另外这里返回的记录是封装在一个ArrayList里面 所以那些实时更新的操作是无力diesi~ 其实还可以把出参入参学C#一样封装在一个参数的类里面,但是 本人非常懒 就不搞了~~~
补充两句: 最近在看资料的时候看到了很多批判JAVA效率的人和文章,有人甚至说JAVA垃圾,好吧,这些连JAVA编程思想都没有通读的人说的屌丝话我就不理睬了。因为我自己对JAVA也是理解不深,因此也不评价了。但是总觉得这种黑跟那些脑残粉一样,黑要有水平粉亦是,如果对某个物体完全不了解的情况下就肆意地去黑,随意地去粉,这跟脑残有什么区别呢?
总结下来:跟C#比 Java的数据库连接方面做得真心不多 或者说JDBC做得不多 或者说JDBC面对编程人员做的不多(考虑很久远之前的连接数据库模型,现在的JDBC不能说做得不多) 看看C#的DataSet 等等各种DB容器 我就泪奔了~ 但是这不正是JAVA美妙的地方吗?没有的东西 做一个就好!
最后 C#和Java给我的感觉就是 C#给我两个鬼带4个2 然后告诉我 这样出就赢了 而JAVA是给我一个大鬼 一个黑桃2 一个红桃2 一个方片2 一个小鬼 一个梅花2 然后跟我说 你自己看着办吧 骚年~~
由于实在太难用了 愤怒之下改代码了 ~~
其实这个类已经被我改的差不多了。。。不过总体的思路还是没有变。。。以前一直不明白ResultSet跟DataSet有什么区别。。现在貌似是懂了 就是一个是动态数据 一个是静态数据 而现在的感觉是 这些静态容器其实没什么用。。。因为如果遵照JPA的游戏规则 按照O/R模型去玩的话 这些东西貌似又没什么必要了。。。
/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package dataanalysis_erp_plug.DataAnalysis; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.*; /** * * @author Administrator * * private function: open(): open a connection; close(): close a connection; * * public function: runSQL(): run a sql code and return a number. This number should be a number of be affected rows; getResultListFromProc(): run a stored procedure and return a ResultSet * getResultSetFromSQL(): run sql code and return a ResultSet * */ public class SQLCONN { public ArrayList<Object[]> table = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); public ArrayList outputParams = new ArrayList(); private Connection conn = null; private String driver, serverName, userName, password; private ArrayList<Object[]> _outputParams = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); private ArrayList<Object[]> _inputParams = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); public SQLCONN(String driver, String serverName, String userName, String password) { this.serverName = serverName; //include a dbName here, ex: "jdbc:sqlserver://\\GSSL; DatabaseName=Materials" this.driver = driver; this.password = password; this.userName = userName; } public int runSQL(String sql) { int returnNumber = -1; try { this.open(); try (Statement stmt = conn.createStatement()) { returnNumber = stmt.executeUpdate(sql); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(SQLCONN.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { this.close(); return returnNumber; } } public ResultSet getResultSetFromSQL(String sql) { ResultSet returnResultSet = null; try { this.open(); try (Statement stmt = conn.createStatement()) { returnResultSet = stmt.executeQuery(sql); returnResultSet.close(); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(SQLCONN.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { this.close(); return returnResultSet; } } /* * input Params: * procName: database stored process's name (String) * inputs: an ArrayList with an Object Array in it. Objcet[0] means input params name (String), object[1] means input params value (Object) * outputs: an ArrayList with an Object Array in it. Objcet[0] means output params name (String), object[1] means output params type (int from java.sql.Types.*) * * output Params: * is a ArrayList. [0] is a ArrayList<Object[]> descript ResultSet. [1 ... n] is a set of database stored process output Params. * * throw an exception when the number of inputparam don't match * */ public void runProc(String procName) throws Exception { int i = 0; this.outputParams.clear(); this.table.clear(); String callString = "{call " + procName + "("; if (this._inputParams.isEmpty() && this._outputParams.isEmpty()) { callString = callString + ")}"; } else { callString = callString + "?"; if (!this._inputParams.isEmpty()) { for (i = 1; i < this._inputParams.size(); i++) { callString = callString + ",?"; } } if (!this._outputParams.isEmpty()) { for (i = (this._inputParams.isEmpty() ? 1 : 0); i < this._outputParams.size(); i++) { callString = callString + ",?"; } } callString = callString + ")}"; } try { this.open(); try (CallableStatement cstmt = conn.prepareCall(callString)) { //init input params if (this._inputParams != null) { for (i = 0; i < this._inputParams.size(); i++) { switch(this._inputParams.get(i).length){ case 2: cstmt.setObject((String) this._inputParams.get(i)[0], this._inputParams.get(i)[1]); break; case 3: cstmt.setObject((String) this._inputParams.get(i)[0], this._inputParams.get(i)[1], (Integer) this._inputParams.get(i)[2]); break; case 4: cstmt.setObject((String) this._inputParams.get(i)[0], this._inputParams.get(i)[1], (Integer) this._inputParams.get(i)[2], (Integer) this._inputParams.get(i)[3]); break; default: throw new Exception("Error: the number of input param's input param is not match"); } } } //init output params if (this._outputParams != null) { for (i = 0; i < this._outputParams.size(); i++) { switch(this._outputParams.get(i).length){ case 2: cstmt.registerOutParameter((String) this._outputParams.get(i)[0], (Integer) this._outputParams.get(i)[1]); break; case 3: cstmt.registerOutParameter((String) this._outputParams.get(i)[0], (Integer) this._outputParams.get(i)[1], (Integer) this._outputParams.get(i)[2]); break; default: throw new Exception("Error: the number of output param's input param is not match"); } } } cstmt.execute(); //bind the ResultSet to HashMap ResultSet rs = cstmt.getResultSet(); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); if (rs != null) { while (rs.next()) { Object[] col = new Object[rsmd.getColumnCount()]; for (i = 0; i < rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) { col[i] = rs.getObject(i + 1); } this.table.add(col); } } else { this.table = null; } //get output params for (i = 0; i < this._outputParams.size(); i++) { this.outputParams.add(cstmt.getObject((String) this._outputParams.get(i)[0])); } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(SQLCONN.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { this._inputParams.clear(); this._outputParams.clear(); this.close(); } } /* * set input params */ public void addInputParam(String paramName, Object value, int SQLType, int scale) { Object[] output = new Object[4]; output[0] = paramName; output[1] = value; output[2] = SQLType; output[3] = scale; this._inputParams.add(output); } public void addInputParam(String paramName, Object value, int SQLType) { Object[] output = new Object[3]; output[0] = paramName; output[1] = value; output[2] = SQLType; this._inputParams.add(output); } public void addInputParam(String paramName, Object value) { Object[] output = new Object[2]; output[0] = paramName; output[1] = value; this._inputParams.add(output); } /* * set output params */ public void addOutputParams(String paramName, int SQLType, int scale) { Object[] output = new Object[3]; output[0] = paramName; output[1] = SQLType; output[2] = scale; this._outputParams.add(output); } public void addOutputParams(String paramName, int SQLType) { Object[] output = new Object[2]; output[0] = paramName; output[1] = SQLType; this._outputParams.add(output); } private void open() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { Class.forName(this.driver); this.conn = DriverManager.getConnection(this.serverName, this.userName, this.password); System.out.println("connected"); } private void close() { try { this.conn.close(); System.out.println("close"); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(SQLCONN.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }
/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package dataanalysis_erp_plug; import dataanalysis_erp_plug.DataAnalysis.*; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * * @author Administrator */ public class DataAnalysis_ERP_Plug { /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO code application logic here String driver = "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"; String userName = "SQL用户名"; String password = "密码"; String serverName = "jdbc:sqlserver://SQL服务器名\\实例名;"; String dbName = "DatabaseName=数据库名"; //allow empty, default value = ""; SQLCONN sqlconn = new SQLCONN(driver, serverName + dbName, userName, password); //define input params sqlconn.addInputParam("input", "caca", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR, 50); //define output params sqlconn.addOutputParams("return", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); try { sqlconn.runProc("testProc_noIOParam"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(DataAnalysis_ERP_Plug.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } if (sqlconn.table.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("null"); } else { System.out.println(sqlconn.table.get(0)[0]); System.out.println(sqlconn.outputParams.get(0)); System.out.println("not null"); } } }