今天我们整理了16个最棒的jQuery视差滚动效果教程 , 并附有演示地址,你可以快速的查看教程的效果,或者应用在自己的项目中。希望本文对想要学习或者使用jQuery视差效果的朋友有帮助,慢慢的欣赏吧!
1. Parallax Effect Tutorial | Demo
2. Parallax Content Slider With CSS3 And jQuery Tutorial | Demo
3. Create a Funky Parallax Background Effect Using jQuery Tutorial | Demo
4. Create a Parallax Scrolling Website Using Stellar.js Tutorial | Demo
5. A Simple Parallax Scrolling Technique Tutorial | Demo
6. The Parallax Effects With jQuery Tutorial | Demo
7. One Page Website, Vertical Parallax Tutorial | Demo
8. Scrolling Parallax: A jQuery Plugin With Tutorial Tutorial | Demo
9. Parallax Slider With jQuery Tutorial | Demo
10. Fluid CSS3 Slideshow with Parallax Effect Tutorial | Demo
11. Parallax gallery Tutorial | Demo
12. Super Easy Parallax Effect with jQuery Tutorial | Demo
13. CSS3 Parallax scrolling slider Tutorial | Demo
14. Building a Parallax Scrolling Storytelling Framework Tutorial | Demo
15. Create a Cool Website with Fancy Scrolling Effects Tutorial | Demo
16. jQuery Parallax Tutorial – Animated Header Background Tutorial | Demo
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