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  • RTCD-7.3.a Octrees

    RTCD-7.3.a Octrees

    Real-Time Collision Detection 阅读笔记。


    Pointer Based

    octree node示例:

    // Octree node data structure
    struct Node {
        Point center;         // 节点的中心,并不是必须的
        float halfWidth;      // 节点体素的半宽,不是必须的
        Node *pChild[8];      // 指向八个子节点
        Object *pObjList;     // 这个节点包含的对象列表





    // Preallocates an octree down to a specific depth
    Node *BuildOctree(Point center, float halfWidth, int stopDepth)
        if (stopDepth < 0) return NULL;
        else {
            // Construct and fill in 'root' of this subtree
            Node *pNode = new Node;
            pNode->center = center;
            pNode->halfWidth = halfWidth;
            pNode->pObjList = NULL;
            // Recursively construct the eight children of the subtree
            Point offset;
            float step = halfWidth * 0.5f;
            for (int i=0; i<8; ++i) {
                // 赞
                offset.x = ((i & 1) ? step : -step);
                offset.y = ((i & 2) ? step : -step);
                offset.z = ((i & 4) ? step : -step);
                pNode->pChild[i] = BuildOctree(center + offset, step, stopDepth-1);
            return pNode;


    struct Object {
        Point center;
        float radius;
        Object *pNextObject;

    插入一个对象的代码如下(对于if (Abs(delta) < pTree->halfWidth + pObject->radius)应该有问题)(具体讨论见:https://www.cnblogs.com/grass-and-moon/p/13266715.html):

    void InsertObject(Node *pTree, Object *pObject)
        int index = 0, straddle = 0;
        // Compute the octant number [0..7] the object sphere center is in
        // If straddling any of the dividing x, y, or z planes, exit directly
        for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
            float delta = pObject->center[i] - pTree->center[i];
            if (Abs(delta) < pTree->halfWidth + pObject->radius) 
            // 这个应该是有问题的, 应该是:
            // if (Abs(delta) < pObject->radius)
                straddle = 1;
            if (delta > 0.0f) index |= (1 << i);
        if (!straddle && pTree->pChild[index]) {
            // Fully contained in existing child node; insert in that subtree
            InsertObject(pTree->pChild[index], pObject);
        } else {
            // Straddling, or no child node to descend into, so
            // link object into linked list at this node
            pObject->pNextObject = pTree->pObjList;
            pTree->pObjList = pObject;
        // 如果需要自动创建node,采用如下实现
        //if (!straddle) {
        //    if (pTree->pChild[index] == NULL) {
        //        pTree->pChild[index] = new Node;
        //        // ...
        //    }
        //    InsertObject(pTree->pChild[index], pObject);
        //} else {
        //    // ... same as before

    index |= (1 << i);这一句的逻辑怎么理解呢?以二维图为例:

    如果需要在node没有object的时候能够自行删除,需要node能够获取到parent node 的指针用来更新该node(或者类似的机制)。


    // Test all objects that could possibly overlap due to cell ancestry and coexistence
    // in the same cell. Assumes objects exist in a single cell only, and fully inside it
    void TestAllCollisions(Node *pTree)
        // Keep track of all ancestor object lists in a stack
        const int MAX_DEPTH = 40;
        static Node *ancestorStack[MAX_DEPTH];
        static int depth = 0; 
        // Check collision between all objects on this level and all 
        // all ancestor objects. The current level is included as its
        // ancestor so all nessary pairwise tests are done
        ancestorStack[depth++] = pTree;
        for (int n = 0; n < depth; n++) {
            Object *pA, *pB;
            for (pA = ancestorStack[n]->pObjList; pA; pA = pA->pNextObject) {
                for (pB = pTree->pObjList; pB; pB = pB->pNextObject) {
                    // Avoid testing both A->B and B->A
                    if (pA == pB) break;
                    // Now perform the collision test between pA and pB in some manner
                    TestCollision(pA, pB);
        // Recursively visit all existing children
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            if (pTree->pChild[i])
        // Remove current node from ancestor stack before returning




    // Octree node data structure (hashed)
    struct Node {
        Point center;     // 八叉树的中心,并不是必须的
        int key;          // the location (Morton) code for this node
        int8 hasChildK;   // Bitmask indicating which eight children exist (optional)
        Object *pObjList; // Linked list of objects contained at this node


    int NodeDepth(unsigned int key)
        // Keep shifting off three bits at a time, increasing depth counter
        for (int d = 0; key; d++) {
            // If only sentinel bit remains, exit with node depth
            if (key == 1) return d;
            key >>= 3;
        assert(0); // bad key



    void VisitLinearOctree(Node *pTree)
        // For all eight possible children 
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
            // See if the ith child exist
            if (pTree->hasChildK & (1 << i)) {
                // Compute new Morton key for the child
                int key = (pTree->key << 3) + i;
                Node *pChild = HashTableLookup(gHashTable, key);

    这里使用到了morton key,莫顿码的简单介绍,见:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_32832803/article/details/82314679。接着继续看怎么通过octree leaf的x,y,z坐标获取morton key。如下:

    uint32 Morton3(uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 z)
        // z--z--z--z--z--z--z--z--z--z-- : Part1By2(z) << 2
        // -y--y--y--y--y--y--y--y--y--y- : Part1By2(y) << 1
        // --x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x : Part1By2(x)
        // zyxzyxzyxzyxzyxzyxzyxzyxzyxzyx : Final result
        return (Part1By2(z) << 2) + (Part1By2(y) << 1) + Part1By2(x);


    // Separates low 10 bits of input by two bits
    uint32 Part1By2(uint32 n)
        // n = ----------------------9876543210 : Bits initially
        // n = ------98----------------76543210 : After (1)
        // n = ------98--------7654--------3210 : After (2)
        // n = ------98----76----54----32----10 : After (3)
        // n = ----9--8--7--6--5--4--3--2--1--0 : After (4)
        n=(n^(n << 16)) & 0xff0000ff;// (1)
        n=(n^(n <<  8)) & 0x0300f00f;// (2)
        n=(n^(n <<  4)) & 0x030c30c3;// (3)
        n=(n^(n <<  2)) & 0x09249249;// (4)
        return n;


    // Takes two 16-bit numbers and bit-interleaves them into one number
    uint32 Morton2(uint32 x, uint32 y)
        return (Part1By1(y) << 1) + Part1By1(x);
    // Separates low 16 bits of input by one bit
    uint32 Part1By1(uint32 n)
        // n = ----------------fedcba9876543210 : Bits initially
        // n = --------fedcba98--------76543210 : After (1)
        // n = ----fedc----ba98----7654----3210 : After (2)
        // n = --fe--dc--ba--98--76--54--32--10 : After (3)
        // n = -f-e-d-c-b-a-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0 : After (4)
        n=(n∧(n <<  8)) & 0x00ff00ff;// (1)
        n=(n∧(n <<  4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f;// (2)
        n=(n∧(n <<  2)) & 0x33333333;// (3)
        n=(n∧(n <<  1)) & 0x55555555;// (4)
        return n;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/grass-and-moon/p/13264962.html
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