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  • 如何:声明、实例化和使用委托(C# 编程指南)


    public delegate void Del<T>(T item);
    public void Notify(int i) { }
    Del<int> d1 = new Del<int>(Notify);

    在 C# 2.0 中,还可以使用下面的简化语法来声明委托

    Del<int> d2 = Notify;

    下面的示例阐释声明、实例化和使用委托。BookDB 类封装一个书店数据库,它维护一个书籍数据库。它公开 ProcessPaperbackBooks 方法,该方法在数据库中查找所有平装书,并对每本平装书调用一个委托。所使用的 delegate 类型称为 ProcessBookDelegateTest 类使用该类输出平装书的书名和平均价格。



    // A set of classes for handling a bookstore:
    namespace Bookstore
        using System.Collections;
        // Describes a book in the book list:
        public struct Book
            public string Title;        // Title of the book.
            public string Author;       // Author of the book.
            public decimal Price;       // Price of the book.
            public bool Paperback;      // Is it paperback?
            public Book(string title, string author, decimal price, bool paperBack)
                Title = title;
                Author = author;
                Price = price;
                Paperback = paperBack;
        // Declare a delegate type for processing a book:
        public delegate void ProcessBookDelegate(Book book);
        // Maintains a book database.
        public class BookDB
            // List of all books in the database:
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
            // Add a book to the database:
            public void AddBook(string title, string author, decimal price, bool paperBack)
                list.Add(new Book(title, author, price, paperBack));
            // Call a passed-in delegate on each paperback book to process it: 
            public void ProcessPaperbackBooks(ProcessBookDelegate processBook)
                foreach (Book b in list)
                    if (b.Paperback)
                        // Calling the delegate:
    // Using the Bookstore classes:
    namespace BookTestClient
        using Bookstore;
        // Class to total and average prices of books:
        class PriceTotaller
            int countBooks = 0;
            decimal priceBooks = 0.0m;
            internal void AddBookToTotal(Book book)
                countBooks += 1;
                priceBooks += book.Price;
            internal decimal AveragePrice()
                return priceBooks / countBooks;
        // Class to test the book database:
        class TestBookDB
            // Print the title of the book.
            static void PrintTitle(Book b)
                System.Console.WriteLine("   {0}", b.Title);
            // Execution starts here.
            static void Main()
                BookDB bookDB = new BookDB();
                // Initialize the database with some books:
                // Print all the titles of paperbacks:
                System.Console.WriteLine("Paperback Book Titles:");
                // Create a new delegate object associated with the static 
                // method Test.PrintTitle:
                // Get the average price of a paperback by using
                // a PriceTotaller object:
                PriceTotaller totaller = new PriceTotaller();
                // Create a new delegate object associated with the nonstatic 
                // method AddBookToTotal on the object totaller:
                System.Console.WriteLine("Average Paperback Book Price: ${0:#.##}",
            // Initialize the book database with some test books:
            static void AddBooks(BookDB bookDB)
                bookDB.AddBook("The C Programming Language", "Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie", 19.95m, true);
                bookDB.AddBook("The Unicode Standard 2.0", "The Unicode Consortium", 39.95m, true);
                bookDB.AddBook("The MS-DOS Encyclopedia", "Ray Duncan", 129.95m, false);
                bookDB.AddBook("Dogbert's Clues for the Clueless", "Scott Adams", 12.00m, true);


    Paperback Book Titles:
       The C Programming Language
       The Unicode Standard 2.0
       Dogbert's Clues for the Clueless
    Average Paperback Book Price: $23.97


    • 声明委托。


      public delegate void ProcessBookDelegate(Book book);


    • 实例化委托。

      声明了委托类型后,必须创建委托对象并使之与特定方法关联。在上面的示例中,这是通过将 PrintTitle 方法传递给 ProcessPaperbackBooks 方法来完成的,如下所示:


      这将创建与静态方法 Test.PrintTitle 关联的新委托对象。类似地,对象 totaller 的非静态方法 AddBookToTotal 是按如下方式传递的:


      在两个示例中,都向 ProcessPaperbackBooks 方法传递了一个新的委托对象。


    • 调用委托。



      与本例一样,可以通过使用 BeginInvoke 和 EndInvoke 方法同步或异步调用委托。

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