import requests from lxml import etree from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from functools import partial def get_paths(path, regex, code): """ :param path: 网页 :param regex: 解析规则 :param code: 编码 :return: 根据解析规则,解析网页后返回内容列表 """ resp = requests.get(path) if resp.status_code == 200: select = etree.HTML(resp.text) paths = select.xpath(regex) return paths def save_pic(path, pic_name, directory): """ :param pic_name: 保存的图片名称 :param path: 图片的地址 :param directory: 保存的图片目录 :return: """ resp = requests.get(path, stream=True) if resp.status_code == 200: with open('{}/{}.jpg'.format(directory, pic_name), 'wb') as f: f.write(resp.content) if __name__ == '__main__': paths = get_paths('https://photo.fengniao.com/#p=4', '//a[@class="pic"]/@href', 'utf-8') paths = ['https://photo.fengniao.com/' + p for p in paths] # 获取所有大图片路径 p = partial(get_paths, regex='//img[@class="picBig"]/@src', code='utf-8') # 冻结解析规则,编码 with ThreadPoolExecutor() as excutor: res = excutor.map(p, paths) big_paths = [i[0] for i in res] # 拿到所有图片的路径 # 保存图片 p = partial(save_pic, directory='fn_pics') # 冻结保存目录 with ThreadPoolExecutor() as excutor: res = excutor.map(p, big_paths, range(len(big_paths))) [r for r in res]