do so, use the CREATE_EVENT_SCHEDULEprocedure, or use Enterprise Manager. The following is an example of creating an event schedule:

       schedule_name     =>  'inventory_events_schedule',
       start_date        =>  SYSTIMESTAMP,
       event_condition   =>  'tab.user_data.event_type = ''LOW_INVENTORY''', 
       queue_spec        =>  'inv_events_q, inv_agent1');

    You can drop an event schedule using the DROP_SCHEDULE procedure. See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information on CREATE_EVENT_SCHEDULE.


    Altering an Event Schedule

    You alter the event information in an event schedule in the same way that you alter event information in a job. For more information, see "Altering an Event-Based Job".

    The following example demonstrates how to use the SET_ATTRIBUTE procedure and the event_spec attribute to alter event information in an event schedule.

      DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE ('inventory_events_schedule', 'event_spec',
       'tab.user_data.event_type = ''LOW_INVENTORY''', 'inv_events_q, inv_agent1');

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information regarding the SET_ATTRIBUTE procedure.


    Passing Event Messages into an Event-Based Job

    Through a metadata argument, the Scheduler can pass to an event-based job the message content of the event that started the job. The following rules apply:

    • The job must use a named program of type STORED_PROCEDURE.

    • One of the named program's arguments must be a metadata argument with metadata_attribute set to EVENT_MESSAGE.

    • The stored procedure that implements the program must have an argument at the position corresponding to the named program's metadata argument. The argument type must be the data type of the queue where your application queues the job-start event.

    If you use the RUN_JOB procedure to manually run a job that has an EVENT_MESSAGE metadata argument, the value passed to that argument is NULL.

    The following example shows how to construct an event-based job that can receive the event message content:

    create or replace procedure my_stored_proc (event_msg IN event_queue_type)
      -- retrieve and process message body
      dbms_scheduler.create_program (
          program_name => 'my_prog',
          program_action=> 'my_stored_proc',
          program_type => 'STORED_PROCEDURE',
          number_of_arguments => 1,
          enabled => FALSE) ;
      dbms_scheduler.define_metadata_argument (
          program_name => 'my_prog',
          argument_position => 1 ,
          metadata_attribute => 'EVENT_MESSAGE') ;
      dbms_scheduler.enable ('my_prog');
      when others then raise ;
    end ;
      dbms_scheduler.create_job (
         job_name => 'my_evt_job' ,
         program_name => 'my_prog',
         schedule_name => 'my_evt_sch',
         enabled => true,
         auto_Drop => false) ;
      when others then raise ;
    end ;

    Starting a Job When a File Arrives on a System

    You can configure the Scheduler to start a job when a file arrives on the local system or a remote system. The job is an event-based job, and the file arrival event is raised by a file watcher, which is a Scheduler object introduced in Oracle Database 11g Release 2.

    This section contains:


    About File Watchers

    file watcher is a Scheduler object that defines the location, name, and other properties of a file whose arrival on a system causes the Scheduler to start a job. You create a file watcher and then create any number of event-based jobs or event schedules that reference the file watcher. When the file watcher detects the arrival of the designated file, it raises a file arrival event. The job started by the file arrival event can retrieve the event message to learn about the newly arrived file. The message contains the information required to find the file, open it, and process it.

    A file watcher can watch for a file on the local system (the same host computer running Oracle Database) or a remote system. Remote systems must be running the Scheduler agent, and the agent must be registered with the database.

    File watchers check for the arrival of files every 10 minutes. You can adjust this interval. See "Changing the File Arrival Detection Interval" for details.

    You must have the CREATE JOB system privilege to create a file watcher in your own schema. You require the CREATE ANY JOB system privilege to create a file watcher in a schema different from your own (except the SYS schema, which is disallowed). You can grant the EXECUTE object privilege on a file watcher so that jobs in different schemas can reference it. You can also grant the ALTER object privilege on a file watcher so that another user can modify it.

    To use file watchers, the database Java virtual machine (JVM) component must be installed.


    Enabling File Arrival Events from Remote Systems

    To receive file arrival events from a remote system, you must install the Scheduler agent on that system, and you must register the agent with the database. The remote system does not require a running Oracle Database instance to generate file arrival events.

    To enable the raising of file arrival events at remote systems: 

    1. Set up the local database to run remote external jobs.

      See "Setting up Databases for Remote Jobs" for instructions.

    2. Install, configure, register, and start the Scheduler agent on the first remote system.

      See "Installing and Configuring the Scheduler Agent on a Remote Host" for instructions.

      This adds the remote host to the list of external destinations maintained on the local database.

    3. Repeat the previous step for each additional remote system.


    Creating File Watchers and File Watcher Jobs

    You perform the following tasks to create a file watcher and create the event-based job that starts when the designated file arrives.

    Task 1   - Create a Credential

    The file watcher requires a Scheduler credential object (a credential) with which to authenticate with the host operating system for access to the file. See "Credentials" for information on privileges required to create credentials.

    Perform these steps:

    1. Create a credential for the operating system user that must have access to the watched-for file.

    2. Grant the EXECUTE object privilege on the credential to the schema that owns the event-based job that the file watcher will start.

    Task 2   - Create a File Watcher

    Perform these steps:

    1. Create the file watcher, assigning attributes as described in the DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_FILE_WATCHER procedure documentation in Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference. You can specify wildcard parameters in the file name. A '?' prefix in the DIRECTORY_PATHattribute denotes the path to the Oracle home directory. A NULL destination indicates the local host. To watch for the file on a remote host, provide a valid external destination name, which you can obtain from the view ALL_SCHEDULER_EXTERNAL_DESTS.

          DIRECTORY_PATH    => '?/eod_reports',
          FILE_NAME         => 'eod*.txt',
          DESTINATION       => NULL,
          ENABLED           => FALSE);
    2. Grant EXECUTE on the file watcher to any schema that owns an event-based job that references the file watcher.

    Task 3   - Create a Program Object with a Metadata Argument

    So that your application can retrieve the file arrival event message content, which includes file name, file size, and so on, create a Scheduler program object with a metadata argument that references the event message.

    Perform these steps:

    1. Create the program.

          PROGRAM_TYPE        => 'STORED_PROCEDURE',
          NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS => 1,
          ENABLED             => FALSE);
    2. Define the metadata argument using the event_message attribute.

          METADATA_ATTRIBUTE => 'event_message',
          ARGUMENT_POSITION  => 1);
    3. Create the stored procedure that the program invokes.

      The stored procedure that processes the file arrival event must have an argument of type SYS.SCHEDULER_FILEWATCHER_RESULT, which is the data type of the event message. The position of that argument must match the position of the defined metadata argument. The procedure can then access attributes of this abstract data type to learn about the arrived file.

    See Also:

    Task 4   - Create an Event-Based Job That References the File Watcher

    Create the event-based job as described in "Creating an Event-Based Job", with the following exception: instead of providing a queue specification in the queue_spec attribute, provide the name of the file watcher. You would typically leave the event_condition job attribute null, but you can provide a condition if desired.

    As an alternative to setting the queue_spec attribute for the job, you can create an event schedule, reference the file watcher in the queue_specattribute of the event schedule, and reference the event schedule in the schedule_name attribute of the job.

    Perform these steps to prepare the event-based job:

    1. Create the job.

          JOB_NAME        => 'DSSUSER.EOD_JOB',
          QUEUE_SPEC      => 'EOD_FILE_WATCHER',
          AUTO_DROP       => FALSE,
          ENABLED         => FALSE);
    2. If you want the job to run for each instance of the file arrival event, even if the job is already processing a previous event, set theparallel_instances attribute to TRUE. With this setting, the job runs as a lightweight job so that multiple instances of the job can be started quickly. To discard file watcher events that occur while the event-based job is already processing another, leave the parallel_instancesattribute FALSE (the default).


      For more information about this attribute, see the SET_ATTRIBUTE description in Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference.

    Task 5   - Enable All Objects

    Enable the file watcher, the program, and the job.


    File Arrival Example

    In this example, an event-based job watches for the arrival of end-of-day sales reports onto the local host from various locations. As each report file arrives, a stored procedure captures information about the file and stores the information in a table called eod_reports. A regularly scheduled report aggregation job can then query this table, process all unprocessed files, and mark any newly processed files as processed.

    It is assumed that the database user running the following code has been granted EXECUTE on the SYS.SCHEDULER_FILEWATCHER_RESULT data type.

         credential_name => 'watch_credential',
         username        => 'pos1',
         password        => 'jk4545st');
    create table eod_reports (when timestamp, file_name varchar2(100), 
       file_size number, processed char(1));
    create or replace procedure q_eod_report 
      (payload IN sys.scheduler_filewatcher_result) as 
      insert into eod_reports values 
          payload.directory_path || '/' || payload.actual_file_name,
        program_name        => 'eod_prog',
        program_type        => 'stored_procedure',
        program_action      => 'q_eod_report',
        number_of_arguments => 1,
        enabled             => false);
        program_name        => 'eod_prog',
        metadata_attribute  => 'event_message',
        argument_position   => 1);
        file_watcher_name => 'eod_reports_watcher',
        directory_path    => '?/eod_reports',
        file_name         => 'eod*.txt',
        credential_name   => 'watch_credential',
        destination       => null,
        enabled           => false);
        job_name        => 'eod_job',
        program_name    => 'eod_prog',
        event_condition => 'tab.user_data.file_size > 10',
        queue_spec      => 'eod_reports_watcher',
        auto_drop       => false,
        enabled         => false);
    exec dbms_scheduler.enable('eod_reports_watcher,eod_job');

    Managing File Watchers

    The DBMS_SCHEDULER PL/SQL package provides procedures for enabling, disabling, dropping, and setting attributes for file watchers.

    The section contains:

    See Also:

    Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information about the DBMS_SCHEDULER PL/SQL package
    Enabling File Watchers

    If a file watcher is disabled, use DBMS_SCHEDULER.ENABLE to enable it, as shown in Task 5, "- Enable All Objects".

    You can enable a file watcher only if all of its attributes are set to legal values and the file watcher owner has EXECUTE privileges on the specified credential.

    Altering File Watchers

    Use the DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE and DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE_NULL package procedures to modify the attributes of a file watcher. See theCREATE_FILE_WATCHER procedure description for information about file watcher attributes.

    Disabling and Dropping File Watchers

    Use DBMS_SCHEDULER.DISABLE to disable a file watcher and DBMS_SCHEDULER.DROP_FILE_WATCHER to drop a file watcher. You cannot disable or drop a file watcher if there are jobs that depend on it. To force a disable or drop operation in this case, set the FORCE attribute to TRUE. If you force disabling or dropping a file watcher, jobs that depend on it become disabled.

    Changing the File Arrival Detection Interval

    File watchers check for the arrival of files every ten minutes by default. You can change this interval.

    To change the file arrival detection interval: 

    1. Connect to the database as the SYS user.

    2. Change the REPEAT_INTERVAL attribute of the predefined schedule SYS.FILE_WATCHER_SCHEDULE. Use any valid calendaring syntax.

      The following example changes the file arrival detection frequency to every two minutes.


    Viewing File Watcher Information

    You can view information about file watchers by querying the views *_SCHEDULER_FILE_WATCHERS.

    SELECT file_watcher_name, destination, directory_path, file_name, credential_name 
       FROM dba_scheduler_file_watchers;
    -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----------------
    MYFW                 dsshost.example.com  /tmp                 abc        MYFW_CRED
    EOD_FILE_WATCHER                          ?/eod_reports        eod*.txt   WATCH_CREDENTIAL

    See Also:

    Oracle Database Reference for details on the *_SCHEDULER_FILE_WATCHERS views


    Creating and Managing Job Chains

    A job chain ("chain") is a named series of tasks that are linked together for a combined objective. Chains are the means by which you can implement dependency based scheduling, in which jobs are started depending on the outcomes of one or more previous jobs.

    To create and use a chain, you complete these tasks in order:

    1. Create a chain object Creating Chains
    2. Define the steps in the chain Defining Chain Steps
    3. Add rules Adding Rules to a Chain
    4. Enable the chain Enabling Chains
    5. Create a job (the "chain job") that points to the chain Creating Jobs for Chains

    Additional topics discussed in this section include:

    See Also:


    Chain Tasks and Their Procedures

    Table 29-6 illustrates common tasks involving chains and the procedures associated with them.


    Table 29-6 Chain Tasks and Their Procedures

    TaskProcedurePrivilege Needed

    Create a chain



    Drop a chain


    Ownership of the chain or ALTER privileges on the chain or CREATE ANY JOB privileges. If not owner, also requires DROP ANY EVALUATION CONTEXT and DROP ANY RULE SET

    Alter a chain


    Ownership of the chain, or ALTER privileges on the chain or CREATE ANY JOB

    Alter a running chain


    Ownership of the job, or ALTER privileges on the job or CREATE ANY JOB

    Run a chain


    CREATE JOB or CREATE ANY JOB. In addition, the owner of the new job must haveEXECUTE privileges on the chain or EXECUTE ANY PROGRAM

    Add rules to a chain


    Ownership of the chain, or ALTER privileges on the chain or CREATE ANY JOB privileges.CREATE RULE if the owner of the chain, CREATE ANY RULE otherwise

    Alter rules in a chain


    Ownership of the chain, or ALTER privileges on the chain or CREATE ANY JOB privileges. If not owner of the chain, requires ALTER privileges on the rule or ALTER ANY RULE

    Drop rules from a chain


    Ownership of the chain, or ALTER privileges on the chain or CREATE ANY JOB privileges.DROP ANY RULE if not the owner of the chain

    Enable a chain


    Ownership of the chain, or ALTER privileges on the chain or CREATE ANY JOB

    Disable a chain


    Ownership of the chain, or ALTER privileges on the chain or CREATE ANY JOB

    Create steps


    Ownership of the chain, or ALTER privileges on the chain or CREATE ANY JOB

    Drop steps


    Ownership of the chain, or ALTER privileges on the chain or CREATE ANY JOB

    Alter steps (including assigning additional attribute values to steps)


    Ownership of the chain, or ALTER privileges on the chain or CREATE ANY JOB


    Creating Chains

    You create a chain by using the CREATE_CHAIN procedure. You must ensure that you have the required privileges first. See "Setting Chain Privileges" for details.

    After creating the chain object with CREATE_CHAIN, you define chain steps and chain rules separately.

    The following is an example of creating a chain:

       chain_name          => 'my_chain1',
       rule_set_name       => NULL,
       evaluation_interval => NULL,
       comments            => 'My first chain');

    The rule_set_name and evaluation_interval arguments are typically left NULLevaluation_interval can define a repeating interval at which chain rules get evaluated. rule_set_name refers to a rule set as defined within Oracle Streams.

    See Also:


    Defining Chain Steps

    After creating a chain object, you define one or more chain steps. Each step can point to one of the following:

    • A Scheduler program object (program)

    • Another chain (a nested chain)

    • An event schedule, inline event, or file watcher

    You define a step that points to a program or nested chain by using the DEFINE_CHAIN_STEP procedure. An example is the following, which adds two steps to my_chain1:

       chain_name      =>  'my_chain1',
       step_name       =>  'my_step1',
       program_name    =>  'my_program1');
       chain_name      =>  'my_chain1',
       step_name       =>  'my_step2',
       program_name    =>  'my_chain2');

    The named program or chain does not have to exist when defining the step. However it must exist and be enabled when the chain runs, otherwise an error is generated.

    You define a step that waits for an event to occur by using the DEFINE_CHAIN_EVENT_STEP procedure. Procedure arguments can point to an event schedule, can include an inline queue specification and event condition, or can include a file watcher name. This example creates a third chain step that waits for the event specified in the named event schedule:

       chain_name           =>  'my_chain1',
       step_name            =>  'my_step3',
       event_schedule_name  =>  'my_event_schedule');

    An event step does not wait for its event until the step is started.

    ADMIN12680Steps That Run Local External Executables

    After defining a step that runs a local external executable, you must use the ALTER_CHAIN procedure to assign a credential to the step, as shown in the following example:


    ADMIN13385Steps That Run on Remote Destinations

    After defining a step that is to run an external executable on a remote host or a database program unit on a remote database, you must use theALTER_CHAIN procedure to assign both a credential and a destination to the step, as shown in the following example:


    ADMIN12682Making Steps Restartable

    After a database recovery, by default steps that were running are marked as STOPPED and the chain continues. You can specify the chain steps to restart automatically after a database recovery by using ALTER_CHAIN to set the restart_on_recovery attribute to TRUE for those steps.

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information regarding the DEFINE_CHAIN_STEPDEFINE_CHAIN_EVENT_STEP, andALTER_CHAIN procedures.


    Adding Rules to a Chain

    You add a rule to a chain with the DEFINE_CHAIN_RULE procedure. You call this procedure once for each rule that you want to add to the chain.

    Chain rules define when steps run, and define dependencies between steps. Each rule has a condition and an action. Whenever rules are evaluated, if a rule's condition evaluates to TRUE, its action is performed. The condition can contain Scheduler chain condition syntax or any syntax that is valid in a SQLWHERE clause. The syntax can include references to attributes of any chain step, including step completion status. A typical action is to run a specified step or to run a list of steps.

    All chain rules work together to define the overall action of the chain. When the chain job starts and at the end of each step, all rules are evaluated to see what action or actions occur next. If more than one rule has a TRUE condition, multiple actions can occur. You can cause rules to also be evaluated at regular intervals by setting the evaluation_interval attribute of a chain.

    Conditions are usually based on the outcome of one or more previous steps. For example, you might want one step to run if the two previous steps succeeded, and another to run if either of the two previous steps failed.

    Scheduler chain condition syntax takes one of the following two forms:

    stepname ERROR_CODE {comparision_operator|[NOT] IN} {integer|list_of_integers}

    You can combine conditions with boolean operators ANDOR, and NOT() to create conditional expressions. You can employ parentheses in your expressions to determine order of evaluation.

    ERROR_CODE can be set with the RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR PL/SQL statement within the program assigned to the step. Although the error codes that your program sets in this way are negative numbers, when testing ERROR_CODE in a chain rule, you test for positive numbers. For example, if your program contains the following statement:

    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20100, errmsg);

    your chain rule condition must be the following:

    stepname ERROR_CODE=20100

    ADMIN12683Step Attributes

    The following is a list of step attributes that you can include in conditions when using SQL WHERE clause syntax:


    The completed attribute is boolean and is TRUE when the state attribute is either SUCCEEDEDFAILED, or STOPPED.

    Table 29-7 shows the possible values for the state attribute. These values are visible in the STATE column of the *_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_CHAINS views.


    Table 29-7 Values for the State Attribute of a Chain Step

    State Attribute ValueMeaning


    The step's chain is running, but the step has not yet started.


    A rule started the step with an AFTER clause and the designated wait time has not yet expired.


    The step is running. For an event step, the step was started and is waiting for an event.


    The step's PAUSE attribute is set to TRUE and the step is paused. It must be unpaused before steps that depend on it can start.


    The step completed successfully. The step's ERROR_CODE is 0.


    The step completed with a failure. ERROR_CODE is nonzero.


    The step was stopped with the STOP_JOB procedure.


    The step is a nested chain that has stalled.

    See the DEFINE_CHAIN_RULE procedure in Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for rules and examples for SQL WHERE clause syntax.

    ADMIN12684Condition Examples Using Scheduler Chain Condition Syntax

    These examples use Scheduler chain condition syntax.

    Steps started by rules containing the following condition are started when the step named form_validation_step is completed (SUCCEEDEDFAILED, orSTOPPED).

    form_validation_step COMPLETED

    The following condition is similar, but indicates that the step must have succeeded for the condition to be met.

    form_validation_step SUCCEEDED

    The next condition tests for an error. It is TRUE if the step form_validation_step failed with any error code other than 20001.

    form_validation_step FAILED AND form_validation_step ERROR_CODE != 20001

    See the DEFINE_CHAIN_RULE procedure in Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more examples.

    ADMIN13492Condition Examples Using SQL WHERE Syntax


    ADMIN12685Starting the Chain

    At least one rule must have a condition that always evaluates to TRUE so that the chain can start when the chain job starts. The easiest way to accomplish this is to just set the condition to 'TRUE' if you are using Schedule chain condition syntax, or '1=1' if you are using SQL syntax.

    ADMIN12686Ending the Chain

    At least one chain rule must contain an action of 'END'. A chain job does not complete until one of the rules containing the END action evaluates to TRUE. Several different rules with different END actions are common, some with error codes, and some without.

    If a chain has no more running steps or it is not waiting for an event to occur, and no rules containing the END action evaluate to TRUE (or there are no rules with the END action), the chain job enters the CHAIN_STALLED state. See "Handling Stalled Chains" for more information.

    ADMIN12687Example of Defining Rules

    The following example defines a rule that starts the chain at step step1 and a rule that starts step step2 when step1 completes. rule_name and commentsare optional and default to NULL. If you do use rule_name, you can later redefine that rule with another call to DEFINE_CHAIN_RULE. The new definition overwrites the previous one.

       chain_name   =>   'my_chain1',
       condition    =>   'TRUE',
       action       =>   'START step1',
       rule_name    =>   'my_rule1',
       comments     =>   'start the chain');
       chain_name   =>   'my_chain1',
       condition    =>   'step1 completed',
       action       =>   'START step2',
       rule_name    =>   'my_rule2');

    See Also:


    Setting an Evaluation Interval for Chain Rules

    The Scheduler evaluates all chain rules at the start of the chain job and at the end of each chain step. You can configure a chain to also have its rules evaluated at a repeating time interval, such as once per hour. This capability is useful to start chain steps based on time of day or based on occurrences external to the chain. Here are some examples:

    • A chain step is resource-intensive and must therefore run at off-peak hours. You could condition the step on both the completion of another step and on the time of day being after 6:00 p.m and before midnight. The Scheduler would then have to evaluate rules every so often to determine when this condition becomes TRUE.

    • A step must wait for data to arrive in a table from some other process that is external to the chain. You could condition this step on both the completion of another step and on a particular table containing rows. The Scheduler would then have to evaluate rules every so often to determine when this condition becomes TRUE. The condition would use SQL WHERE clause syntax, and would be similar to the following:

      ':step1.state=''SUCCEEDED'' AND select count(*) from oe.sync_table > 0'

    To set an evaluation interval for a chain, you set the evaluation_interval attribute when you create the chain. The data type for this attribute is INTERVALDAY TO SECOND.

       chain_name          => 'my_chain1',
       rule_set_name       => NULL,
       evaluation_interval => INTERVAL '30' MINUTE,
       comments            => 'Chain with 30 minute evaluation interval');

    Enabling Chains

    You enable a chain with the ENABLE procedure. A chain must be enabled before it can be run by a job. Enabling an already enabled chain does not return an error.

    The following example enables chain my_chain1:

      DBMS_SCHEDULER.ENABLE ('my_chain1');

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information regarding the ENABLE procedure.


    Chains are automatically disabled by the Scheduler when:
    • The program that one of the chain steps points to is dropped

    • The nested chain that one of the chain steps points to is dropped

    • The event schedule that one of the chain event steps points to is dropped


    Creating Jobs for Chains

    To run a chain, you must either use the RUN_CHAIN procedure or create and schedule a job of type 'CHAIN' (a chain job). The job action must refer to the chain name, as shown in the following example:

       job_name        => 'chain_job_1',
       job_type        => 'CHAIN',
       job_action      => 'my_chain1',
       repeat_interval => 'freq=daily;byhour=13;byminute=0;bysecond=0',
       enabled         => TRUE);

    For every step of a chain job that is running, the Scheduler creates a step job with the same job name and owner as the chain job. Each step job additionally has a job subname to uniquely identify it. The job subname is included as a column in the views *_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS,*_SCHEDULER_JOB_LOG, and *_SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS. The job subname is normally the same as the step name except in the following cases:

    • For nested chains, the current step name may have already been used as a job subname. In this case, the Scheduler appends '_N' to the step name, where N is an integer that results in a unique job subname.

    • If there is a failure when creating a step job, the Scheduler logs a FAILED entry in the job log views (*_SCHEDULER_JOB_LOG and*_SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS) with the job subname set to 'step_name_0'.

    See Also:


    Dropping Chains

    You drop a chain, including its steps and rules, by using the DROP_CHAIN procedure. An example of dropping a chain is the following, which dropsmy_chain1:

       chain_name   => 'my_chain1',
       force        => TRUE);

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information regarding the DROP_CHAIN procedure.


    Running Chains

    You can use the following two procedures to run a chain immediately:

    • RUN_JOB


    If you already created a chain job for a chain, you can use the RUN_JOB procedure to run that job (and thus run the chain), but you must set theuse_current_session argument of RUN_JOB to FALSE.

    You can use the RUN_CHAIN procedure to run a chain without having to first create a chain job for the chain. You can also use RUN_CHAIN to run only part of a chain.

    RUN_CHAIN creates a temporary job to run the specified chain. If you supply a job name, the job is created with that name, otherwise a default job name is assigned.

    If you supply a list of start steps, only those steps are started when the chain begins running. (Steps that would normally have started do not run if they are not in the list.) If no list of start steps is given, the chain starts normally—that is, an initial evaluation is done to see which steps to start running. An example is the following, which immediately runs the chain my_chain1:

       chain_name    =>  'my_chain1',
       job_name      =>  'partial_chain_job',
       start_steps   =>  'my_step2, my_step4');

    See Also:


    Dropping Chain Rules

    You drop a rule from a chain by using the DROP_CHAIN_RULE procedure. An example is the following, which drops my_rule1:

       chain_name   =>   'my_chain1',
       rule_name    =>   'my_rule1',
       force        =>   TRUE);

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information regarding the DROP_CHAIN_RULE procedure.


    Disabling Chains

    You disable a chain by using the DISABLE procedure. An example is the following, which disables my_chain1:

      DBMS_SCHEDULER.DISABLE ('my_chain1');

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information regarding the DISABLE procedure.


    Chains are automatically disabled by the Scheduler when:
    • The program that one of the chain steps points to is dropped

    • The nested chain that one of the chain steps points to is dropped

    • The event schedule that one of the chain event steps points to is dropped


    Dropping Chain Steps

    You drop a step from a chain by using the DROP_CHAIN_STEP procedure. An example is the following, which drops my_step2 from my_chain2:

       chain_name   =>   'my_chain2',
       step_name    =>   'my_step2',
       force        =>    TRUE);

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information regarding the DROP_CHAIN_STEP procedure.


    Stopping Chains

    To stop a running chain, you call DBMS_SCHEDULER.STOP_JOB, passing the name of the chain job (the job that started the chain). When you stop a chain job, all steps of the chain that are running are stopped and the chain ends.

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information regarding the STOP_JOB procedure.


    Stopping Individual Chain Steps

    There are two ways to stop individual chain steps:

    • By creating a chain rule that stops one or more steps when the rule condition is met.

    • By calling the STOP_JOB procedure.

      For each step to stop, you must specify the schema name, chain job name, and step job subname.


      In this example, chainrunjob is the chain job name and stepa is the step job subname. The step job subname is typically the same as the step name, but not always. You can obtain the step job subname from the STEP_JOB_SUBNAME column of the *_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_CHAINS views.

    When you stop a chain step, its state is set to STOPPED and the chain rules are evaluated to determine the steps to run next.

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information regarding the STOP_JOB procedure.


    Pausing Chains

    You can pause an entire chain or individual branches of a chain. You do so by setting the PAUSE attribute of one or more steps to TRUE withDBMS_SCHEDULER.ALTER_CHAIN or ALTER_RUNNING_CHAIN. Pausing chain steps enables you to suspend the running of the chain after those steps run.

    When you pause a step, after the step runs, its state attribute changes to PAUSED, and its completed attribute remains FALSE. Steps that depend on the completion of the paused step are therefore not run. If you reset the PAUSE attribute to FALSE for a paused step, its state attribute is set to its completion state (SUCCEEDEDFAILED, or STOPPED), and steps that are awaiting the completion of the paused step can then run.

    In Figure 29-1, Step 3 is paused. Until Step 3 is unpaused, Step 5 will not run. If you were to pause only Step 2, then Steps 4, 6, and 7 would not run. However Steps 1, 3, and 5 could run. In either case, you are suspending only one branch of the chain.

    To pause an entire chain, you pause all steps of the chain. To unpause a chain, you unpause one, many, or all of the chain steps. With the chain inFigure 29-1, pausing Step 1 would also achieve the pausing of the entire chain after Step 1 runs.

    See Also:

    The DBMS_SCHEDULER.ALTER_CHAIN and DBMS_SCHEDULER.ALTER_RUNNING_CHAIN procedures in Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference

    Skipping Chain Steps

    You can skip one or more steps in a chain. You do so by setting the SKIP attribute of one or more steps to TRUE with DBMS_SCHEDULER.ALTER_CHAIN orALTER_RUNNING_CHAIN. If a step's SKIP attribute is TRUE, then when a chain condition to run that step is met, instead of being run, the step is treated as if it has immediately succeeded. Setting SKIP to TRUE has no effect on a step that is running, that is scheduled to run after a delay, or that has already run.

    Skipping steps is especially useful when testing chains. For example, when testing the chain shown in Figure 29-1, skipping Step 7 could shorten testing time considerably, because this step is a nested chain.


    Running Part of a Chain

    There are two ways to run only a part of a chain:

    • Use the ALTER_CHAIN procedure to set the PAUSE attribute to TRUE for one or more steps, and then either start the chain job with RUN_JOB or start the chain with RUN_CHAIN. Any steps that depend on the paused steps do not run. (However, the paused steps do run.)

      The disadvantage of this method is that you must set the PAUSE attribute back to FALSE for the affected steps for future runs of the chain.

    • Use the RUN_CHAIN procedure to start only certain steps of the chain, skipping those steps that you do not want to run.

      This is a more straightforward approach and also enables you to set the initial state of steps before starting them.

    You may have to use both of these methods to skip steps both at the beginning and end of a chain.

    See the discussion of the RUN_CHAIN procedure in Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information.


    Monitoring Running Chains

    You can view the status of running chains with the following two views:


    The *_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS views contain one row for the chain job and one row for each running step. The *_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_CHAINS views contain one row for each chain step (including any nested chains) and include run status for each step (NOT_STARTEDRUNNINGSTOPPEDSUCCEEDED, and so on).

    See Oracle Database Reference for details on these views.


    Handling Stalled Chains

    At the completion of a step, the chain rules are always evaluated to determine the next steps to run. If none of the rules cause another step to start, none cause the chain to end, and the evaluation_interval for the chain is NULL, the chain enters the stalled state. When a chain is stalled, no steps are running, no steps are scheduled to run (after waiting a designated time interval), and no event steps are waiting for an event. The chain can make no further progress unless you manually intervene. In this case, the state of the job that is running the chain is set to CHAIN_STALLED. (However, the job is still listed in the *_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS views.)

    You can troubleshoot a stalled chain with the views ALL_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_CHAINS, which shows the state of all steps in the chain (including any nested chains), and ALL_SCHEDULER_CHAIN_RULES, which contains all the chain rules.

    You can enable the chain to continue by altering the state of one of its steps with the ALTER_RUNNING_CHAIN procedure. For example, if step 11 is waiting for step 9 to succeed before it can start, and if it makes sense to do so, you can set the state of step 9 to 'SUCCEEDED'.

    Alternatively, if one or more rules are incorrect, you can use the DEFINE_CHAIN_RULE procedure to replace them (using the same rule names), or to create new rules. The new and updated rules apply to the running chain and all future chain runs. After adding or updating rules, you must runEVALUATE_RUNNING_CHAIN on the stalled chain job to trigger any required actions.


    Prioritizing Jobs

    You prioritize Oracle Scheduler jobs using three Scheduler objects: job classes, windows, and window groups. These objects prioritize jobs by associating jobs with database resource manager consumer groups. This in turn controls the amount of resources allocated to these jobs. In addition, job classes enable you to set relative priorities among a group of jobs if all jobs in the group are allocated identical resource levels.

    This section contains:


    Managing Job Priorities with Job Classes

    Job classes provide a way to group jobs for prioritization. They also provide a way to easily assign a set of attribute values to member jobs. Job classes influence the priorities of their member jobs through job class attributes that relate to the database resource manager. See "Allocating Resources Among Jobs Using Resource Manager" for details.

    There is a default job class that is created with the database. If you create a job without specifying a job class, the job will be assigned to this default job class (DEFAULT_JOB_CLASS). The default job class has the EXECUTE privilege granted to PUBLIC so any database user who has the privilege to create a job can create a job in the default job class.

    This section introduces you to basic job class tasks, and discusses the following topics:

    See Also:

    "Job Classes" for an overview of job classes.

    Job Class Tasks and Their Procedures

    Table 29-8 illustrates common job class tasks and their appropriate procedures and privileges:


    Table 29-8 Job Class Tasks and Their Procedures

    TaskProcedurePrivilege Needed

    Create a job class



    Alter a job class



    Drop a job class



    See "Scheduler Privileges" for further information regarding privileges.


    Creating Job Classes

    You create a job class using the CREATE_JOB_CLASS procedure or Enterprise Manager. Job classes are always created in the SYS schema.

    The following statement creates a job class for all finance jobs:

       job_class_name             =>  'finance_jobs', 
       resource_consumer_group    =>  'finance_group');

    All jobs in this job class are assigned to the finance_group resource consumer group.

    To query job classes, use the *_SCHEDULER_JOB_CLASSES views.


    Altering Job Classes

    You alter a job class by using the SET_ATTRIBUTE procedure or Enterprise Manager. Other than the job class name, all the attributes of a job class can be altered. The attributes of a job class are available in the *_SCHEDULER_JOB_CLASSES views.

    When a job class is altered, running jobs that belong to the class are not affected. The change only takes effect for jobs that have not started running yet.


    Dropping Job Classes

    You drop one or more job classes using the DROP_JOB_CLASS procedure or Enterprise Manager. Dropping a job class means that all the metadata about the job class is removed from the database.

    You can drop several job classes in one call by providing a comma-delimited list of job class names to the DROP_JOB_CLASS procedure call. For example, the following statement drops three job classes:

      DBMS_SCHEDULER.DROP_JOB_CLASS('jobclass1, jobclass2, jobclass3');

    Setting Relative Job Priorities Within a Job Class

    You can change the relative priorities of jobs within the same job class by using the SET_ATTRIBUTE procedure. Job priorities must be in the range of 1-5, where 1 is the highest priority. For example, the following statement changes the job priority for my_job1 to a setting of 1:

       name           =>   'my_emp_job1',
       attribute      =>   'job_priority',
       value          =>   1);

    You can verify that the attribute was changed by issuing the following statement:

    JOB_NAME                       JOB_PRIORITY
    ------------------------------ ------------
    MY_EMP_JOB                                3
    MY_EMP_JOB1                               1
    MY_NEW_JOB1                               3
    MY_NEW_JOB2                               3
    MY_NEW_JOB3                               3

    Overall priority of a job within the system is determined first by the combination of the resource consumer group that the job's job class is assigned to and the current resource plan, and then by relative priority within the job class.

    See Also:


    Managing Job Scheduling and Job Priorities with Windows

    Windows provide a way to automatically activate different resource plans at different times. Running jobs can then see a change in the resources that are allocated to them when there is a change in resource plan. A job can name a window in its schedule_name attribute. The Scheduler then starts the job with the window "opens." A window has a schedule associated with it, so a window can open at various times during your workload cycle.

    The key attributes of a window are its:

    • Schedule

      This controls when the window is in effect.

    • Duration

      This controls how long the window is open.

    • Resource plan

      This names the resource plan that activates when the window opens.

    Only one window can be in effect at any given time. Windows belong to the SYS schema.

    All window activity is logged in the *_SCHEDULER_WINDOW_LOG views, otherwise known as the window logs. See "Window Log" for examples of window logging.

    This section introduces you to basic window tasks, and discusses the following topics:

    See Also:

    "Windows" for an overview of windows.

    Window Tasks and Their Procedures

    Table 29-9 illustrates common window tasks and the procedures you use to handle them.


    Table 29-9 Window Tasks and Their Procedures

    TaskProcedurePrivilege Needed

    Create a window



    Open a window



    Close a window



    Alter a window



    Drop a window



    Disable a window



    Enable a window



    See "Scheduler Privileges" for further information regarding privileges.


    Creating Windows

    You can use Enterprise Manager or the DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_WINDOW package procedure to create windows. When using the package procedure, you can leave the resource_plan parameter NULL. In this case, when the window opens, the current plan remains in effect.

    You must have the MANAGE SCHEDULER privilege to create windows.

    When you specify a schedule for a window, the Scheduler does not check if there is already a window defined for that schedule. Therefore, this may result in windows that overlap. Also, using a named schedule that has a PL/SQL expression as its repeat interval is not supported for windows

    See the CREATE_WINDOW procedure in Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details on window attributes.

    The following example creates a window named daytime that enables the mixed_workload_plan resource plan during office hours:

         window_name      => 'daytime',
         resource_plan    => 'mixed_workload_plan',
         start_date       => '28-APR-09 08.00.00 AM',
         repeat_interval  => 'freq=daily; byday=mon,tue,wed,thu,fri',
         duration         => interval '9' hour,
         window_priority  => 'low',
         comments         => 'OLTP transactions have priority');

    To verify that the window was created properly, query the view DBA_SCHEDULER_WINDOWS. As an example, issue the following statement:

    -----------   -------------------   -------------  ---------------
    DAYTIME       MIXED_WORKLOAD_PLAN   +000 09:00:00  freq=daily; byday=mon,tue,wed,thu,fri

    Altering Windows

    You alter a window by modifying its attributes. You do so with the SET_ATTRIBUTE and SET_ATTRIBUTE_NULL procedures or Enterprise Manager. With the exception of WINDOW_NAME, all the attributes of a window can be changed when it is altered. See the CREATE_WINDOW procedure in Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for window attribute details.

    When a window is altered, it does not affect an active window. The changes only take effect the next time the window opens.

    All windows can be altered. If you alter a window that is disabled, it will remain disabled after it is altered. An enabled window will be automatically disabled, altered, and then reenabled, if the validity checks performed during the enable process are successful.

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information about the SET_ATTRIBUTE and SET_ATTRIBUTE_NULL procedures.


    Opening Windows

    When a window opens, the Scheduler switches to the resource plan that has been associated with it during its creation. If there are jobs running when the window opens, the resources allocated to them might change due to the switch in resource plan.

    There are two ways a window can open:

    • According to the window's schedule

    • Manually, using the OPEN_WINDOW procedure

      This procedure opens the window independent of its schedule. This window will open and the resource plan associated with it will take effect immediately. Only an enabled window can be manually opened.

      In the OPEN_WINDOW procedure, you can specify the time interval that the window should be open for, using the duration attribute. The duration is of type interval day to second. If the duration is not specified, then the window will be opened for the regular duration as stored with the window.

      Opening a window manually has no impact on regular scheduled runs of the window.

      When a window that was manually opened closes, the rules about overlapping windows are applied to determine which other window should be opened at that time if any at all.

      You can force a window to open even if there is one already open by setting the force option to TRUE in the OPEN_WINDOW call or Enterprise Manager.

      When the force option is set to TRUE, the Scheduler automatically closes any window that is open at that time, even if it has a higher priority. For the duration of this manually opened window, the Scheduler does not open any other scheduled windows even if they have a higher priority. You can open a window that is already open. In this case, the window stays open for the duration specified in the call, from the time the OPEN_WINDOWcommand was issued.

      Consider an example to illustrate this. window1 was created with a duration of four hours. It has how been open for two hours. If at this point you reopen window1 using the OPEN_WINDOW call and do not specify a duration, then window1 will be open for another four hours because it was created with that duration. If you specified a duration of 30 minutes, the window will close in 30 minutes.

    When a window opens, an entry is made in the window log.

    A window can fail to switch resource plans if the current resource plan has been manually switched using the ALTER SYSTEM statement with the FORCEoption, or using the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.SWITCH_PLAN package procedure with the allow_scheduler_plan_switches argument set to FALSE. In this case, the failure to switch resource plans is written to the window log.

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information about the OPEN_WINDOW procedure and theDBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.SWITCH_PLAN procedure.


    Closing Windows

    There are two ways a window can close:

    • Based on a schedule

      A window will close based on the schedule defined at creation time.

    • Manually, using the CLOSE_WINDOW procedure

      The CLOSE_WINDOW procedure will close an open window prematurely.

    A closed window means that it is no longer in effect. When a window is closed, the Scheduler will switch the resource plan to the one that was in effect outside the window or in the case of overlapping windows to another window. If you try to close a window that does not exist or is not open, an error is generated.

    A job that is running will not close when the window it is running in closes unless the attribute stop_on_window_close was set to TRUE when the job was created. However, the resources allocated to the job may change because the resource plan may change.

    When a running job has a window group as its schedule, the job will not be stopped when its window is closed if another window that is also a member of the same window group then becomes active. This is the case even if the job was created with the attribute stop_on_window_close set to TRUE.

    When a window is closed, an entry will be added to the window log DBA_SCHEDULER_WINDOW_LOG.

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information about the CLOSE_WINDOW procedure.


    Dropping Windows

    You drop one or more windows using the DROP_WINDOW procedure or Enterprise Manager. When a window is dropped, all metadata about the window is removed from the *_SCHEDULER_WINDOWS views. All references to the window are removed from window groups.

    You can drop several windows in one call by providing a comma-delimited list of window names or window group names to the DROP_WINDOW procedure. For example, the following statement drops both windows and window groups:

      DBMS_SCHEDULER.DROP_WINDOW ('window1, window2, window3, 
       windowgroup1, windowgroup2');

    Note that if a window group name is provided, then the windows in the window group are dropped, but the window group is not dropped. To drop the window group, you must use the DROP_WINDOW_GROUP procedure.

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information about the DROP_WINDOW procedure.


    Disabling Windows

    You disable one or more windows using the DISABLE procedure or with Enterprise Manager. Therefore, the window will not open. However, the metadata of the window is still there, so it can be reenabled. Because the DISABLE procedure is used for several Scheduler objects, when disabling windows, they must be preceded by SYS.

    A window can also become disabled for other reasons. For example, a window will become disabled when it is at the end of its schedule. Also, if a window points to a schedule that no longer exists, it becomes disabled.

    If there are jobs that have the window as their schedule, you will not be able to disable the window unless you set force to TRUE in the procedure call. By default, force is set to FALSE. When the window is disabled, those jobs that have the window as their schedule will not be disabled.

    You can disable several windows in one call by providing a comma-delimited list of window names or window group names to the DISABLE procedure call. For example, the following statement disables both windows and window groups:

      DBMS_SCHEDULER.DISABLE ('sys.window1, sys.window2, 
       sys.window3, sys.windowgroup1, sys.windowgroup2');

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information about the DISABLE procedure.


    Enabling Windows

    You enable one or more windows using the ENABLE procedure or Enterprise Manager. An enabled window is one that can be opened. Windows are, by default, created enabled. When a window is enabled using the ENABLE procedure, a validity check is performed and only if this is successful will the window be enabled. When a window is enabled, it is logged in the window log table. Because the ENABLE procedure is used for several Scheduler objects, when enabling windows, they must be preceded by SYS.

    You can enable several windows in one call by providing a comma-delimited list of window names. For example, the following statement enables three windows:

      DBMS_SCHEDULER.ENABLE ('sys.window1, sys.window2, sys.window3');

    See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information about the ENABLE procedure.


    Managing Job Scheduling and Job Priorities with Window Groups

    Window groups provide an easy way to schedule jobs that must run during multiple time periods throughout the day, week, and so on. If you create a window group, add windows to it, and then name this window group in a job's schedule_name attribute, the job runs during all the windows in the window group.

    Window groups reside in the SYS schema. This section introduces you to basic window group tasks, and discusses the following topics:

    See Also:

    "Window Groups" for an overview of window groups.

    Window Group Tasks and Their Procedures

    Table 29-10 illustrates common window group tasks and the procedures you use to handle them.


    Table 29-10 Window Group Tasks and Their Procedures

    TaskProcedurePrivilege Needed

    Create a window group



    Drop a window group



    Add a member to a window group



    Drop a member from a window group



    Enable a window group



    Disable a window group



    See "Scheduler Privileges" for further information regarding privileges.


    Creating Window Groups

    You create a window group by using the DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_GROUP procedure, specifying a group type of 'WINDOW'. You can specify the member windows of the group when you create the group, or you can add them later using the ADD_GROUP_MEMBER procedure. A window group cannot be a member of another window group. You can, however, create a window group that has no members.

    If you create a window group and you specify a member window that does not exist, an error is generated and the window group is not created. If a window is already a member of a window group, it is not added again.

    Window groups are created in the SYS schema. Window groups, like windows, are created with access to PUBLIC, therefore, no privileges are required to access window groups.

    The following statement creates a window group called downtime and adds two windows (weeknights and weekends) to it:

       group_name   =>  'downtime',
       group_type   =>  'WINDOW',
       member       =>  'weeknights, weekends');

    To verify the window group contents, issue the following queries as a user with the MANAGE SCHEDULER privilege:

    SELECT group_name, enabled, number_of_members FROM dba_scheduler_groups
      WHERE group_type = 'WINDOW';
    -------------- -------- -----------------
    DOWNTIME       TRUE                     2
    SELECT group_name, member_name FROM dba_scheduler_group_members;
    --------------- --------------------

    Dropping Window Groups

    You drop one or more window groups by using the DROP_GROUP procedure. This call will drop the window group but not the windows that are members of this window group. To drop all the windows that are members of this group but not the window group itself, you can use the DROP_WINDOW procedure and provide the name of the window group to the call.

    You can drop several window groups in one call by providing a comma-delimited list of window group names to the DROP_GROUP procedure call. You must precede each window group name with the SYS schema. For example, the following statement drops three window groups:

    DBMS_SCHEDULER.DROP_GROUP('sys.windowgroup1, sys.windowgroup2, sys.windowgroup3');

    Adding a Member to a Window Group

    You add windows to a window group by using the ADD_GROUP_MEMBER procedure.

    You can add several members to a window group in one call, by specifying a comma-delimited list of windows. For example, the following statement adds two windows to the window group window_group1:

      DBMS_SCHEDULER.ADD_GROUP_MEMBER ('sys.windowgroup1','window2, window3');

    If an already open window is added to a window group, the Scheduler will not start jobs that point to this window group until the next window in the window group opens.


    Removing a Member from a Window Group

    You can remove one or more windows from a window group by using the REMOVE_GROUP_MEMBER procedure. Jobs with the stop_on_window_close flag set will only be stopped when a window closes. Dropping an open window from a window group has no impact on this.

    You can remove several members from a window group in one call by specifying a comma-delimited list of windows. For example, the following statement drops two windows:

      DBMS_SCHEDULER.REMOVE_GROUP_MEMBER('sys.window_group1', 'window2, window3');

    Enabling a Window Group

    You enable one or more window groups using the ENABLE procedure. By default, window groups are created ENABLED. For example:

      DBMS_SCHEDULER.ENABLE('sys.windowgroup1, sys.windowgroup2, sys.windowgroup3');

    Disabling a Window Group

    You disable a window group using the DISABLE procedure. A job with a disabled window group as its schedule does not run when the member windows open. Disabling a window group does not disable its member windows.

    You can also disable several window groups in one call by providing a comma-delimited list of window group names. For example, the following statement disables three window groups:

      DBMS_SCHEDULER.DISABLE('sys.windowgroup1, sys.windowgroup2, sys.windowgroup3');

    Allocating Resources Among Jobs Using Resource Manager

    The Database Resource Manager (Resource Manager) controls how resources are allocated among database sessions. It not only controls asynchronous sessions like Scheduler jobs, but also synchronous sessions like user sessions. It groups all "units of work" in the database into resource consumer groups and uses a resource plan to specify how the resources are allocated among the various consumer groups. The primary system resource that the Resource Manager allocates is CPU.

    For Scheduler jobs, resources are allocated by first assigning each job to a job class, and then associating a job class with a consumer group. Resources are then distributed among the Scheduler jobs and other sessions within the consumer group. You can also assign relative priorities to the jobs in a job class, and resources are distributed to those jobs accordingly.

    You can manually change the current resource plan at any time. Another way to change the current resource plan is by creating Scheduler windows. Windows have a resource plan attribute. When a window opens, the current plan is switched to the window's resource plan.

    The Scheduler tries to limit the number of jobs that are running simultaneously so that at least some jobs can complete, rather than running a lot of jobs concurrently but without enough resources for any of them to complete.

    The Scheduler and the Resource Manager are tightly integrated. The job coordinator obtains database resource availability from the Resource Manager. Based on that information, the coordinator determines how many jobs to start. It will only start jobs from those job classes that will have enough resources to run. The coordinator will keep starting jobs in a particular job class that maps to a consumer group until the Resource Manager determines that the maximum resource allocated for that consumer group has been reached. Therefore, there might be jobs in the job table that are ready to run but will not be picked up by the job coordinator because there are no resources to run them. Therefore, there is no guarantee that a job will run at the exact time that it was scheduled. The coordinator picks up jobs from the job table on the basis of which consumer groups still have resources available.

    The Resource Manager continues to manage the resources that are assigned to each running job based on the specified resource plan. Keep in mind that the Resource Manager can only manage database processes. The active management of resources does not apply to external jobs.


    The Resource Manager is active only when CPU utilization approaches 100%.

    Example of Resource Allocation for Jobs

    The following example illustrates how resources are allocated for jobs. Assume that the active resource plan is called "Night Plan" and that there are three job classes: JC1, which maps to consumer group DWJC2, which maps to consumer group OLTP; and JC3, which maps to the default consumer group. Figure 29-2 offers a simple graphical illustration of this scenario.

    This resource plan clearly gives priority to jobs that are part of job class JC1. Consumer group DW gets 60% of the resources, thus jobs that belong to job class JC1 will get 60% of the resources. Consumer group OLTP has 30% of the resources, which implies that jobs in job class JC2 will get 30% of the resources. The consumer group Other specifies that all other consumer groups will be getting 10% of the resources. Therefore, all jobs that belong in job class JC3 will share 10% of the resources and can get a maximum of 10% of the resources.

    Note that resources that remain unused by one consumer group are available from use by the other consumer groups. So if the jobs in job class JC1 do not fully use the allocated 60%, the unused portion is available for use by jobs in classes JC2 and JC3. Note also that the Resource Manager does not begin to restrict resource usage at all until CPU usage reaches 100%. See Chapter 27, "Managing Resources with Oracle Database Resource Manager"for more information.


    Monitoring Jobs

    There are several ways to monitor Scheduler jobs:


    Viewing the Job Log

    You can view information about job runs, job state changes, and job failures in the job log. The job log shows results for both local and remote jobs. The job log is implemented as the following two data dictionary views:



    Depending on the logging level that is in effect, the Scheduler can make job log entries whenever a job is run and when a job is created, dropped, enabled, and so on. For a job that has a repeating schedule, the Scheduler makes multiple entries in the job log—one for each job instance. Each log entry provides information about a particular run, such as the job completion status.

    The following example shows job log entries for a repeating job that has a value of 4 for the max_runs attribute:

    SELECT job_name, job_class, operation, status FROM USER_SCHEDULER_JOB_LOG;
    JOB_NAME         JOB_CLASS            OPERATION       STATUS
    ---------------- -------------------- --------------- ----------
    JOB1             CLASS1               RUN             SUCCEEDED
    JOB1             CLASS1               RUN             SUCCEEDED
    JOB1             CLASS1               RUN             SUCCEEDED
    JOB1             CLASS1               RUN             SUCCEEDED
    JOB1             CLASS1               COMPLETED

    You can control how frequently information is written to the job log by setting the logging_level attribute of either a job or a job class. Table 29-11shows the possible values for logging_level.


    Table 29-11 Job Logging Levels

    Logging LevelDescription


    No logging is performed.


    A log entry is made only if the job fails.


    A log entry is made each time the job is run.


    A log entry is made every time the job runs and for every operation performed on a job, including create, enable/disable, update (withSET_ATTRIBUTE), stop, and drop.

    Log entries for job runs are not made until after the job run completes successfully, fails, or is stopped.

    The following example shows job log entries for a complete job lifecycle. In this case, the logging level for the job class is LOGGING_FULL, and the job is a non-repeating job. After the first successful run, the job is enabled again, so it runs once more. It is then stopped and dropped.

    SELECT to_char(log_date, 'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') TIMESTAMP, job_name,
      job_class, operation, status FROM USER_SCHEDULER_JOB_LOG
      WHERE job_name = 'JOB2' ORDER BY log_date;
    -------------------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------
    18-DEC-07 23:10:56   JOB2      CLASS1     CREATE
    18-DEC-07 23:12:01   JOB2      CLASS1     UPDATE
    18-DEC-07 23:12:31   JOB2      CLASS1     ENABLE
    18-DEC-07 23:12:41   JOB2      CLASS1     RUN        SUCCEEDED
    18-DEC-07 23:13:12   JOB2      CLASS1     ENABLE
    18-DEC-07 23:13:18   JOB2                 RUN        STOPPED
    18-DEC-07 23:19:36   JOB2      CLASS1     DROP

    Run Details

    For every row in *_SCHEDULER_JOB_LOG for which the operation is RUNRETRY_RUN, or RECOVERY_RUN, there is a corresponding row in the*_SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS view. Rows from the two different views are correlated with their LOG_ID columns. You can consult the run details views to determine why a job failed or was stopped.

    SELECT to_char(log_date, 'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') TIMESTAMP, job_name, status,
       SUBSTR(additional_info, 1, 40) ADDITIONAL_INFO
       FROM user_scheduler_job_run_details ORDER BY log_date;
    -------------------- ---------- --------- ----------------------------------------
    18-DEC-07 23:12:41   JOB2       SUCCEEDED
    18-DEC-07 23:12:18   JOB2       STOPPED   REASON="Stop job called by user:'SYSTEM'
    19-DEC-07 14:12:20   REMOTE_16  FAILED    ORA-29273: HTTP request failed ORA-06512

    The run details views also contain actual job start times and durations.


    Precedence of Logging Levels in Jobs and Job Classes

    Both jobs and job classes have a logging_level attribute, with possible values listed in Table 29-11. The default logging level for job classes isLOGGING_RUNS, and the default level for individual jobs is LOGGING_OFF. If the logging level of the job class is higher than that of a job in the class, then the logging level of the job class takes precedence. Thus, by default, all job runs are recorded in the job log.

    For job classes that have very short and highly frequent jobs, the overhead of recording every single run might be too much and you might choose to turn the logging off or set logging to occur only when jobs fail. However, you might prefer to have a complete audit trail of everything that happens with jobs in a specific class, in which case you would enable full logging for that class.

    To ensure that there is an audit trail for all jobs, the individual job creator must not be able to turn logging off. The Scheduler supports this by making the class-specified level the minimum level at which job information is logged. A job creator can only enable more logging for an individual job, not less. Thus, leaving all individual job logging levels set to LOGGING_OFF ensures that all jobs in a class get logged as specified in the class.

    This functionality is provided for debugging purposes. For example, if the class-specific level is set to record job runs and logging is turned off at the job level, the Scheduler still logs job runs. If, however, the job creator turns on full logging and the class-specific level is set to record runs only, the higher logging level of the job takes precedence and all operations on this individual job are logged. This way, an end user can test his job by turning on full logging.

    To set the logging level of an individual job, you must use the SET_ATTRIBUTE procedure on that job. For example, to turn on full logging for a job calledmytestjob, issue the following statement:

       'mytestjob', 'logging_level', DBMS_SCHEDULER.LOGGING_FULL);

    Only a user with the MANAGE SCHEDULER privilege can set the logging level of a job class.

    See Also:

    "Monitoring and Managing Window and Job Logs" for more information about setting the job class logging level

    Monitoring Multiple Destination Jobs

    For multiple-destination jobs, the overall parent job state depends on the outcome of the child jobs. For example, if all child jobs succeed, the parent job state is set to SUCCEEDED. If all fail, the parent job state is set to FAILED. If some fail and some succeed, the parent job state is set to SOME FAILED.

    Due to situations that might arise on some destinations that delay the start of child jobs, there might be a significant delay before the parent job state is finalized. For repeating multiple-destination jobs, there might even be a situation in which some child jobs are on their next scheduled run while others are still working on the previous scheduled run. In this case, the parent job state is set to INCOMPLETE. Eventually, however, lagging child jobs may catch up to their siblings, in which case the final state of the parent job can be determined.

    Table Table 29-12 lists the contents of the job monitoring views for multiple-destination jobs.


    Table 29-12 Scheduler Data Dictionary View Contents for Multiple-Destination Jobs

    View NameContents


    One entry for the parent job


    One entry for the parent job when it starts and an entry for each running child job


    One entry for the parent job when it starts (operation = 'MULTIDEST_START'), one entry for each child job when the child job completes, and one entry for the parent job when the last child job completes and thus the parent completes (operation = 'MULTIDEST_RUN')


    One entry for each child job when the child job completes, and one entry for the parent job when the last child job completes and thus the parent completes


    One entry for each destination of the parent job

    In the *_SCHEDULER_JOB_DESTS views, you can determine the unique job destination ID (job_dest_id) that is assigned to each child job. This ID represents the unique combination of a job, a credential, and a destination. You can use this ID with the STOP_JOB procedure. You can also monitor the job state of each child job with the *_SCHEDULER_JOB_DESTS views.


    Monitoring Job State with Events Raised by the Scheduler

    This section contains:


    About Job State Events

    You can configure a job so that the Scheduler raises an event when the job changes state. The Scheduler can raise an event when a job starts, when a job completes, when a job exceeds its allotted run time, and so on. The consumer of the event is your application, which takes some action in response to the event. For example, if due to a high system load, a job is still not started 30 minutes after its scheduled start time, the Scheduler can raise an event that causes a handler application to stop lower priority jobs to free up system resources. The Scheduler can raise job state events for local (regular) jobs, remote database jobs, local external jobs, and remote external jobs.

    Table 29-13 describes the job state event types raised by the Scheduler.


    Table 29-13 Job State Event Types Raised by the Scheduler

    Event TypeDescription


    Not an event, but a constant that provides an easy way for you to enable all events


    The job has been disabled and has changed to the BROKEN state because it exceeded the number of failures defined by the max_failures job attribute


    A job running a chain was put into the CHAIN_STALLED state. A running chain becomes stalled if there are no steps running or scheduled to run and the chain evaluation_interval is set to NULL. No progress will be made in the chain unless there is manual intervention.


    The job completed because it reached its max_runs or end_date


    The job was disabled by the Scheduler or by a call to SET_ATTRIBUTE


    The job failed, either by throwing an error or by abnormally terminating


    The job exceeded the maximum run duration specified by its max_run_duration attribute.


    A job run either failed, succeeded, or was stopped


    The job's schedule limit was reached. The job was not started because the delay in starting the job exceeded the value of the schedule_limit job attribute.


    The job started


    The job was stopped by a call to STOP_JOB


    The job completed successfully

    You enable the raising of job state events by setting the raise_events job attribute. By default, a job does not raise any job state events.

    The Scheduler uses Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing to raise events. When raising a job state change event, the Scheduler enqueues a message onto a default event queue. Your applications subscribe to this queue, dequeue event messages, and take appropriate actions.

    After you enable job state change events for a job, the Scheduler raises these events by enqueuing messages onto the Scheduler event queueSYS.SCHEDULER$_EVENT_QUEUE. This queue is a secure queue, so depending on your application, you may have to configure the queue to enable certain users to perform operations on it. See Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for information on secure queues.

    To prevent unlimited growth of the Scheduler event queue, events raised by the Scheduler expire in 24 hours by default. (Expired events are deleted from the queue.) You can change this expiry time by setting the event_expiry_time Scheduler attribute with the SET_SCHEDULER_ATTRIBUTE procedure. SeeOracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information.


    Altering a Job to Raise Job State Events

    To enable job state events to be raised for a job, you use the SET_ATTRIBUTE procedure to turn on bit flags in the raise_events job attribute. Each bit flag represents a different job state to raise an event for. For example, turning on the least significant bit enables job started events to be raised. To enable multiple state change event types in one call, you add the desired bit flag values together and supply the result as an argument to SET_ATTRIBUTE.

    The following example enables multiple state change events for job dw_reports. It enables the following event types, both of which indicate some kind of error.



      DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE('dw_reports', 'raise_events',


    You do not need to enable the JOB_OVER_MAX_DUR event with the raise_events job attribute; it is always enabled.

    See Also:

    The discussion of DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE in Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for the names and values of job state bit flags

    Consuming Job State Events with your Application

    To consume job state events, your application must subscribe to the Scheduler event queue SYS.SCHEDULER$_EVENT_QUEUE. This queue is a secure queue and is owned by SYS. To create a subscription to this queue for a user, do the following:

    1. Log in to the database as the SYS user or as a user with the MANAGE ANY QUEUE privilege.

    2. Subscribe to the queue using a new or existing agent.

    3. Run the package procedure DBMS_AQADM.ENABLE_DB_ACCESS as follows:

      DBMS_AQADM.ENABLE_DB_ACCESS(agent_name, db_username);

      where agent_name references the agent that you used to subscribe to the events queue, and db_username is the user for whom you want to create a subscription.

    There is no need to grant dequeue privileges to the user. The dequeue privilege is granted on the Scheduler event queue to PUBLIC.

    As an alternative, the user can subscribe to the Scheduler event queue using the ADD_EVENT_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBER procedure, as shown in the following example:


    where subscriber_name is the name of the Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing (AQ) agent to be used to subscribe to the Scheduler event queue. (If it isNULL, an agent is created whose name is the user name of the calling user.) This call both creates a subscription to the Scheduler event queue and grants the user permission to dequeue using the designated agent. The subscription is rule-based. The rule permits the user to see only events raised by jobs that the user owns, and filters out all other messages. After the subscription is in place, the user can either poll for messages at regular intervals or register with AQ for notification.

    See Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide for more information.

    ADMIN12679Scheduler Event Queue

    The Scheduler event queue SYS.SCHEDULER$_EVENT_QUEUE is of type scheduler$_event_info. See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Referencefor details on this type.


    Monitoring Job State with E-mail Notifications

    This section contains:


    About E-mail Notifications

    You can configure a job to send e-mail notifications when it changes state. The job state events for which e-mails can be sent are listed in Table 29-13. E-mail notifications can be sent to multiple recipients, and can be triggered by any event in a list of job state events that you specify. You can also provide a filter condition, and only job state events that match the filter condition generate notifications. You can include variables like job owner, job name, event type, error code, and error message in both the subject and body of the message. The Scheduler automatically sets values for these variables before sending the e-mail notification.

    You can configure many job state e-mail notifications for a single job. The notifications can differ by job state event list, recipients, and filter conditions.

    For example, you can configure a job to send an e-mail to both the principle DBA and one of the senior DBAs whenever the job fails with error code 600 or 700. You can also configure the same job to send a notification to only the principle DBA if the job fails to start at its scheduled time.

    Before you can configure jobs to send e-mail notifications, you must set the Scheduler attribute email_server to the address of the SMTP server to use to send the e-mail. You may also optionally set the Scheduler attribute email_sender to a default sender e-mail address for those jobs that do not specify a sender.

    The Scheduler includes support for the SSL and TLS protocols when communicating with the SMTP server. The Scheduler also supports SMTP servers that require authentication.

    See Also:

    "Setting Scheduler Preferences" for details about setting e-mail notification–related attributes

    Adding E-mail Notifications for a Job

    You use the DBMS_SCHEDULER.ADD_JOB_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION package procedure to add e-mail notifications for a job.

      job_name   =>  'EOD_JOB',
      recipients =>  'jsmith@example.com, rjones@example.com',
      sender     =>  'do_not_reply@example.com',
      subject    =>  'Scheduler Job Notification-%job_owner%.%job_name%-%event_type%',
      body       =>   '%event_type% occurred at %event_timestamp%. %error_message%',

    Note the variables, enclosed in the '%' character, used in the subject and body arguments. When you specify multiple recipients and multiple events, each recipient is notified when any of the specified events is raised. You can verify this by querying the view USER_SCHEDULER_NOTIFICATIONS.

    JOB_NAME    RECIPIENT            EVENT
    ----------- -------------------- -------------------
    EOD_JOB     jsmith@example.com   JOB_FAILED
    EOD_JOB     jsmith@example.com   JOB_BROKEN
    EOD_JOB     jsmith@example.com   JOB_SCH_LIM_REACHED
    EOD_JOB     jsmith@example.com   JOB_DISABLED
    EOD_JOB     rjones@example.com   JOB_FAILED
    EOD_JOB     rjones@example.com   JOB_BROKEN
    EOD_JOB     rjones@example.com   JOB_SCH_LIM_REACHED
    EOD_JOB     rjones@example.com   JOB_DISABLED

    You call ADD_JOB_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION once for each different set of notifications that you want to configure for a job. You must specify job_name andrecipients. All other arguments have defaults. The default sender is defined by a Scheduler attribute, as described in the previous section. See theADD_JOB_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION procedure in Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for defaults for the subjectbody, and eventsarguments.

    The following example configures an additional e-mail notification for the same job for a different event. This example accepts the defaults for thesendersubject, and body arguments.

      job_name         =>  'EOD_JOB',
      recipients       =>  'jsmith@example.com',
      events           =>  'JOB_OVER_MAX_DUR');

    This example could have also omitted the events argument to accept event defaults.

    The next example is similar to the first, except that it uses a filter condition to specify that an e-mail notification is to be sent only when the error number that causes the job to fail is 600 or 700.

      job_name         => 'EOD_JOB',
      recipients       => 'jsmith@example.com, rjones@example.com',
      sender           => 'do_not_reply@example.com',
      subject          => 'Job Notification-%job_owner%.%job_name%-%event_type%',
      body             =>  '%event_type% at %event_timestamp%. %error_message%',
      events           => 'JOB_FAILED',
      filter_condition => ':event.error_code=600 or :event.error_code=700');

    See Also:

    The ADD_JOB_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION procedure in Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference

    Removing E-mail Notifications for a Job

    You use the DBMS_SCHEDULER.REMOVE_JOB_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION package procedure to remove e-mail notifications for a job.

      job_name   =>  'EOD_JOB',
      recipients =>  'jsmith@example.com, rjones@example.com',
      events     =>  'JOB_DISABLED, JOB_SCH_LIM_REACHED');

    When you specify multiple recipients and multiple events, the notification for each specified event is removed for each recipient. Running the same query as that of the previous section, the results are now the following:

    JOB_NAME    RECIPIENT            EVENT
    ----------- -------------------- -------------------
    EOD_JOB     jsmith@example.com   JOB_FAILED
    EOD_JOB     jsmith@example.com   JOB_BROKEN
    EOD_JOB     rjones@example.com   JOB_FAILED
    EOD_JOB     rjones@example.com   JOB_BROKEN

    Additional rules for specifying REMOVE_JOB_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION arguments are as follows:

    • If you leave the events argument NULL, notifications for all events for the specified recipients are removed.

    • If you leave recipients NULL, notifications for all recipients for the specified events are removed.

    • If you leave both recipients and events NULL, then all notifications for the job are removed.

    • If you include a recipient and event for which you did not previously create a notification, no error is generated.

    See Also:

    The REMOVE_JOB_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION procedure in Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference

    Viewing Information About E-mail Notifications

    As demonstrated in the previous sections, you can view information about current e-mail notifications by querying the views *_SCHEDULER_NOTIFICATIONS.

    See Also:

    Oracle Database Reference for details on these views


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