我们都知道Google官方提供的Android开发环境是Eclipse,仅仅给出了ADT插件。但是在AndroidSDK Tool文件夹中我们可以找到一个名为activityCreator.bat的批处理文件,它调用的是tools\lib\activityCreator文件夹中的activityCreator.exe程序,其实为一个Python语言解释程序。activityCreator的Activity创建脚本全部参数使用方法如下:
Activity Creator Script
activityCreator [--out outdir] [--ide intellij] your.package.name.ActivityName
Creates the structure of a minimal Android application.
The following will be created:
- AndroidManifest.xml: The application manifest file.
- build.xml: An Ant script to build/package the application.
- res : The resource directory.
- src : The source directory.
- src/your/package/name/ActivityName.java the Activity java class. packageName
is a fully qualified java Package in the format . ... (with
at least two components).
- bin : The output folder for the build script.
--out : specifies where to create the files/folders.
--ide intellij: creates project files for IntelliJ
比如:定位目录到Android SDK的Tools目录中,执行activityCreator -out ReleaseDir cn.com.android123.www
其中 -out参数为设置输出文件夹为ReleaseDir,而最后的cn.com.android123.www为我们的Package包名称。
注意:由于Android SDK对应开发平台不同,而对应编译文件也不同,Windows下为批处理activityCreator.bat,而Linux系统自带Python解释器,所以为activityCreator.py