协商薪资是收官阶段的关键一步, 多出的几万块钱, 以后去买菜买日用品,你(我)就不用那么刻意的盯着标签,认真比较价格了.
Listen to the podcast with Haseeb Qureshi, preferably more than twice. The guy could negotiate a $250k/year comp, without a degree, after a coding bootcamp and with only one year of experience.
In this episode and his recent blog post, Haseeb describes his approach to the job search and salary negotiation process, which eventually landed him at Airbnb with a $250,000 annual salary–after about a year of learning to code.
Haseeb Qureshi blog:
1. https://haseebq.com/my-ten-rules-for-negotiating-a-job-offer/
2. https://haseebq.com/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation/
The Technical Interview Cheat Sheet https://github.com/TSiege/Tech-Interview-Cheat-Sheet