There are 1000 buckets, one and only one of them contains poison, the rest are filled with water. They all look the same. If a pig drinks that poison it will die within 15 minutes. What is the minimum amount of pigs you need to figure out which bucket contains the poison within one hour.
Answer this question, and write an algorithm for the follow-up general case.
If there are n buckets and a pig drinking poison will die within m minutes, how many pigs (x) you need to figure out the "poison" bucket within p minutes? There is exact one bucket with poison.
这道题博主拿到以后并木有什么头绪,可是明明标的是Easy,打击甚大,于是去论坛上大神们的解法,感觉这道题应该算是一道Brain Teaser的题,对问题的分析能力要求很高。那么我们来一步一步从最简单的情况来分析吧,假设只有1只猪,只有15分钟,那么我们能测几个水桶呢?很显然是两个,因为只能测一次的话,让猪去随便喝一桶,如果毒死了,就是喝的那桶,反之则是另一桶。好,那么如果有两只猪呢,能测几桶?怎么喝呢,两只猪一猪喝一桶,再同时喝一桶,剩下一桶谁也不喝,那么如果两只猪都毒死了,说明是共同喝的那桶有毒,如果某个猪毒死了,说明该猪喝的那桶有毒,如果都没事,说明是谁也没喝的那桶。那么我们应该看出规律了吧,没错,三猪能测8桶,其实就是2的指数倍。
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
class Solution { public: int poorPigs(int buckets, int minutesToDie, int minutesToTest) { return ceil(log(buckets) / log(minutesToTest / minutesToDie + 1)); } };