#!/bin/bash package_name=flink-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar #current_path=/data #入参检查 if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo -e "-->Error! Please enter the param, such as 33[33m [start/status/stop/restart] or [1/2/3/4] 33[0m" echo -e "-->Example : ./exe.sh start" exit 1 fi function Start(){ nohup java -jar $package_name > nohup.log 2>&1 & sleep 2 echo "进程状态:" Status } function Status(){ echo "进程状态:" ps -ef | grep $package_name | grep -v grep } function Stop(){ pid=`ps -ef | grep $package_name | grep -v grep| awk {'print $2'}` kill -9 $pid } function Restart(){ Stop Start } if [ $1 == "start" ] || [ $1 == "1" ]; then Start elif [ $1 == "status" ] || [ $1 == "2" ]; then Status elif [ $1 == "stop" ] || [ $1 == "3" ]; then Stop elif [ $1 == "restart" ] || [ $1 == "4" ]; then Restart else echo -e "--> 33[33m The param you enter is wrong! Please retry! 33[0m" $1 echo -e "--> 33[33m The param is [start/status/stop/restart] or [1/2/3/4] 33[0m" fi
./exe.sh [start/status/stop/restart]
./exe.sh [1/2/3/4]