<select id = "" resultMap = "">
select * from table
<if test="type == 'x1' ">
and 条件1;
<if test="type == 'x2' ">
and 条件2;
<select id = "" resultMap = "">
select * from table
<when test=" type == 'x1' '">
where 条件1;
</when >
<when test=" type == 'x2' '">
where 条件2;
</when >
条件3; // 可以为空
<if test="type == 'x2' "> //如果除了以上条件外还有判断的条件,放在chose标签外,不用再写where
and 条件2;
<select id="queryList" resultType="com....."> select * from student WHERE 1=1 <if test="name != null and name != ''"> AND name LIKE concat('%',#{name},'%') </if> <if test="merchantId != null and merchantId != ''"> AND merchant_id =#{merchantId} </if> <choose> <when test="sidx != null and sidx.trim() != ''"> order by ${sidx} ${order} </when> <otherwise> order by id desc </otherwise> </choose>