1 def jidan(): 2 for i in range(10): 3 yield'鸡蛋%d' %i 4 #jd:生成器 自动实现迭代器协议 5 jd = jidan() 6 print(jd.__next__()) 7 print(jd.__next__())
1 def product_bz(): 2 for i in range(10): 3 print('正在生产包子') 4 yield '包子%s'%i 5 print('开始卖包子了') 6 bz_list = product_bz() 7 print(bz_list.__next__()) 8 #加代码 9 print(bz_list.__next__())
正在生产包子 包子0 开始卖包子了 正在生产包子 包子1
{'city':'北京','population':23} {'city':'西安','population':13} {'city':'上海','population':123} {'city':'南京','population':12} {'city':'成都','population':12345}
1 # #获取某一地区的人口数 2 def get_population(): 3 with open('人口普查','r',encoding='utf-8') as f: 4 for i in f: 5 yield i 6 print(get_population()) 7 get_p = get_population() 8 s = (eval(get_p.__next__())) 9 print(type(s)) 10 print(s['population'])
<generator object get_population at 0x02D86270> <class 'dict'> 23 Process finished with exit code 0
# #使用生成器迭代出所有城市的人口数 def get_population(): with open('人口普查','r',encoding='utf-8') as f: for i in f: yield i print(get_population()) get_p = get_population() # print(get_p) for p in get_p: p_dict = eval(p) print(p_dict['population'])
<generator object get_population at 0x01376270> 23 13 123 12 12345 Process finished with exit code 0
1 # #计算总人口数 2 def get_population(): 3 with open('人口普查','r',encoding='utf-8') as f: 4 for i in f: 5 yield i 6 print(get_population()) 7 get_p = get_population() 8 all_pop = sum(eval(i)['population'] for i in get_p) 9 print(all_pop)
<generator object get_population at 0x03716270> 12516 Process finished with exit code 0
1 #计算平均人口数 失败 2 def get_population(): 3 with open('人口普查','r',encoding='utf-8') as f: 4 for i in f: 5 yield i 6 print(get_population())#生成器 7 get_p = get_population() 8 all_pop = sum(eval(i)['population'] for i in get_p) 9 print(all_pop) 10 for p in get_p: 11 print(eval(p)['population']/all_pop)#使用__next__()之后所有数字被遍历完 计算平均数失败
<generator object get_population at 0x02F96270>
Process finished with exit code 0
def test(): for i in range(4): yield i t = test() t1 = (i for i in t) t2 = (i for i in t1) print(list(t1)) print(list(t2))#在这之前t1已经遍历过 此时已经遍历结束为空 打印出来空列表
[0, 1, 2, 3] []#之前被遍历过 此时为空 Process finished with exit code 0