def func1(List): List2 = [] for num in range(len(List)): if num % 2 != 0: List2.append(List[num]) return List2
def fun1(Object): if type(Object) != tuple and type(Object) != list and type(Object) != str: print('您传入的参数有误') return 1 if len(Object) > 5: print('您的参数长度挺大') else: print('太他吗短了~') return
def func1(List): if len(List) > 2: return List[0:2]
4、写函数,计算传入字符串中[数字]、[字母]、[空格] 以及 [其他]的个数,并返回结果。
def func1(Str): Dict = {'数字':0,'字母':0,'空格':0,'其他':0} for i in Str: if i.isdigit(): Dict['数字'] = Dict['数字'] + 1 elif i.isalpha(): Dict['字母'] = Dict['字母'] + 1 elif i.isspace(): Dict['空格'] = Dict['空格'] + 1 else: Dict['其他'] = Dict['其他'] + 1 return Dict
def func1(Object): if isinstance(Object,(str,list,tuple)): for i in Object: i = str(i) if i.isspace(): print('包含空格') return
def func1(Object): if isinstance(Object,dict): for i,k in Object.items(): if len(k) > 2: Object[i] = k[0:2] return Object
def func1(n,m): if isinstance(n,int) and isinstance(m,int): if n > m: return n else: return m print('参数有误,请重新传入') return 1
def func(filename,old,new): with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f, open('%s.bak'%filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f2: for line in f: if old in line: line = line.replace(old,new) f2.write(line) import os os.remove(filename) os.rename('%s.bak'%filename, filename)
def regis(): N = 0 while N < 3: Input_Username = input('请输入您要注册的账号:') Input_Password = input('请输入您要注册的密码:') if Input_Username.isdigit() and len(Input_Username) > 0 and len(Input_Username) < 11: if Input_Password.isalnum() and len(Input_Password) > 0 and len(Input_Password) < 16: with open('Username','a',encoding='utf-8') as File: File.write(' '+ Input_Username + ',' + Input_Password) print('注册成功,您可以登陆了') break else: print('注册失败,请重新注册!') N += 1 else: print('注册失败!') def login(): Count = 0 while Count < 3: Input_u = input('请输入您要登陆的用户名:') Input_p = input('请输入您要登陆的密码:') if Input_u.isdigit() and len(Input_u) > 0 and len(Input_u) < 11: if Input_p.isalnum() and len(Input_p) > 0 and len(Input_p) < 16: with open('Username',encoding='utf-8') as File: for i in File.readlines(): List = i.split(',') if Input_u == List[0] and Input_p == List[1]: print('登陆成功,欢迎您!') break else: print('你输错啦,请重新输入') continue break else: print('你输错啦,请重新输入') Count += 1
def func(name,sex,age,edu): Edu = ['小学','初中','高中','专科','本科','硕士','博士'] if name.isalpha() and sex in ['男','女'] and age.isdigit() and edu in Edu: with open('student_msg','a+',encoding='utf-8') as File1: File1.write("%s %s %s %s "%(name,sex,age,edu)) return '感谢您的配合' else: print('您输入的内容有误') return 'Good-bye'
def func(name,age,edu,sex = '男'): Edu = ['小学','初中','高中','专科','本科','硕士','博士'] if name.isalpha() and age.isdigit() and edu in Edu and sex in ['男','女']: with open('student_msg','a+',encoding='utf-8') as File1: File1.write("%s %s %s %s "%(name,sex,age,edu)) return '感谢您的配合' else: print('您输入的内容有误') return 'Good-bye' while 1: name = input('请输出您的名字:') age = input('请输出您的年龄:') edu = input('请输出您的学历:') sex = input('请输出您的性别:') func(name,sex,age,edu) choose = input('是否继续,按任意键回车,退出请按Q:') if choose.upper() == 'q'.upper(): print('感谢您的配合!Good-bye') break