zoukankan      html  css  js  c++  java
  • 汉字转全拼音函数优化方案(SQLServer),值得你看看

    select 函数名 ('你好,我是追索')
    返回的结果(ni hao , wo shi zhui suo)
     2.根据Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS 排序获取读音
    create function dbo.fn_Getquanpin1(@str varchar(100))
    returns varchar(8000)
     declare @re varchar(8000)
     declare @t table(chr nchar(1) collate  Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS,py nvarchar(20)) 
     insert into @t select'','a' 
     insert into @t select'','aes' 
     insert into @t select'','ai' 
     insert into @t select'','an' 
     insert into @t select'','ang' 
     insert into @t select'','ao' 
     insert into @t select'','ba' 
     insert into @t select'','bai' 
     insert into @t select'','baike' 
     insert into @t select'','baiwa' 
     insert into @t select'','ban' 
     insert into @t select'','bang' 
     insert into @t select'','bao' 
     insert into @t select'','be' 
     insert into @t select'','bei' 
     insert into @t select'','ben' 
     insert into @t select'','beng' 
     insert into @t select'','bi' 
     insert into @t select'','bian' 
     insert into @t select'','uu' 
     insert into @t select'','biao' 
     insert into @t select'','bie' 
     insert into @t select'','bin' 
     insert into @t select'','bing' 
     insert into @t select'','bo' 
     insert into @t select'','bu' 
     insert into @t select'','ca' 
     insert into @t select'','cai' 
     insert into @t select'','cal' 
     insert into @t select'','can' 
     insert into @t select'','cang' 
     insert into @t select'','cao' 
     insert into @t select'','ce' 
     insert into @t select'','cen' 
     insert into @t select'','ceng' 
     insert into @t select'','ceok' 
     insert into @t select'','ceom' 
     insert into @t select'','ceon' 
     insert into @t select'','ceor' 
     insert into @t select'','cha' 
     insert into @t select'','chai' 
     insert into @t select'辿','chan' 
     insert into @t select'','chang' 
     insert into @t select'','chao' 
     insert into @t select'','che' 
     insert into @t select'','chen' 
     insert into @t select'','cheng' 
     insert into @t select'','chi' 
     insert into @t select'','chong' 
     insert into @t select'','chou' 
     insert into @t select'','chu' 
     insert into @t select'','chuai' 
     insert into @t select'','chuan' 
     insert into @t select'','chuang' 
     insert into @t select'','chui' 
     insert into @t select'','chun' 
     insert into @t select'','chuo' 
     insert into @t select'','ci' 
     insert into @t select'','cis' 
     insert into @t select'','cong' 
     insert into @t select'','cou' 
     insert into @t select'','cu' 
     insert into @t select'','cuan' 
     insert into @t select'','cui' 
     insert into @t select'','cun' 
     insert into @t select'','cuo' 
     insert into @t select'','chua' 
     insert into @t select'','da' 
     insert into @t select'','dai' 
     insert into @t select'','dan' 
     insert into @t select'','dang' 
     insert into @t select'','dao' 
     insert into @t select'','de' 
     insert into @t select'','dem' 
     insert into @t select'','den' 
     insert into @t select'','deng' 
     insert into @t select'','di' 
     insert into @t select'','dia' 
     insert into @t select'','dian' 
     insert into @t select'','diao' 
     insert into @t select'','die' 
     insert into @t select'','dei' 
     insert into @t select'','dim' 
     insert into @t select'','ding' 
     insert into @t select'','diu' 
     insert into @t select'','dong' 
     insert into @t select'','dou' 
     insert into @t select'','du' 
     insert into @t select'','duan' 
     insert into @t select'','dug' 
     insert into @t select'','dui' 
     insert into @t select'','dun' 
     insert into @t select'','duo' 
     insert into @t select'','e' 
     insert into @t select'','en' 
     insert into @t select'','eng' 
     insert into @t select'','eo' 
     insert into @t select'','eol' 
     insert into @t select'','eos' 
     insert into @t select'','er' 
     insert into @t select'','fa' 
     insert into @t select'','fan' 
     insert into @t select'','fang' 
     insert into @t select'','fei' 
     insert into @t select'','fen' 
     insert into @t select'','feng' 
     insert into @t select'','fenwa' 
     insert into @t select'','fiao' 
     insert into @t select'','fo' 
     insert into @t select'','fou' 
     insert into @t select'','fu' 
     insert into @t select'','fui' 
     insert into @t select'','ga' 
     insert into @t select'','gai' 
     insert into @t select'','gan' 
     insert into @t select'','gang' 
     insert into @t select'','gao' 
     insert into @t select'','ge' 
     insert into @t select'','gei' 
     insert into @t select'','gen' 
     insert into @t select'','geng' 
     insert into @t select'','geu' 
     insert into @t select'','gib' 
     insert into @t select'','go' 
     insert into @t select'','gong' 
     insert into @t select'','gongfen' 
     insert into @t select'','gongli' 
     insert into @t select'','gou' 
     insert into @t select'','gu' 
     insert into @t select'','gua' 
     insert into @t select'','guai' 
     insert into @t select'','guan' 
     insert into @t select'','guang' 
     insert into @t select'','gui' 
     insert into @t select'','gun' 
     insert into @t select'','guo' 
     insert into @t select'','ha' 
     insert into @t select'','hai' 
     insert into @t select'','hal' 
     insert into @t select'','han' 
     insert into @t select'','hang' 
     insert into @t select'','hao' 
     insert into @t select'','haoke' 
     insert into @t select'','he' 
     insert into @t select'','hei' 
     insert into @t select'','hen' 
     insert into @t select'','heng' 
     insert into @t select'','heui' 
     insert into @t select'','ho' 
     insert into @t select'','hol' 
     insert into @t select'','hong' 
     insert into @t select'','hou' 
     insert into @t select'','hu' 
     insert into @t select'','hua' 
     insert into @t select'','huai' 
     insert into @t select'','huan' 
     insert into @t select'','huang' 
     insert into @t select'','hui' 
     insert into @t select'','hun' 
     insert into @t select'','huo' 
     insert into @t select'','geo' 
     insert into @t select'','hwa' 
     insert into @t select'','ji' 
     insert into @t select'','jia' 
     insert into @t select'','jialun' 
     insert into @t select'','jian' 
     insert into @t select'','jiang' 
     insert into @t select'','jiao' 
     insert into @t select'','jie' 
     insert into @t select'','jin' 
     insert into @t select'','jing' 
     insert into @t select'','jiong' 
     insert into @t select'','jiu' 
     insert into @t select'','jou' 
     insert into @t select'','ju' 
     insert into @t select'','juan' 
     insert into @t select'','jue' 
     insert into @t select'','jun' 
     insert into @t select'','ka' 
     insert into @t select'','kai' 
     insert into @t select'','kal' 
     insert into @t select'','kan' 
     insert into @t select'','hem' 
     insert into @t select'','kang' 
     insert into @t select'','kao' 
     insert into @t select'','ke' 
     insert into @t select'','ken' 
     insert into @t select'','keng' 
     insert into @t select'','keo' 
     insert into @t select'','keol' 
     insert into @t select'','keos' 
     insert into @t select'','keum' 
     insert into @t select'','ki' 
     insert into @t select'','kong' 
     insert into @t select'','kos' 
     insert into @t select'','kou' 
     insert into @t select'','ku' 
     insert into @t select'','kua' 
     insert into @t select'','kuai' 
     insert into @t select'','kuan' 
     insert into @t select'','kuang' 
     insert into @t select'','kui' 
     insert into @t select'','kun' 
     insert into @t select'','kuo' 
     insert into @t select'','kweok' 
     insert into @t select'','la' 
     insert into @t select'','lai' 
     insert into @t select'','lan' 
     insert into @t select'','lang' 
     insert into @t select'','lao' 
     insert into @t select'','le' 
     insert into @t select'','lei' 
     insert into @t select'','leng' 
     insert into @t select'','li' 
     insert into @t select'','lia' 
     insert into @t select'','lian' 
     insert into @t select'','liang' 
     insert into @t select'','liao' 
     insert into @t select'','lie' 
     insert into @t select'','lin' 
     insert into @t select'','ling' 
     insert into @t select'','liu' 
     insert into @t select'','liwa' 
     insert into @t select'','lo' 
     insert into @t select'','long' 
     insert into @t select'','lou' 
     insert into @t select'','lu' 
     insert into @t select'','lv' 
     insert into @t select'','lue' 
     insert into @t select'','luan' 
     insert into @t select'','lun' 
     insert into @t select'','luo' 
     insert into @t select'','m' 
     insert into @t select'','ma' 
     insert into @t select'','hweong' 
     insert into @t select'','mai' 
     insert into @t select'','man' 
     insert into @t select'','mang' 
     insert into @t select'','mangmi' 
     insert into @t select'','mao' 
     insert into @t select'','mas' 
     insert into @t select'','me' 
     insert into @t select'','mei' 
     insert into @t select'','men' 
     insert into @t select'','meng' 
     insert into @t select'','meo' 
     insert into @t select'','mi' 
     insert into @t select'','mian' 
     insert into @t select'','miao' 
     insert into @t select'','mie' 
     insert into @t select'','miliklanm' 
     insert into @t select'','min' 
     insert into @t select'','lem' 
     insert into @t select'','ming' 
     insert into @t select'','miu' 
     insert into @t select'','mo' 
     insert into @t select'','mol' 
     insert into @t select'','mou' 
     insert into @t select'','mu' 
     insert into @t select'','myeo' 
     insert into @t select'','myeon' 
     insert into @t select'','myeong' 
     insert into @t select'','na' 
     insert into @t select'','nai' 
     insert into @t select'','nan' 
     insert into @t select'','nang' 
     insert into @t select'','keg' 
     insert into @t select'','nao' 
     insert into @t select'','ne' 
     insert into @t select'','nei' 
     insert into @t select'','nem' 
     insert into @t select'','nen' 
     insert into @t select'','neus' 
     insert into @t select'','ngag' 
     insert into @t select'','ngai' 
     insert into @t select'','ngam' 
     insert into @t select'','ni' 
     insert into @t select'','nian' 
     insert into @t select'','niang' 
     insert into @t select'','niao' 
     insert into @t select'','nie' 
     insert into @t select'','nin' 
     insert into @t select'','ning' 
     insert into @t select'','niu' 
     insert into @t select'','nong' 
     insert into @t select'','nou' 
     insert into @t select'','nu' 
     insert into @t select'','nv' 
     insert into @t select'','nue' 
     insert into @t select'','nve' 
     insert into @t select'','nuan' 
     insert into @t select'','nun' 
     insert into @t select'','nung' 
     insert into @t select'','nuo' 
     insert into @t select'','o' 
     insert into @t select'','oes' 
     insert into @t select'','ol' 
     insert into @t select'','on' 
     insert into @t select'','ou' 
     insert into @t select'','pa' 
     insert into @t select'','pai' 
     insert into @t select'','pak' 
     insert into @t select'','pan' 
     insert into @t select'','pang' 
     insert into @t select'','pao' 
     insert into @t select'','pei' 
     insert into @t select'','pen' 
     insert into @t select'','peng' 
     insert into @t select'','peol' 
     insert into @t select'','phas' 
     insert into @t select'','phdeng' 
     insert into @t select'','phoi' 
     insert into @t select'','phos' 
     insert into @t select'','pi' 
     insert into @t select'','pian' 
     insert into @t select'','piao' 
     insert into @t select'','pie' 
     insert into @t select'丿','pianpang' 
     insert into @t select'','pin' 
     insert into @t select'','ping' 
     insert into @t select'','po' 
     insert into @t select'','pou' 
     insert into @t select'','deo' 
     insert into @t select'','ppun' 
     insert into @t select'','pu' 
     insert into @t select'','qi' 
     insert into @t select'','qia' 
     insert into @t select'','qian' 
     insert into @t select'','qiang' 
     insert into @t select'','qianke' 
     insert into @t select'','qianwa' 
     insert into @t select'','qiao' 
     insert into @t select'','qie' 
     insert into @t select'','qin' 
     insert into @t select'','kem' 
     insert into @t select'','qing' 
     insert into @t select'','qiong' 
     insert into @t select'','qiu' 
     insert into @t select'','qu' 
     insert into @t select'','keop' 
     insert into @t select'','quan' 
     insert into @t select'','que' 
     insert into @t select'','qun' 
     insert into @t select'','ra' 
     insert into @t select'','ram' 
     insert into @t select'','ran' 
     insert into @t select'','rang' 
     insert into @t select'','rao' 
     insert into @t select'','re' 
     insert into @t select'','ren' 
     insert into @t select'','reng' 
     insert into @t select'','ri' 
     insert into @t select'','rong' 
     insert into @t select'','rou' 
     insert into @t select'嶿','ru' 
     insert into @t select'','ruan' 
     insert into @t select'','rui' 
     insert into @t select'','run' 
     insert into @t select'','ruo' 
     insert into @t select'','sa' 
     insert into @t select'','saeng' 
     insert into @t select'','sai' 
     insert into @t select'','sal' 
     insert into @t select'','san' 
     insert into @t select'','sang' 
     insert into @t select'','sao' 
     insert into @t select'','se' 
     insert into @t select'','sed' 
     insert into @t select'','sei' 
     insert into @t select'','sen' 
     insert into @t select'','seng' 
     insert into @t select'','seo' 
     insert into @t select'','seon' 
     insert into @t select'','sha' 
     insert into @t select'','shai' 
     insert into @t select'','shan' 
     insert into @t select'','shang' 
     insert into @t select'','shao' 
     insert into @t select'','she' 
     insert into @t select'','shen' 
     insert into @t select'','sheng' 
     insert into @t select'','shi' 
     insert into @t select'','shike' 
     insert into @t select'','shiwa' 
     insert into @t select'','shou' 
     insert into @t select'','shu' 
     insert into @t select'','shua' 
     insert into @t select'','shuai' 
     insert into @t select'','shuan' 
     insert into @t select'','shuang' 
     insert into @t select'','shei' 
     insert into @t select'','shui' 
     insert into @t select'','shun' 
     insert into @t select'','shuo' 
     insert into @t select'','si' 
     insert into @t select'','so' 
     insert into @t select'','sol' 
     insert into @t select'','song' 
     insert into @t select'','sou' 
     insert into @t select'','su' 
     insert into @t select'','suan' 
     insert into @t select'','sui' 
     insert into @t select'','sun' 
     insert into @t select'','suo' 
     insert into @t select'','ta' 
     insert into @t select'','tae' 
     insert into @t select'','tai' 
     insert into @t select'','tan' 
     insert into @t select'','tang' 
     insert into @t select'','tao' 
     insert into @t select'','tap' 
     insert into @t select'','te' 
     insert into @t select'','teng' 
     insert into @t select'','teo' 
     insert into @t select'','teul' 
     insert into @t select'','ti' 
     insert into @t select'','tian' 
     insert into @t select'','tiao' 
     insert into @t select'','tie' 
     insert into @t select'','ting' 
     insert into @t select'','tol' 
     insert into @t select'','tong' 
     insert into @t select'','tou' 
     insert into @t select'','tu' 
     insert into @t select'','tuan' 
     insert into @t select'','tui' 
     insert into @t select'','tun' 
     insert into @t select'','tuo' 
     insert into @t select'','wa' 
     insert into @t select'','wai' 
     insert into @t select'','wan' 
     insert into @t select'','wang' 
     insert into @t select'','wei' 
     insert into @t select'','wen' 
     insert into @t select'','weng' 
     insert into @t select'','wo' 
     insert into @t select'','wu' 
     insert into @t select'','xi' 
     insert into @t select'','ei' 
     insert into @t select'','xia' 
     insert into @t select'','xian' 
     insert into @t select'','xiang' 
     insert into @t select'','xiao' 
     insert into @t select'','xie' 
     insert into @t select'','xin' 
     insert into @t select'','xing' 
     insert into @t select'','xiong' 
     insert into @t select'','xiu' 
     insert into @t select'','xu' 
     insert into @t select'','xuan' 
     insert into @t select'','xue' 
     insert into @t select'','xun' 
     insert into @t select'','ya' 
     insert into @t select'','yan' 
     insert into @t select'','eom' 
     insert into @t select'','yang' 
     insert into @t select'','yao' 
     insert into @t select'','ye' 
     insert into @t select'','yen' 
     insert into @t select'','yi' 
     insert into @t select'','i' 
     insert into @t select'','yin' 
     insert into @t select'','ying' 
     insert into @t select'','yo' 
     insert into @t select'','yong' 
     insert into @t select'','you' 
     insert into @t select'','yu' 
     insert into @t select'','yuan' 
     insert into @t select'','yue' 
     insert into @t select'','yun' 
     insert into @t select'','za' 
     insert into @t select'','zai' 
     insert into @t select'','zan' 
     insert into @t select'','zang' 
     insert into @t select'','zao' 
     insert into @t select'','ze' 
     insert into @t select'','zei' 
     insert into @t select'','zen' 
     insert into @t select'','zeng' 
     insert into @t select'','zha' 
     insert into @t select'','gad' 
     insert into @t select'','zhai' 
     insert into @t select'','zhan' 
     insert into @t select'','zhang' 
     insert into @t select'','zhao' 
     insert into @t select'','zhe' 
     insert into @t select'','zhen' 
     insert into @t select'','zheng' 
     insert into @t select'','zhi' 
     insert into @t select'','zhong' 
     insert into @t select'','zhou' 
     insert into @t select'','zhu' 
     insert into @t select'','zhua' 
     insert into @t select'','zhuan' 
     insert into @t select'','zhuai' 
     insert into @t select'','zhuang' 
     insert into @t select'','zhui' 
     insert into @t select'','zhun' 
     insert into @t select'','zhuo' 
     insert into @t select'','zi' 
     insert into @t select'','zo' 
     insert into @t select'','zong' 
     insert into @t select'','zou' 
     insert into @t select'','zu' 
     insert into @t select'','zuan' 
     insert into @t select'','zui' 
     insert into @t select'','zun' 
     insert into @t select'','zuo' 
     declare @strlen int 
     select @strlen=len(@str),@re=''
     while @strlen>0
          select top 1 @re=py+' '+@re,@strlen=@strlen-1 
          from @t a where chr<=substring(@str,@strlen,1) 
          order by chr collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS  desc 
          if @@rowcount=0
            select @re=substring(@str,@strlen,1)+@re,@strlen=@strlen-1
    测试了一串字符这个案例确实能达到汉字转拼音要求,但当我看到此函数内declare tableinsertorder by等等这些耗性能的关键词让我感到头疼
    create function [dbo].[fn_Getquanpin2](@words nvarchar(2000))   
    returns varchar(8000)   
        declare @word nchar(1)   
        declare @pinyin varchar(8000)   
        declare @i int 
        declare @words_len int 
        declare @unicode int 
        set @i = 1   
        set @words = ltrim(rtrim(@words))   
        set @words_len = len(@words)   
        while (@i <= @words_len) --循环取字符  
        set @word = substring(@words, @i, 1)   
        set @unicode = unicode(@word)   
        set @pinyin = ISNULL(@pinyin +SPACE(1),'')+    
        (case when unicode(@word) between 19968 and 19968+20901 then   
        (select top 1 py from (   
        select 'a' as py,N'' as word   
        union all select 'ai',N'' 
        union all select 'an',N'' 
        union all select 'ang',N'' 
        union all select 'ao',N'' 
        union all select 'ba',N'' 
        union all select 'bai',N'' --韛兡瓸  
        union all select 'ban',N'' 
        union all select 'bang',N'' 
        union all select 'bao',N'' 
        union all select 'bei',N'' 
        union all select 'ben',N'' 
        union all select 'beng',N'' 
        union all select 'bi',N'' 
        union all select 'bian',N'' 
        union all select 'biao',N'' 
        union all select 'bie',N'' 
        union all select 'bin',N'' 
        union all select 'bing',N'' 
        union all select 'bo',N'' 
        union all select 'bu',N'簿' 
        union all select 'ca',N'' 
        union all select 'cai',N'' --縩乲  
        union all select 'can',N'' 
        union all select 'cang',N'' 
        union all select 'cao',N'' 
        union all select 'ce',N'' 
        union all select 'cen',N'' 
        union all select 'ceng',N'' --硛硳岾猠乽  
        union all select 'cha',N'' 
        union all select 'chai',N'' 
        union all select 'chan',N'' 
        union all select 'chang',N'' 
        union all select 'chao',N'' 
        union all select 'che',N'' 
        union all select 'chen',N'' 
        union all select 'cheng',N'' 
        union all select 'chi',N'' 
        union all select 'chong',N'' 
        union all select 'chou',N'' 
        union all select 'chu',N'' 
        union all select 'chuai',N'' 
        union all select 'chuan',N'' 
        union all select 'chuang',N'' 
        union all select 'chui',N'' 
        union all select 'chun',N'' 
        union all select 'chuo',N'' 
        union all select 'ci',N'' --賜嗭  
        union all select 'cong',N'' 
        union all select 'cou',N'' 
        union all select 'cu',N'' 
        union all select 'cuan',N'' 
        union all select 'cui',N'' 
        union all select 'cun',N'籿' 
        union all select 'cuo',N'' 
        union all select 'da',N'' 
        union all select 'dai',N'' 
        union all select 'dan',N'' 
        union all select 'dang',N'' 
        union all select 'dao',N'' 
        union all select 'de',N'' 
        union all select 'den',N'' 
        union all select 'deng',N'' 
        union all select 'di',N'' 
        union all select 'dia',N'' 
        union all select 'dian',N'' 
        union all select 'diao',N'' 
        union all select 'die',N'' --眰嚸  
        union all select 'ding',N'' 
        union all select 'diu',N'' 
        union all select 'dong',N'' 
        union all select 'dou',N'' 
        union all select 'du',N'' 
        union all select 'duan',N'' --籪叾  
        union all select 'dui',N'' 
        union all select 'dun',N'' 
        union all select 'duo',N'' 
        union all select 'e',N'' 
        union all select 'en',N'' 
        union all select 'eng',N'' 
        union all select 'er',N'' 
        union all select 'fa',N'' 
        union all select 'fan',N'' 
        union all select 'fang',N'' 
        union all select 'fei',N'' 
        union all select 'fen',N'' 
        union all select 'feng',N'' 
        union all select 'fo',N'' 
        union all select 'fou',N'' 
        union all select 'fu',N'' --鰒猤  
        union all select 'ga',N'' 
        union all select 'gai',N'' 
        union all select 'gan',N'' 
        union all select 'gang',N'' 
        union all select 'gao',N'' 
        union all select 'ge',N'' 
        union all select 'gei',N'' 
        union all select 'gen',N'' 
        union all select 'geng',N'' --亙堩啹喼嗰  
        union all select 'gong',N'' --熕贑兝兣  
        union all select 'gou',N'' 
        union all select 'gu',N'' 
        union all select 'gua',N'詿' 
        union all select 'guai',N'' 
        union all select 'guan',N'' 
        union all select 'guang',N'' 
        union all select 'gui',N'' 
        union all select 'gun',N'' 
        union all select 'guo',N'' 
        union all select 'ha',N'' 
        union all select 'hai',N'' 
        union all select 'han',N'' 
        union all select 'hang',N'' 
        union all select 'hao',N'' 
        union all select 'he',N'' 
        union all select 'hei',N'' 
        union all select 'hen',N'' 
        union all select 'heng',N'' --堼囍  
        union all select 'hong',N'' 
        union all select 'hou',N'' 
        union all select 'hu',N'' 
        union all select 'hua',N'' 
        union all select 'huai',N'' 
        union all select 'huan',N'' 
        union all select 'huang',N'' 
        union all select 'hui',N'' 
        union all select 'hun',N'' 
        union all select 'huo',N'' 
        union all select 'ji',N'' 
        union all select 'jia',N'' 
        union all select 'jian',N'' 
        union all select 'jiang',N'' 
        union all select 'jiao',N'' 
        union all select 'jie',N'' 
        union all select 'jin',N'' 
        union all select 'jing',N'' 
        union all select 'jiong',N'' 
        union all select 'jiu',N'' 
        union all select 'ju',N'' 
        union all select 'juan',N'' 
        union all select 'jue',N'' 
        union all select 'jun',N'' 
        union all select 'ka',N'' 
        union all select 'kai',N'' --鎎乫  
        union all select 'kan',N'' 
        union all select 'kang',N'' 
        union all select 'kao',N'' 
        union all select 'ke',N'' 
        union all select 'ken',N'' 
        union all select 'keng',N'' --巪乬唟厼怾  
        union all select 'kong',N'' 
        union all select 'kou',N'' 
        union all select 'ku',N'' 
        union all select 'kua',N'' 
        union all select 'kuai',N'' 
        union all select 'kuan',N'' 
        union all select 'kuang',N'' 
        union all select 'kui',N'' 
        union all select 'kun',N'' 
        union all select 'kuo',N'' 
        union all select 'la',N'' 
        union all select 'lai',N'' 
        union all select 'lan',N'' 
        union all select 'lang',N'' 
        union all select 'lao',N'' 
        union all select 'le',N'' 
        union all select 'lei',N'' --嘞脷  
        union all select 'leng',N'' 
        union all select 'li',N'' 
        union all select 'lia',N'' 
        union all select 'lian',N'' 
        union all select 'liang',N'' 
        union all select 'liao',N'' 
        union all select 'lie',N'' 
        union all select 'lin',N'' --轥拎  
        union all select 'ling',N'' 
        union all select 'liu',N'' --瓼甅囖咯  
        union all select 'long',N'' 
        union all select 'lou',N'' 
        union all select 'lu',N'' 
        union all select 'lv',N'' 
        union all select 'luan',N'' 
        union all select 'lue',N'' 
        union all select 'lun',N'' 
        union all select 'luo',N'' 
        union all select 'ma',N'' 
        union all select 'mai',N'' 
        union all select 'man',N'' 
        union all select 'mang',N'' 
        union all select 'mao',N'' 
        union all select 'me',N'' --癦呅  
        union all select 'mei',N'' 
        union all select 'men',N'' 
        union all select 'meng',N'' --霿踎  
        union all select 'mi',N'' 
        union all select 'mian',N'' 
        union all select 'miao',N'' 
        union all select 'mie',N'' --鱴瓱  
        union all select 'min',N'' 
        union all select 'ming',N'' 
        union all select 'miu',N'' 
        union all select 'mo',N'' --耱乮  
        union all select 'mou',N'' --麰蟱  
        union all select 'mu',N'' 
        union all select 'na',N'' 
        union all select 'nai',N'' 
        union all select 'nan',N'' 
        union all select 'nang',N'' 
        union all select 'nao',N'' 
        union all select 'ne',N'' 
        union all select 'nei',N'' --嫩焾  
        union all select 'nen',N'' 
        union all select 'neng',N'' --莻嗯鈪銰啱  
        union all select 'ni',N'' 
        union all select 'nian',N'' 
        union all select 'niang',N'' 
        union all select 'niao',N'' 
        union all select 'nie',N'' 
        union all select 'nin',N'' 
        union all select 'ning',N'' 
        union all select 'niu',N'' 
        union all select 'nong',N'' 
        union all select 'nou',N'' 
        union all select 'nu',N'' 
        union all select 'nv',N'' 
        union all select 'nue',N'' 
        union all select 'nuan',N'' --硸黁燶郍  
        union all select 'nuo',N'' 
        union all select 'o',N'' --毮夞乯鞰  
        union all select 'ou',N'' 
        union all select 'pa',N'' 
        union all select 'pai',N'' --鎃磗  
        union all select 'pan',N'' 
        union all select 'pang',N'' 
        union all select 'pao',N'' 
        union all select 'pei',N'' 
        union all select 'pen',N'' 
        union all select 'peng',N'' --浌巼闏乶喸  
        union all select 'pi',N'' 
        union all select 'pian',N'' 
        union all select 'piao',N'' 
        union all select 'pie',N'' 
        union all select 'pin',N'' 
        union all select 'ping',N'' 
        union all select 'po',N'' 
        union all select 'pou',N'' --兺哛  
        union all select 'pu',N'' 
        union all select 'qi',N'' 
        union all select 'qia',N'' 
        union all select 'qian',N'' 
        union all select 'qiang',N'' --羻兛瓩  
        union all select 'qiao',N'' 
        union all select 'qie',N'' 
        union all select 'qin',N'' 
        union all select 'qing',N'' 
        union all select 'qiong',N'' 
        union all select 'qiu',N'' 
        union all select 'qu',N'' 
        union all select 'quan',N'' 
        union all select 'que',N'' 
        union all select 'qun',N'' 
        union all select 'ran',N'' 
        union all select 'rang',N'' 
        union all select 'rao',N'' 
        union all select 're',N'' 
        union all select 'ren',N'' 
        union all select 'reng',N'' 
        union all select 'ri',N'' 
        union all select 'rong',N'' 
        union all select 'rou',N'嶿' 
        union all select 'ru',N'' 
        union all select 'ruan',N'' 
        union all select 'rui',N'' 
        union all select 'run',N'' --橍挼  
        union all select 'ruo',N'' 
        union all select 'sa',N'' --櫒栍  
        union all select 'sai',N'' --簺虄  
        union all select 'san',N'' 
        union all select 'sang',N'' 
        union all select 'sao',N'' 
        union all select 'se',N'' --裇聓  
        union all select 'sen',N'' 
        union all select 'seng',N'' --閪縇  
        union all select 'sha',N'' 
        union all select 'shai',N'' 
        union all select 'shan',N'' 
        union all select 'shang',N'' 
        union all select 'shao',N'' 
        union all select 'she',N'' 
        union all select 'shen',N'' 
        union all select 'sheng',N'' 
        union all select 'shi',N'' --鰘齛兙瓧  
        union all select 'shou',N'' 
        union all select 'shu',N'' 
        union all select 'shua',N'' 
        union all select 'shuai',N'' 
        union all select 'shuan',N'' 
        union all select 'shuang',N'' 
        union all select 'shui',N'' 
        union all select 'shun',N'' 
        union all select 'shuo',N'' 
        union all select 'si',N'' --瀃螦乺  
        union all select 'song',N'' 
        union all select 'sou',N'' 
        union all select 'su',N'' 
        union all select 'suan',N'' 
        union all select 'sui',N'' 
        union all select 'sun',N'' 
        union all select 'suo',N'' 
        union all select 'ta',N'' --躢襨  
        union all select 'tai',N'' 
        union all select 'tan',N'' 
        union all select 'tang',N'' 
        union all select 'tao',N'' --討畓  
        union all select 'te',N'' 
        union all select 'teng',N'' --霯唞朰  
        union all select 'ti',N'' 
        union all select 'tian',N'' 
        union all select 'tiao',N'' 
        union all select 'tie',N'' 
        union all select 'ting',N'' --濎乭  
        union all select 'tong',N'' 
        union all select 'tou',N'' 
        union all select 'tu',N'' 
        union all select 'tuan',N'' 
        union all select 'tui',N'' 
        union all select 'tun',N'' 
        union all select 'tuo',N'' 
        union all select 'wa',N'' 
        union all select 'wai',N'' 
        union all select 'wan',N'' 
        union all select 'wang',N'' 
        union all select 'wei',N'' 
        union all select 'wen',N'' 
        union all select 'weng',N'' 
        union all select 'wo',N'' 
        union all select 'wu',N'' 
        union all select 'xi',N'' 
        union all select 'xia',N'' 
        union all select 'xian',N'' 
        union all select 'xiang',N'' 
        union all select 'xiao',N'' 
        union all select 'xie',N'' 
        union all select 'xin',N'' 
        union all select 'xing',N'' 
        union all select 'xiong',N'' 
        union all select 'xiu',N'' 
        union all select 'xu',N'' 
        union all select 'xuan',N'' 
        union all select 'xue',N'' 
        union all select 'xun',N'' 
        union all select 'ya',N'' 
        union all select 'yan',N'' 
        union all select 'yang',N'' 
        union all select 'yao',N'' 
        union all select 'ye',N'' --鸈膶岃  
        union all select 'yi',N'' 
        union all select 'yin',N'' 
        union all select 'ying',N'' 
        union all select 'yo',N'' 
        union all select 'yong',N'' 
        union all select 'you',N'' 
        union all select 'yu',N'' 
        union all select 'yuan',N'' 
        union all select 'yue',N'' 
        union all select 'yun',N'' 
        union all select 'za',N'' 
        union all select 'zai',N'' 
        union all select 'zan',N'' 
        union all select 'zang',N'' 
        union all select 'zao',N'' 
        union all select 'ze',N'' 
        union all select 'zei',N'' 
        union all select 'zen',N'' 
        union all select 'zeng',N'' 
        union all select 'zha',N'' 
        union all select 'zhai',N'' 
        union all select 'zhan',N'' 
        union all select 'zhang',N'' 
        union all select 'zhao',N'' 
        union all select 'zhe',N'' 
        union all select 'zhen',N'' 
        union all select 'zheng',N'' 
        union all select 'zhi',N'' 
        union all select 'zhong',N'' 
        union all select 'zhou',N'' 
        union all select 'zhu',N'' 
        union all select 'zhua',N'' 
        union all select 'zhuai',N'' 
        union all select 'zhuan',N'' 
        union all select 'zhuang',N'' 
        union all select 'zhui',N'' 
        union all select 'zhun',N'' 
        union all select 'zhuo',N'' 
        union all select 'zi',N'' --漬唨  
        union all select 'zong',N'' 
        union all select 'zou',N'' 
        union all select 'zu',N'' 
        union all select 'zuan',N'' 
        union all select 'zui',N'' 
        union all select 'zun',N'' 
        union all select 'zuo',N'') t    
        where word >= @word collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS    
        order by word collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS ASC) else @word end)   
        set @i = @i + 1   
        return @pinyin   
    果然不出所料,估计子树大小在0.017左右, 其中排序开销最大
    既然排序开销最大那就优化该解决方案去掉order by。
    create function [dbo].[fn_Getquanpin3](@str varchar(100))
    returns varchar(8000)
     declare @re varchar(8000),@crs varchar(10)
     declare @strlen int 
     select @strlen=len(@str),@re=''
     while @strlen>0
      set @crs= substring(@str,@strlen,1)
          select @re=
            when @crs<'' then @crs
            when @crs<='' then 'a'
            when @crs<='' then 'ai'
            when @crs<='' then 'an'
            when @crs<='' then 'ang'
            when @crs<='' then 'ao'
            when @crs<='' then 'ba'
            when @crs<='' then 'bai'
            when @crs<='' then 'ban'
            when @crs<='' then 'bang'
            when @crs<='' then 'bao'
            when @crs<='' then 'bei'
            when @crs<='' then 'ben'
            when @crs<='' then 'beng'
            when @crs<='' then 'bi'
            when @crs<='' then 'bian'
            when @crs<='' then 'biao'
            when @crs<='' then 'bie'
            when @crs<='' then 'bin'
            when @crs<='' then 'bing'
            when @crs<='' then 'bo'
            when @crs<='簿' then 'bu'
            when @crs<='' then 'ca'
            when @crs<='' then 'cai'
            when @crs<='' then 'can'
            when @crs<='' then 'cang'
            when @crs<='' then 'cao'
            when @crs<='' then 'ce'
            when @crs<='' then 'cen'
            when @crs<='' then 'ceng'
            when @crs<='' then 'cha'
            when @crs<='' then 'chai'
            when @crs<='' then 'chan'
            when @crs<='' then 'chang'
            when @crs<='' then 'chao'
            when @crs<='' then 'che'
            when @crs<='' then 'chen'
            when @crs<='' then 'cheng'
            when @crs<='' then 'chi'
            when @crs<='' then 'chong'
            when @crs<='' then 'chou'
            when @crs<='' then 'chu'
            when @crs<='' then 'chuai'
            when @crs<='' then 'chuan'
            when @crs<='' then 'chuang'
            when @crs<='' then 'chui'
            when @crs<='' then 'chun'
            when @crs<='' then 'chuo'
            when @crs<='' then 'ci'
            when @crs<='' then 'cong'
            when @crs<='' then 'cou'
            when @crs<='' then 'cu'
            when @crs<='' then 'cuan'
            when @crs<='' then 'cui'
            when @crs<='籿' then 'cun'
            when @crs<='' then 'cuo'
            when @crs<='' then 'da'
            when @crs<='' then 'dai'
            when @crs<='' then 'dan'
            when @crs<='' then 'dang'
            when @crs<='' then 'dao'
            when @crs<='' then 'de'
            when @crs<='' then 'den'
            when @crs<='' then 'deng'
            when @crs<='' then 'di'
            when @crs<='' then 'dia'
            when @crs<='' then 'dian'
            when @crs<='' then 'diao'
            when @crs<='' then 'die'
            when @crs<='' then 'ding'
            when @crs<='' then 'diu'
            when @crs<='' then 'dong'
            when @crs<='' then 'dou'
            when @crs<='' then 'du'
            when @crs<='' then 'duan'
            when @crs<='' then 'dui'
            when @crs<='' then 'dun'
            when @crs<='' then 'duo'
            when @crs<='' then 'e'
            when @crs<='' then 'en'
            when @crs<='' then 'eng'
            when @crs<='' then 'er'
            when @crs<='' then 'fa'
            when @crs<='' then 'fan'
            when @crs<='' then 'fang'
            when @crs<='' then 'fei'
            when @crs<='' then 'fen'
            when @crs<='' then 'feng'
            when @crs<='' then 'fo'
            when @crs<='' then 'fou'
            when @crs<='' then 'fu'
            when @crs<='' then 'ga'
            when @crs<='' then 'gai'
            when @crs<='' then 'gan'
            when @crs<='' then 'gang'
            when @crs<='' then 'gao'
            when @crs<='' then 'ge'
            when @crs<='' then 'gei'
            when @crs<='' then 'gen'
            when @crs<='' then 'geng'
            when @crs<='' then 'gong'
            when @crs<='' then 'gou'
            when @crs<='' then 'gu'
            when @crs<='詿' then 'gua'
            when @crs<='' then 'guai'
            when @crs<='' then 'guan'
            when @crs<='' then 'guang'
            when @crs<='' then 'gui'
            when @crs<='' then 'gun'
            when @crs<='' then 'guo'
            when @crs<='' then 'ha'
            when @crs<='' then 'hai'
            when @crs<='' then 'han'
            when @crs<='' then 'hang'
            when @crs<='' then 'hao'
            when @crs<='' then 'he'
            when @crs<='' then 'hei'
            when @crs<='' then 'hen'
            when @crs<='' then 'heng'
            when @crs<='' then 'hong'
            when @crs<='' then 'hou'
            when @crs<='' then 'hu'
            when @crs<='' then 'hua'
            when @crs<='' then 'huai'
            when @crs<='' then 'huan'
            when @crs<='' then 'huang'
            when @crs<='' then 'hui'
            when @crs<='' then 'hun'
            when @crs<='' then 'huo'
            when @crs<='' then 'ji'
            when @crs<='' then 'jia'
            when @crs<='' then 'jian'
            when @crs<='' then 'jiang'
            when @crs<='' then 'jiao'
            when @crs<='' then 'jie'
            when @crs<='' then 'jin'
            when @crs<='' then 'jing'
            when @crs<='' then 'jiong'
            when @crs<='' then 'jiu'
            when @crs<='' then 'ju'
            when @crs<='' then 'juan'
            when @crs<='' then 'jue'
            when @crs<='' then 'jun'
            when @crs<='' then 'ka'
            when @crs<='' then 'kai'
            when @crs<='' then 'kan'
            when @crs<='' then 'kang'
            when @crs<='' then 'kao'
            when @crs<='' then 'ke'
            when @crs<='' then 'ken'
            when @crs<='' then 'keng'
            when @crs<='' then 'kong'
            when @crs<='' then 'kou'
            when @crs<='' then 'ku'
            when @crs<='' then 'kua'
            when @crs<='' then 'kuai'
            when @crs<='' then 'kuan'
            when @crs<='' then 'kuang'
            when @crs<='' then 'kui'
            when @crs<='' then 'kun'
            when @crs<='' then 'kuo'
            when @crs<='' then 'la'
            when @crs<='' then 'lai'
            when @crs<='' then 'lan'
            when @crs<='' then 'lang'
            when @crs<='' then 'lao'
            when @crs<='' then 'le'
            when @crs<='' then 'lei'
            when @crs<='' then 'leng'
            when @crs<='' then 'li'
            when @crs<='' then 'lia'
            when @crs<='' then 'lian'
            when @crs<='' then 'liang'
            when @crs<='' then 'liao'
            when @crs<='' then 'lie'
            when @crs<='' then 'lin'
            when @crs<='' then 'ling'
            when @crs<='' then 'liu'
            when @crs<='' then 'long'
            when @crs<='' then 'lou'
            when @crs<='' then 'lu'
            when @crs<='' then 'lv'
            when @crs<='' then 'luan'
            when @crs<='' then 'lue'
            when @crs<='' then 'lun'
            when @crs<='' then 'luo'
            when @crs<='' then 'ma'
            when @crs<='' then 'mai'
            when @crs<='' then 'man'
            when @crs<='' then 'mang'
            when @crs<='' then 'mao'
            when @crs<='' then 'me'
            when @crs<='' then 'mei'
            when @crs<='' then 'men'
            when @crs<='' then 'meng'
            when @crs<='' then 'mi'
            when @crs<='' then 'mian'
            when @crs<='' then 'miao'
            when @crs<='' then 'mie'
            when @crs<='' then 'min'
            when @crs<='' then 'ming'
            when @crs<='' then 'miu'
            when @crs<='' then 'mo'
            when @crs<='' then 'mou'
            when @crs<='' then 'mu'
            when @crs<='' then 'na'
            when @crs<='' then 'nai'
            when @crs<='' then 'nan'
            when @crs<='' then 'nang'
            when @crs<='' then 'nao'
            when @crs<='' then 'ne'
            when @crs<='' then 'nei'
            when @crs<='' then 'nen'
            when @crs<='' then 'neng'
            when @crs<='' then 'ni'
            when @crs<='' then 'nian'
            when @crs<='' then 'niang'
            when @crs<='' then 'niao'
            when @crs<='' then 'nie'
            when @crs<='' then 'nin'
            when @crs<='' then 'ning'
            when @crs<='' then 'niu'
            when @crs<='' then 'nong'
            when @crs<='' then 'nou'
            when @crs<='' then 'nu'
            when @crs<='' then 'nv'
            when @crs<='' then 'nue'
            when @crs<='' then 'nuan'
            when @crs<='' then 'nuo'
            when @crs<='' then 'o'
            when @crs<='' then 'ou'
            when @crs<='' then 'pa'
            when @crs<='' then 'pai'
            when @crs<='' then 'pan'
            when @crs<='' then 'pang'
            when @crs<='' then 'pao'
            when @crs<='' then 'pei'
            when @crs<='' then 'pen'
            when @crs<='' then 'peng'
            when @crs<='' then 'pi'
            when @crs<='' then 'pian'
            when @crs<='' then 'piao'
            when @crs<='' then 'pie'
            when @crs<='' then 'pin'
            when @crs<='' then 'ping'
            when @crs<='' then 'po'
            when @crs<='' then 'pou'
            when @crs<='' then 'pu'
            when @crs<='' then 'qi'
            when @crs<='' then 'qia'
            when @crs<='' then 'qian'
            when @crs<='' then 'qiang'
            when @crs<='' then 'qiao'
            when @crs<='' then 'qie'
            when @crs<='' then 'qin'
            when @crs<='' then 'qing'
            when @crs<='' then 'qiong'
            when @crs<='' then 'qiu'
            when @crs<='' then 'qu'
            when @crs<='' then 'quan'
            when @crs<='' then 'que'
            when @crs<='' then 'qun'
            when @crs<='' then 'ran'
            when @crs<='' then 'rang'
            when @crs<='' then 'rao'
            when @crs<='' then 're'
            when @crs<='' then 'ren'
            when @crs<='' then 'reng'
            when @crs<='' then 'ri'
            when @crs<='' then 'rong'
            when @crs<='嶿' then 'rou'
            when @crs<='' then 'ru'
            when @crs<='' then 'ruan'
            when @crs<='' then 'rui'
            when @crs<='' then 'run'
            when @crs<='' then 'ruo'
            when @crs<='' then 'sa'
            when @crs<='' then 'sai'
            when @crs<='' then 'san'
            when @crs<='' then 'sang'
            when @crs<='' then 'sao'
            when @crs<='' then 'se'
            when @crs<='' then 'sen'
            when @crs<='' then 'seng'
            when @crs<='' then 'sha'
            when @crs<='' then 'shai'
            when @crs<='' then 'shan'
            when @crs<='' then 'shang'
            when @crs<='' then 'shao'
            when @crs<='' then 'she'
            when @crs<='' then 'shen'
            when @crs<='' then 'sheng'
            when @crs<='' then 'shi'
            when @crs<='' then 'shou'
            when @crs<='' then 'shu'
            when @crs<='' then 'shua'
            when @crs<='' then 'shuai'
            when @crs<='' then 'shuan'
            when @crs<='' then 'shuang'
            when @crs<='' then 'shui'
            when @crs<='' then 'shun'
            when @crs<='' then 'shuo'
            when @crs<='' then 'si'
            when @crs<='' then 'song'
            when @crs<='' then 'sou'
            when @crs<='' then 'su'
            when @crs<='' then 'suan'
            when @crs<='' then 'sui'
            when @crs<='' then 'sun'
            when @crs<='' then 'suo'
            when @crs<='' then 'ta'
            when @crs<='' then 'tai'
            when @crs<='' then 'tan'
            when @crs<='' then 'tang'
            when @crs<='' then 'tao'
            when @crs<='' then 'te'
            when @crs<='' then 'teng'
            when @crs<='' then 'ti'
            when @crs<='' then 'tian'
            when @crs<='' then 'tiao'
            when @crs<='' then 'tie'
            when @crs<='' then 'ting'
            when @crs<='' then 'tong'
            when @crs<='' then 'tou'
            when @crs<='' then 'tu'
            when @crs<='' then 'tuan'
            when @crs<='' then 'tui'
            when @crs<='' then 'tun'
            when @crs<='' then 'tuo'
            when @crs<='' then 'wa'
            when @crs<='' then 'wai'
            when @crs<='' then 'wan'
            when @crs<='' then 'wang'
            when @crs<='' then 'wei'
            when @crs<='' then 'wen'
            when @crs<='' then 'weng'
            when @crs<='' then 'wo'
            when @crs<='' then 'wu'
            when @crs<='' then 'xi'
            when @crs<='' then 'xia'
            when @crs<='' then 'xian'
            when @crs<='' then 'xiang'
            when @crs<='' then 'xiao'
            when @crs<='' then 'xie'
            when @crs<='' then 'xin'
            when @crs<='' then 'xing'
            when @crs<='' then 'xiong'
            when @crs<='' then 'xiu'
            when @crs<='' then 'xu'
            when @crs<='' then 'xuan'
            when @crs<='' then 'xue'
            when @crs<='' then 'xun'
            when @crs<='' then 'ya'
            when @crs<='' then 'yan'
            when @crs<='' then 'yang'
            when @crs<='' then 'yao'
            when @crs<='' then 'ye'
            when @crs<='' then 'yi'
            when @crs<='' then 'yin'
            when @crs<='' then 'ying'
            when @crs<='' then 'yo'
            when @crs<='' then 'yong'
            when @crs<='' then 'you'
            when @crs<='' then 'yu'
            when @crs<='' then 'yuan'
            when @crs<='' then 'yue'
            when @crs<='' then 'yun'
            when @crs<='' then 'za'
            when @crs<='' then 'zai'
            when @crs<='' then 'zan'
            when @crs<='' then 'zang'
            when @crs<='' then 'zao'
            when @crs<='' then 'ze'
            when @crs<='' then 'zei'
            when @crs<='' then 'zen'
            when @crs<='' then 'zeng'
            when @crs<='' then 'zha'
            when @crs<='' then 'zhai'
            when @crs<='' then 'zhan'
            when @crs<='' then 'zhang'
            when @crs<='' then 'zhao'
            when @crs<='' then 'zhe'
            when @crs<='' then 'zhen'
            when @crs<='' then 'zheng'
            when @crs<='' then 'zhi'
            when @crs<='' then 'zhong'
            when @crs<='' then 'zhou'
            when @crs<='' then 'zhu'
            when @crs<='' then 'zhua'
            when @crs<='' then 'zhuai'
            when @crs<='' then 'zhuan'
            when @crs<='' then 'zhuang'
            when @crs<='' then 'zhui'
            when @crs<='' then 'zhun'
            when @crs<='' then 'zhuo'
            when @crs<='' then 'zi'
            when @crs<='' then 'zong'
            when @crs<='' then 'zou'
            when @crs<='' then 'zu'
            when @crs<='' then 'zuan'
            when @crs<='' then 'zui'
            when @crs<='' then 'zun'
            when @crs<='' then 'zuo'
            else  @crs end+' '+@re,@strlen=@strlen-1 
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    借鉴DP思想: HouseRobberIII
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    FE: Responsive Web Design Overview
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/goto/p/2443499.html
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