Assignment IV Transform + Quantization + Entropy Coding
Input: an intra-frame or a residue picture after motion compensation.
Task: Code the input picture into a bitstream and decode the picture from the generated bitstream.
Specifications: Implement a transform-based codec, consisting transform, quantization, and entropy coding. The block size can be 8x8, 16x16, or other reasonable sizes. As in most existing image/video codecs, you can use 2D DCT. A simple uniform quantizer could be used for verification purpose. For the entropy coding, you can use either Huffman coding or arithmetic coding
二、8 * 8 DCT变换(这一步r)如果加上一个掩模可以去除图片中人眼不敏感的高频分量,从而进一步压缩图片
1 clc;clear; 2 3 %采用JPEG亮度量化表 4 Q =[16 11 10 16 24 40 51 61 5 12 12 14 19 26 58 60 55 6 14 13 16 24 40 57 69 56 7 14 17 22 29 51 87 80 62 8 18 22 37 56 68 109 103 77 9 24 35 55 64 81 104 113 92 10 49 64 78 87 103 121 120 101 11 72 92 95 98 112 100 103 99]; 12 13 X = 8;%分块大小 14 15 I=imread('cameraman.jpg');%读取图像 16 gray_img = rgb2gray(I);%灰度化 17 18 19 I_DCT = blkproc(gray_img,[X X],'dct2');%对图像进行DCT变换, 20 21 Iq = round(blkproc(I_DCT,[X X],'x./P1',Q));%量化处理 22 23 Iq = Iq + 120;%量化处理之后,序列的symbol取-120到+120之间,为了方便编码,将其平移到0-255的区间 24 25 %哈夫曼编码 26 [M,N] = size(Iq); 27 I1 = Iq(:); 28 P = zeros(1,256); 29 for i = 0:255 30 P(i+1) = length(find(I1 == i))/(M*N); 31 end 32 k = 0:255; 33 dict = huffmandict(k,P); %生成字典 34 enco = huffmanenco(I1,dict); %编码 35 %bitstream传输 36 37 %计算编码长度,计算压缩率 38 binaryComp = de2bi(enco); 39 encodedLen = numel(binaryComp); 40 imgLen = numel(de2bi(I1)); 41 disp(strcat(['编码后传输的比特流长度为' num2str(encodedLen)])) 42 disp(strcat(['原图片二进制编码比特长度为' num2str(imgLen)])) 43 disp(strcat(['压缩率为' num2str(100*(imgLen-encodedLen)/imgLen) '%'])) 44 45 %bitstream接收 46 %哈夫曼解码 47 deco = huffmandeco(enco,dict); 48 Idq = col2im(deco,[M,N],[M,N],'distinct')-120; %把向量重新转换成图像块,记得要把图像平移回去原来的区间; 49 50 51 I_rq = round(blkproc(Idq,[X X],'x.*P1',Q));%反量化 52 53 I_rDCT = round(blkproc(I_rq,[X X],'idct2'));%对图像进行DCT反变换 54 55 I_rDCT = Normalize(I_rDCT);%归一化到0-255区间 56 57 58 59 figure 60 subplot(1,2,1) 61 imshow(gray_img); 62 title('原图') 63 64 65 subplot(1,2,2) 66 %在matlab处理完数据好,我们希望显示或者imwrite写入图片时候,需要注意。如果直接对double之间的数据矩阵I运行imshow(I), 67 %我们会发现有时候显示的是一个白色的图像。 这是因为imshow()显示图像时对double型是认为在0~1范围内,即大于1时都是显示为白色, 68 %而imshow显示uint8型时是0~255范围。所以对double类型的图像显示的时候,要么归一化到0~1之间, 69 %要么将double类型的0~255数据转为uint8类型 70 imshow(I_rDCT/255); 71 title('经压缩传输后解压的图像') 72 73 74
1 function OutImg = Normalize(InImg) 2 ymax=255;ymin=0; 3 xmax = max(max(InImg)); %求得InImg中的最大值 4 xmin = min(min(InImg)); %求得InImg中的最小值 5 OutImg = round((ymax-ymin)*(InImg-xmin)/(xmax-xmin) + ymin); %归一化并取整 6 end