- Android应用的Crash
- Android应用的ANR
略,android开发环境:使用Android Studio搭建Android集成开发环境(图文教程)
1.ADB连接Android测试设备,在命令行输入 adb devices 查看设备连接情况
如果是真机,直接使用USB线连接真机和PC机,adb devices即可看到真机已经连接上了,如
C:UsersAdministrator>adb devices
List of devices attached
611AKBPP22HR5 device
C:UsersAdministrator>adb connect connected to C:UsersAdministrator>adb devices List of devices attached device
adb shell monkey -p com.ssjj.recorder -v 50
-p 指定测试包名
-v 显示默认程度的信息
三、Monkey 命令常用参数详解
$ adb shell monkey [options] <event-count>
Category | Option | Description |
General | --help |
Prints a simple usage guide. |
-v |
Each -v on the command line will increment the verbosity level. Level 0 (the default) provides little information beyond startup notification, test completion, and final results. Level 1 provides more details about the test as it runs, such as individual events being sent to your activities. Level 2 provides more detailed setup information such as activities selected or not selected for testing. | |
Events | -s <seed> |
Seed value for pseudo-random number generator. If you re-run the Monkey with the same seed value, it will generate the same sequence of events. |
--throttle <milliseconds> |
Inserts a fixed delay between events. You can use this option to slow down the Monkey. If not specified, there is no delay and the events are generated as rapidly as possible. |
--pct-touch <percent> |
Adjust percentage of touch events. (Touch events are a down-up event in a single place on the screen.) | |
--pct-motion <percent> |
Adjust percentage of motion events. (Motion events consist of a down event somewhere on the screen, a series of pseudo-random movements, and an up event.) | |
--pct-trackball <percent> |
Adjust percentage of trackball events. (Trackball events consist of one or more random movements, sometimes followed by a click.) | |
--pct-nav <percent> |
Adjust percentage of "basic" navigation events. (Navigation events consist of up/down/left/right, as input from a directional input device.) | |
--pct-majornav <percent> |
Adjust percentage of "major" navigation events. (These are navigation events that will typically cause actions within your UI, such as the center button in a 5-way pad, the back key, or the menu key.) | |
--pct-syskeys <percent> |
Adjust percentage of "system" key events. (These are keys that are generally reserved for use by the system, such as Home, Back, Start Call, End Call, or Volume controls.) | |
--pct-appswitch <percent> |
Adjust percentage of activity launches. At random intervals, the Monkey will issue a startActivity() call, as a way of maximizing coverage of all activities within your package. | |
--pct-anyevent <percent> |
Adjust percentage of other types of events. This is a catch-all for all other types of events such as keypresses, other less-used buttons on the device, and so forth. | |
Constraints | -p <allowed-package-name> |
If you specify one or more packages this way, the Monkey will only allow the system to visit activities within those packages. If your application requires access to activities in other packages (e.g. to select a contact) you'll need to specify those packages as well. If you don't specify any packages, the Monkey will allow the system to launch activities in all packages. To specify multiple packages, use the -p option multiple times — one -p option per package. |
-c <main-category> |
If you specify one or more categories this way, the Monkey will only allow the system to visit activities that are listed with one of the specified categories. If you don't specify any categories, the Monkey will select activities listed with the category Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER or Intent.CATEGORY_MONKEY. To specify multiple categories, use the -c option multiple times — one -c option per category. | |
Debugging | --dbg-no-events |
When specified, the Monkey will perform the initial launch into a test activity, but will not generate any further events. For best results, combine with -v, one or more package constraints, and a non-zero throttle to keep the Monkey running for 30 seconds or more. This provides an environment in which you can monitor package transitions invoked by your application. |
--hprof |
If set, this option will generate profiling reports immediately before and after the Monkey event sequence. This will generate large (~5Mb) files in data/misc, so use with care. See Traceview for more information on trace files. | |
--ignore-crashes |
Normally, the Monkey will stop when the application crashes or experiences any type of unhandled exception. If you specify this option, the Monkey will continue to send events to the system, until the count is completed. | |
--ignore-timeouts |
Normally, the Monkey will stop when the application experiences any type of timeout error such as a "Application Not Responding" dialog. If you specify this option, the Monkey will continue to send events to the system, until the count is completed. | |
--ignore-security-exceptions |
Normally, the Monkey will stop when the application experiences any type of permissions error, for example if it attempts to launch an activity that requires certain permissions. If you specify this option, the Monkey will continue to send events to the system, until the count is completed. | |
--kill-process-after-error |
Normally, when the Monkey stops due to an error, the application that failed will be left running. When this option is set, it will signal the system to stop the process in which the error occurred. Note, under a normal (successful) completion, the launched process(es) are not stopped, and the device is simply left in the last state after the final event. | |
--monitor-native-crashes |
Watches for and reports crashes occurring in the Android system native code. If --kill-process-after-error is set, the system will stop. | |
--wait-dbg |
Stops the Monkey from executing until a debugger is attached to it. |
adb shell monkey -p com.ssjj.recorder --pct-motion 25 --pct-touch 40 --pct-nav 10 --pct-appswitch 10 --ignore-crashes --ignore-timeouts --throttle 300 -s 200 -v -v -v 1000
1.触摸事件和手势事件是用户最常见的操作,所以通过 --pct-touch 和 --pct-motion 将这两个事件的占比调整到40%与25%
3.使用--ignore-crash 和 --ignore-timeouts 参数使Monkey遇到意外是能继续执行
- Monkey并没有完整的报告,可以重定向monkey日志到文本文档
- 编写脚本正则匹配报告中的关键字
** System appears to have crashed at event 48 of 50 using seed 1499432070709
adb shell monkey -p com.ssjj.recorder -s 1499432070709 500