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  • visual studio编译错误集(转)

    1、error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int

    在项目属性->Configration Properties->C/C++->Command Line页面的Additional Options中加入/wd4430

    2、error MSB3073: The command regsvr32 /s /c 解决办法  

    最近将VC2002 代码移植到VC2010,出现编译错误:

    1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(183,5): error MSB3073: The command "regsvr32 /s /c "D:VC++Prjsource codezutaicha06Meter.DebugMeter.dll" 

    1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(183,5): error MSB3073: echo regsvr32 exec. time > ".Debug egsvr32.trg"

    1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(183,5): error MSB3073: :VCEnd" exited with code 3.


    Project->Configuration Properties->General->Target Extension设置为.ocx 或者.dll

    Project->Configuration Properties->Linkerl->General ->Output File设置为$(OutDir)$(ProjectName)$(TargetExt)


    在项目上点右键,选择“属性”->“配置属性”->“常规”->“目标文件扩展名”,设置为.ocx 或者.dll

    在项目上点右键,选择“属性”->“配置属性”->“链接器”->“ 常规 ”->“输出文件”,设置为$(OutDir)$(ProjectName)$(TargetExt)

    3、altdef.h 都是这个文件里的定义

    #ifndef ATLTRY
    #define ATLTRY(x) ATLTRYALLOC(x)
    #endif //ATLTRY

    ATLTRY(szKey = new TCHAR[cbKey]);
                      ATLTRY(szReg.Allocate(dwSize + 1));

    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludeatlcomcli.h(954) : error C2059: 语法错误 : “catch”
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludeatlcomcli.h(954) : error C2143: 语法错误 : 缺少“;”(在“{”的前面)
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludeatlcomcli.h(970) : error C2059: 语法错误 : “catch”
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludeatlcomcli.h(970) : error C2143: 语法错误 : 缺少“;”(在“{”的前面)
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludeatlcomcli.h(995) : error C2712: 无法在要求对象展开的函数中使用 __try
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludeatlcomcli.h(1008) : error C2059: 语法错误 : “catch”
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludeatlcomcli.h(1008) : error C2143: 语法错误 : 缺少“;”(在“{”的前面)
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludeatlcomcli.h(1024) : error C2059: 语法错误 : “catch”
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludeatlcomcli.h(1024) : error C2143: 语法错误 : 缺少“;”(在“{”的前面)
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludeatlcomcli.h(1190) : error C2059: 语法错误 : “catch”
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludeatlcomcli.h(1190) : error C2143: 语法错误 : 缺少“;”(在“{”的前面)
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludestatreg.h(107) : error C2059: 语法错误 : “catch”
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludestatreg.h(107) : error C2143: 语法错误 : 缺少“;”(在“{”的前面)
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludestatreg.h(113) : error C2059: 语法错误 : “catch”
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludestatreg.h(113) : error C2143: 语法错误 : 缺少“;”(在“{”的前面)
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludestatreg.h(423) : error C2059: 语法错误 : “catch”
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludestatreg.h(423) : error C2143: 语法错误 : 缺少“;”(在“{”的前面)
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludestatreg.h(587) : error C2059: 语法错误 : “catch”
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludestatreg.h(587) : error C2143: 语法错误 : 缺少“;”(在“{”的前面)
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludestatreg.h(901) : error C2059: 语法错误 : “catch”
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludestatreg.h(901) : error C2143: 语法错误 : 缺少“;”(在“{”的前面)
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludestatreg.h(971) : error C2059: 语法错误 : “catch”
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCatlmfcincludestatreg.h(971) : error C2143: 语法错误 : 缺少“;”(在“{”的前面)



    Error MSB3073 exited with code 3

    The issue that causes "Error MSB3073 exited with code 3" happens to be with the VALUE in the Outputs property under Project > Properties > Configuration Properties > Custom Build Step.

    When I choose Edit for Outputs, a dialog box comes up.  I enter a value of "$(OutDir) egsvr32.trg" in the upper textbox then click OK.  Now for some reason VS 2010 changes the display text to show "$(OutDir) egsvr32.trg;%(Outputs)".  I'm not sure why or if that is the cause of the problem.

    However, I will get "Build Successful" if I change my Output value to "<inherit from parent or project defaults>" instead of choosing Edit and putting a value in.  No more Error MSB3073 exited with code 3.

    I guess I can say this issue is resolved but I'd like to know why/what causes this issue to begin with.

    5、 fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file'largeint.lib'
    在linker->Input->Additional Dependencies中去掉largeint.lib

    6、error MSB3073
    最近将VC2002 代码移植到VC2010,出现编译错误:
    1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(183,5): error MSB3073: The command "regsvr32 /s /c "D:VC++Prjsource codezutaicha06Meter.DebugMeter.dll"
    1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(183,5): error MSB3073: echo regsvr32 exec. time > ".Debug egsvr32.trg"
    1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(183,5): error MSB3073: :VCEnd" exited with code 3.
    Project->Configuration Properties->General->Target Extension设置为.ocx 或者.dll
    Project->Configuration Properties->Linkerl->General ->Output File设置为$(OutDir)$(ProjectName)$(TargetExt)
    在项目上点右键,选择“属性”->“配置属性”->“常规”->“目标文件扩展名”,设置为.ocx 或者.dll
    在项目上点右键,选择“属性”->“配置属性”->“链接器”->“ 常规 ”->“输出文件”,设置为$(OutDir)$(ProjectName)$(TargetExt)

    7、error D8016: '/ZI' and '/GL' command-line options are incompatible

    把Debug调试项改为/ZI /Od
    Project Settings 项->C/C++ -> General

    8、fatal error C1189: #error :  This file requires _WIN32_WINNT to be #defined at least to 0x0403. Value 0x0501 or higher is recommended.

    C/C++->Preprocessor->Preprocessor Definitions中的_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501改掉就可以了

    9、C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 10.0VCatlmfcincludeatlcomcli.h(1101): error C2059: syntax error : 'catch'
    1>C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 10.0VCatlmfcincludeatlcomcli.h(1101): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '{'

    C/C++->Preprocessor->Preprocessor Definitions 下面的try=__try去掉。




    13、弹出对话框“attempt an unsupport operation!”,是因为被关联的控件的ID号和DoDataExchange中的控件ID不同。

    14、“Encountered an improper argument”,控件被删除了,但是还有代码对控件进行操作而导致的

    15、C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.0Aincludewinioctl.h(39): error C2374: 'GUID_DEVINTERFACE_DISK' : redefinition; mult

    16、error C2059: syntax error : 'catch'
    右键点击工程名,properties->Configuration Properties->C/C++->PreProcessor->Preprocessor Definitions中将try=__try去掉即可!

    17、>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(183,5): error MSB3073: The command "regsvr32 /s /c D:DirectShow及协议资料DirectShow 实务精选+源码DirectShow实务精选源码SourceCodesChapter03VODDemoFilterNetReceiver.ReleaseFilterNetReceiver.dll
    1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(183,5): error MSB3073: echo regsvr32 exec.time > D:DirectShow及协议资料DirectShow 实务精选+源码DirectShow实务精选源码SourceCodesChapter03VODDemoFilterNetReceiverReleaseFilterNetReceiver.trg
    1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(183,5): error MSB3073: :VCEnd" exited with code 3.

    18、error MSB3073
    最近将VC2002 代码移植到VC2010,出现编译错误:
    1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(183,5): error MSB3073: The command "regsvr32 /s /c "D:VC++Prjsource codezutaicha06Meter.DebugMeter.dll"
    1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(183,5): error MSB3073: echo regsvr32 exec. time > ".Debug egsvr32.trg"
    1>C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(183,5): error MSB3073: :VCEnd" exited with code 3.
    Project->Configuration Properties->General->Target Extension设置为.ocx 或者.dll
    Project->Configuration Properties->Linkerl->General ->Output File设置为$(OutDir)$(ProjectName)$(TargetExt)
    在项目上点右键,选择“属性”->“配置属性”->“常规”->“目标文件扩展名”,设置为.ocx 或者.dll
    在项目上点右键,选择“属性”->“配置属性”->“链接器”->“ 常规 ”->“输出文件”,设置为$(OutDir)$(ProjectName)$(TargetExt)

    这个仍然不能解决的话就将“属性”->“配置属性”->“链接器”->Custom Build Step中的Command line,Description,Outputs都选为默认值。即去除  不要自注册。

    19、error C2872: “CString”: 不明确的符号 
    #if USE(DuiLib)
    #define  CRect DuiLib::CRect
    #define  CPoint DuiLib::CPoint
    #define  CSize DuiLib::CSize
    #define CRect ::CRect
    #define  CPoint ::CPoint
    #define  CSize ::CSize
    3:不在MFC中使用 using namespace Duilib 在使用duilib时都加上Duilib::Crect。

    20、关于这样的错误 libcpmtd.lib(string.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: void __thiscall

    VC2008下 在一个动态库工程中, 改成了编程静态库, 成功编译, 但使用静态库的工程编译时就出现下面一堆连接错误.
    经过查找 解决方法如下:
    说是因为 Project->C/C++->Code Generation->Runtime Library 这个选项,LIB和主程序(EXE)里选择的不一致引起的。后来改成一样就好了。
    把exe工程 改为/MTD(因为Lib工程是选择/MTD的) 编译还是错误
    于是 把EXE工程和Lib工程都选择为/MDD 成功编译

    21、error C2159: more than one storage class specified 


    22、error C2872: 'ostream' : ambiguous symbol

    改变了#include <iostream>的位置就好了

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