//机构列表 function initHbxdOrg_add(id){ $('#orgId_add').combotree({ url: './user/getOrgTree?areaIdAdd='+id, required: false, queryParams:{Authorization: localStorage.token}, method:'get', otherParam: {"areaIdAdd":id}, parentField:"pid", textFiled:"name", idFiled:"id", animate : true, onClick: function(node){ //部门 initHbxdDept_add(node.id); }, onBeforeExpand:function(node,param){ $('#orgId_add').combotree("tree").tree('options').url = './user/getOrgTree?areaIdAdd='+id+'&pid='+node.id+'&lvl='+node.lvl; }, onLoadSuccess: function (row, data) { //$('#orgId_add').combotree('tree').tree("collapseAll"); }, loadFilter : definedTreeFilter }); }
/** * 封装数据,将list结果集封装为树形结果集 * @param data * @param parent * @returns {*} */ function definedTreeFilter(data, parent){ var opt = $(this).data().tree.options; var idFiled, textFiled, parentField; if (opt.parentField) { idFiled = opt.idFiled || 'id'; textFiled = opt.textFiled || 'text'; parentField = opt.parentField; var i, l, treeData = [], tmpMap = []; for (i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) { tmpMap[data[i][idFiled]] = data[i]; } for (i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) { if (tmpMap[data[i][parentField]] && data[i][idFiled] != data[i][parentField]) { if (!tmpMap[data[i][parentField]]['children']) tmpMap[data[i][parentField]]['children'] = []; data[i]['text'] = data[i][textFiled]; tmpMap[data[i][parentField]]['children'].push(data[i]); if(tmpMap[data[i][parentField]]['children']){ tmpMap[data[i][parentField]].checked = false; } } else { data[i]['text'] = data[i][textFiled]; treeData.push(data[i]); } } return treeData; } return data; }
查询sql: 同样添加状态属性
<select id="getRealOrgTree" resultType="org.triber.common.model.user.TreeNode"> <if test="pid == null or pid == ''"> SELECT DISTINCT ORG_TYPE_ID_1 AS id, ORG_TYPE_DSCR_1 AS `NAME`, 0 AS pid, 1 AS lvl, 'closed' AS state FROM dmcode.t_org_biz_lvl WHERE ORG_DEPT_MAPPING_FLAG=#{orgDeptMappingFlag} </if> <if test="pid != null and pid != ''"> <if test="lvl == 1 or lvl == '1'"> SELECT DISTINCT ORG_TYPE_ID_2 AS id, ORG_TYPE_DSCR_2 AS `NAME`, ORG_TYPE_ID_1 AS pid, 2 AS lvl, 'closed' AS state FROM dmcode.t_org_biz_lvl WHERE 1=1 AND ORG_DEPT_MAPPING_FLAG=#{orgDeptMappingFlag} <if test="userType == 2 or userType == '2'"> AND ORG_TYPE_ID_2 != 'A00' </if> <if test="userType == 1 or userType == '1'"> AND ORG_TYPE_ID_2 = 'A00' </if> AND AREA_NO_ID IN ( SELECT AREA_NO_ID FROM dmcode.t_area_code WHERE (area_no_id_1 = #{AREA_NO_ID} OR area_no_id_2 = #{AREA_NO_ID} OR area_no_id = #{AREA_NO_ID}) ) ORDER BY ORG_TYPE_ID_2 </if> <if test="lvl == 2 or lvl == '2'"> SELECT DISTINCT ORG_ID_1 AS id, ORG_DSCR_1 AS `NAME`, ORG_TYPE_ID_2 AS pid, 3 AS lvl, 'closed' AS state FROM dmcode.t_org_biz_lvl WHERE 1=1 AND ORG_DEPT_MAPPING_FLAG=#{orgDeptMappingFlag} <if test="userType == 2 or userType == '2'"> AND ORG_TYPE_ID_2 != 'A00' </if> <if test="userType == 1 or userType == '1'"> AND ORG_TYPE_ID_2 = 'A00' </if> AND ORG_ID_1 != #{pid} AND ORG_TYPE_ID_2=#{pid} AND AREA_NO_ID IN ( SELECT AREA_NO_ID FROM dmcode.t_area_code WHERE (area_no_id_1 = #{AREA_NO_ID} OR area_no_id_2 = #{AREA_NO_ID} OR area_no_id = #{AREA_NO_ID}) ) ORDER BY ORG_ID_1 </if> <if test="lvl == 3 or lvl == '3'"> SELECT DISTINCT ORG_ID_2 AS id, ORG_DSCR_2 AS `NAME`, ORG_ID_1 AS pid, 4 AS lvl, 'closed' AS state FROM dmcode.t_org_biz_lvl WHERE 1=1 AND ORG_DEPT_MAPPING_FLAG=#{orgDeptMappingFlag} <if test="userType == 2 or userType == '2'"> AND ORG_TYPE_ID_2 != 'A00' </if> <if test="userType == 1 or userType == '1'"> AND ORG_TYPE_ID_2 = 'A00' </if> AND ORG_ID_2 != #{pid} AND ORG_ID_1=#{pid} AND AREA_NO_ID IN ( SELECT AREA_NO_ID FROM dmcode.t_area_code WHERE (area_no_id_1 = #{AREA_NO_ID} OR area_no_id_2 = #{AREA_NO_ID} OR area_no_id = #{AREA_NO_ID}) ) ORDER BY ORG_ID_2 </if> <if test="lvl == 4 or lvl == '4'"> SELECT DISTINCT ORG_ID_3 AS id, ORG_DSCR_3 AS `NAME`, ORG_ID_2 AS pid, 5 AS lvl, 'closed' AS state FROM dmcode.t_org_biz_lvl WHERE 1=1 AND ORG_DEPT_MAPPING_FLAG=#{orgDeptMappingFlag} <if test="userType == 2 or userType == '2'"> AND ORG_TYPE_ID_2 != 'A00' </if> <if test="userType == 1 or userType == '1'"> AND ORG_TYPE_ID_2 = 'A00' </if> AND ORG_ID_3 != #{pid} AND ORG_ID_2=#{pid} AND AREA_NO_ID IN ( SELECT AREA_NO_ID FROM dmcode.t_area_code WHERE (area_no_id_1 = #{AREA_NO_ID} OR area_no_id_2 = #{AREA_NO_ID} OR area_no_id = #{AREA_NO_ID}) ) ORDER BY ORG_ID_3 </if> <if test="lvl == 5 or lvl == '5'"> SELECT DISTINCT ORG_ID_4 AS id, ORG_DSCR_4 AS `NAME`, ORG_ID_3 AS pid, 6 AS lvl, 'closed' AS state FROM dmcode.t_org_biz_lvl WHERE 1=1 AND ORG_DEPT_MAPPING_FLAG=#{orgDeptMappingFlag} <if test="userType == 2 or userType == '2'"> AND ORG_TYPE_ID_2 != 'A00' </if> <if test="userType == 1 or userType == '1'"> AND ORG_TYPE_ID_2 = 'A00' </if> AND ORG_ID_4 != #{pid} AND ORG_ID_3=#{pid} AND AREA_NO_ID IN ( SELECT AREA_NO_ID FROM dmcode.t_area_code WHERE (area_no_id_1 = #{AREA_NO_ID} OR area_no_id_2 = #{AREA_NO_ID} OR area_no_id = #{AREA_NO_ID}) ) ORDER BY ORG_ID_4 </if> <if test="lvl == 6 or lvl == '6'"> SELECT DISTINCT ORG_ID_5 AS id, ORG_DSCR_5 AS `NAME`, ORG_ID_4 AS pid, 7 AS lvl, 'closed' AS state FROM dmcode.t_org_biz_lvl WHERE 1=1 AND ORG_DEPT_MAPPING_FLAG=#{orgDeptMappingFlag} <if test="userType == 2 or userType == '2'"> AND ORG_TYPE_ID_2 != 'A00' </if> <if test="userType == 1 or userType == '1'"> AND ORG_TYPE_ID_2 = 'A00' </if> AND ORG_ID_5 != #{pid} AND ORG_ID_4=#{pid} AND AREA_NO_ID IN ( SELECT AREA_NO_ID FROM dmcode.t_area_code WHERE (area_no_id_1 = #{AREA_NO_ID} OR area_no_id_2 = #{AREA_NO_ID} OR area_no_id = #{AREA_NO_ID}) ) ORDER BY ORG_ID_5 </if> <if test="lvl == 7 or lvl == '7'"> SELECT DISTINCT ORG_ID AS id, ORG_DSCR AS `NAME`, ORG_ID_5 AS pid, 8 AS lvl, 'open' AS state FROM dmcode.t_org_biz_lvl WHERE 1=1 AND ORG_DEPT_MAPPING_FLAG=#{orgDeptMappingFlag} <if test="userType == 2 or userType == '2'"> AND ORG_TYPE_ID_2 != 'A00' </if> <if test="userType == 1 or userType == '1'"> AND ORG_TYPE_ID_2 = 'A00' </if> AND ORG_ID != #{pid} AND ORG_ID_5=#{pid} AND AREA_NO_ID IN ( SELECT AREA_NO_ID FROM dmcode.t_area_code WHERE (area_no_id_1 = #{AREA_NO_ID} OR area_no_id_2 = #{AREA_NO_ID} OR area_no_id = #{AREA_NO_ID}) ) ORDER BY ORG_ID </if> </if> </select>