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  • BZOJ 5020 [THUWC2017]Drown in the math ocean (LCT+求导)


    太长了略 洛谷题面传送门





    $f(x)=sum_{i=0}^{inf} frac{f^{(i)}(x_{0})(x-x_{0})^{i}}{i!}$


    我们只需要求出$sum_{u to v} f^{(i)}(x_{0})$,用$LCT$维护,每次把$x$带入即可



    注意别把第三个操作的$f++$了= =

      1 #include <cmath>
      2 #include <vector>
      3 #include <cstdio>
      4 #include <cstring>
      5 #include <algorithm>
      6 #define N1 100100
      7 #define M1 2010
      8 #define S1 (N1<<1)
      9 #define T1 (N1<<2)
     10 #define ll long long
     11 #define uint unsigned int
     12 #define rint register int 
     13 #define ull unsigned long long
     14 #define dd double
     15 #define ld long double
     16 #define il inline 
     17 #define inf 1000000000
     18 using namespace std;
     20 const ld X=0.5;
     21 int gint()
     22 {
     23     int ret=0,fh=1;char c=getchar();
     24     while(c<'0'||c>'9'){if(c=='-')fh=-1;c=getchar();}
     25     while(c>='0'&&c<='9'){ret=ret*10+c-'0';c=getchar();}
     26     return ret*fh;
     27 }
     28 int n,m,T,type;
     29 int tot;
     30 struct LCT{
     31 int ch[N1][2],fa[N1],rev[N1],type[N1];
     32 ld a[N1],b[N1],f[N1][15],sum[N1][15];
     33 inline int idf(int x){return ch[fa[x]][0]==x?0:1;}
     34 inline void revers(int x){swap(ch[x][0],ch[x][1]),rev[x]^=1;}
     35 inline int isroot(int x){return (ch[fa[x]][0]==x||ch[fa[x]][1]==x)?0:1;}
     36 void update(int x)
     37 {
     38     memset(f[x],0,sizeof(f[x]));
     39     if(type[x]==1){
     40         f[x][0]=sin(a[x]*X+b[x]),f[x][1]=a[x]*cos(a[x]*X+b[x]);
     41         for(int i=2;i<=13;i++)
     42             f[x][i]=-a[x]*a[x]*f[x][i-2];
     43     }else if(type[x]==2){
     44         f[x][0]=exp(X*a[x]+b[x]);
     45         for(int i=1;i<=13;i++)
     46             f[x][i]=a[x]*f[x][i-1];
     47     }else{
     48         f[x][0]=a[x]*X+b[x],f[x][1]=a[x];
     49     }
     50 }
     51 inline void pushup(int x)
     52 {
     53     for(rint i=0;i<=13;i++)
     54         sum[x][i]=sum[ch[x][0]][i]+sum[ch[x][1]][i]+f[x][i];
     55 }
     56 void pushdown(int x)
     57 {
     58     if(rev[x])
     59     {
     60         if(ch[x][0]) revers(ch[x][0]);
     61         if(ch[x][1]) revers(ch[x][1]);
     62         rev[x]^=1;
     63     }
     64 }
     65 int stk[N1],tp;
     66 void rot(int x)
     67 {
     68     int y=fa[x],ff=fa[y],px=idf(x),py=idf(y);
     69     if(!isroot(y)) ch[ff][py]=x; fa[x]=ff;
     70     fa[ch[x][px^1]]=y,ch[y][px]=ch[x][px^1];
     71     ch[x][px^1]=y,fa[y]=x;
     72     pushup(y),pushup(x);
     73 }
     74 void splay(int x)
     75 {
     76     int y=x; stk[++tp]=x;
     77     while(!isroot(y)){stk[++tp]=fa[y],y=fa[y];}
     78     while(tp){pushdown(stk[tp--]);}
     79     while(!isroot(x))
     80     {
     81         y=fa[x];
     82         if(isroot(y)) rot(x);
     83         else if(idf(y)==idf(x)) rot(y),rot(x);
     84         else rot(x),rot(x);
     85     }
     86 }
     87 void access(int x)
     88 {
     89     for(int y=0;x;y=x,x=fa[x])
     90         splay(x),ch[x][1]=y,pushup(x);
     91 }
     92 void mkroot(int x){access(x),splay(x),revers(x);}
     93 void split(int x,int y){mkroot(x),access(y),splay(y);}
     94 int fdroot(int x)
     95 {
     96     access(x),splay(x);
     97     while(ch[x][0]) pushdown(ch[x][0]),x=ch[x][0];
     98     splay(x); return x;
     99 }
    100 void link(int x,int y)
    101 {
    102     split(x,y);
    103     /*if(findroot(y)!=x)*/ fa[x]=y;
    104 }
    105 void cut(int x,int y)
    106 {
    107     split(x,y);
    108     if(!ch[x][1]&&fa[x]==y&&ch[y][0]==x)
    109         fa[x]=ch[y][0]=0,pushup(y);
    110 }
    111 void magic(int x,int p,dd A,dd B)
    112 {
    113     splay(x);
    114     type[x]=p; a[x]=A; b[x]=B; 
    115     update(x); pushup(x);
    116 }
    117 ld query(int x,int y,dd w,int &fl)
    118 {
    119     split(x,y); if(fdroot(y)!=x) {fl=-1;return 0;}
    120     ld mul=1,ans=sum[x][0],pw=1;
    121     for(int i=1;i<=13;i++)
    122     {
    123         mul*=i; pw*=(w-X);
    124         ans+=sum[x][i]*pw/mul;
    125     }
    126     return ans;
    127 }
    128 void init()
    129 {
    130     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
    131     {
    132         type[i]=gint();
    133         scanf("%Lf%Lf",&a[i],&b[i]);
    134         update(i);
    135     }
    136 }
    137 }lct;
    139 char str[10];
    141 int main()
    142 {
    143     freopen("t2.in","r",stdin);
    144     //freopen("a.out","w",stdout);
    145     scanf("%d%d%s",&n,&m,str);
    146     int i,j,x,y,fl=0; ld A,B,ans;
    147     lct.init();
    148     for(j=1;j<=m;j++)
    149     {
    150         scanf("%s",str); x=gint(),y=gint();
    151         if(str[0]=='a'){
    152             x++,y++;
    153             lct.link(x,y);
    154         }else if(str[0]=='d'){
    155             x++,y++;
    156             lct.cut(x,y);
    157         }else if(str[0]=='m'){
    158             x++;
    159             scanf("%Lf%Lf",&A,&B);
    160             lct.magic(x,y,A,B);
    161         }else{
    162             x++,y++;
    163             scanf("%Lf",&A); fl=0;
    164             ans=lct.query(x,y,A,fl);
    165             if(fl==-1) puts("unreachable");
    166             else printf("%.12Lf
    167         }
    168     }
    169     return 0;
    170 }



    那么怎么维护呢= =




    f(x)=sum_{i=0}^{inf} frac{f^{(i)}(x_{0})(x-x_{0})^{i}}{i!}

    x_{0}貌似是随便取的诶,作为一名强迫症肯定要取中间值0.5= =


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/guapisolo/p/10171051.html
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