在EF各版本中,没有相应批量的添加,删除,修改,在用ORM 处理数据时直有个尴尬。在网上,也接到了很多网友的询问这方面的情况,特此今天把这方面的相关扩展分享一下,(这里只做批量删除的例子,添加和修改的思路雷同)
update table set cl=1 where id>5 and id<100 delete from table where id>5 and id<100
foreach(var user in context.table.Where(u => u.id>5 and id<100).ToList()) { context.Remove(user); }
虽然EF没有提供的接口中,不过我们可以进行一个扩展(EF里面是指定自己SQL语句 context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql,args)),思路是这样的
通过EF扩展 生成 SQL语句 让EF来执行SQL
DB<MdStudent> db = new DB<MdStudent>(); db.Remove(u => u.id>5 and id<100);
DB<MdStudent> db = new DB<MdStudent>();//这实例化一个context类,这类里封装了EF方法及扩展
db.Remove(u => u.id>5 and id<100);//这里主要执行了三个操作,1.确认是哪个表,2,Lambda生成SQL,这里用到了ConditionBuilder类,PartialEvaluator类来解析成SQL
public void Build(Expression expression) { PartialEvaluator evaluator = new PartialEvaluator(); Expression evaluatedExpression = evaluator.Eval(expression); this.m_arguments = new List<object>(); this.m_conditionParts = new Stack<string>(); this.Visit(evaluatedExpression); this.Arguments = this.m_arguments.ToArray(); this.Condition = this.m_conditionParts.Count > 0 ? this.m_conditionParts.Pop() : null; } protected override Expression VisitBinary(BinaryExpression b) { if (b == null) return b; string opr; switch (b.NodeType) { case ExpressionType.Equal: opr = "="; break; case ExpressionType.NotEqual: opr = "<>"; break; case ExpressionType.GreaterThan: opr = ">"; break; case ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual: opr = ">="; break; case ExpressionType.LessThan: opr = "<"; break; case ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual: opr = "<="; break; case ExpressionType.AndAlso: opr = "AND"; break; case ExpressionType.OrElse: opr = "OR"; break; case ExpressionType.Add: opr = "+"; break; case ExpressionType.Subtract: opr = "-"; break; case ExpressionType.Multiply: opr = "*"; break; case ExpressionType.Divide: opr = "/"; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(b.NodeType + "is not supported."); } this.Visit(b.Left); this.Visit(b.Right); string right = this.m_conditionParts.Pop(); string left = this.m_conditionParts.Pop(); string condition = String.Format("({0} {1} {2})", left, opr, right); this.m_conditionParts.Push(condition); return b; } protected override Expression VisitConstant(ConstantExpression c) { if (c == null) return c; this.m_arguments.Add(c.Value); this.m_conditionParts.Push(String.Format("{{{0}}}", this.m_arguments.Count - 1)); return c; } protected override Expression VisitMemberAccess(MemberExpression m) { if (m == null) return m; PropertyInfo propertyInfo = m.Member as PropertyInfo; if (propertyInfo == null) return m; this.m_conditionParts.Push(String.Format("[{0}]", propertyInfo.Name)); return m; }
/// <summary> /// 删除扩展[优化删除] /// </summary> public static int DeleteEntity<Entity>(this EFDbContext<Entity> Context, Expression<Func<Entity, bool>> Predicate) where Entity : class,IEntity { Command cmd = GetCommands<Entity>(Predicate); int Result = Context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(cmd.Text, cmd.args); return Result; } public static CommSql GetDeleteSql<Entity>(this EFDbContext<Entity> Context, Expression<Func<Entity, bool>> Predicate, bool IsFag) where Entity : class,IEntity { Command com = GetCommands<Entity>(Predicate); string CommText = com.Text; object[] args = com.args; for (int j = 0; j < args.Count(); j++) { if (!(args[j].GetType() != "Type".GetType())) { args[j] = "'" + args[j] + "'"; } } if (args.Count() > 0) { CommText = string.Format(CommText, args); } CommSql cmd = new CommSql(); cmd.Text = CommText; if (IsFag) cmd.ComNum = Context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(com.Text, com.args); return cmd; } private static Command GetCommands<Entity>(Expression<Func<Entity, bool>> Predicate) where Entity : class,IEntity { //根据条件表达式转换成SQL的条件语句 ConditionBuilder Builder = new ConditionBuilder(); Builder.Build(Predicate.Body); string sqlCondition = Builder.Condition; //获取SQL参数数组 string Table = Operate.getTableName<Entity>(); string CommText = "Delete From [" + Table + "] Where " + sqlCondition; var args = Builder.Arguments; return new Command() { Text = CommText, args = args }; }
以上只是部分代码,详细看扩展代码及实现例子 http://files.cnblogs.com/gzalrj/EF5.rar