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  • 配置文件pytest.ini





    • pytest.ini pytest的主配置文件,可以改变pytest的默认行为
    • conftest.py 测试用例的一些fixture配置
    • __init__.py 识别该文件夹为python的package包
    • tox.ini 与pytest.ini类似,用tox工具时候才有用
    • setup.cfg 也是ini格式文件,影响setup.py的行为


    # 保存为pytest.ini文件
    addopts = -rsxX
    xfail_strict = true

    使用pytest --help指令可以查看pytest.ini的设置选项

    [pytest] ini-options in the first pytest.ini|tox.ini|setup.cfg file found:
      markers (linelist)       markers for test functions
      empty_parameter_set_mark (string) default marker for empty parametersets
      norecursedirs (args)     directory patterns to avoid for recursion
      testpaths (args)         directories to search for tests when no files or dire
      console_output_style (string) console output: classic or with additional progr
      usefixtures (args)       list of default fixtures to be used with this project
      python_files (args)      glob-style file patterns for Python test module disco
      python_classes (args)    prefixes or glob names for Python test class discover
      python_functions (args)  prefixes or glob names for Python test function and m
      xfail_strict (bool)      default for the strict parameter of 
      addopts (args)           extra command line options
      minversion (string)      minimally required pytest version

    --rsxX 表示pytest报告所有测试用例被跳过、预计失败、预计失败但实际被通过的原因



    # content of test_mark.py
    import pytest
    def test_send_http():
        print("mark web test")
    def test_something_quick():
    def test_another():
    class TestClass:
        def test_01(self):
            print("hello :")
        def test_02(self):
            print("hello world!")
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        pytest.main(["-v", "test_mark.py", "-m=hello"])


    ============================= test session starts =============================
    platform win32 -- Python 3.6.0, pytest-3.6.3, py-1.5.4, pluggy-0.6.0 -- D:softpython3.6python.exe
    cachedir: .pytest_cache
    metadata: {'Python': '3.6.0', 'Platform': 'Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1', 'Packages': {'pytest': '3.6.3', 'py': '1.5.4', 'pluggy': '0.6.0'}, 'Plugins': {'metadata': '1.7.0', 'html': '1.19.0', 'allure-adaptor': '1.7.10'}, 'JAVA_HOME': 'D:\soft\jdk18\jdk18v'}
    rootdir: D:YOYO, inifile:
    plugins: metadata-1.7.0, html-1.19.0, allure-adaptor-1.7.10
    collecting ... collected 5 items / 3 deselected
    test_mark.py::TestClass::test_01 PASSED                                  [ 50%]
    test_mark.py::TestClass::test_02 PASSED                                  [100%]
    =================== 2 passed, 3 deselected in 0.11 seconds ====================


    # pytest.ini
    markers =
      webtest:  Run the webtest case
      hello: Run the hello case

    标记好之后,可以使用pytest --markers查看到

    $ pytest --markers
    D:YOYO>pytest --markers
    @pytest.mark.webtest:  Run the webtest case
    @pytest.mark.hello: Run the hello case
    @pytest.mark.skip(reason=None): skip the given test function with an optional re
    ason. Example: skip(reason="no way of currently testing this") skips the test.
    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition): skip the given test function if eval(condition)
    results in a True value.  Evaluation happens within the module global context. E
    xample: skipif('sys.platform == "win32"') skips the test if we are on the win32
    platform. see http://pytest.org/latest/skipping.html
    @pytest.mark.xfail(condition, reason=None, run=True, raises=None, strict=False):
     mark the test function as an expected failure if eval(condition) has a True val
    ue. Optionally specify a reason for better reporting and run=False if you don't
    even want to execute the test function. If only specific exception(s) are expect
    ed, you can list them in raises, and if the test fails in other ways, it will be
     reported as a true failure. See http://pytest.org/latest/skipping.html
    @pytest.mark.parametrize(argnames, argvalues): call a test function multiple tim
    es passing in different arguments in turn. argvalues generally needs to be a lis
    t of values if argnames specifies only one name or a list of tuples of values if
     argnames specifies multiple names. Example: @parametrize('arg1', [1,2]) would l
    ead to two calls of the decorated test function, one with arg1=1 and another wit
    h arg1=2.see http://pytest.org/latest/parametrize.html for more info and example
    @pytest.mark.usefixtures(fixturename1, fixturename2, ...): mark tests as needing
     all of the specified fixtures. see http://pytest.org/latest/fixture.html#usefix
    @pytest.mark.tryfirst: mark a hook implementation function such that the plugin
    machinery will try to call it first/as early as possible.
    @pytest.mark.trylast: mark a hook implementation function such that the plugin m
    achinery will try to call it last/as late as possible.



    设置xfail_strict = true可以让那些标记为@pytest.mark.xfail但实际通过的测试用例被报告为失败


    # content of test_xpass.py
    import pytest
    ** 作者:上海-悠悠 QQ交流群:588402570**
    def test_hello():
        print("hello world!")
        assert 1
    def test_yoyo1():
        a = "hello"
        b = "hello world"
        assert a == b
    def test_yoyo2():
        a = "hello"
        b = "hello world"
        assert a != b
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        pytest.main(["-v", "test_xpass.py"])


    collecting ... collected 3 items
    test_xpass.py::test_hello PASSED    [ 33%]
    test_xpass.py::test_yoyo1 xfail     [ 66%]
    test_xpass.py::test_yoyo2 XPASS     [100%]
    =============== 1 passed, 1 xfailed, 1 xpassed in 0.27 seconds ================

    test_yoyo1和test_yoyo2这2个用例一个是a == b一个是a != b,两个都标记失败了,我们希望两个用例不用执行全部显示xfail。实际上最后一个却显示xpass.为了让两个都显示xfail,那就加个配置
    xfail_strict = true

    # pytest.ini
    markers =
      webtest:  Run the webtest case
      hello: Run the hello case
    xfail_strict = true


    collecting ... collected 3 items
    test_xpass.py::test_hello PASSED        [ 33%]
    test_xpass.py::test_yoyo1 xfail         [ 66%]
    test_xpass.py::test_yoyo2 FAILED        [100%]
    ================================== FAILURES ===================================
    _________________________________ test_yoyo2 __________________________________
    ================ 1 failed, 1 passed, 1 xfailed in 0.05 seconds ================






    $ pytest -v --rerun 1 --html=report.html --self-contained-html


    # pytest.ini
    markers =
      webtest:  Run the webtest case
      hello: Run the hello case
     xfail_strict = true
     addopts = -v --rerun 1 --html=report.html --self-contained-html


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/guo2733/p/10937257.html
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