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  • ASP上传类-UpLoadClass

    '*****************  风声无组件上传类 2.0  *****************
    '网站:http://www.17560.net http://www.54nb.com
    Class UpLoadClass

     Private p_MaxSize,p_FileType,p_SavePath,p_AutoSave,p_Error
     Private objForm,binForm,binItem,strDate,lngTime
     Public FormItem,FileItem

     Public Property Get Version
      Version="Rumor UpLoadClass Version 2.0"
     End Property

     Public Property Get Error
     End Property

     Public Property Get MaxSize
     End Property
     Public Property Let MaxSize(lngSize)
      if isNumeric(lngSize) then
      end if
     End Property

     Public Property Get FileType
     End Property
     Public Property Let FileType(strType)
     End Property

     Public Property Get SavePath
     End Property
     Public Property Let SavePath(strPath)
     End Property

     Public Property Get AutoSave
     End Property
     Public Property Let AutoSave(byVal Flag)
      select case Flag
       case 0:
       case 1:
       case 2:
       case false:Flag=2
       case else:Flag=0
      end select
     End Property

     Private Sub Class_Initialize
      p_Error    = -1
      p_MaxSize  = 153600
      p_FileType = "jpg/gif"
      p_SavePath = ""
      p_AutoSave = 0
      strDate    = replace(cstr(Date()),"-","")
      strDate    = replace(strDate,"/","")
      lngTime    = clng(timer()*1000)
      Set binForm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
      Set binItem = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
      Set objForm = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
      objForm.CompareMode = 1
     End Sub

     Private Sub Class_Terminate
      Set objForm = nothing
      Set binItem = nothing
      Set binForm = nothing
     End Sub

     Public Sub Open()
      if p_Error=-1 then
       Exit Sub
      end if
      Dim lngRequestSize,binRequestData,strFormItem,strFileItem
      Const strSplit="'"">"
      if lngRequestSize<1 then
       Exit Sub
      end if
      binForm.Type = 1
      binForm.Write binRequestData

      Dim bCrLf,strSeparator,intSeparator


      Dim p_start,p_end,strItem,strInam,intTemp,strTemp
      Dim strFtyp,strFnam,strFext,lngFsiz
       p_end  =InStrB(p_start,binRequestData,bCrLf&bCrLf)+3
       binForm.CopyTo binItem,p_end-p_start

       p_end  =InStrB(p_start,binRequestData,strSeparator)-1
       binForm.CopyTo binItem,lngFsiz


       if Instr(intTemp,strItem,"filename=""")<>0 then
       if not objForm.Exists(strInam&"_From") then
        if binItem.Size<>0 then
         strFtyp=Mid(strItem,Instr(intTemp,strItem,"Content-Type: ")+14)
         objForm.Add strInam&"_Type",strFtyp
         objForm.Add strInam&"_Name",strFnam
         objForm.Add strInam&"_Path",Left(strTemp,intTemp)
         objForm.Add strInam&"_Size",lngFsiz
         if Instr(intTemp,strTemp,".")<>0 then
         end if
         if left(strFtyp,6)="image/" then
          if strcomp(strTemp,chrb(255) & chrb(216) & chrb(255) & chrb(224) & chrb(0) & chrb(16) & chrb(74) & chrb(70) & chrb(73) & chrb(70),0)=0 then
           if Lcase(strFext)<>"jpg" then strFext="jpg"
           do while not binItem.EOS
             intTemp = ascb(binItem.Read(1))
            loop while intTemp = 255 and not binItem.EOS
            if intTemp < 192 or intTemp > 195 then
             Exit do
            end if
             intTemp = ascb(binItem.Read(1))
            loop while intTemp < 255 and not binItem.EOS
           objForm.Add strInam&"_Height",Bin2Val(binItem.Read(2))
           objForm.Add strInam&"_Width",Bin2Val(binItem.Read(2))
          elseif strcomp(leftB(strTemp,8),chrb(137) & chrb(80) & chrb(78) & chrb(71) & chrb(13) & chrb(10) & chrb(26) & chrb(10),0)=0 then
           if Lcase(strFext)<>"png" then strFext="png"
           objForm.Add strInam&"_Width",Bin2Val(binItem.Read(2))
           objForm.Add strInam&"_Height",Bin2Val(binItem.Read(2))
          elseif strcomp(leftB(strTemp,6),chrb(71) & chrb(73) & chrb(70) & chrb(56) & chrb(57) & chrb(97),0)=0 or strcomp(leftB(strTemp,6),chrb(71) & chrb(73) & chrb(70) & chrb(56) & chrb(55) & chrb(97),0)=0 then
           if Lcase(strFext)<>"gif" then strFext="gif"
           objForm.Add strInam&"_Width",BinVal2(binItem.Read(2))
           objForm.Add strInam&"_Height",BinVal2(binItem.Read(2))
          elseif strcomp(leftB(strTemp,2),chrb(66) & chrb(77),0)=0 then
           if Lcase(strFext)<>"bmp" then strFext="bmp"
           objForm.Add strInam&"_Width",BinVal2(binItem.Read(4))
           objForm.Add strInam&"_Height",BinVal2(binItem.Read(4))
          end if
         end if
         objForm.Add strInam&"_Ext",strFext
         objForm.Add strInam&"_From",p_start
         if p_AutoSave<>2 then
          objForm.Add strInam&"_Err",intTemp
          if intTemp=0 then
           if p_AutoSave=0 then
            if strFext<>"" then strFnam=strFnam&"."&strFext
           end if
           binItem.SaveToFile Server.MapPath(p_SavePath&strFnam),2
           objForm.Add strInam,strFnam
          end if
         end if
         objForm.Add strInam&"_Err",-1
        end if
       end if
        if objForm.Exists(strInam) then
         objForm(strInam) = objForm(strInam)&","&strTemp
         objForm.Add strInam,strTemp
        end if
       end if

       p_start = p_end+intSeparator+2
      loop Until p_start+3>lngRequestSize
     End Sub

     Private Function GetTimeStr()
     End Function

     Private Function GetFerr(lngFsiz,strFext)
      dim intFerr
      if lngFsiz>p_MaxSize and p_MaxSize>0 then
       if p_Error=0 or p_Error=2 then p_Error=p_Error+1
      end if
      if Instr(1,LCase("/"&p_FileType&"/"),LCase("/"&strFext&"/"))=0 and p_FileType<>"" then
       if p_Error<2 then p_Error=p_Error+2
      end if
     End Function

     Public Function Save(Item,strFnam)
      if objForm.Exists(Item&"_From") then
       dim intFerr,strFext
       if objForm.Exists(Item&"_Err") then
        if intFerr=0 then
        end if
        objForm.Add Item&"_Err",intFerr
       end if
       if intFerr<>0 then Exit Function
       if VarType(strFnam)=2 then
        select case strFnam
         case 0:strFnam=GetTimeStr()
          if strFext<>"" then strFnam=strFnam&"."&strFext
         case 1:strFnam=objForm(Item&"_Name")
        end select
       end if
       binItem.Type = 1
       binForm.Position = objForm(Item&"_From")
       binForm.CopyTo binItem,objForm(Item&"_Size")
       binItem.SaveToFile Server.MapPath(p_SavePath&strFnam),2
       if objForm.Exists(Item) then
        objForm.Add Item,strFnam
       end if
      end if
     End Function

     Public Function GetData(Item)
      if objForm.Exists(Item&"_From") then
       if GetFerr(objForm(Item&"_Size"),objForm(Item&"_Ext"))<>0 then Exit Function
       binForm.Position = objForm(Item&"_From")
      end if
     End Function

     Public Function Form(Item)
      if objForm.Exists(Item) then
      end if
     End Function

     Private Function BinVal2(bin)
      dim lngValue,i
      lngValue = 0
      for i = lenb(bin) to 1 step -1
       lngValue = lngValue *256 + ascb(midb(bin,i,1))
     End Function

     Private Function Bin2Val(bin)
      dim lngValue,i
      lngValue = 0
      for i = 1 to lenb(bin)
       lngValue = lngValue *256 + ascb(midb(bin,i,1))
     End Function

    End Class

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