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  • 关于GDAL打开hfa大文件的问题[转]


        修改的代码位置如下,gdal源代码目录/frmts/hfa/hfaband.cpp中 367行处的代码修改为下面的:

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Open raw data file.                                             */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        const char *pszRawFilename = poDMS->GetStringField( "fileName.string" );
        const char *pszFullFilename;
        pszFullFilename = CPLFormFilename( psInfo->pszPath, pszRawFilename, NULL );
        if( psInfo->eAccess == HFA_ReadOnly )
            fpExternal = VSIFOpenL( pszFullFilename, "rb" );
            fpExternal = VSIFOpenL( pszFullFilename, "r+b" );
        if( fpExternal == NULL )
            CPLString strFileName = psInfo->pszFilename;
            strFileName = strFileName.substr(strFileName.find_last_of('.')+1) + "ige";
            pszFullFilename = CPLFormFilename( psInfo->pszPath, strFileName.c_str(), NULL );
            if( psInfo->eAccess == HFA_ReadOnly )
                fpExternal = VSIFOpenL( pszFullFilename, "rb" );
                fpExternal = VSIFOpenL( pszFullFilename, "r+b" );
            if( fpExternal == NULL )
                CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, 
                          "Unable to open external data file:/n%s/n", 
                          pszFullFilename );
                return CE_Failure;
            psInfo->pszIGEFilename = const_cast<char*>(strFileName.c_str());




        查看GDAL中,有个gdaladdo的工具,就是一个专门用于创建金字塔文件的,但是默认的创建的是一个后缀名为ovr的金字塔文件,该种格式的金字塔不能被Erdas或者ArcGIS使用,但是可以在QGIS等使用。为了能够在Erdas中使用,在创建的时候需要指定一个选项,那就是 USE_RRD=YES,使用该选项后,创建的金字塔格式是一个aux文件,虽然后缀名不是rrd,但是该文件是可以被Erdas或者ArcGIS中使用的。



       gdaladdo --config USE_RRD YES airphoto.img 2 4 8 16 ...


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    1. /**
    2. * @brief 创建金字塔
    3. * @param pszFileName        输入的栅格文件
    4. * @param pProgress          进度条指针
    5. * @return 成功返回0
    6. */
    7. int CreatePyramids(const char* pszFileName, LT_Progress *pProgress)  
    8. {  
    9. if (pProgress != NULL)  
    10.     {  
    11.         pProgress->SetProgressCaption("创建金字塔");  
    12.         pProgress->SetProgressTip("正在创建金字塔...");  
    13.     }  
    14.     GDALAllRegister();  
    15.     CPLSetConfigOption("USE_RRD","YES");    //创建Erdas格式的字塔文件
    16. /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    17. /*      Open data file.                                                 */
    18. /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    19.     GDALDatasetH     hDataset;  
    20.     hDataset = GDALOpen( pszFileName, GA_ReadOnly );  
    21.     GDALDriverH hDriver = GDALGetDatasetDriver(hDataset);  
    22. const char* pszDriver = GDALGetDriverShortName(hDriver);  
    23. if (EQUAL(pszDriver, "HFA") || EQUAL(pszDriver, "PCIDSK"))  
    24.     {  
    25.         GDALClose(hDataset);    //如果文件是Erdas的img或者PCI的pix格式,创建内金字塔,其他的创建外金字塔
    26.         hDataset = GDALOpen( pszFileName, GA_Update );  
    27.     }  
    28. if( hDataset == NULL )  
    29.     {  
    30. if (pProgress != NULL)  
    31.             pProgress->SetProgressTip("打开图像失败,请检查图像是否存在或文件是否是图像文件!");  
    32. return RE_NOFILE;  
    33.     }  
    34. /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    35. /*      Get File basic infomation                                       */
    36. /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    37. int iWidth = GDALGetRasterXSize(hDataset);  
    38. int iHeigh = GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset);  
    39. int iPixelNum = iWidth * iHeigh;    //图像中的总像元个数
    40. int iTopNum = 4096;                 //顶层金字塔大小,64*64
    41. int iCurNum = iPixelNum / 4;  
    42. int anLevels[1024] = { 0 };  
    43. int nLevelCount = 0;                //金字塔级数
    44. do //计算金字塔级数,从第二级到顶层
    45.     {  
    46.         anLevels[nLevelCount] = static_cast<int>(pow(2.0, nLevelCount+2));  
    47.         nLevelCount ++;  
    48.         iCurNum /= 4;  
    49.     } while (iCurNum > iTopNum);  
    50. const char      *pszResampling = "nearest"; //采样方式
    51.     GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress = GDALProgress;//进度条
    52. /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    53. /*      Generate overviews.                                             */
    54. /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    55. if (nLevelCount > 0 &&  
    56.         GDALBuildOverviews( hDataset,pszResampling, nLevelCount, anLevels,  
    57.         0, NULL, pfnProgress, pProgress ) != CE_None )  
    58.     {  
    59. if (pProgress != NULL)  
    60.             pProgress->SetProgressTip("创建金字塔失败!");  
    61. return RE_FAILD;  
    62.     }  
    63. /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    64. /*      Cleanup                                                         */
    65. /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    66.     GDALClose(hDataset);  
    67.     GDALDestroyDriverManager();  
    68. if (pProgress != NULL)  
    69.         pProgress->SetProgressTip("创建金字塔完成!");  
    70. return RE_SUCCESS;  




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    1. void main()  
    2. {  
    3.     LT_ConsoleProgress *pProgress = new LT_ConsoleProgress();  
    4. int f = CreatePyramids("C://Work//Data//ttttt.img", pProgress);  
    5. if (f == RE_SUCCESS)  
    6.         printf("计算成功/n");  
    7. else
    8.         printf("计算失败/n");  
    9. delete pProgress;  










        在GDAL的算法中,已经提供了五种重采样算法,其定义如下(位置gdalwarper.h 的46行):

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    1. /*! Warp Resampling Algorithm */
    2. typedef enum {  
    3. /*! Nearest neighbour (select on one input pixel) */ GRA_NearestNeighbour=0,  
    4. /*! Bilinear (2x2 kernel) */                         GRA_Bilinear=1,  
    5. /*! Cubic Convolution Approximation (4x4 kernel) */  GRA_Cubic=2,  
    6. /*! Cubic B-Spline Approximation (4x4 kernel) */     GRA_CubicSpline=3,  
    7. /*! Lanczos windowed sinc interpolation (6x6 kernel) */ GRA_Lanczos=4  
    8. } GDALResampleAlg; 


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    1. /**
    2. * 重采样函数(GDAL)
    3. * @param pszSrcFile        输入文件的路径
    4. * @param pszOutFile        写入的结果图像的路径
    5. * @param fResX             X转换采样比,默认大小为1.0,大于1图像变大,小于1表示图像缩小
    6. * @param fResY             Y转换采样比,默认大小为1.0
    7. * @param nResampleMode     采样模式,有五种,具体参见GDALResampleAlg定义,默认为双线性内插
    8. * @param pExtent           采样范围,为NULL表示计算全图
    9. * @param pBandIndex        指定的采样波段序号,为NULL表示采样全部波段
    10. * @param pBandCount        采样的波段个数,同pBandIndex一同使用,表示采样波段的个数
    11. * @param pszFormat         写入的结果图像的格式
    12. * @param pProgress         进度条指针
    13. * @return 成功返回0,否则为其他值
    14. */
    15. int ResampleGDAL(const char* pszSrcFile, const char* pszOutFile, float fResX , float fResY, LT_ResampleMode nResampleMode,  
    16.     LT_Envelope* pExtent, int* pBandIndex, int *pBandCount, const char* pszFormat,  LT_Progress *pProgress)  
    17. {  
    18. if(pProgress != NULL)  
    19.     {  
    20.         pProgress->SetProgressCaption("重?采?样?");  
    21.         pProgress->SetProgressTip("正?在?执?行?重?采?样?...");  
    22.     }  
    23.     GDALAllRegister();  
    24.     GDALDataset *pDSrc = (GDALDataset *)GDALOpen(pszSrcFile, GA_ReadOnly);  
    25. if (pDSrc == NULL)  
    26.     {  
    27. if(pProgress != NULL)  
    28.             pProgress->SetProgressTip("指?定?的?文?件?不?存?在?,?或?者?该?格?式?不?被?支?持?!?");  
    29. return RE_NOFILE;  
    30.     }  
    31.     GDALDriver *pDriver = GetGDALDriverManager()->GetDriverByName(pszFormat);  
    32. if (pDriver == NULL)  
    33.     {  
    34. if(pProgress != NULL)  
    35.             pProgress->SetProgressTip("不?能?创?建?该?格?式?的?文?件?!?");  
    36.         GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) pDSrc);  
    37. return RE_CREATEFILE;  
    38.     }  
    39. int iBandCount = pDSrc->GetRasterCount();  
    40.     string strWkt = pDSrc->GetProjectionRef();  
    41.     GDALDataType dataType = pDSrc->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType();  
    42. double dGeoTrans[6] = {0};  
    43.     pDSrc->GetGeoTransform(dGeoTrans);  
    44. int iNewBandCount = iBandCount;  
    45. if (pBandIndex != NULL && pBandCount != NULL)  
    46.     {  
    47. int iMaxBandIndex = pBandIndex[0];    //找?出?最?大?的?波?段?索?引?序?号?
    48. for (int i=1; i<*pBandCount; i++)  
    49.         {  
    50. if (iMaxBandIndex < pBandIndex[i])  
    51.                 iMaxBandIndex = pBandIndex[i];  
    52.         }  
    53. if(iMaxBandIndex > iBandCount)  
    54.         {  
    55. if(pProgress != NULL)  
    56.                 pProgress->SetProgressTip("指?定?的?波?段?序?号?超?过?图?像?的?波?段?数?,?请?检?查?输?入?参?数?!?");  
    57.             GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) pDSrc);  
    58. return RE_PARAMERROR;  
    59.         }  
    60.         iNewBandCount = *pBandCount;  
    61.     }  
    62.     LT_Envelope enExtent;  
    63.     enExtent.setToNull();  
    64. if (pExtent == NULL)    //全?图?计?算?
    65.     {  
    66. double dPrj[4] = {0};    //x1,x2,y1,y2
    67.         ImageRowCol2Projection(dGeoTrans, 0, 0, dPrj[0], dPrj[2]);  
    68.         ImageRowCol2Projection(dGeoTrans, pDSrc->GetRasterXSize(), pDSrc->GetRasterYSize(), dPrj[1], dPrj[3]);  
    69.         enExtent.init(dPrj[0], dPrj[1], dPrj[2], dPrj[3]);  
    70.         pExtent = &enExtent;  
    71.     }  
    72.     dGeoTrans[0] = pExtent->getMinX();  
    73.     dGeoTrans[3] = pExtent->getMaxY();  
    74.     dGeoTrans[1] = dGeoTrans[1] / fResX;  
    75.     dGeoTrans[5] = dGeoTrans[5] / fResY;  
    76. int iNewWidth  = static_cast<int>( (pExtent->getMaxX() - pExtent->getMinX() / ABS(dGeoTrans[1]) + 0.5) );  
    77. int iNewHeight = static_cast<int>( (pExtent->getMaxX() - pExtent->getMinX() / ABS(dGeoTrans[5]) + 0.5) );  
    78.     GDALDataset *pDDst = pDriver->Create(pszOutFile, iNewWidth, iNewHeight, iNewBandCount, dataType, NULL);  
    79. if (pDDst == NULL)  
    80.     {  
    81. if(pProgress != NULL)  
    82.             pProgress->SetProgressTip("创?建?输?出?文?件?失?败?!?");  
    83.         GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) pDSrc);  
    84. return RE_CREATEFILE;  
    85.     }  
    86.     pDDst->SetProjection(strWkt.c_str());  
    87.     pDDst->SetGeoTransform(dGeoTrans);  
    88.     GDALResampleAlg eResample = (GDALResampleAlg) nResampleMode;  
    89. if(pProgress != NULL)  
    90.     {  
    91.         pProgress->SetProgressTip("正?在?执?行?重?采?样?...");  
    92.         pProgress->SetProgressTotalStep(iNewBandCount*iNewHeight);  
    93.     }  
    94. int *pSrcBand = NULL;  
    95. int *pDstBand = NULL;  
    96. int iBandSize = 0;  
    97. if (pBandIndex != NULL && pBandCount != NULL)  
    98.     {  
    99.         iBandSize = *pBandCount;  
    100.         pSrcBand = new int[iBandSize];  
    101.         pDstBand = new int[iBandSize];  
    102. for (int i=0; i<iBandSize; i++)  
    103.         {  
    104.             pSrcBand[i] = pBandIndex[i];  
    105.             pDstBand[i] = i+1;  
    106.         }  
    107.     }  
    108. else
    109.     {  
    110.         iBandSize = iBandCount;  
    111.         pSrcBand = new int[iBandSize];  
    112.         pDstBand = new int[iBandSize];  
    113. for (int i=0; i<iBandSize; i++)  
    114.         {  
    115.             pSrcBand[i] = i+1;  
    116.             pDstBand[i] = i+1;  
    117.         }  
    118.     }  
    119. void *hTransformArg = NULL, *hGenImgPrjArg = NULL;  
    120.     hTransformArg = hGenImgPrjArg = GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer2((GDALDatasetH) pDSrc, (GDALDatasetH) pDDst, NULL);  
    121. if (hTransformArg == NULL)  
    122.     {  
    123. if(pProgress != NULL)  
    124.             pProgress->SetProgressTip("转?换?参?数?错?误?!?");  
    125.         GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) pDSrc);  
    126.         GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) pDDst);  
    127. return RE_PARAMERROR;  
    128.     }  
    129.     GDALTransformerFunc pFnTransformer = GDALGenImgProjTransform;  
    130.     GDALWarpOptions *psWo = GDALCreateWarpOptions();  
    131.     psWo->papszWarpOptions = CSLDuplicate(NULL);  
    132.     psWo->eWorkingDataType = dataType;  
    133.     psWo->eResampleAlg = eResample;  
    134.     psWo->hSrcDS = (GDALDatasetH) pDSrc;  
    135.     psWo->hDstDS = (GDALDatasetH) pDDst;  
    136.     psWo->pfnTransformer = pFnTransformer;  
    137.     psWo->pTransformerArg = hTransformArg;  
    138.     psWo->pfnProgress = GDALProgress;  
    139.     psWo->pProgressArg = pProgress;  
    140.     psWo->nBandCount = iNewBandCount;  
    141.     psWo->panSrcBands = (int *) CPLMalloc(iNewBandCount*sizeof(int));  
    142.     psWo->panDstBands = (int *) CPLMalloc(iNewBandCount*sizeof(int));  
    143. for (int i=0; i<iNewBandCount; i++)  
    144.     {  
    145.         psWo->panSrcBands[i] = pSrcBand[i];  
    146.         psWo->panDstBands[i] = pDstBand[i];  
    147.     }  
    148.     RELEASE(pSrcBand);  
    149.     RELEASE(pDstBand);  
    150.     GDALWarpOperation oWo;  
    151. if (oWo.Initialize(psWo) != CE_None)  
    152.     {  
    153. if(pProgress != NULL)  
    154.             pProgress->SetProgressTip("转?换?参?数?错?误?!?");  
    155.         GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) pDSrc);  
    156.         GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) pDDst);  
    157. return RE_PARAMERROR;  
    158.     }  
    159.     oWo.ChunkAndWarpImage(0, 0, iNewWidth, iNewHeight);  
    160.     GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer(psWo->pTransformerArg);  
    161.     GDALDestroyWarpOptions( psWo );  
    162.     GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) pDSrc);  
    163.     GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) pDDst);  
    164. if(pProgress != NULL)  
    165.         pProgress->SetProgressTip("重?采?样?完?成?!?");  
    166. return RE_SUCCESS;  
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gywei/p/3387249.html
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