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  • iOS开发之上传包遇到的问题解析:ERROR ITMS-90478: Invalid Version

      可以看下这篇文章:《iOS开发之上传包遇到的问题解析 - https://www.jianshu.com/p/667257ae79c8》,这里遇到的问题多些,我目前是遇到一个版本号的问题。

      iOS 的 ipa 包上传之后收到这样的邮件


      ERROR ITMS-90478: "Invalid Version. The build with the version “2.20.170928” can’t be imported because a later version has been closed for new build submissions. Choose a different version number."

      ERROR ITMS-90062: "This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleShortVersionString [2.0] in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously approved version [2.20.170928]."


    Invalid or Non-Increasing CFBundleShortVersionString - The value specified in 
    the bundle's Info.plist file for the key CFBundleShortVersionString must be 
    a string consisting of at most three dot-separated components, where each 
    component is composed only of the digits 0 through 9. For example,any of 
    the following are syntactically valid values for 
    CFBundleShortVersionString: "1.0", "4.2.1", "3.46", "1.112.0"; whereas the 
    following are all syntactically invalid: "", "GX5", "3.4.2b6", 
    "2.6GM", "1.0 (Gold)", "-3.6". Additionally, each updated version of the same 
    application must have a CFBundleShortVersionString that increases relative 
    to that of the previous version that was actually made available for sale 
    on the iTunes Store. For example, if a previously-available version had a 
    CFBundleShortVersionString of "1.4", then any of the following would be 
    acceptable as the next update: "1.4.1", "1.4.332", "1.5"; but all of the 
    following (though syntactically valid) would be unacceptable: "1.4", "1.3", 
    "1.3.9", "0.9". For more information about the CFBundleShortVersionString key 
    and the Info.plist file, see Apple's Runtime Configuration Guidelines at 






    (5)1.20 和 1.3.2 相比较,1.20 要大,这是因为 20 比 3 要大,而不要把 ‘.’ 看成小数点,这个只是一个分隔符号而已

      针对于以上的截图错误,我可以把现在的version和bulid版本号定为 2.30 或者 3.0、或者其他的。

      然后我去 App Store Connect 里的 TestFlight 里查看,居然有个 1.30 的,所以知道了问题所在,这个 1.30 也不知道是啥时候弄的,应该是 1.3.0 不小心写成了 1.30 导致了 高版本,所以后来 1.3.2、1.3.4,怎么都提交不上去。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/goloving/p/15218058.html
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