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  • Vue大数据可视化(大屏展示)解决方案

    DataV:组件库基于Vue (React版) ,主要用于构建大屏(全屏)数据展示页面即数据可视化

    官网地址: http://datav.jiaminghi.com/guide/#%E7%94%A8%E5%89%8D%E5%BF%85%E7%9C%8B



     屏幕适配 mixin 函数
     1 // 屏幕适配 mixin 函数
     3 // * 默认缩放值
     4 const scale = {
     5    '1',
     6   height: '1',
     7 }
     9 // * 设计稿尺寸(px)
    10 const baseWidth = 1920
    11 const baseHeight = 1080
    13 // * 需保持的比例(默认1.77778)
    14 const baseProportion = parseFloat((baseWidth / baseHeight).toFixed(5))
    16 export default {
    17   data() {
    18     return {
    19       // * 定时函数
    20       drawTiming: null
    21     }
    22   },
    23   mounted () {
    24     this.calcRate()
    25     window.addEventListener('resize', this.resize)
    26   },
    27   unMounted () {
    28     window.removeEventListener('resize', this.resize)
    29   },
    30   methods: {
    31     calcRate () {
    32       const appRef = this.$refs["appRef"]
    33       console.log(appRef)
    34       if (!appRef) return 
    35       // 当前宽高比
    36       const currentRate = parseFloat((window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight).toFixed(5))
    37       if (appRef) {
    38         if (currentRate > baseProportion) {
    39           // 表示更宽
    40           scale.width = ((window.innerHeight * baseProportion) / baseWidth).toFixed(5)
    41           scale.height = (window.innerHeight / baseHeight).toFixed(5)
    42           appRef.style.transform = `scale(${scale.width}, ${scale.height}) translate(-50%, -50%)`
    43         } else {
    44           // 表示更高
    45           scale.height = ((window.innerWidth / baseProportion) / baseHeight).toFixed(5)
    46           scale.width = (window.innerWidth / baseWidth).toFixed(5)
    47           appRef.style.transform = `scale(${scale.width}, ${scale.height}) translate(-50%, -50%)`
    48         }
    49       }
    50     },
    51     resize () {
    52       clearTimeout(this.drawTiming)
    53       this.drawTiming = setTimeout(() => {
    54         this.calcRate()
    55       }, 200)
    56     }
    57   },
    58 }



     1 // 混入代码 resize-mixins.js
     2 import { debounce } from '@/utils';
     3 const resizeChartMethod = '$__resizeChartMethod';
     5 export default {
     6   data() {
     7     // 在组件内部将图表 init 的引用映射到 chart 属性上
     8     return {
     9       chart: null,
    10     };
    11   },
    12   created() {
    13     window.addEventListener('resize', this[resizeChartMethod], false);
    14   },
    15   activated() {
    16     // 防止 keep-alive 之后图表变形
    17     if (this.chart) {
    18       this.chart.resize()
    19     }
    20   },
    21   beforeDestroy() {
    22     window.removeEventListener('reisze', this[resizeChartMethod]);
    23   },
    24   methods: {
    25     // 防抖函数来控制 resize 的频率
    26     [resizeChartMethod]: debounce(function() {
    27       if (this.chart) {
    28         this.chart.resize();
    29       }
    30     }, 300),
    31   },
    32 };


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/guwufeiyang/p/15434365.html
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