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  • 洛谷P5338 [TJOI2019]甲苯先生的滚榜

    原题链接洛谷P5338 [TJOI2019]甲苯先生的滚榜


    甲苯先生在制作一个online judge,他发现做比赛的人们很关心自己的排名(显而易见),在acm赛制的比赛中,如果通过题目数量不相等,则通过题目数量多的人排名更靠前,如果通过题目数量相等,





    对于每一个样例:输入三个整数m, n, seed。m表示参赛总人数(编号1m),n表示一共有n次accept(假设accept已经去重,即不存在相同人的相同题目提交)。seed表示生成数据的种子。


    typedef unsigned int ui;
        ui randNum(ui& seed, ui last, const ui m) {
        seed = seed * 17 + last;
        return seed % m + 1;

    要求每次生成两个数据Ria, Rib 表示Ria的人Accept了一道题目,他的罚时为Rib。(也就是说Ria的题目数量+1,罚时长度+Rib)。






    输入样例#1: 复制
    7 3 1
    输出样例#1: 复制


    测试点#  1, 2    3, 4     5    6, 7, 8    9, 10   

    T     ≤10    ≤5     ≤15    ≤5      ≤5   

    m     ≤1000   ≤10000   ≤10^5   ≤10^4     ≤10^5   

    n     ≤1000   ≤10000   ≤10^5   ≤10^6     ≤10^6 







    struct node{
        int ac,fine;
        node(int x,int y){
        friend inline bool operator<(node x,node y){
                return x.ac>y.ac;
            return x.fine<y.fine;








      1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
      2 using namespace std;
      3 typedef long long LL;
      4 const int INF=1e9+7,MAXN=1e5+5;
      5 struct node{
      6     int ac,fine;
      7     node(){
      8         ac=fine=0;
      9     }
     10     node(int x,int y){
     11         ac=x;
     12         fine=y;
     13     }
     14     friend inline bool operator<(node x,node y){
     15         if(x.ac!=y.ac)
     16             return x.ac>y.ac;
     17         return x.fine<y.fine;
     18     }
     19     friend inline bool operator==(node x,node y){
     20         return x.ac==y.ac&&x.fine==y.fine;
     21     }
     22 }key[MAXN],A[MAXN];
     23 int cnt[MAXN],ch[MAXN][2],siz[MAXN],f[MAXN];
     24 int root,sz;
     25 inline void clear(int x){
     26     key[x].ac=key[x].fine=cnt[x]=ch[x][0]=ch[x][1]=siz[x]=f[x]=0;
     27 }
     28 inline int get(int x){
     29     return x==ch[f[x]][1];
     30 }
     31 inline void upd(int x){
     32     if(x){
     33         siz[x]=cnt[x];
     34         if(ch[x][0]){
     35             siz[x]+=siz[ch[x][0]];
     36         }
     37         if(ch[x][1]){
     38             siz[x]+=siz[ch[x][1]];
     39         }
     40     }
     41 }
     42 inline void rotate(int x){
     43     int fa=f[x],gf=f[fa],which=get(x);
     44     ch[fa][which]=ch[x][which^1];
     45     f[ch[fa][which]]=fa; 
     46     ch[x][which^1]=fa;
     47     f[fa]=x;
     48     f[x]=gf;
     49     if(gf){
     50         ch[gf][ch[gf][1]==fa]=x;
     51     }
     52     upd(fa);
     53     upd(x);
     54 }
     55 inline void splay(int x){
     56     for(int fa;(fa=f[x]);rotate(x)){
     57         if(f[fa]){
     58             rotate(get(x)==get(fa)?fa:x);
     59         }
     60     }
     61     root=x;
     62 }
     63 inline void ins(node x){
     64     if(!root){
     65         sz++;
     66         clear(sz);
     67         root=sz;
     68         cnt[sz]=siz[sz]=1;
     69         key[sz]=x;
     70         return;
     71     }
     72     int cur=root,fa=0;
     73     while(1){
     74         if(x==key[cur]){
     75             cnt[cur]++;
     76             upd(cur);
     77             upd(fa);
     78             splay(cur);
     79             return;
     80         }
     81         fa=cur;
     82         cur=ch[fa][key[fa]<x];
     83         if(!cur){
     84             clear(++sz);
     85             f[sz]=fa;
     86             cnt[sz]=siz[sz]=1;
     87             ch[fa][key[fa]<x]=sz;
     88             key[sz]=x;
     89             upd(fa);
     90             splay(sz);
     91             return;
     92         }
     93     }
     94 }
     95 inline int find(node x){
     96     int cur=root,ret=0;
     97     while(1){
     98         if(x<key[cur]){
     99             cur=ch[cur][0];
    100         }else{
    101             ret+=(ch[cur][0]?siz[ch[cur][0]]:0);
    102             if(key[cur]==x){
    103                 splay(cur);
    104                 return ret;/*return ret+1*/
    105             }
    106             ret+=cnt[cur];
    107             cur=ch[cur][1];
    108         }
    109     }
    110 }
    111 inline node findx(int x){
    112     int cur=root;
    113     while(1){
    114         if(ch[cur][0]&&x<=siz[ch[cur][0]]){
    115             cur=ch[cur][0];
    116         }else{
    117             int tmp=(ch[cur][0]?siz[ch[cur][0]]:0)+cnt[cur];
    118             if(x<=tmp){
    119                 return key[cur];
    120             }
    121             x-=tmp;
    122             cur=ch[cur][1];
    123         }
    124     }
    125 }
    126 inline int pre(){
    127     int cur=ch[root][0];
    128     while(ch[cur][1]){
    129         cur=ch[cur][1];
    130     }
    131     return cur;
    132 }
    133 inline int nxt(){
    134     int cur=ch[root][1];
    135     while(ch[cur][0]){
    136         cur=ch[cur][0];
    137     }
    138     return cur;
    139 }
    140 inline void del(node x){
    141     find(x);
    142     if(cnt[root]>1){
    143         cnt[root]--;
    144         upd(root);
    145         return;
    146     }
    147     if(!ch[root][0]&&!ch[root][1]){
    148         clear(root);
    149         root=0;
    150         return;
    151     }
    152     if(!ch[root][0]){
    153         int old=root;
    154         root=ch[root][1];
    155         f[root]=0;
    156         clear(old);
    157         return;
    158     }
    159     if(!ch[root][1]){
    160         int old=root;
    161         root=ch[root][0];
    162         f[root]=0;
    163         clear(old);
    164         return;
    165     }
    166     int old=root,p=pre();
    167     splay(p);
    168     ch[root][1]=ch[old][1];
    169     f[ch[old][1]]=root;
    170     clear(old);
    171     upd(root);
    172 }
    173 int Task;
    174 int N;
    175 unsigned int M,seed,last=7;
    176 inline unsigned int randNum() {
    177     seed=seed*17+last;
    178     return seed%M+1;
    179 }
    180 int main(){
    181     scanf("%d",&Task);
    182     while(Task--){
    183         scanf("%d%d%d",&M,&N,&seed);
    184         root=sz=0;
    185         memset(A,0,sizeof(A));
    186         memset(cnt,0,sizeof(cnt));
    187         memset(ch,0,sizeof(ch));
    188         memset(siz,0,sizeof(siz));
    189         memset(f,0,sizeof(f));
    190         for(int i=1;i<=N;i++){
    191             int ii=randNum(),jj=randNum();
    192             if(A[ii].ac)
    193                 del(A[ii]);
    194             A[ii].ac++;
    195             A[ii].fine+=jj;
    196             ins(A[ii]);
    197             last=find(A[ii]);
    198             printf("%d
    199         }
    200     }
    201     return 0;
    202 }
    View Code




     1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
     2 #include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp>
     3 #include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>
     4 using namespace __gnu_pbds;
     5 using namespace std;
     6 typedef long long LL;
     7 const int MAXN=1e5+7;
     8 const LL INF=1.5e14,UNIT=1e7;
     9 struct node{
    10     int ac,order;
    11     LL fine;
    12     node(){ ac=fine=order=0; }
    13     node(int x,int y,int z){ ac=x; fine=y; order=z; }
    14     friend bool operator<(node x,node y){
    15         if(x.ac!=y.ac)
    16             return x.ac>y.ac;
    17         if(x.fine!=y.fine)
    18             return x.fine<y.fine;
    19         return x.order<y.order;
    20     }
    21 };
    22 tree<node,null_type,less<node>,rb_tree_tag,tree_order_statistics_node_update> q;
    23 int Task;
    24 int N;
    25 unsigned M,seed,last=7;
    26 inline unsigned int randNum() {
    27     seed=seed*17+last;
    28     return seed%M+1;
    29 }
    30 int ac[MAXN];
    31 LL fine[MAXN];
    32 int main(){
    33     scanf("%d",&Task);
    34     while(Task--){
    35         scanf("%d%d%d",&M,&N,&seed);
    36         q.clear();
    37         memset(ac,0,sizeof(ac));
    38         memset(fine,0,sizeof(fine));
    39         for(unsigned int i=1;i<=M;i++){
    40             q.insert(node(0,fine[i],i));
    41         }
    42         for(int i=1;i<=N;i++){
    43             unsigned int ii=randNum();
    44             unsigned long long jj=randNum();
    45             q.erase(node(ac[ii],fine[ii],ii));
    46             ac[ii]++;
    47             fine[ii]+=jj;
    48             q.insert(node(ac[ii],fine[ii],ii));
    49             last=q.order_of_key(node(ac[ii],fine[ii],0));
    50             printf("%d
    51         }
    52     }
    53     return 0;
    54 }
    View Code





     1 #include <cstdio>
     2 #include <algorithm>
     3 using namespace std;
     4 #define ui unsigned int
     5 const int N = 1500005;
     6 int Case, n, m, a[N], b[N], c[N], ls[N * 20], rs[N * 20], sum[N * 20], rt[N], tot, lst = 7;
     7 ui seed;
     8 ui rng() {
     9     seed = seed * 17 + lst;
    10     return seed % m + 1;
    11 }
    12 void modify(int &x, int l, int r, int p, int v) {
    13     if (!x)
    14         x = ++tot, ls[x] = rs[x] = sum[x] = 0;
    15     sum[x] += v;
    16     if (l == r)
    17         return;
    18     int mid = l + r >> 1;
    19     p <= mid ? modify(ls[x], l, mid, p, v) : modify(rs[x], mid + 1, r, p, v);
    20 }
    21 int query(int x, int l, int r, int p) {
    22     if (l == r)
    23         return sum[x];
    24     int mid = l + r >> 1;
    25     return p <= mid ? query(ls[x], l, mid, p) : sum[ls[x]] + query(rs[x], mid + 1, r, p);
    26 }
    27 void mdf(int x, int v) {
    28     while (x) c[x] += v, x ^= x & -x;
    29 }
    30 int qry(int x) {
    31     int s = 0;
    32     while (x < N) s += c[x], x += x & -x;
    33     return s;
    34 }
    35 int main() {
    36     scanf("%d", &Case);
    37     while (Case--) {
    38         scanf("%d%d%u", &m, &n, &seed);
    39         for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) a[i] = b[i] = c[i] = rt[i] = 0;
    40         tot = 0;
    41         for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
    42             int x = rng(), y = rng();
    43             if (a[x])
    44                 modify(rt[a[x]], 0, N, b[x], -1), mdf(a[x], -1);
    45             ++a[x];
    46             b[x] += y;
    47             modify(rt[a[x]], 0, N, b[x], 1);
    48             mdf(a[x], 1);
    49             printf("%d
    ", lst = query(rt[a[x]], 0, N, b[x] - 1) + qry(a[x] + 1));
    50         }
    51     }
    52     return 0;
    53 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/guoshaoyang/p/10846405.html
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