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  • LotusScript 发送HTML格式邮件(Outlook)1

      1 Sub Initialize
      2     On Error Goto errormsg
      3     Msgbox "RUh3c18001_011:SendMailOfReview Start"
      4     Dim sql As String
      5     Dim doc As NotesDocument
      6     Dim docunid As Variant
      7     Dim i As Integer, n As Integer
      8     Dim tr As String, table As String, HTMLBody As String, mailsend As String
      9     Dim ProcessUNID As String
     10     ProcessUNID = "B994EBB76C5F586648257DC4002AB3BB"
     11     docunid = Split(WF_Document.docunid(0), ",")
     12     n = Ubound(docunid)
     13     mailsend = GetSendTo
     14     msgbox mailsend
     15     If mailsend = "" Then
     16         Print "Context-Type:application/text;charset=UTF-8"
     17         Print "没有找到邮件接收人,请检查配置文档!"
     18         Exit Sub
     19     End If    
     20     table = "<Table style='BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse' border=1>"
     21     table = table + InitTable
     22     For i = 0 To n                    
     23         sql = |select * from BPM_DicDocList where WF_DocUNID = '|+docunid(i)+|'|
     24         Set doc = rdb.GetDocumentBySql(sql)
     25         If Not doc Is Nothing Then
     26             table = table + InitTR(doc, ProcessUNID)
     27         End If
     28     Next
     29     table = table + "</Table>"
     30     HTMLBody = "1、变更评审清单:<BR>" + table
     31     HTMLBody = HTMLBody + "<BR><BR>2、如果您认为以上变更只需发起邮件评审,请在今天10:30前邮件反馈我,谢谢!"    
     32     SendTo = Split(mailsend, ",")
     33     Call SendMail(SendTo, "变更申请", HTMLBody)
     34     Msgbox "RUh3c18001_011:SendMailOfReview End"
     35     Print "Context-Type:application/text;charset=UTF-8"
     36     Print "OK"
     37     Exit Sub
     38 errormsg:
     39     Msgbox "Rule Error:" & Str(Erl) & "  " & Error
     40 End Sub
     41 Function GetSendTo() As String
     42     Dim sql As String
     43     Dim confdoc As NotesDocument
     44     sql = |select top 1 * from BPM_DicDocList where AppId = 'h3c18001' and FolderId = '003'|
     45     Set confdoc = rdb.GetDocumentBySql(sql)
     46     If Not confdoc Is Nothing Then
     47         GetSendTo = confdoc.meeting(0)
     48     Else 
     49         GetSendTo = ""
     50     End If
     51 End Function
     52 Function SendMail(SendTo As Variant,Subject As String,HTMLBody As String)
     53     Dim se As New NotesSession
     54     Dim db As NotesDatabase
     55     Dim maildoc As NotesDocument
     56     Dim body As NotesMIMEEntity
     57     Dim header As NotesMIMEHeader
     58     Dim stream As NotesStream
     59     Set db = se.CurrentDatabase
     60     Set stream = se.CreateStream
     61     Set maildoc = db.CreateDocument
     62     Maildoc.Form = "Memo"
     63     Maildoc.Subject = Subject
     64     Maildoc.SendTo = SendTo
     65     Set body = Maildoc.CreateMIMEEntity
     66     'Set header = body.CreateHeader("To")
     67     'Call header.SetHeaderVal("guojian KF3530")
     68     Call stream.writetext(|<HTML>|)
     69     Call stream.writetext(|<body>|)
     70     Call stream.writetext(HTMLBody)
     71     Call stream.writetext(|</body>|)
     72     Call stream.writetext(|</HTML>|)
     73     Call body.SetContentFromText(stream,"text/HTML;charset=UTF-8",ENC_NONE)
     74     Call maildoc.Send(False)
     75     se.ConvertMIME = True
     76 End Function
     77 Function InitTable() As String
     78     Dim table As String    
     79     table = "<TR>"
     80     table = table + "<TD>电子流号</TD>"
     81     table = table + "<TD>主题</TD>"
     82     table = table + "<TD>状态</TD>"
     83     table = table + "<TD>当前处理人</TD>"
     84     table = table + "<TD>申请人</TD>"
     85     table = table + "<TD>申请时间</TD>"
     86     table = table + "</TR>"
     87     InitTable = table
     88 End Function
     89 Function InitTR(doc As NotesDocument,ProcessUNID As String) As String
     90     Dim HStr As String
     91     Dim DocUrl As String, sql As String
     92     Dim MainDoc As NotesDocument
     93     Dim docStatus As String,curUser As String    
     94     DocUrl = GetConfigById("SendMailDocUrl")
     95     DocUrl = Replace(DocUrl,"{ProcessUNID}",ProcessUNID)
     96     DocUrl = Replace(DocUrl,"{DocUNID}",doc.MainDocId(0))
     97     docStatus = ""
     98     curUser = ""
     99     sql = |select top 1 * from BPM_AllDocument where WF_DocUNID = '| + doc.MainDocId(0) + |' |
    100     Set MainDoc = rdb.GetDocumentBySql(sql)
    101     If Not MainDoc Is Nothing Then
    102         docStatus = MainDoc.WF_CurrentNodeName(0)
    103         curUser = MainDoc.WF_Author(0)
    104     End If
    105     HStr = "<TR>"
    106     HStr = HStr + "<TD>" + doc.DocNo(0) + "</TD>"
    107     HStr = HStr + "<TD><a href='" + DocUrl + "'>" + doc.Subject(0) + "</a></TD>"
    108     HStr = HStr + "<TD>" + docStatus + "</TD>"
    109     HStr = HStr + "<TD>" + curUser + "</TD>"
    110     HStr = HStr + "<TD>" + doc.applyer(0) + "</TD>"
    111     HStr = HStr + "<TD>" + doc.applytime(0) + "</TD>"
    112     HStr = HStr + "</TR>"
    113     InitTR = HStr
    114 End Function
  • 相关阅读:
    《Effective C#》Item 1
    VS2005 VS2008新建网站和新建项目里选Web应用程序区别
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/guojian2080/p/4342108.html
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