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  • linq to sql内链接,左右链接(示例)

    linq to sql内链接,左右链接(示例)  

    2011-06-16 17:37:29|  分类: linq to sql |字号 订阅


            public static void InnerJoinTest()//内链接


                DemoDataContext context = new DemoDataContext();

                context.Log = Console.Out;


                var query = from tb1 in context.RoleRow

                            join tb2 in context.RoleFunctionRow on tb1.RoleId equals tb2.RoleId

                            select new { RoleId = tb1.RoleId, RoleName = tb1.EN_Name, FunctionId = tb2.FunctionId };




                var query2 =

                     from tb1 in context.RoleRow

                     from tb2 in context.RoleFunctionRow

                     where tb1.RoleId == tb2.RoleId

                     select new { RoleId = tb1.RoleId, RoleName = tb1.EN_Name, FunctionId = tb2.FunctionId };



                //var query3=    from tb1 in context.RoleRow

                //                 join tb2 in context.RoleFunctionRow  on tb1.RoleId equals  tb2.RoleId

                //                 join tb3 in context.FunctionRow  on tb2.FunctionId equals tb3.FunctionId

                //                 select new { RoleId = tb1.RoleId, RoleName = tb1.EN_Name,FunctionId=tb2.FunctionId,FunctionName=tb3.EN_Name }


            public static void LeftJoinTest()//左右链接


                int minRoleId = 1;

                DemoDataContext context = new DemoDataContext();

                context.Log = Console.Out;

                var query = from tb1 in context.RoleRow

                            join tb2 in context.RoleFunctionRow on tb1.RoleId equals tb2.RoleId into tempT

                            from tb3 in tempT.DefaultIfEmpty()// 关键在into tempT from tb3 in tempT.DefaultIfEmpty()

                            where tb1.RoleId > minRoleId

                            select new { RoleId = tb1.RoleId, RoleName = tb1.EN_Name, FunctionId = tb3.FunctionId };



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