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  • CiteSeer统计的计算机领域的期刊和会议的影响因子(2005)

    产生自CiterSeer 2005数据库,实际的影响因子可能更高。仅供参考使用。真实的IF还需去官网查看
    1. OSDI: 3.31 (top 0.08%)
    2. USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems: 3.23 (top 0.16%)
    3. PLDI: 2.89 (top 0.24%)
    4. SIGCOMM: 2.79 (top 0.32%)
    5. MOBICOM: 2.76 (top 0.40%)
    6. ASPLOS: 2.70 (top 0.49%)
    7. USENIX Annual Technical Conference: 2.64 (top 0.57%)
    8. TOCS: 2.56 (top 0.65%)
    9. SIGGRAPH: 2.53 (top 0.73%)
    10. JAIR: 2.45 (top 0.81%)
    11. SOSP: 2.41 (top 0.90%)
    12. MICRO: 2.31 (top 0.98%)
    13. POPL: 2.26 (top 1.06%)
    14. PPOPP: 2.22 (top 1.14%)
    15. Machine Learning: 2.20 (top 1.22%)
    16. 25 Years ISCA: Retrospectives and Reprints: 2.19 (top 1.31%)
    17. WWW8 / Computer Networks: 2.17 (top 1.39%)
    18. Computational Linguistics: 2.16 (top 1.47%)
    19. JSSPP: 2.15 (top 1.55%)
    20. VVS: 2.14 (top 1.63%)
    21. FPCA: 2.12 (top 1.71%)
    22. LISP and Functional Programming: 2.12 (top 1.80%)
    23. ICML: 2.12 (top 1.88%)
    24. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: 2.08 (top 1.96%)
    25. SI3D: 2.06 (top 2.04%)
    26. ICSE - Future of SE Track: 2.05 (top 2.12%)
    27. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking: 2.05 (top 2.21%)
    28. OOPSLA/ECOOP: 2.05 (top 2.29%)
    29. WWW9 / Computer Networks: 2.02 (top 2.37%)
    30. Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems: 2.01 (top 2.45%)
    31. Journal of Computer Security: 2.00 (top 2.53%)
    32. TOSEM: 1.99 (top 2.62%)
    33. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging: 1.99 (top 2.70%)
    34. Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems: 1.99 (top 2.78%)
    35. WebDB (Informal Proceedings): 1.99 (top 2.86%)
    36. WWW5 / Computer Networks: 1.97 (top 2.94%)
    37. Journal of Cryptology: 1.97 (top 3.03%)
    38. CSFW: 1.96 (top 3.11%)
    39. ECOOP: 1.95 (top 3.19%)
    40. Evolutionary Computation: 1.94 (top 3.27%)
    41. TOPLAS: 1.92 (top 3.35%)
    42. SIGSOFT FSE: 1.88 (top 3.43%)
    43. CAV: 1.88 (top 3.52%)
    44. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1: 1.87 (top 3.60%)
    45. PODS: 1.86 (top 3.68%)
    46. Artificial Intelligence: 1.85 (top 3.76%)
    47. NOSSDAV: 1.85 (top 3.84%)
    48. OOPSLA: 1.84 (top 3.93%)
    49. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security: 1.82 (top 4.01%)
    50. IJCAI (1): 1.82 (top 4.09%)
    51. VLDB Journal: 1.81 (top 4.17%)
    52. TODS: 1.81 (top 4.25%)
    53. USENIX Winter: 1.80 (top 4.34%)
    54. HPCA: 1.79 (top 4.42%)
    55. LICS: 1.79 (top 4.50%)
    56. JLP: 1.78 (top 4.58%)
    57. WWW6 / Computer Networks: 1.78 (top 4.66%)
    58. ICCV: 1.78 (top 4.75%)
    59. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium: 1.78 (top 4.83%)
    60. AES Candidate Conference: 1.77 (top 4.91%)
    61. KR: 1.76 (top 4.99%)
    62. TISSEC: 1.76 (top 5.07%)
    63. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce: 1.75 (top 5.15%)
    64. TOIS: 1.75 (top 5.24%)
    65. PEPM: 1.74 (top 5.32%)
    66. SIGMOD Conference: 1.74 (top 5.40%)
    67. Formal Methods in System Design: 1.74 (top 5.48%)
    68. Mobile Agents: 1.73 (top 5.56%)
    69. REX Workshop: 1.73 (top 5.65%)
    70. NMR: 1.73 (top 5.73%)
    71. Computing Systems: 1.72 (top 5.81%)
    72. LOPLAS: 1.72 (top 5.89%)
    73. STOC: 1.69 (top 5.97%)
    74. Distributed Computing: 1.69 (top 6.06%)
    75. KDD: 1.68 (top 6.14%)
    76. Symposium on Testing, Analysis, and Verification: 1.65 (top 6.22%)
    77. Software Development Environments (SDE): 1.64 (top 6.30%)
    78. SIAM J. Comput.: 1.64 (top 6.38%)
    79. CRYPTO: 1.63 (top 6.47%)
    80. Multimedia Systems: 1.62 (top 6.55%)
    81. ICFP: 1.62 (top 6.63%)
    82. Lisp and Symbolic Computation: 1.61 (top 6.71%)
    83. ECP: 1.61 (top 6.79%)
    84. CHI: 1.61 (top 6.87%)
    85. ISLP: 1.60 (top 6.96%)
    86. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology: 1.59 (top 7.04%)
    87. ESOP: 1.58 (top 7.12%)
    88. ECCV: 1.58 (top 7.20%)
    89. ACM Transactions on Graphics: 1.57 (top 7.28%)
    90. CSCW: 1.57 (top 7.37%)
    91. AOSE: 1.57 (top 7.45%)
    92. ICCL: 1.57 (top 7.53%)
    93. Journal of Functional Programming: 1.57 (top 7.61%)
    94. RTSS: 1.57 (top 7.69%)
    95. ECSCW: 1.56 (top 7.78%)
    96. TOCHI: 1.56 (top 7.86%)
    97. ISCA: 1.56 (top 7.94%)
    98. SIGMETRICS/Performance: 1.56 (top 8.02%)
    99. IWMM: 1.55 (top 8.10%)
    100. JICSLP: 1.54 (top 8.19%)
    101. Automatic Verification Methods for Finite State Systems: 1.54 (top 8.27%)
    102. WWW: 1.54 (top 8.35%)
    103. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence: 1.54 (top 8.43%)
    104. AIPS: 1.53 (top 8.51%)
    105. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics: 1.53 (top 8.59%)
    106. VLDB: 1.52 (top 8.68%)
    107. Symposium on Computational Geometry: 1.51 (top 8.76%)
    108. FOCS: 1.51 (top 8.84%)
    109. ATAL: 1.51 (top 8.92%)
    110. SODA: 1.51 (top 9.00%)
    111. PPCP: 1.50 (top 9.09%)
    112. AAAI: 1.49 (top 9.17%)
    113. COLT: 1.49 (top 9.25%)
    114. USENIX Summer: 1.49 (top 9.33%)
    115. Information and Computation: 1.48 (top 9.41%)
    116. Java Grande: 1.47 (top 9.50%)
    117. ISMM: 1.47 (top 9.58%)
    118. ICLP/SLP: 1.47 (top 9.66%)
    119. SLP: 1.45 (top 9.74%)
    120. Structure in Complexity Theory Conference: 1.45 (top 9.82%)
    121. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia: 1.45 (top 9.90%)
    122. Rules in Database Systems: 1.44 (top 9.99%)
    123. ACL: 1.44 (top 10.07%)
    124. CONCUR: 1.44 (top 10.15%)
    125. SPAA: 1.44 (top 10.23%)
    126. J. Algorithms: 1.42 (top 10.31%)
    127. DOOD: 1.42 (top 10.40%)
    128. ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE: 1.41 (top 10.48%)
    129. ICDT: 1.41 (top 10.56%)
    130. Advances in Petri Nets: 1.41 (top 10.64%)
    131. ICNP: 1.40 (top 10.72%)
    132. SSD: 1.39 (top 10.81%)
    133. INFOCOM: 1.39 (top 10.89%)
    134. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy: 1.39 (top 10.97%)
    135. Cognitive Science: 1.38 (top 11.05%)
    136. TSE: 1.38 (top 11.13%)
    137. Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases (SPIE): 1.38 (top 11.22%)
    138. NACLP: 1.38 (top 11.30%)
    139. SIGMETRICS: 1.38 (top 11.38%)
    140. JACM: 1.37 (top 11.46%)
    141. PODC: 1.37 (top 11.54%)
    142. International Conference on Supercomputing: 1.36 (top 11.62%)
    143. Fast Software Encryption: 1.35 (top 11.71%)
    144. IEEE Visualization: 1.35 (top 11.79%)
    145. SAS: 1.35 (top 11.87%)
    146. TACS: 1.35 (top 11.95%)
    147. International Journal of Computer Vision: 1.33 (top 12.03%)
    148. JCSS: 1.32 (top 12.12%)
    149. Algorithmica: 1.31 (top 12.20%)
    150. TOCL: 1.30 (top 12.28%)
    151. Information Hiding: 1.30 (top 12.36%)
    152. Journal of Automated Reasoning: 1.30 (top 12.44%)
    153. ECCV (1): 1.29 (top 12.53%)
    154. PCRCW: 1.29 (top 12.61%)
    155. Journal of Logic and Computation: 1.29 (top 12.69%)
    156. KDD Workshop: 1.28 (top 12.77%)
    157. ML: 1.28 (top 12.85%)
    158. ISSTA: 1.28 (top 12.94%)
    159. EUROCRYPT: 1.27 (top 13.02%)
    160. PDIS: 1.27 (top 13.10%)
    161. Hypertext: 1.27 (top 13.18%)
    162. IWDOM: 1.27 (top 13.26%)
    163. PARLE (2): 1.26 (top 13.34%)
    164. Hybrid Systems: 1.26 (top 13.43%)
    165. American Journal of Computational Linguistics: 1.26 (top 13.51%)
    166. SPIN: 1.25 (top 13.59%)
    167. ICDE: 1.25 (top 13.67%)
    168. FMCAD: 1.25 (top 13.75%)
    169. SC: 1.25 (top 13.84%)
    170. EDBT: 1.25 (top 13.92%)
    171. Computational Complexity: 1.25 (top 14.00%)
    172. International Journal of Computatinal Geometry and Applications: 1.25 (top 14.08%)
    173. ESORICS: 1.25 (top 14.16%)
    174. IJCAI (2): 1.24 (top 14.25%)
    175. TACAS: 1.24 (top 14.33%)
    176. Ubicomp: 1.24 (top 14.41%)
    177. MPC: 1.24 (top 14.49%)
    178. AWOC: 1.24 (top 14.57%)
    179. TLCA: 1.23 (top 14.66%)
    180. Emergent Neural Computational Architectures Based on Neuroscience: 1.23 (top 14.74%)
    181. CADE: 1.22 (top 14.82%)
    182. PROCOMET: 1.22 (top 14.90%)
    183. ACM Multimedia: 1.22 (top 14.98%)
    184. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications: 1.22 (top 15.06%)
    185. Science of Computer Programming: 1.22 (top 15.15%)
    186. LCPC: 1.22 (top 15.23%)
    187. CT-RSA: 1.22 (top 15.31%)
    188. ICLP: 1.21 (top 15.39%)
    189. Financial Cryptography: 1.21 (top 15.47%)
    190. DBPL: 1.21 (top 15.56%)
    191. AAAI/IAAI: 1.20 (top 15.64%)
    192. Artificial Life: 1.20 (top 15.72%)
    193. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation: 1.19 (top 15.80%)
    194. TKDE: 1.19 (top 15.88%)
    195. ACM Computing Surveys: 1.19 (top 15.97%)
    196. Computational Geometry: 1.18 (top 16.05%)
    197. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: 1.18 (top 16.13%)
    198. EWSL: 1.18 (top 16.21%)
    199. Learning for Natural Language Processing: 1.18 (top 16.29%)
    200. TAPOS: 1.17 (top 16.38%)
    201. TAPSOFT, Vol.1: 1.17 (top 16.46%)
    202. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications: 1.17 (top 16.54%)
    203. TAPSOFT: 1.17 (top 16.62%)
    204. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems: 1.17 (top 16.70%)
    205. Heterogeneous Computing Workshop: 1.16 (top 16.78%)
    206. Distributed and Parallel Databases: 1.16 (top 16.87%)
    207. DAC: 1.16 (top 16.95%)
    208. ICTL: 1.16 (top 17.03%)
    209. Performance/SIGMETRICS Tutorials: 1.16 (top 17.11%)
    210. IEEE Computer: 1.15 (top 17.19%)
    211. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium: 1.15 (top 17.28%)
    212. TAPSOFT, Vol.2: 1.15 (top 17.36%)
    213. ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control: 1.15 (top 17.44%)
    214. WCRE: 1.14 (top 17.52%)
    215. Applications and Theory of Petri Nets: 1.14 (top 17.60%)
    216. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop: 1.14 (top 17.69%)
    217. ICDCS: 1.14 (top 17.77%)
    218. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science: 1.14 (top 17.85%)
    219. Workshop on the Management of Replicated Data: 1.13 (top 17.93%)
    220. ECCV (2): 1.13 (top 18.01%)
    221. PPSN: 1.13 (top 18.09%)
    222. Middleware: 1.13 (top 18.18%)
    223. OODBS: 1.12 (top 18.26%)
    224. Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC): 1.12 (top 18.34%)
    225. UML: 1.12 (top 18.42%)
    226. Real-Time Systems: 1.12 (top 18.50%)
    227. FME: 1.12 (top 18.59%)
    228. Evolutionary Computing, AISB Workshop: 1.11 (top 18.67%)
    229. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity: 1.11 (top 18.75%)
    230. IOPADS: 1.11 (top 18.83%)
    231. IJCAI: 1.10 (top 18.91%)
    232. ISWC: 1.10 (top 19.00%)
    233. SIGIR: 1.10 (top 19.08%)
    234. Symposium on LISP and Functional Programming: 1.10 (top 19.16%)
    235. PASTE: 1.10 (top 19.24%)
    236. HPDC: 1.10 (top 19.32%)
    237. Application and Theory of Petri Nets: 1.09 (top 19.41%)
    238. ICCAD: 1.09 (top 19.49%)
    239. Category Theory and Computer Science: 1.08 (top 19.57%)
    240. Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection: 1.08 (top 19.65%)
    241. JIIS: 1.08 (top 19.73%)
    242. TODAES: 1.08 (top 19.81%)
    243. Neural Computation: 1.08 (top 19.90%)
    244. CCL: 1.08 (top 19.98%)
    245. SIGPLAN Workshop: 1.08 (top 20.06%)
    246. DPDS: 1.07 (top 20.14%)
    247. ACM Multimedia (1): 1.07 (top 20.22%)
    248. MAAMAW: 1.07 (top 20.31%)
    249. Computer Graphics Forum: 1.07 (top 20.39%)
    250. HUG: 1.06 (top 20.47%)
    251. Hybrid Neural Systems: 1.06 (top 20.55%)
    252. SRDS: 1.06 (top 20.63%)
    253. TPCD: 1.06 (top 20.72%)
    254. ILP: 1.06 (top 20.80%)
    255. ARTDB: 1.06 (top 20.88%)
    256. NIPS: 1.06 (top 20.96%)
    257. Formal Aspects of Computing: 1.06 (top 21.04%)
    258. ECHT: 1.06 (top 21.13%)
    259. ICMCS: 1.06 (top 21.21%)
    260. Wireless Networks: 1.05 (top 21.29%)
    261. Advances in Data Base Theory: 1.05 (top 21.37%)
    262. WDAG: 1.05 (top 21.45%)
    263. ALP: 1.05 (top 21.53%)
    264. TARK: 1.05 (top 21.62%)
    265. PATAT: 1.05 (top 21.70%)
    266. ISTCS: 1.04 (top 21.78%)
    267. Concurrency - Practice and Experience: 1.04 (top 21.86%)
    268. CP: 1.04 (top 21.94%)
    269. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing: 1.04 (top 22.03%)
    270. FTCS: 1.04 (top 22.11%)
    271. RTA: 1.04 (top 22.19%)
    272. COORDINATION: 1.03 (top 22.27%)
    273. CHDL: 1.03 (top 22.35%)
    274. Theory of Computing Systems: 1.02 (top 22.44%)
    275. CTRS: 1.02 (top 22.52%)
    276. COMPASS/ADT: 1.02 (top 22.60%)
    277. TOMACS: 1.02 (top 22.68%)
    278. IEEE Micro: 1.02 (top 22.76%)
    279. IEEE PACT: 1.02 (top 22.85%)
    280. ASIACRYPT: 1.01 (top 22.93%)
    281. MONET: 1.01 (top 23.01%)
    282. WWW7 / Computer Networks: 1.01 (top 23.09%)
    283. HUC: 1.01 (top 23.17%)
    284. Expert Database Conf.: 1.00 (top 23.25%)
    285. Agents: 1.00 (top 23.34%)
    286. CPM: 1.00 (top 23.42%)
    287. SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Construction: 1.00 (top 23.50%)
    288. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation: 1.00 (top 23.58%)
    289. TAGT: 1.00 (top 23.66%)
    290. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation: 1.00 (top 23.75%)
    291. FTRTFT: 1.00 (top 23.83%)
    292. TPHOLs: 1.00 (top 23.91%)
    293. Intelligent User Interfaces: 0.99 (top 23.99%)
    294. Journal of Functional and Logic Programming: 0.99 (top 24.07%)
    295. Cluster Computing: 0.99 (top 24.16%)
    296. ESA: 0.99 (top 24.24%)
    297. PLILP: 0.99 (top 24.32%)
    298. COLING-ACL: 0.98 (top 24.40%)
    299. META: 0.97 (top 24.48%)
    300. IEEE MultiMedia: 0.97 (top 24.57%)
    301. ICALP: 0.97 (top 24.65%)
    302. IATA: 0.97 (top 24.73%)
    303. FPGA: 0.97 (top 24.81%)
    304. EuroCOLT: 0.97 (top 24.89%)
    305. New Generation Computing: 0.97 (top 24.97%)
    306. Automated Software Engineering: 0.97 (top 25.06%)
    307. GRID: 0.97 (top 25.14%)
    308. ISOTAS: 0.96 (top 25.22%)
    309. LPNMR: 0.96 (top 25.30%)
    310. PLILP/ALP: 0.96 (top 25.38%)
    311. UIST: 0.96 (top 25.47%)
    312. IPCO: 0.95 (top 25.55%)
    313. ICPP, Vol. 1: 0.95 (top 25.63%)
    314. PNPM: 0.95 (top 25.71%)
    315. HSCC: 0.95 (top 25.79%)
    316. ILPS: 0.95 (top 25.88%)
    317. RIDE-IMS: 0.95 (top 25.96%)
    318. Int. J. on Digital Libraries: 0.95 (top 26.04%)
    319. STTT: 0.94 (top 26.12%)
    320. MFPS: 0.94 (top 26.20%)
    321. Graph-Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science: 0.93 (top 26.28%)
    322. Graph Drawing: 0.93 (top 26.37%)
    323. VRML: 0.93 (top 26.45%)
    324. VDM Europe: 0.93 (top 26.53%)
    325. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 2: 0.93 (top 26.61%)
    326. Z User Workshop: 0.93 (top 26.69%)
    327. Constraints: 0.93 (top 26.78%)
    328. SCM: 0.93 (top 26.86%)
    329. IEEE Software: 0.92 (top 26.94%)
    330. World Wide Web: 0.92 (top 27.02%)
    331. HOA: 0.92 (top 27.10%)
    332. Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems: 0.92 (top 27.19%)
    333. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics: 0.92 (top 27.27%)
    334. SMILE: 0.91 (top 27.35%)
    335. HART: 0.91 (top 27.43%)
    336. ICPP, Vol. 3: 0.91 (top 27.51%)
    337. FASE: 0.91 (top 27.60%)
    338. TCS: 0.91 (top 27.68%)
    339. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory: 0.91 (top 27.76%)
    340. C++ Conference: 0.91 (top 27.84%)
    341. ICSE: 0.90 (top 27.92%)
    342. ARTS: 0.90 (top 28.00%)
    343. Journal of Computational Biology: 0.90 (top 28.09%)
    344. SIGART Bulletin: 0.90 (top 28.17%)
    345. TREC: 0.89 (top 28.25%)
    346. Implementation of Functional Languages: 0.89 (top 28.33%)
    347. Acta Informatica: 0.88 (top 28.41%)
    348. SAIG: 0.88 (top 28.50%)
    349. CANPC: 0.88 (top 28.58%)
    350. CACM: 0.87 (top 28.66%)
    351. PADL: 0.87 (top 28.74%)
    352. Networked Group Communication: 0.87 (top 28.82%)
    353. RECOMB: 0.87 (top 28.91%)
    354. ACM DL: 0.87 (top 28.99%)
    355. Computer Performance Evaluation: 0.87 (top 29.07%)
    356. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing: 0.86 (top 29.15%)
    357. PARLE (1): 0.86 (top 29.23%)
    358. DISC: 0.85 (top 29.32%)
    359. FGCS: 0.85 (top 29.40%)
    360. ELP: 0.85 (top 29.48%)
    361. IEEE Transactions on Computers: 0.85 (top 29.56%)
    362. JSC: 0.85 (top 29.64%)
    363. LOPSTR: 0.85 (top 29.72%)
    364. FoSSaCS: 0.85 (top 29.81%)
    365. World Congress on Formal Methods: 0.85 (top 29.89%)
    366. CHARME: 0.84 (top 29.97%)
    367. RIDE: 0.84 (top 30.05%)
    368. APPROX: 0.84 (top 30.13%)
    369. EWCBR: 0.84 (top 30.22%)
    370. CC: 0.83 (top 30.30%)
    371. Public Key Cryptography: 0.83 (top 30.38%)
    372. CA: 0.83 (top 30.46%)
    373. CHES: 0.83 (top 30.54%)
    374. ECML: 0.83 (top 30.63%)
    375. LCTES/OM: 0.83 (top 30.71%)
    376. Information Systems: 0.83 (top 30.79%)
    377. IJCIS: 0.83 (top 30.87%)
    378. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing: 0.82 (top 30.95%)
    379. WADS: 0.82 (top 31.04%)
    380. Random Structures and Algorithms: 0.81 (top 31.12%)
    381. ICS: 0.81 (top 31.20%)
    382. Data Engineering Bulletin: 0.81 (top 31.28%)
    383. VDM Europe (1): 0.81 (top 31.36%)
    384. SWAT: 0.80 (top 31.44%)
    385. Nordic Journal of Computing: 0.80 (top 31.53%)
    386. Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics: 0.80 (top 31.61%)
    387. Architectures and Compilation Techniques for Fine and Medium Grain Parallelism: 0.80 (top 31.69%)
    388. KBSE: 0.80 (top 31.77%)
    389. STACS: 0.80 (top 31.85%)
    390. EMSOFT: 0.80 (top 31.94%)
    391. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin: 0.80 (top 32.02%)
    392. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence: 0.79 (top 32.10%)
    393. WOSP: 0.79 (top 32.18%)
    394. VBC: 0.79 (top 32.26%)
    395. RTDB: 0.79 (top 32.35%)
    396. CoopIS: 0.79 (top 32.43%)
    397. Combinatorica: 0.79 (top 32.51%)
    398. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems: 0.78 (top 32.59%)
    399. Autonomous Robots: 0.78 (top 32.67%)
    400. IW-MMDBMS: 0.78 (top 32.76%)
    401. ESEC: 0.78 (top 32.84%)
    402. WADT: 0.78 (top 32.92%)
    403. CAAP: 0.78 (top 33.00%)
    404. LCTES: 0.78 (top 33.08%)
    405. ZUM: 0.77 (top 33.16%)
    406. TYPES: 0.77 (top 33.25%)
    407. Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems: 0.77 (top 33.33%)
    408. TABLEAUX: 0.77 (top 33.41%)
    409. International Journal of Parallel Programming: 0.77 (top 33.49%)
    410. COST 237 Workshop: 0.77 (top 33.57%)
    411. Data Types and Persistence (Appin), Informal Proceedings: 0.77 (top 33.66%)
    412. Evolutionary Programming: 0.77 (top 33.74%)
    413. Reflection: 0.76 (top 33.82%)
    414. SIGMOD Record: 0.76 (top 33.90%)
    415. Security Protocols Workshop: 0.76 (top 33.98%)
    416. XP1 Workshop on Database Theory: 0.76 (top 34.07%)
    417. EDMCC: 0.76 (top 34.15%)
    418. DL: 0.76 (top 34.23%)
    419. EDAC-ETC-EUROASIC: 0.76 (top 34.31%)
    420. Protocols for High-Speed Networks: 0.76 (top 34.39%)
    421. PPDP: 0.75 (top 34.47%)
    422. IFIP PACT: 0.75 (top 34.56%)
    423. LNCS: 0.75 (top 34.64%)
    424. IWQoS: 0.75 (top 34.72%)
    425. UK Hypertext: 0.75 (top 34.80%)
    426. Selected Areas in Cryptography: 0.75 (top 34.88%)
    427. ICATPN: 0.74 (top 34.97%)
    428. Workshop on Computational Geometry: 0.74 (top 35.05%)
    429. Integrated Network Management: 0.74 (top 35.13%)
    430. ICGI: 0.74 (top 35.21%)
    431. ICPP (2): 0.74 (top 35.29%)
    432. SSR: 0.74 (top 35.38%)
    433. ADB: 0.74 (top 35.46%)
    434. Object Representation in Computer Vision: 0.74 (top 35.54%)
    435. PSTV: 0.74 (top 35.62%)
    436. CAiSE: 0.74 (top 35.70%)
    437. On Knowledge Base Management Systems (Islamorada): 0.74 (top 35.79%)
    438. CIKM: 0.73 (top 35.87%)
    439. WSA: 0.73 (top 35.95%)
    440. RANDOM: 0.73 (top 36.03%)
    441. KRDB: 0.73 (top 36.11%)
    442. ISSS: 0.73 (top 36.19%)
    443. SIGAL International Symposium on Algorithms: 0.73 (top 36.28%)
    444. INFORMS Journal on Computing: 0.73 (top 36.36%)
    445. Computer Supported Cooperative Work: 0.73 (top 36.44%)
    446. CSL: 0.72 (top 36.52%)
    447. Computational Intelligence: 0.72 (top 36.60%)
    448. ICCBR: 0.72 (top 36.69%)
    449. ICES: 0.72 (top 36.77%)
    450. AI Magazine: 0.72 (top 36.85%)
    451. JELIA: 0.72 (top 36.93%)
    452. VR: 0.71 (top 37.01%)
    453. ICPP (1): 0.71 (top 37.10%)
    454. RIDE-TQP: 0.71 (top 37.18%)
    455. ISA: 0.71 (top 37.26%)
    456. Data Compression Conference: 0.71 (top 37.34%)
    457. CIA: 0.71 (top 37.42%)
    458. COSIT: 0.71 (top 37.51%)
    459. IJCSLP: 0.71 (top 37.59%)
    460. DISCO: 0.71 (top 37.67%)
    461. DKE: 0.71 (top 37.75%)
    462. IWAN: 0.71 (top 37.83%)
    463. Operating Systems Review: 0.70 (top 37.91%)
    464. IEEE Internet Computing: 0.70 (top 38.00%)
    465. LISP Conference: 0.70 (top 38.08%)
    466. C++ Workshop: 0.70 (top 38.16%)
    467. SPDP: 0.70 (top 38.24%)
    468. Fuji International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming: 0.69 (top 38.32%)
    469. LPAR: 0.69 (top 38.41%)
    470. ECAI: 0.69 (top 38.49%)
    471. Hypermedia: 0.69 (top 38.57%)
    472. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 0.69 (top 38.65%)
    473. AADEBUG: 0.69 (top 38.73%)
    474. VL: 0.69 (top 38.82%)
    475. FSTTCS: 0.69 (top 38.90%)
    476. AMAST: 0.68 (top 38.98%)
    477. Artificial Intelligence Review: 0.68 (top 39.06%)
    478. HPN: 0.68 (top 39.14%)
    479. POS: 0.68 (top 39.23%)
    480. Research Directions in High-Level Parallel Programming Languages: 0.68 (top 39.31%)
    481. Performance Evaluation: 0.68 (top 39.39%)
    482. ASE: 0.68 (top 39.47%)
    483. LFCS: 0.67 (top 39.55%)
    484. ISCOPE: 0.67 (top 39.63%)
    485. Workshop on Software and Performance: 0.67 (top 39.72%)
    486. European Workshop on Applications and Theory in Petri Nets: 0.67 (top 39.80%)
    487. ICPP: 0.67 (top 39.88%)
    488. INFOVIS: 0.67 (top 39.96%)
    489. Description Logics: 0.67 (top 40.04%)
    490. JCDKB: 0.67 (top 40.13%)
    491. Euro-Par, Vol. I: 0.67 (top 40.21%)
    492. RoboCup: 0.67 (top 40.29%)
    493. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications: 0.66 (top 40.37%)
    494. TPLP: 0.66 (top 40.45%)
    495. CVRMed: 0.66 (top 40.54%)
    496. POS/PJW: 0.66 (top 40.62%)
    497. FORTE: 0.66 (top 40.70%)
    498. IPMI: 0.66 (top 40.78%)
    499. ADL: 0.66 (top 40.86%)
    500. ICCS: 0.66 (top 40.95%)
    501. ISSAC: 0.66 (top 41.03%)
    502. Advanced Programming Environments: 0.66 (top 41.11%)
    503. COMPCON: 0.66 (top 41.19%)
    504. LCR: 0.65 (top 41.27%)
    505. Digital Libraries: 0.65 (top 41.35%)
    506. ALENEX: 0.65 (top 41.44%)
    507. AH: 0.65 (top 41.52%)
    508. CoBuild: 0.65 (top 41.60%)
    509. DS-6: 0.65 (top 41.68%)
    510. CDB: 0.64 (top 41.76%)
    511. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems: 0.64 (top 41.85%)
    512. IWACA: 0.64 (top 41.93%)
    513. MobiDE: 0.64 (top 42.01%)
    514. WOWMOM: 0.64 (top 42.09%)
    515. IEEE Expert: 0.64 (top 42.17%)
    516. IRREGULAR: 0.64 (top 42.26%)
    517. TOMS: 0.63 (top 42.34%)
    518. Multiple Classifier Systems: 0.63 (top 42.42%)
    519. Parallel Computing: 0.63 (top 42.50%)
    520. ANTS: 0.63 (top 42.58%)
    521. ACSAC: 0.63 (top 42.66%)
    522. RCLP: 0.63 (top 42.75%)
    523. Multimedia Tools and Applications: 0.63 (top 42.83%)
    524. ALT: 0.63 (top 42.91%)
    525. ICCD: 0.63 (top 42.99%)
    526. ICVS: 0.62 (top 43.07%)
    527. Workshop on Web Information and Data Management: 0.62 (top 43.16%)
    528. Software - Concepts and Tools: 0.62 (top 43.24%)
    529. ICSM: 0.62 (top 43.32%)
    530. The Visual Computer: 0.62 (top 43.40%)
    531. SARA: 0.62 (top 43.48%)
    532. IS: 0.61 (top 43.57%)
    533. Information Retrieval: 0.61 (top 43.65%)
    534. CARDIS: 0.61 (top 43.73%)
    535. DOA: 0.61 (top 43.81%)
    536. Cryptography: Policy and Algorithms: 0.60 (top 43.89%)
    537. Electronic Publishing: 0.60 (top 43.98%)
    538. SSTD: 0.60 (top 44.06%)
    539. Algebraic Methods: 0.60 (top 44.14%)
    540. AGTIVE: 0.59 (top 44.22%)
    541. Computational Logic: 0.59 (top 44.30%)
    542. Computer Communications: 0.59 (top 44.38%)
    543. QofIS: 0.59 (top 44.47%)
    544. Journal of Logic, Language and Information: 0.59 (top 44.55%)
    545. Expert Database Workshop: 0.59 (top 44.63%)
    546. IFL: 0.58 (top 44.71%)
    547. Nonmonotonic and Inductive Logic: 0.58 (top 44.79%)
    548. Algorithmic Number Theory: 0.58 (top 44.88%)
    549. Graph-Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science and Biology: 0.58 (top 44.96%)
    550. Structured Programming: 0.58 (top 45.04%)
    551. Information Processing Letters: 0.58 (top 45.12%)
    552. SIGKDD Explorations: 0.58 (top 45.20%)
    553. Parallel Symbolic Computing: 0.58 (top 45.29%)
    554. WG: 0.58 (top 45.37%)
    555. MIT-JSME Workshop: 0.57 (top 45.45%)
    556. Knowledge and Information Systems: 0.57 (top 45.53%)
    557. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies: 0.57 (top 45.61%)
    558. Software - Practice and Experience: 0.57 (top 45.70%)
    559. Scale-Space: 0.57 (top 45.78%)
    560. AI Communications: 0.57 (top 45.86%)
    561. Kurt Gödel Colloquium: 0.56 (top 45.94%)
    562. DBSec: 0.56 (top 46.02%)
    563. ER: 0.56 (top 46.10%)
    564. IBM Journal of Research and Development: 0.56 (top 46.19%)
    565. QCQC: 0.56 (top 46.27%)
    566. Gesture Workshop: 0.56 (top 46.35%)
    567. CIAC: 0.56 (top 46.43%)
    568. Artificial Evolution: 0.55 (top 46.51%)
    569. RANDOM-APPROX: 0.55 (top 46.60%)
    570. Information Processing and Management: 0.55 (top 46.68%)
    571. EKAW: 0.55 (top 46.76%)
    572. Operating Systems of the 90s and Beyond: 0.55 (top 46.84%)
    573. International Zurich Seminar on Digital Communications: 0.55 (top 46.92%)
    574. Annals of Software Engineering: 0.55 (top 47.01%)
    575. AII: 0.55 (top 47.09%)
    576. DOLAP: 0.55 (top 47.17%)
    577. Fundamenta Informaticae: 0.55 (top 47.25%)
    578. PARLE: 0.55 (top 47.33%)
    579. Advanced Course: Distributed Systems: 0.54 (top 47.42%)
    580. BCEC: 0.54 (top 47.50%)
    581. Digital Technical Journal: 0.54 (top 47.58%)
    582. IJCAR: 0.54 (top 47.66%)
    583. Formal Methods in Programming and Their Applications: 0.54 (top 47.74%)
    584. IPPS: 0.54 (top 47.82%)
    585. Knowledge Based Systems: 0.53 (top 47.91%)
    586. PDK: 0.53 (top 47.99%)
    587. East/West Database Workshop: 0.53 (top 48.07%)
    588. International ACM Conference on Assistive Technologies: 0.53 (top 48.15%)
    589. Mathematical Systems Theory: 0.53 (top 48.23%)
    590. ICFEM: 0.53 (top 48.32%)
    591. DMDW: 0.53 (top 48.40%)
    592. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science: 0.52 (top 48.48%)
    593. LACL: 0.52 (top 48.56%)
    594. Advances in Computers: 0.52 (top 48.64%)
    595. Workshop on Conceptual Graphs: 0.52 (top 48.73%)
    596. FM-Trends: 0.52 (top 48.81%)
    597. GREC: 0.52 (top 48.89%)
    598. Advanced Visual Interfaces: 0.52 (top 48.97%)
    599. Agents Workshop on Infrastructure for Multi-Agent Systems: 0.52 (top 49.05%)
    600. Euro-Par, Vol. II: 0.52 (top 49.14%)
    601. ICPP (3): 0.52 (top 49.22%)
    602. Telecommunication Systems: 0.52 (top 49.30%)
    603. AISMC: 0.52 (top 49.38%)
    604. ISAAC: 0.51 (top 49.46%)
    605. ICIP (2): 0.51 (top 49.54%)
    606. IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems: 0.51 (top 49.63%)
    607. FAPR: 0.51 (top 49.71%)
    608. EHCI: 0.51 (top 49.79%)
    609. CHI Conference Companion: 0.51 (top 49.87%)
    610. Open Distributed Processing: 0.51 (top 49.95%)
    611. AUSCRYPT: 0.51 (top 50.04%)
    612. WWCA: 0.50 (top 50.12%)
    613. ICIP: 0.50 (top 50.20%)
    614. ICIP (1): 0.50 (top 50.28%)
    615. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic: 0.50 (top 50.36%)
    616. CISMOD: 0.50 (top 50.45%)
    617. Algorithm Engineering: 0.50 (top 50.53%)
    618. CASES: 0.50 (top 50.61%)
    619. EWSPT: 0.50 (top 50.69%)
    620. ICMCS, Vol. 1: 0.50 (top 50.77%)
    621. BIT: 0.50 (top 50.85%)
    622. Computer Performance Evaluation (Tools): 0.50 (top 50.94%)
    623. Information and Control: 0.50 (top 51.02%)
    624. Machine Vision and Applications: 0.50 (top 51.10%)
    625. Discrete Applied Mathematics: 0.50 (top 51.18%)
    626. PKDD: 0.50 (top 51.26%)
    627. ESCQARU: 0.49 (top 51.35%)
    628. IDS: 0.49 (top 51.43%)
    629. ACISP: 0.49 (top 51.51%)
    630. Computer Languages: 0.49 (top 51.59%)
    631. MFDBS: 0.49 (top 51.67%)
    632. QL: 0.49 (top 51.76%)
    633. Requirements Engineering: 0.49 (top 51.84%)
    634. International Journal of Human Computer Studies: 0.48 (top 51.92%)
    635. IBM Systems Journal: 0.48 (top 52.00%)
    636. Aegean Workshop on Computing: 0.48 (top 52.08%)
    637. Spatial Cognition: 0.48 (top 52.17%)
    638. MFCS: 0.48 (top 52.25%)
    639. Discrete & Computational Geometry: 0.48 (top 52.33%)
    640. ITC: 0.47 (top 52.41%)
    641. ATL: 0.47 (top 52.49%)
    642. ISW: 0.47 (top 52.57%)
    643. IEEE Intelligent Systems: 0.47 (top 52.66%)
    644. The Computer Journal: 0.47 (top 52.74%)
    645. Computer Networks: 0.47 (top 52.82%)
    646. Interacting with Computers: 0.47 (top 52.90%)
    647. Artificial Intelligence and Law: 0.46 (top 52.98%)
    648. ECAL: 0.46 (top 53.07%)
    649. Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems: 0.46 (top 53.15%)
    650. OOER: 0.46 (top 53.23%)
    651. ICIP (3): 0.46 (top 53.31%)
    652. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines: 0.46 (top 53.39%)
    653. IWHD: 0.45 (top 53.48%)
    654. ICAIL: 0.45 (top 53.56%)
    655. ECDL: 0.45 (top 53.64%)
    656. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science: 0.45 (top 53.72%)
    657. EUROSAM: 0.45 (top 53.80%)
    658. VDB: 0.44 (top 53.89%)
    659. FPL: 0.44 (top 53.97%)
    660. ICFPC: 0.44 (top 54.05%)
    661. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review: 0.43 (top 54.13%)
    662. FODO: 0.43 (top 54.21%)
    663. PPSC: 0.43 (top 54.29%)
    664. GCSE: 0.43 (top 54.38%)
    665. IPPS/SPDP Workshops: 0.43 (top 54.46%)
    666. Programming Environments for High-Level Scientific Problem Solving: 0.43 (top 54.54%)
    667. Berkeley Workshop: 0.43 (top 54.62%)
    668. NGITS: 0.43 (top 54.70%)
    669. Computers and Games: 0.43 (top 54.79%)
    670. ACCV (2): 0.43 (top 54.87%)
    671. AII/ALT: 0.43 (top 54.95%)
    672. Performance: 0.43 (top 55.03%)
    673. MASCOTS: 0.43 (top 55.11%)
    674. DAI: 0.43 (top 55.20%)
    675. CONPAR: 0.42 (top 55.28%)
    676. LATIN: 0.42 (top 55.36%)
    677. Data Communications and their Performance: 0.42 (top 55.44%)
    678. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications: 0.42 (top 55.52%)
    679. ACCV: 0.42 (top 55.61%)
    680. SSDBM: 0.42 (top 55.69%)
    681. COMAD: 0.42 (top 55.77%)
    682. JETAI: 0.42 (top 55.85%)
    683. The Journal of Symbolic Logic: 0.41 (top 55.93%)
    684. TIME: 0.41 (top 56.01%)
    685. INTERACT: 0.41 (top 56.10%)
    686. DSOM: 0.41 (top 56.18%)
    687. IEEE/Nagoya-University World Wisepersons Workshop: 0.41 (top 56.26%)
    688. ALPUK: 0.41 (top 56.34%)
    689. International Journal in Computer Simulation: 0.41 (top 56.42%)
    690. IS/KI: 0.41 (top 56.51%)
    691. KI/ÖGAI: 0.41 (top 56.59%)
    692. Parallel Processing Letters: 0.40 (top 56.67%)
    693. Mobile Communications: 0.40 (top 56.75%)
    694. GeoInformatica: 0.40 (top 56.83%)
    695. EWHCI: 0.40 (top 56.92%)
    696. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation: 0.40 (top 57.00%)
    697. Protocol Test Systems: 0.40 (top 57.08%)
    698. HIM: 0.39 (top 57.16%)
    699. International Journal of Geographical Information Science: 0.39 (top 57.24%)
    700. ICRE: 0.39 (top 57.33%)
    701. DDB: 0.39 (top 57.41%)
    702. IMA Conf.: 0.39 (top 57.49%)
    703. CLEF: 0.39 (top 57.57%)
    704. EMMCVPR: 0.38 (top 57.65%)
    705. MABS: 0.38 (top 57.73%)
    706. ECOOP Workshops: 0.38 (top 57.82%)
    707. ECSQARU: 0.38 (top 57.90%)
    708. Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems: 0.38 (top 57.98%)
    709. PVM: 0.38 (top 58.06%)
    710. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science: 0.38 (top 58.14%)
    711. IJDAR: 0.38 (top 58.23%)
    712. Australian Database Conference: 0.38 (top 58.31%)
    713. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing: 0.38 (top 58.39%)
    714. Theoretical Computer Science: 0.38 (top 58.47%)
    715. FMLDO: 0.38 (top 58.55%)
    716. EDCC: 0.37 (top 58.64%)
    717. Applied Intelligence: 0.37 (top 58.72%)
    718. Software Process: Improvement and Practice: 0.37 (top 58.80%)
    719. ICMCS, Vol. 2: 0.37 (top 58.88%)
    720. SEAL: 0.37 (top 58.96%)
    721. Designs, Codes and Cryptography: 0.36 (top 59.04%)
    722. IDA: 0.36 (top 59.13%)
    723. Queueing Systems: 0.36 (top 59.21%)
    724. CSMR: 0.36 (top 59.29%)
    725. Web Engineering: 0.36 (top 59.37%)
    726. BNCOD: 0.36 (top 59.45%)
    727. PDSE: 0.36 (top 59.54%)
    728. COCOON: 0.36 (top 59.62%)
    729. Software Testing, Verification & Reliability: 0.36 (top 59.70%)
    730. ACPC: 0.36 (top 59.78%)
    731. ICDM: 0.35 (top 59.86%)
    732. ITA: 0.35 (top 59.95%)
    733. ICICS: 0.35 (top 60.03%)
    734. Protocol Specification, Testing, and Verification: 0.35 (top 60.11%)
    735. IFM: 0.35 (top 60.19%)
    736. Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming Workshop: 0.35 (top 60.27%)
    737. VLSI: 0.35 (top 60.36%)
    738. AISC: 0.35 (top 60.44%)
    739. VISUAL: 0.35 (top 60.52%)
    740. EUROVAV: 0.35 (top 60.60%)
    741. ER Workshops: 0.35 (top 60.68%)
    742. LP: 0.35 (top 60.76%)
    743. JTASPEFT/WSA: 0.35 (top 60.85%)
    744. Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation: 0.34 (top 60.93%)
    745. ISC: 0.34 (top 61.01%)
    746. ECSQARU-FAPR: 0.34 (top 61.09%)
    747. ZB: 0.34 (top 61.17%)
    748. Euro-Par: 0.34 (top 61.26%)
    749. FCT: 0.34 (top 61.34%)
    750. Computer Performance Evaluation / TOOLS: 0.34 (top 61.42%)
    751. EuroGP: 0.34 (top 61.50%)
    752. INDOCRYPT: 0.34 (top 61.58%)
    753. JASIS: 0.34 (top 61.67%)
    754. ACM-GIS: 0.34 (top 61.75%)
    755. Journal of Universal Computer Science: 0.34 (top 61.83%)
    756. IFIP Congress (1): 0.34 (top 61.91%)
    757. Workshop on Implementing Automata: 0.33 (top 61.99%)
    758. Foundations of Computer Science: Potential - Theory - Cognition: 0.33 (top 62.08%)
    759. ISMIS: 0.33 (top 62.16%)
    760. DaWaK: 0.33 (top 62.24%)
    761. Applied Artificial Intelligence: 0.33 (top 62.32%)
    762. HPTS: 0.33 (top 62.40%)
    763. Communications and Multimedia Security: 0.33 (top 62.48%)
    764. HICSS (1): 0.33 (top 62.57%)
    765. XPS: 0.33 (top 62.65%)
    766. IFIP TCS: 0.33 (top 62.73%)
    767. DSV-IS: 0.33 (top 62.81%)
    768. Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction: 0.32 (top 62.89%)
    769. European Conference on Computer Algebra (2): 0.32 (top 62.98%)
    770. Results and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science: 0.32 (top 63.06%)
    771. SPIRE/CRIWG: 0.32 (top 63.14%)
    772. JOOP: 0.32 (top 63.22%)
    773. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic: 0.32 (top 63.30%)
    774. IMA Int. Conf.: 0.32 (top 63.39%)
    775. Ershov Memorial Conference: 0.32 (top 63.47%)
    776. Dagstuhl Seminar on Parallelization in Inference Systems: 0.32 (top 63.55%)
    777. SSPR: 0.32 (top 63.63%)
    778. Jewels are Forever: 0.32 (top 63.71%)
    779. Int. Journal in Computer Simulation: 0.32 (top 63.80%)
    780. ADT: 0.31 (top 63.88%)
    781. MICCAI: 0.31 (top 63.96%)
    782. SAC (1): 0.31 (top 64.04%)
    783. LPE: 0.31 (top 64.12%)
    784. IGIS: 0.31 (top 64.20%)
    785. The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia: 0.31 (top 64.29%)
    786. SIGPLAN Notices: 0.31 (top 64.37%)
    787. JCDL: 0.31 (top 64.45%)
    788. IDMS: 0.31 (top 64.53%)
    789. Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 0.30 (top 64.61%)
    790. Computation Theory and Logic: 0.30 (top 64.70%)
    791. PFE: 0.30 (top 64.78%)
    792. ESPRIT ARES Workshop: 0.30 (top 64.86%)
    793. CIAA: 0.30 (top 64.94%)
    794. COLT/EuroCOLT: 0.30 (top 65.02%)
    795. ECCV (3): 0.30 (top 65.11%)
    796. ICSR: 0.30 (top 65.19%)
    797. ICOD: 0.30 (top 65.27%)
    798. EMO: 0.30 (top 65.35%)
    799. Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence: 0.30 (top 65.43%)
    800. IFIP World Conference on Mobile Communications: 0.30 (top 65.52%)
    801. PAKDD: 0.30 (top 65.60%)
    802. EC-Web: 0.29 (top 65.68%)
    803. ASIAN: 0.29 (top 65.76%)
    804. USM: 0.29 (top 65.84%)
    805. HICSS (3): 0.29 (top 65.92%)
    806. Winter Simulation Conference: 0.29 (top 66.01%)
    807. Web Intelligence: 0.29 (top 66.09%)
    808. Text Understanding in LILOG, LNCS: 0.29 (top 66.17%)
    809. AAECC: 0.29 (top 66.25%)
    810. ICC (1): 0.29 (top 66.33%)
    811. Broadband Communications: 0.29 (top 66.42%)
    812. Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision: 0.28 (top 66.50%)
    813. DASFAA: 0.28 (top 66.58%)
    814. ASP-DAC: 0.28 (top 66.66%)
    815. ULPAA: 0.28 (top 66.74%)
    816. Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware: 0.28 (top 66.83%)
    817. ICALP Satellite Workshops: 0.28 (top 66.91%)
    818. LCN: 0.28 (top 66.99%)
    819. FoIKS: 0.28 (top 67.07%)
    820. IPMU: 0.28 (top 67.15%)
    821. Proc. 15èmes Journées Bases de Données Avancées, BDA: 0.27 (top 67.23%)
    822. DEXA: 0.27 (top 67.32%)
    823. EP: 0.27 (top 67.40%)
    824. Journal of Systems and Software: 0.27 (top 67.48%)
    825. IDEAS: 0.27 (top 67.56%)
    826. Applications in Parallel and Distributed Computing: 0.27 (top 67.64%)
    827. ICANN: 0.27 (top 67.73%)
    828. The Analysis of Concurrent Systems: 0.27 (top 67.81%)
    829. HPCN: 0.27 (top 67.89%)
    830. Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks: 0.27 (top 67.97%)
    831. IWDM: 0.27 (top 68.05%)
    832. Mobile Data Management: 0.27 (top 68.14%)
    833. Computer Graphics International: 0.27 (top 68.22%)
    834. AMTA: 0.27 (top 68.30%)
    835. Computing: 0.26 (top 68.38%)
    836. Workshop on Information Integration on the Web: 0.26 (top 68.46%)
    837. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (II): 0.26 (top 68.55%)
    838. ICC (3): 0.26 (top 68.63%)
    839. Australasian Database Conference: 0.26 (top 68.71%)
    840. EPIA: 0.26 (top 68.79%)
    841. Canadian Conference on AI: 0.26 (top 68.87%)
    842. AVBPA: 0.26 (top 68.95%)
    843. DELOS Workshop: Information Seeking, Searching and Querying in Digital Libraries: 0.26 (top 69.04%)
    844. AI*IA: 0.26 (top 69.12%)
    845. Pattern Recognition Letters: 0.25 (top 69.20%)
    846. AMCP: 0.25 (top 69.28%)
    847. WECWIS: 0.25 (top 69.36%)
    848. GWAI: 0.25 (top 69.45%)
    849. UIDIS: 0.25 (top 69.53%)
    850. Future Databases: 0.25 (top 69.61%)
    851. SAC: 0.25 (top 69.69%)
    852. Intelligence: 0.25 (top 69.77%)
    853. ICTAI: 0.25 (top 69.86%)
    854. Discovery Science: 0.24 (top 69.94%)
    855. FroCos: 0.24 (top 70.02%)
    856. ICCG: 0.24 (top 70.10%)
    857. Workshop on Database Issues for Data Visualization: 0.24 (top 70.18%)
    858. ACM Multimedia (2): 0.24 (top 70.27%)
    859. AIMDM: 0.24 (top 70.35%)
    860. IWDC: 0.24 (top 70.43%)
    861. WOCFAI: 0.24 (top 70.51%)
    862. ICISC: 0.24 (top 70.59%)
    863. Combinatorics and Computer Science: 0.24 (top 70.67%)
    864. Scalable Coherent Interface: 0.24 (top 70.76%)
    865. CSEE: 0.24 (top 70.84%)
    866. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools: 0.24 (top 70.92%)
    867. PVM/MPI: 0.24 (top 71.00%)
    868. ISADS: 0.24 (top 71.08%)
    869. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering: 0.24 (top 71.17%)
    870. WLP: 0.23 (top 71.25%)
    871. Integrated Broadband Communications: 0.23 (top 71.33%)
    872. Synthesis for Control Dominated Circuits: 0.23 (top 71.41%)
    873. SOFSEM: 0.23 (top 71.49%)
    874. DS-3: 0.23 (top 71.58%)
    875. HICSS (2): 0.23 (top 71.66%)
    876. ACCV (1): 0.23 (top 71.74%)
    877. GI Datenbank Rundbrief: 0.23 (top 71.82%)
    878. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (III): 0.23 (top 71.90%)
    879. ICCAL: 0.23 (top 71.99%)
    880. Developments in Language Theory: 0.23 (top 72.07%)
    881. Information Sciences: 0.23 (top 72.15%)
    882. KnowRight: 0.23 (top 72.23%)
    883. IMACS World Congress: 0.22 (top 72.31%)
    884. PARA: 0.22 (top 72.39%)
    885. AIME: 0.22 (top 72.48%)
    886. Java-Informations-Tage: 0.22 (top 72.56%)
    887. Quality of Numerical Software: 0.22 (top 72.64%)
    888. IS&N: 0.22 (top 72.72%)
    889. FQAS: 0.22 (top 72.80%)
    890. Experimental Software Engineering Issues: 0.22 (top 72.89%)
    891. CONTEXT: 0.22 (top 72.97%)
    892. HPCN Europe: 0.22 (top 73.05%)
    893. IJPRAI: 0.22 (top 73.13%)
    894. MMM-ACNS: 0.21 (top 73.21%)
    895. SDL Forum: 0.21 (top 73.30%)
    896. SIGAda: 0.21 (top 73.38%)
    897. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics: 0.21 (top 73.46%)
    898. ICC (2): 0.21 (top 73.54%)
    899. IWFM: 0.21 (top 73.62%)
    900. ECMAST: 0.21 (top 73.71%)
    901. EUROCAL: 0.21 (top 73.79%)
    902. Networking and Information Systems: 0.21 (top 73.87%)
    903. ICIAP (2): 0.21 (top 73.95%)
    904. CAIP: 0.21 (top 74.03%)
    905. IICIS: 0.21 (top 74.11%)
    906. IFIP Congress: 0.21 (top 74.20%)
    907. GMP: 0.21 (top 74.28%)
    908. DAISD: 0.20 (top 74.36%)
    909. MHVR: 0.20 (top 74.44%)
    910. SPIRE: 0.20 (top 74.52%)
    911. Markup Languages: 0.20 (top 74.61%)
    912. IPDPS Workshops: 0.20 (top 74.69%)
    913. Neural Processing Letters: 0.20 (top 74.77%)
    914. Ada-Europe: 0.20 (top 74.85%)
    915. SIGFIDET Workshop: 0.20 (top 74.93%)
    916. NETWORKING: 0.20 (top 75.02%)
    917. BTW: 0.20 (top 75.10%)
    918. EFIS: 0.20 (top 75.18%)
    919. SIGIR Forum: 0.20 (top 75.26%)
    920. DDSS: 0.20 (top 75.34%)
    921. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience: 0.20 (top 75.42%)
    922. ECI: 0.20 (top 75.51%)
    923. HICSS: 0.20 (top 75.59%)
    924. IAS: 0.20 (top 75.67%)
    925. DEXA Workshop: 0.20 (top 75.75%)
    926. SAC (2): 0.20 (top 75.83%)
    927. CSEE&T: 0.20 (top 75.92%)
    928. RelMiCS: 0.20 (top 76.00%)
    929. OOIS: 0.19 (top 76.08%)
    930. Information & Software Technology: 0.19 (top 76.16%)
    931. JSAI Workshops: 0.19 (top 76.24%)
    932. PRICAI: 0.19 (top 76.33%)
    933. VCHCI: 0.19 (top 76.41%)
    934. ACM Multimedia Workshops: 0.19 (top 76.49%)
    935. ISCO: 0.19 (top 76.57%)
    936. Natural Language Processing: 0.19 (top 76.65%)
    937. PROFES: 0.19 (top 76.74%)
    938. SEKE: 0.19 (top 76.82%)
    939. International Journal of Image and Graphics: 0.19 (top 76.90%)
    940. KI: 0.18 (top 76.98%)
    941. ISMVL: 0.18 (top 77.06%)
    942. ADBIS: 0.18 (top 77.14%)
    943. ACM Conference on Computer Science: 0.18 (top 77.23%)
    944. ICPP Workshop: 0.18 (top 77.31%)
    945. Database Engineering Bulletin: 0.18 (top 77.39%)
    946. ICIAP (1): 0.18 (top 77.47%)
    947. RSFDGrC: 0.18 (top 77.55%)
    948. Acta Cybernetica: 0.18 (top 77.64%)
    949. AFPAC: 0.18 (top 77.72%)
    950. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping: 0.17 (top 77.80%)
    951. Australian Computer Journal: 0.17 (top 77.88%)
    952. DAIS: 0.17 (top 77.96%)
    953. VLSI Design: 0.17 (top 78.05%)
    954. ONDM: 0.17 (top 78.13%)
    955. EvoWorkshops: 0.17 (top 78.21%)
    956. New Trends in Formal Languages: 0.17 (top 78.29%)
    957. SAFECOMP: 0.17 (top 78.37%)
    958. User Modeling: 0.17 (top 78.46%)
    959. ACM Annual Conference: 0.17 (top 78.54%)
    960. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (I): 0.17 (top 78.62%)
    961. Terminology and Knowledge Engineering: 0.17 (top 78.70%)
    962. AISB (ECAI): 0.17 (top 78.78%)
    963. Web3D: 0.17 (top 78.86%)
    964. MATA: 0.17 (top 78.95%)
    965. ICCI: 0.17 (top 79.03%)
    966. International Journal of Intelligent Systems: 0.17 (top 79.11%)
    967. SEC: 0.17 (top 79.19%)
    968. BSDIA: 0.16 (top 79.27%)
    969. TRI-Ada: 0.16 (top 79.36%)
    970. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence: 0.16 (top 79.44%)
    971. HICSS (4): 0.16 (top 79.52%)
    972. PRIMA: 0.16 (top 79.60%)
    973. IADT: 0.16 (top 79.68%)
    974. SCAI: 0.16 (top 79.77%)
    975. IWANN: 0.16 (top 79.85%)
    976. Multimedia Information Systems: 0.16 (top 79.93%)
    977. Informatica (Slovenia): 0.16 (top 80.01%)
    978. Parallelism, Learning, Evolution: 0.16 (top 80.09%)
    979. Document Analysis Systems: 0.16 (top 80.18%)
    980. Workshop on Data Abstraction, Databases and Conceptual Modelling: 0.16 (top 80.26%)
    981. HiPC: 0.16 (top 80.34%)
    982. SEBD: 0.16 (top 80.42%)
    983. Selected Papers from the First and the Second European Workshop on Application and Theory of Petri Nets: 0.16 (top 80.50%)
    984. CALISCE: 0.16 (top 80.58%)
    985. AISB/GI (ECAI): 0.16 (top 80.67%)
    986. IPSEN Book: 0.16 (top 80.75%)
    987. CODAS: 0.16 (top 80.83%)
    988. Virtual Worlds: 0.16 (top 80.91%)
    989. WISE (1): 0.16 (top 80.99%)
    990. MMB: 0.15 (top 81.08%)
    991. Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence: 0.15 (top 81.16%)
    992. ACM StandardView: 0.15 (top 81.24%)
    993. PARCO: 0.15 (top 81.32%)
    994. Information Theory and Applications: 0.15 (top 81.40%)
    995. PATMOS: 0.15 (top 81.49%)
    996. EMISA Forum: 0.15 (top 81.57%)
    997. ADVIS: 0.15 (top 81.65%)
    998. Advances in Computer Graphics: 0.15 (top 81.73%)
    999. Software Visualization: 0.15 (top 81.81%)
    1000. SSPR/SPR: 0.15 (top 81.90%)
    1001. WISE: 0.14 (top 81.98%)
    1002. ICSC: 0.14 (top 82.06%)
    1003. ADBIS-DASFAA: 0.14 (top 82.14%)
    1004. AI in Structural Engineering: 0.14 (top 82.22%)
    1005. HICSS (5): 0.14 (top 82.30%)
    1006. DGCI: 0.14 (top 82.39%)
    1007. DDLP: 0.14 (top 82.47%)
    1008. OHS-7/SC-3/AH-3: 0.14 (top 82.55%)
    1009. ICIAP: 0.13 (top 82.63%)
    1010. EDBT PhD Workshop: 0.13 (top 82.71%)
    1011. Biologically Motivated Computer Vision: 0.13 (top 82.80%)
    1012. Cognitive Technology: 0.13 (top 82.88%)
    1013. Journal of Systems Integration: 0.13 (top 82.96%)
    1014. ISCAS: 0.13 (top 83.04%)
    1015. Föderierte Datenbanken: 0.13 (top 83.12%)
    1016. NLDB: 0.13 (top 83.21%)
    1017. CCA: 0.13 (top 83.29%)
    1018. INDC: 0.13 (top 83.37%)
    1019. FAABS: 0.12 (top 83.45%)
    1020. Journal of Interconnection Networks: 0.12 (top 83.53%)
    1021. JCDCG: 0.12 (top 83.61%)
    1022. EJC: 0.12 (top 83.70%)
    1023. Joint International Conference on Cognitive and Systematic Musicology: 0.12 (top 83.78%)
    1024. ICN (1): 0.12 (top 83.86%)
    1025. IFIP Congress (3): 0.12 (top 83.94%)
    1026. Digital Cities: 0.12 (top 84.02%)
    1027. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing: 0.12 (top 84.11%)
    1028. IFIP World Conference on IT Tools: 0.11 (top 84.19%)
    1029. WAIM: 0.11 (top 84.27%)
    1030. AIMSA: 0.11 (top 84.35%)
    1031. ICAPR: 0.11 (top 84.43%)
    1032. ISHPC: 0.11 (top 84.52%)
    1033. INAP: 0.11 (top 84.60%)
    1034. SIGDOC: 0.11 (top 84.68%)
    1035. QoS-IP: 0.11 (top 84.76%)
    1036. VIS: 0.11 (top 84.84%)
    1037. Software Quality Journal: 0.11 (top 84.93%)
    1038. D-Lib Magazine: 0.11 (top 85.01%)
    1039. ACM Pacific: 0.11 (top 85.09%)
    1040. Broadband Islands: 0.11 (top 85.17%)
    1041. ARCS: 0.11 (top 85.25%)
    1042. WWW Posters: 0.10 (top 85.33%)
    1043. Wissensbasierte Systeme: 0.10 (top 85.42%)
    1044. Information Fusion: 0.10 (top 85.50%)
    1045. CEEMAS: 0.10 (top 85.58%)
    1046. Web-Age Information Management: 0.10 (top 85.66%)
    1047. Informatik Forsch. Entw.: 0.10 (top 85.74%)
    1048. JASIST: 0.10 (top 85.83%)
    1049. International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping: 0.10 (top 85.91%)
    1050. ADBIS-DASFAA Symposium: 0.10 (top 85.99%)
    1051. IW-SAPF: 0.10 (top 86.07%)
    1052. Digital and Image Geometry: 0.10 (top 86.15%)
    1053. VECPAR: 0.10 (top 86.24%)
    1054. INTERWORKING: 0.10 (top 86.32%)
    1055. PRICAI Workshops: 0.10 (top 86.40%)
    1056. Great Lakes Computer Science Conference: 0.09 (top 86.48%)
    1057. Computer Architecture for Non-Numeric Processing: 0.09 (top 86.56%)
    1058. ICIS: 0.09 (top 86.65%)
    1059. International Conference on Internet Computing: 0.09 (top 86.73%)
    1060. Ada Europe: 0.09 (top 86.81%)
    1061. ADBIS (Short Papers): 0.09 (top 86.89%)
    1062. Business Process Re-Engineering: 0.09 (top 86.97%)
    1063. International Hong Kong Computer Society Database Workshop: 0.09 (top 87.05%)
    1064. The Journal of Supercomputing: 0.09 (top 87.14%)
    1065. PROSPECTRA Book: 0.09 (top 87.22%)
    1066. RobVis: 0.09 (top 87.30%)
    1067. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen: 0.09 (top 87.38%)
    1068. ICN (2): 0.09 (top 87.46%)
    1069. Algebraic Coding: 0.09 (top 87.55%)
    1070. ICALT: 0.09 (top 87.63%)
    1071. DAGM-Symposium: 0.09 (top 87.71%)
    1072. IEA/AIE: 0.09 (top 87.79%)
    1073. NetWORKing: 0.09 (top 87.87%)
    1074. Data Base Techniques for Pictorial Applications: 0.08 (top 87.96%)
    1075. ICC: 0.08 (top 88.04%)
    1076. EUROCODE: 0.08 (top 88.12%)
    1077. ÖGAI: 0.08 (top 88.20%)
    1078. Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering: 0.08 (top 88.28%)
    1079. PaCT: 0.08 (top 88.37%)
    1080. IFIP Congress (2): 0.08 (top 88.45%)
    1081. Fuzzy Days: 0.08 (top 88.53%)
    1082. Int. Journal of Network Management: 0.08 (top 88.61%)
    1083. ICPADS: 0.08 (top 88.69%)
    1084. ICCHP: 0.08 (top 88.77%)
    1085. SBIA: 0.07 (top 88.86%)
    1086. VLDB Surveys: 0.07 (top 88.94%)
    1087. IEA/AIE (Vol. 2): 0.07 (top 89.02%)
    1088. Soft-Ware: 0.07 (top 89.10%)
    1089. HCI (2): 0.07 (top 89.18%)
    1090. Datenbank Rundbrief: 0.07 (top 89.27%)
    1091. Journal of Systems Architecture: 0.07 (top 89.35%)
    1092. ACM Southeast Regional Conference: 0.07 (top 89.43%)
    1093. ICHIM: 0.07 (top 89.51%)
    1094. Expert Planning Systems: 0.07 (top 89.59%)
    1095. WebNet (1): 0.07 (top 89.68%)
    1096. IEA/AIE (Vol. 1): 0.06 (top 89.76%)
    1097. Software Quality and Productivity: 0.06 (top 89.84%)
    1098. Information Management in Computer Integrated Manufacturing: 0.06 (top 89.92%)
    1099. Kognitionswissenschaft: 0.06 (top 90.00%)
    1100. IV: 0.06 (top 90.09%)
    1101. BIBE: 0.06 (top 90.17%)
    1102. CAST: 0.06 (top 90.25%)
    1103. EUROCAST: 0.06 (top 90.33%)
    1104. Sensor Based Intelligent Robots: 0.06 (top 90.41%)
    1105. IWVF: 0.06 (top 90.49%)
    1106. Databases in Telecommunications: 0.06 (top 90.58%)
    1107. Rechnerunterstütztes Entwerfen und Konstruieren (CAD): 0.06 (top 90.66%)
    1108. IWANN (2): 0.06 (top 90.74%)
    1109. SIGMOD Workshop, Vol. 1: 0.06 (top 90.82%)
    1110. Electronic Imaging: 0.06 (top 90.90%)
    1111. SMARTNET: 0.06 (top 90.99%)
    1112. HICSS (6): 0.06 (top 91.07%)
    1113. LSSC: 0.06 (top 91.15%)
    1114. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics: 0.06 (top 91.23%)
    1115. I3E: 0.06 (top 91.31%)
    1116. International Conference on Computational Science (1): 0.05 (top 91.40%)
    1117. Kyoto International Conference on Digital Libraries: 0.05 (top 91.48%)
    1118. IBERAMIA: 0.05 (top 91.56%)
    1119. ICTCS: 0.05 (top 91.64%)
    1120. IMSA: 0.05 (top 91.72%)
    1121. Grammars: 0.05 (top 91.80%)
    1122. International Conference on Internet Computing (1): 0.05 (top 91.89%)
    1123. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications: 0.05 (top 91.97%)
    1124. ICHIM, Multimedia Computing and Museums: 0.05 (top 92.05%)
    1125. DATA BASE: 0.05 (top 92.13%)
    1126. HCI (1): 0.05 (top 92.21%)
    1127. SIGSMALL/PC: 0.05 (top 92.30%)
    1128. Automated Deduction in Geometry: 0.05 (top 92.38%)
    1129. Int. CMG Conference: 0.05 (top 92.46%)
    1130. WNAA: 0.05 (top 92.54%)
    1131. Grundlagen von Datenbanken: 0.05 (top 92.62%)
    1132. IEA/AIE (2): 0.05 (top 92.71%)
    1133. Wirtschaftsinformatik: 0.04 (top 92.79%)
    1134. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology: 0.04 (top 92.87%)
    1135. ICHIM (1): 0.04 (top 92.95%)
    1136. Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology: 0.04 (top 93.03%)
    1137. AI & Society: 0.04 (top 93.12%)
    1138. MLDM: 0.04 (top 93.20%)
    1139. Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial: 0.04 (top 93.28%)
    1140. GI Jahrestagung (1): 0.04 (top 93.36%)
    1141. Teleteaching: 0.04 (top 93.44%)
    1142. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing: 0.04 (top 93.52%)
    1143. Human.Society@Internet: 0.04 (top 93.61%)
    1144. GI Jahrestagung: 0.04 (top 93.69%)
    1145. TSD: 0.04 (top 93.77%)
    1146. L'OBJET: 0.04 (top 93.85%)
    1147. APL: 0.04 (top 93.93%)
    1148. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin: 0.04 (top 94.02%)
    1149. ICCC: 0.04 (top 94.10%)
    1150. SETN: 0.04 (top 94.18%)
    1151. CICLing: 0.03 (top 94.26%)
    1152. Informatik Spektrum: 0.03 (top 94.34%)
    1153. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems: 0.03 (top 94.43%)
    1154. IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia: 0.03 (top 94.51%)
    1155. PROLAMAT: 0.03 (top 94.59%)
    1156. ICOIN: 0.03 (top 94.67%)
    1157. IWAR: 0.03 (top 94.75%)
    1158. Active Media Technology: 0.03 (top 94.84%)
    1159. Herausforderungen an die Wissensorganisation (ISKO Tagung): 0.03 (top 94.92%)
    1160. Progress in Discovery Science: 0.03 (top 95.00%)
    1161. IPCC (2): 0.03 (top 95.08%)
    1162. SYBEN: 0.03 (top 95.16%)
    1163. IEA/AIE (1): 0.03 (top 95.24%)
    1164. MMNS: 0.03 (top 95.33%)
    1165. International Conference on Computational Science (2): 0.03 (top 95.41%)
    1166. ICEIS: 0.03 (top 95.49%)
    1167. Transputer-Anwender-Treffen: 0.03 (top 95.57%)
    1168. ICMI: 0.02 (top 95.65%)
    1169. ICEIS (1): 0.02 (top 95.74%)
    1170. WAA: 0.02 (top 95.82%)
    1171. IBERAMIA-SBIA: 0.02 (top 95.90%)
    1172. SIGUCCS: 0.02 (top 95.98%)
    1173. FDT - Bulletin of ACM SIGFIDET: 0.02 (top 96.06%)
    1174. Software-Ergonomie: 0.02 (top 96.15%)
    1175. ISMDA: 0.02 (top 96.23%)
    1176. Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: 0.02 (top 96.31%)
    1177. WISE (2): 0.02 (top 96.39%)
    1178. ICEIS (2): 0.02 (top 96.47%)
    1179. MICAI: 0.02 (top 96.56%)
    1180. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (1): 0.01 (top 96.64%)
    1181. IDEAL: 0.01 (top 96.72%)
    1182. GI Jahrestagung (2): 0.01 (top 96.80%)
    1183. Diagrams: 0.01 (top 96.88%)
    1184. SIGSMALL/PC Symposium: 0.01 (top 96.96%)
    1185. ACM SIGBDP Conference on Trends and Directions in Expert Systems: 0.01 (top 97.05%)
    1186. Multimedia Technology and Applications: 0.01 (top 97.13%)
    1187. ISAS-SCI (1): 0.01 (top 97.21%)
    1188. Informatica (Lithuanian Academy of Sciences): 0.01 (top 97.29%)
    1189. Angewandte Informatik: 0.01 (top 97.37%)
    1190. CAD: 0.00 (top 97.46%)
    1191. IWANN (1): 0.00 (top 97.54%)
    1192. ACM SIGMOD Digital Review: 0.00 (top 97.62%)
    1193. WebNet (2): 0.00 (top 97.70%)
    1194. Essen Symposium: 0.00 (top 97.78%)
    1195. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys.: 0.00 (top 97.87%)
    1196. International Journal of Neural Systems: 0.00 (top 97.95%)
    1197. FDT - Bulletin of ACM SIGMOD: 0.00 (top 98.03%)
    1198. IuK: 0.00 (top 98.11%)
    1199. ICHIM, Hands on: Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums: 0.00 (top 98.19%)
    1200. IWCC: 0.00 (top 98.28%)
    1201. CODATA: 0.00 (top 98.36%)
    1202. Local Area Network Applications: 0.00 (top 98.44%)
    1203. High-Performance Web Databases: 0.00 (top 98.52%)
    1204. International Working Conference on Model Realism: 0.00 (top 98.60%)
    1205. Terminology and Knowledge Engineering (Vol. 1): 0.00 (top 98.68%)
    1206. ICHIM (2): 0.00 (top 98.77%)
    1207. Terminology and Knowledge Engineering (Vol. 2): 0.00 (top 98.85%)
    1208. HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: 0.00 (top 98.93%)
    1209. IMACS European Simulation Meeting: 0.00 (top 99.01%)
    1210. International Conference on Computational Science (3): 0.00 (top 99.09%)
    1211. AFSS: 0.00 (top 99.18%)
    1212. NAA: 0.00 (top 99.26%)
    1213. Woman, Work and Computerization: 0.00 (top 99.34%)
    1214. Informatik als Herausforderung an Schule und Ausbildung: 0.00 (top 99.42%)
    1215. Professional Development of Information Technology Professionals: 0.00 (top 99.50%)
    1216. PEARL: 0.00 (top 99.59%)
    1217. ITAMS: 0.00 (top 99.67%)
    1218. Computer-Aided Production Management: 0.00 (top 99.75%)
    1219. Dublin Core Conference: 0.00 (top 99.83%)
    1220. SCCC: 0.00 (top 99.91%)
    1221. IBERAMIA-SBIA 2000 Open Discussion Track: 0.00 (top 100.00%)


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