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  • kafka definitive guide

    1)什么是sub/pub模型, 发布订阅模型
    Publish/subscribe messaging is a pattern that is characterized by the sender (publisher) of a piece of data (message) not specifically directing it to a receiver. Instead, the publisher classifies the message somehow, and that receiver (subscriber) subscribes to receive certain classes of messages. Pub/sub systems often have a broker, a central point where messages are published, to facilitate this.
    2)Kakfa新特性:connector和stream process
    stream api用于流式处理,传统上,Kafka后接Spark,Stream等平台;但现在可以不需要了;
    There are also advanced client APIs—Kafka Connect API for data inte‐ gration and Kafka Streams for stream processing.
    This is typically done using the mes‐ sage key and a partitioner that will generate a hash of the key and map it to a specific partition.
    不可以;如果一个topic有3个Partition,但某Group A中有4个consumer,则其中一个必闲置;其它3个consumer每人消费一个Partition
    The group assures that each partition is only con‐ sumed by one member.
    5)Cluster中存在Special One
    Within a cluster of brokers, one broker will also function as the cluster controller (elected automatically from the live members of the cluster).
    Individual topics can also be config‐ ured with their own retention settings so that messages are stored for only as long as they are useful.
    并且Topc可以被配置成 log compacted的,同一Key的Message只保留最后一条;Wonderful Feature!
    Topics can also be configured as log compacted, which means that Kafka will retain only the last mes‐ sage produced with a specific key.
    Keep in mind that the number of partitions for a topic can only be increased, never decreased.
    Many users will have the partition count for a topic be equal to, or a multiple of, the number of brokers in the cluster.
    Avoid overestimating, as each partition uses memory and other resources on the broker and will increase the time for leader elections.
    log.retention.hours,log.retention.minutes and log.retention.ms. All three of these specify the same configuration
    This value is set using the log.retention.bytes parameter, and it is applied per-partition.
    A smaller log-segment size means that files must be closed and allocated more often, which reduces the overall efficiency of disk writes.
    Adjusting the size of the log segments can be important if topics have a low produce rate.
    The Kafka broker limits the maximum size of a message that can be produced
    Those diverse use cases also imply diverse requirements: is every message critical, or can we tolerate loss of messages? Are we OK with accidentally duplicating messages? Are there any strict latency or throughput requirements we need to support?
    It then adds the record to a batch of records that will also be sent to the same topic and partition. A separate thread is responsible for sending those batches of records to the appropriate Kafka brokers.
    When the key is null and the default partitioner is used, the record will be sent to one of the available partitions of the topic at random. A round-robin algorithm will be used to balance the messages among the partitions.
    If a key exists and the default partitioner is used, Kafka will hash the key (using its own hash algorithm, so hash values will not change when Java is upgraded), and use the result to map the message to a specific partition.
    Snappy compression was invented by Google to provide decent compression ratios with low CPU overhead and good performance, so it is recommended in cases where both performance and bandwidth are a concern. Gzip compression will typically use more CPU and time but result in better compression ratios
    memory in bytes (not messages!)
    linger.ms controls the amount of time to wait for additional messages before send‐ ing the current batch.
    The main way we scale data consumption from a Kafka topic is by adding more con‐ sumers to a consumer group.
    Keep in mind that there is no point in adding more consumers than you have partitions in a topic—some of the consumers will just be idle.
    Moving partition ownership from one consumer to another is called a rebalance.
    一个新的consumer加入或退出,要重新给consumer分配其消费的Partition;rebalance会stop the word,停止服务,等分配完后,consumer从上次commit的地方开始消费;
    kafka不保证exactly once,但保证at least once;
    The way consumers maintain membership in a consumer group and ownership of the partitions assigned to them is by sending heartbeats to a Kafka broker designated as the group coordinator
    group coordinator负责协调consumer的加入或退出,重新分配partition
    consumer先发送一个JoinGroup请求到group coordinator,第一个加入group的会成为group leader;
    leader从group coordinator得到所有consumer(还有心跳的)的信息;
    When a consumer wants to join a group, it sends a JoinGroup request to the group coordinator. The first consumer to join the group becomes the group leader. The leader receives a list of all consumers in the group from the group coordinator (this will include all consumers that sent a heartbeat recently and which are therefore considered alive) and is responsible for assigning a subset of partitions to each consumer. It uses an implementation of PartitionAssignor to decide which partitions should be handled by which consumer.
    Kafka has two built-in partition assignment policies, which we will discuss in more depth in the configuration section. After deciding on the partition assignment, the consumer leader sends the list of assignments to the GroupCoordinator, which sends this informa‐ tion to all the consumers. Each consumer only sees his own assign‐ ment—the leader is the only client process that has the full list of consumers in the group and their assignments. This process repeats every time a rebalance happens.
    One consumer per thread is the rule.
    The amount of time a consumer can be out of contact with the brokers while still considered alive defaults to 3 seconds. If more than session.timeout.ms passes without the consumer sending a heartbeat to the group coordinator, it is considered dead and the group coordinator will trigger a rebalance of the consumer group to allocate partitions from the dead consumer to the other consumers in the group.
    超过这个时间,consumer没心跳发到group coordinator,被认为退出group,则进行rebalance默认为3秒;
    How does a consumer commit an offset? It produces a message to Kafka, to a special __consumer_offsets topic, with the committed offset for each partition.
    In order to know where to pick up the work, the consumer will read the latest committed offset of each partition and con‐ tinue from there.
    When the controller broker is stopped or loses connectivity to Zookeeper, the ephem‐ eral node will disappear. Other brokers in the cluster will be notified through the Zookeeper watch that the controller is gone and will attempt to create the controller node in Zookeeper themselves. The first node to create the new controller in Zoo‐ keeper is the new controller, while the other nodes will receive a “node already exists” exception and re-create the watch on the new controller node. Each time a controller is elected, it receives a new, higher controller epoch number through a Zookeeper con‐ ditional increment operation. The brokers know the current controller epoch and if they receive a message from a controller with an older number, they know to ignore it.
    The controller uses the epoch number to prevent a “split brain” scenario where two nodes believe each is the current controller.
    8)什么是in-sync replicas
    All requests sent to the broker from a specific client will be processed in the order in which they were received—this guarantee is what allows Kafka to behave as a message queue and pro‐ vide ordering guarantees on the messages it stores.
    All requests have a standard header that includes:
    • Request type (also called API key)相当于我们系统中的command;
    • Request version (so the brokers can handle clients of different versions and respond accordingly),要有版本号
    • Correlation ID: a number that uniquely identifies the request and also appears in the response and in the error logs (the ID is used for troubleshooting),要带一个ID区分不同请求
    • Client ID: used to identify the application that sent the request;可以区分哪个客户端发来的请求,BUG追踪;
    10)Client怎么样将请求发到Leader Partitions上而不是replica?
    How do the clients know where to send the requests? Kafka clients use another request type called a metadata request, which includes a list of topics the client is interested in. The server response specifies which partitions exist in the topics, the replicas for each partition, and which replica is the leader. Metadata requests can be sent to any broker because all brokers have a metadata cache that contains this infor‐ mation.
    先发一个元数据的请求;这么简单;本地缓存这个元数据,如果重新选举了leader,会收到一个错误,“Not a Leader for Partition.”;则重新拉一次Matadata就OK了;
    Once the message is written to the leader of the partition, the broker examines the acks configuration—if acks is set to 0 or 1, the broker will respond immediately; if acks is set to all, the request will be stored in a buffer called purgatory until the leader observes that the follower replicas replicated the message, at which point a response is sent to the client.
    If the client is asking for a message that is so old that it got deleted from the partition or an offset that does not exist yet, the broker will respond with an error.
    13)Kafka的 zero copy技术
    直接将Message从文件写入到Network的缓冲区,避免文件-》内存,再内存-》net缓冲区(内核态) 的拷贝;
    Kafka famously uses a zero-copy method to send the messages to the clients—this means that Kafka sends messages from the file (or more likely, the Linux filesystem cache) directly to the net‐ work channel without any intermediate buffers. This is different than most databases where data is stored in a local cache before being sent to clients. This technique removes the overhead of copying bytes and managing buffers in memory, and results in much improved performance.
    答案是No!只能in-sync replica都收到消息了,才能说这条消息落袋了,因此现在还不能消费;
    It is also interesting to note that not all the data that exists on the leader of the parti‐ tion is available for clients to read. Most clients can only read messages that were written to all in-sync replicas (follower replicas, even though they are consumers, are exempt from this—otherwise replication would not work). We already discussed that the leader of the partition knows which messages were replicated to which replica, and until a message was written to all in-sync replicas, it will not be sent to consum‐ ers—attempts to fetch those messages will result in an empty response rather than an error.
    只要replica落后leader的时间在 replica.lag.time.max.ms内,即在in-sync中;
    This delay is limited to replica.lag.time.max.ms—the amount of time a replica can be delayed in replicat‐ ing new messages while still being considered in-sync.
    四、Reliable Data Delivery

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gm-201705/p/9522084.html
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