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  • Ext JS 4.1 RC2 Released发布


    Today we’re making available Ext JS 4.1 RC2, which contains bug fixes, enhancements and documentation improvements based on your feedback on our first Release Candidate two weeks ago.

    The Release Candidate stage is all about polish, whether it’s on the framework, the examples or other sections like the documentation. Much of the work we have done since RC1 has been driven by the feedback we’ve received from the community; we’re always grateful for your bug reports and suggestions on the forums and we’re working hard to make the framework deliver based on your feedback.

    Today we’d like to ask you to download RC2 and test it against your apps. If you haven’t used a 4.1 release yet we hope you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the performance improvements over 4.0.x, and if you have then we hope the additional polish since RC1 will make your apps feel and behave even better.

    As we close in on a 4.1 GA release your feedback is more important than ever so we hope you’ll take a little time to test RC2 with your apps and let us know how it feels. We’ve prepared a full set of release notes and known issues for RC2, and we’ve put the latest examples online too.

    Let us know what you think in the comments and the forums!

    Download Ext JS 4.1 RC 2

    Release Notes for Ext JS 4.1.0 RC 2

    Release Date: March 30, 2012
    Version Number: 4.1.0 RC 2

    Bugs Fixed

    • Animation (1)
      • EXTJSIV-5523 Animation Incorrectly Positions Windows
    • Button (3)
      • EXTJSIV-5429 Button with an icon can not be properly resized.
      • EXTJSIV-5432 Button icons are clipped at times (varying between browsers)
      • EXTJSIV-5600 Feed Viewer- Button names are left aligned in Add feed popup
    • Charts (20)
      • EXTJSIV-3617 Rendering issue with stacked column chart without animation
      • EXTJSIV-3783 Area Chart - Farthest right tick not firing mouse events, showing tooltip, etc.
      • EXTJSIV-4459  If you try to render a chart in internet explorer 8 and you have animate=true, the markers will render, but lines themselves will never render
      • EXTJSIV-4544 Charts : Rich Tips - No tool tips are displayed upon mouse hovering on graph nodes for the second time.
      • EXTJSIV-4730 Combination Examples - Ext JS 3&4 on one page : Issue reloading legends inside Charts
      • EXTJSIV-4779 Bar Chart does not render correctly when all yField data points are equal
      • EXTJSIV-5007 Save button in chart examples should display popup panel to confirm save and then save image.
      • EXTJSIV-5024 Charts: Themed Line Charts: Wrong information shown on mouse hover in simple styling chart
      • EXTJSIV-5360 Stacked column with two series values incorrect
      • EXTJSIV-5462 Custom Pie Charts: Browser is forcibly closed when clicked multiple times on Reload Data button
      • EXTJSIV-5474 Chart - left axis not showing the max value
      • EXTJSIV-5499 Set width of column charts not working correctly
      • EXTJSIV-5571 Chart problems with decimals on bottom axis
      • EXTJSIV-5575 Grouped Bar charts: Incorrect values shown in series labels
      • EXTJSIV-5580 Charts : Area Charts: Chart “Legends ” are not displaying properly in the downloaded files.
      • EXTJSIV-5623 Column charts displays wrong values/tips when disabling series
      • EXTJSIV-5633 Charts - Filled Radar charts - Chart is not displaying in Filled Radar chart example
      • EXTJSIV-5655 Charts- Column Custom Back ground - Save Chart button is not working.
      • EXTJSIV-5670 Charts - Stacked Bar Charts - Chart is not displaying upon hiding and unhiding the legends in the chart.
      • EXTJSIV-5706 Line series offset one sample to the left
    • Coding Style (1)
      • EXTJSIV-5682 Remove extra comma in Ext.view.TableChunker
    • Core (11)
      • EXTJSIV-4966 Global var in Renderable
      • EXTJSIV-5000 Problems with DOM Id containing colon and DomeQuery.jsSelect with CSS escape notation
      • EXTJSIV-5350 ItemSelector returns [undefined] when empty
      • EXTJSIV-5444 onReady Firing Twice
      • EXTJSIV-5460 FF 3.6’s Number.toJSON violates standards. We must programatically encode Numbers.
      • EXTJSIV-5538 Themes examples has large memory leak when switching themes in IE
      • EXTJSIV-5552 Thousand separator and decimal separator are wrong for Chinese languages
      • EXTJSIV-5630 Observable broken for class observation
      • EXTJSIV-5641 CompositeElementLite: filter method is broken
      • EXTJSIV-5705 Document Element Mistakenly Garbage Collected
      • EXTJSIV-5765 Error when loading Ext later than initial page load
    • Data (4)
      • EXTJSIV-5224 Store.removeAll does not remove any prefetched data
      • EXTJSIV-5415 Store load not triggered when opening ListMenu in FilterFeature
      • EXTJSIV-5508 Issue with Ext.data.reader.Reader onMetaChange listener and idProperty
      • EXTJSIV-5585 Sorters are not applied after using FilterBy() method
    • DataView (2)
      • EXTJSIV-4854 LoadMask does not manage its z-index correctly WRT its client Component’s z-index.
      • EXTJSIV-5667 Nested data is unavailable to templates in DataView
    • Documentation (4)
      • EXTJSIV-5069 Ext.grid.feature.Grouping docs need to be clearer
      • EXTJSIV-5553 Miscellaneous: History - Page is redirecting to Home page when click on “History” Example
      • EXTJSIV-5584 Ext.Array.toArray end parameter incorrectly documented
      • EXTJSIV-5745 Grid Grouping collapse() is private, when it should be public
    • Draw (2)
      • EXTJSIV-2097 viewbox: true ignores padding
      • EXTJSIV-5078 Missing scale/scaling support in Ext.fx.target.Sprite.setAttr
    • Events (2)
      • EXTJSIV-5194 Card layout does not fire activate on initial view
      • EXTJSIV-5271 ComponentQuery “is” method fails if selector contains a comma
    • Examples (9)
      • EXTJSIV-1146 Editor Grid Example: Clicking from Common Name in an editor to Light doesn’t invoke an editor
      • EXTJSIV-4136 Portal demo :Unable to close the portlets in a specific scenario.
      • EXTJSIV-4533 Combination Examples : Kitchen Sink : Tabs : Titled Tab Panels: Not displaying complete text in Ext.tab.Panel with frame:true Panel
      • EXTJSIV-5529 Combination Examples : Image Viewer : Tool tip is stretched while trying to drag more than one image
      • EXTJSIV-5614 Combination Examples : Theme viewer : By default Slider values are displaying behind the resizable handles.
      • EXTJSIV-5617 Combination Examples : Image Viewer: By default Albums should display with expand and collapse (“+”, “-“) buttons when user drag and drop the files in to the albums.
      • EXTJSIV-5650 Example - Nested Loading shows a blank page
      • EXTJSIV-5666 PageAnalyzer hangs when loading pages (busy-spin)
      • EXTJSIV-5769 Combinatiion Examples - Ext JS Calender Sample- “Delete Button ” is Missing on Edit Event dialog
    • Forms (15)
      • EXTJSIV-4911 Resizers on TextFields do not always work properly
      • EXTJSIV-4940 Ext.form.TimeField class contained typeAhead, later releases the Ext.form.field.Time class this functionality is missing
      • EXTJSIV-5433 ChekboxGroup with all fixed width columns does not width the columns correctly.
      • EXTJSIV-5439 Hover icon changes to select when combo editor is disabled.
      • EXTJSIV-5530 Forms- Dynamic forms- Field headers and borders are not displaying properly.
      • EXTJSIV-5557 trackResetOnLoad has no affect on radiogroup after loadrecord()
      • EXTJSIV-5567 allowBlank not part of the default labelableRenderProps
      • EXTJSIV-5570 HtmlEditor: Tab and Enter presses aren’t being correctly handled in readOnly state
      • EXTJSIV-5578 Forms File Upload Field Button names are truncated in IE 7
      • EXTJSIV-5618 Forms Custom Form Field: Search text is not deleting upon clicking on cross button(X)
      • EXTJSIV-5634 Forms - Shopping Chart Checkout- Text boxes and label captions are disappearing after uncheck and check Same as Mailing Address checkbox
      • EXTJSIV-5643 Forms : Checkbox/ Radio Groups : Contents under the Radio groups are not aligned properly.
      • EXTJSIV-5651 Checkbox Focus Class Malformed
      • EXTJSIV-5703 Selected form component/editor loses focus if grid in edit mode
      • EXTJSIV-5712 Forms Checkout Form Text alignment is disturbed for payment radio buttons
    • Grid (31)
      • EXTJSIV-1679 Extra padding seen in grid for IE 6 & 7 versus all other browsers
      • EXTJSIV-3766 Not possible to set ‘cursor’ attribute on a Column chart series
      • EXTJSIV-3998 Vertical scrollbar doesn’t appear when it should when using Row Expander plugin
      • EXTJSIV-4189 Field used as an editor in a Grid will fire change event when the field’s value is initially set
      • EXTJSIV-4371 Grid Plugin Example: Bug in RowWrap. Hidden columns are not being hidden in data.
      • EXTJSIV-4564 Lockable grid does not register features
      • EXTJSIV-5003 Cell editor does not always work correctly with locked grid
      • EXTJSIV-5151 Unwanted sortchange and resize events on gridcolumns
      • EXTJSIV-5169 hide/show causes error when using a table layout
      • EXTJSIV-5251 Can’t theme height of grid rows
      • EXTJSIV-5303 Remote filtering doesn’t work quite right with infinite scrolling.
      • EXTJSIV-5313 injectCheckbox:false prevents check rendering in data rows
      • EXTJSIV-5323 grid.RowEditing plugin: error tooltip’s arrow is misplaced on 1st show
      • EXTJSIV-5324 Missing grid loadMask on first load
      • EXTJSIV-5348 Error when using buffered grid + locking columns
      • EXTJSIV-5349 Can not control the style emptyText displayed in the grid. Need x-grid-empty support
      • EXTJSIV-5397 Problem setting grid column filters programmatically.
      • EXTJSIV-5398 CellEditing plugin+textfield editor doesn’t completeEdit on header click.
      • EXTJSIV-5404 Grids : RESTful Store with GridPanel and RowEditor : Not able to add rows with data to the grid in a particular scenario
      • EXTJSIV-5510 Scrollbar in a grid defined with no header overlaps the grid row
      • EXTJSIV-5531 Grids: Grid with Locking Capability -The browser session is get killed once all the unlock columns are changed as lock columns
      • EXTJSIV-5573 Using loadingHeight keeps grid at loading height, doesn’t recalculate after load complete.
      • EXTJSIV-5576 groupgrid is not showing properly in beta3
      • EXTJSIV-5581 Grid Live Search Grid : Find Previous Row [<] button is truncated
      • EXTJSIV-5586 Store remote filtering doesn’t work with infinite scrolling.
      • EXTJSIV-5598 Grid Row Editing- Displaying Js Error when click on add Employee button or double click on any row in the grid
      • EXTJSIV-5599 Grids- Infinite Scroll Grid- All the topic links are changing to visited state if single topic link is visited / clicked
      • EXTJSIV-5616 Grid- Infinite Scrolling Grid - Sort Ascending / Sort Descending is not working for Author field
      • EXTJSIV-5707 CellEditing plugin needs to be more robust in case intervening listeners delete the targeted record.
      • EXTJSIV-5717 Grids Custom Grid Filters Displaying JS error while mouse hovering on filters option from Size column header drop down
      • EXTJSIV-5739 Grids : Grid Plugins : Collapse button ‘-’ is moving to middle of the row, while the row is expanded
    • Layouts (15)
      • EXTJSIV-4751 Layout issues in application upon clicking on one of the results in the grid.
      • EXTJSIV-5182 Toolbar layout is unexpected after first render
      • EXTJSIV-5270 Problem using table layout in center panel of a border layout
      • EXTJSIV-5274 Margin with fit layout and shrink wrap
      • EXTJSIV-5318 Layout Managers : Border Layout : “South Eastern” panel’s UI is disturbed when collapsed and expanded the “South” panel
      • EXTJSIV-5320 Anchor Layout on a window, the title bar is rolled up into a circular header.
      • EXTJSIV-5435 Box layout interferes with layout of shrinkwrap items
      • EXTJSIV-5455 Configured placeholder for border region not respected
      • EXTJSIV-5551 Hbox layout doesn’t recalculate height when align:stretchmax is set
      • EXTJSIV-5589 Container with vbox layout with minHeight set will not grow past minHeight when auto sized children added to this container
      • EXTJSIV-5665 Wrong priority of ‘flex’ vs fixed size in h/vbox layouts
      • EXTJSIV-5679 Hbox does not stretch vertically in a specific configuration
      • EXTJSIV-5711 Layout Browser Custom layouts. Center incorrect to the specification defined for Inner centered Panel width
      • EXTJSIV-5724 Layout Failure for Collapsed Fieldsets
      • EXTJSIV-5753 Layout Managers: Table Layout : Blank page when resizing the browser in IE Quirks
    • MVC (2)
      • EXTJSIV-2311 Verify the focus on the tabs when user click on open all button
      • EXTJSIV-2312 Verify the tabs display when user click’s on open all button.
    • Menu (1)
      • EXTJSIV-5689 Large menus don’t constrain to viewport
    • Misc (65)
      • EXTJSIV-3782 MVC Feed Viewer - Load mask appears when switching feeds even if not viewing the feed tab
      • EXTJSIV-3943 Keyboard Feed Viewer - Highlighted color is not displaying correctly in IE 6
      • EXTJSIV-3990 Editor - Label captions are overlapping on the text fields when long label caption is entered without any space.
      • EXTJSIV-4022 Add “refresh” event to Store to match “datachanged” in v3
      • EXTJSIV-4123 Ext.Array.from() with function gives empty array
      • EXTJSIV-4125 getNode return wrong record after add new record
      • EXTJSIV-4171 User details - Drop down items are displaying at the top of the page when double-click on the Editor panel
      • EXTJSIV-4175 Button doesn’t have proper markup or styling in IE in sandbox mode
      • EXTJSIV-4288 Grid row selection is cleared after store sync.
      • EXTJSIV-4397 Drag Drop Manager doesn’t select correct drop target
      • EXTJSIV-4419 MessageBox doesn’t fire callback when top-right close button clicked
      • EXTJSIV-4426 Problem with column header grouping at level 3. Columns can not be hidden.
      • EXTJSIV-4455 App freezes when an incorrect query is passed to Ext.app.Controller.control()
      • EXTJSIV-4555 Loading the Finnish locale file will crash an application using Ext.util.Format.date
      • EXTJSIV-4594 Transform of combo does not use configured store
      • EXTJSIV-4602 Syntax errors when compiling SASS themes
      • EXTJSIV-4845 Vml Draw/Sprite images not using X/Y offset in Vml
      • EXTJSIV-4847 Ext.Loader doesn’t recognize files that are not under /app
      • EXTJSIV-4953 Localization(dynamic) : Displaying JS error upon selecting “Hebrew” from the Language selector.
      • EXTJSIV-4955 Checkboxgroups W/ More Columns Than Checkboxes Throws JS Error
      • EXTJSIV-4956 Creating A Checkbox Group /w Hidden Field Throws JS Error
      • EXTJSIV-5103 Bug with Implicit Model / Store / MixedCollection / Proxy
      • EXTJSIV-5138 Reader needs to read records even when success:false
      • EXTJSIV-5233 Combination Examples : Ext JS Calendar : Displaying JS error while upon click and hold the mouse on day event matrix.
      • EXTJSIV-5247 Border of child hidden if border of container is hidden
      • EXTJSIV-5383 Using two panels for both drag and drop fails
      • EXTJSIV-5441 Viewport with a configured height width sets the height and width on the document body causing the viewport to not fit the browser window in firefox quirks mode
      • EXTJSIV-5468 Loading indicator still visible with panel collapsed
      • EXTJSIV-5490 Possible bug when grouping by a template column in a grid
      • EXTJSIV-5497 Bug when centering components in vbox/hbox layouts
      • EXTJSIV-5506 Datepicker displays Invalid date format when chinese or japanese localization applied
      • EXTJSIV-5513 Miscellaneous : Editor : Displaying JS error upon double clicking on text labels
      • EXTJSIV-5522 Ext.String.htmlDecode / Ext.String.htmlEncode should operate on a larger set of characters/entities
      • EXTJSIV-5537 Ext.form.DateField returns incorrect value when localized
      • EXTJSIV-5546 dirtyCls style not applied to slider field
      • EXTJSIV-5559 Ghost image while dragging a panel
      • EXTJSIV-5564 All Date pickers: Not able to select date from date picker by using key board navigation keys, in all examples
      • EXTJSIV-5566 ComponentLoader should suspend layouts when adding/removing items
      • EXTJSIV-5568 ToolbarDroppable.calculateEntryIndex gets wrong index
      • EXTJSIV-5572 Issue with listeners for the store.load() event
      • EXTJSIV-5583 Accessibility : Binding Grid to a form : Month and Today button names are truncated in IE 7
      • EXTJSIV-5610 Web Desktop - Displaying Js Error upon double clicking close button of Accordion Window.
      • EXTJSIV-5631 Combination Examples - Portal Demo - Graph is not displaying in Stock Portlet
      • EXTJSIV-5635 Grids:Column swapping disturb the data in the Grid
      • EXTJSIV-5645 Bug when collapsing the only panel in an accordion layout.
      • EXTJSIV-5652 Toolbar that contains the error in datefield
      • EXTJSIV-5661 Syntax errors when compiling SASS themes
      • EXTJSIV-5663 Global leak in injectLockable
      • EXTJSIV-5669 Grids :Grouping with Remote Summary -The data in the grid get disturb while checking the Project column
      • EXTJSIV-5671 Combination examples: Kitchensink: Locking grid: lock/unlock options in the drop-down menu seen only first time.
      • EXTJSIV-5685 Grouping Feature error after remote data update.
      • EXTJSIV-5687 Ext.core.DomHelper overwrite only accepts DOM elements not Ext.Element instances
      • EXTJSIV-5693 Setting initially active tab using a string ID caused JS error.
      • EXTJSIV-5696 Return false on Tab beforeactivate not handled properly
      • EXTJSIV-5698 Drag/Drop Information Box hides in Ext.Window
      • EXTJSIV-5710 Grids :All Grids :The data under the columns get disturb while checking and un-checking the columns.
      • EXTJSIV-5714 Strange behaviour of DatePicker placing in Panel with vbox layout.
      • EXTJSIV-5718 Toolbars and Menus:Basic Toolbar: The page UI get disturb while mouse over on Choose a Date.
      • EXTJSIV-5730 Charts dont fire click/dblclick events
      • EXTJSIV-5732 Simple Tasks : Text Editor is displaying in the task list panel.
      • EXTJSIV-5737 Simple Task - Creation of New Folder/New List is displaying in wrong location
      • EXTJSIV-5740 Validation error message tool tip has truncated height
      • EXTJSIV-5751 Layout problems in PortalPanel with an anchor layout
      • EXTJSIV-5768 Combo Box - ComboBox Templates - Search results are disappearing on double clicking page next icon on pagination panel.
      • EXTJSIV-5773 Misc- Quick tips - Displaying JS error upon click on Rich Content Tooltip link after mouse hover on Anchor right, rich content button under callout Tip
    • Panel (4)
      • EXTJSIV-5149 “mini” collapseMode in border layout doesn’t seem to work
      • EXTJSIV-5312 Ext.form.Panel.getValues() does not respect isDirty argument
      • EXTJSIV-5445 Panels with html are 2px too high in IE quirks
      • EXTJSIV-5505 Corners of framed headers don’t display correctly in old IE
    • Tabs (4)
      • EXTJSIV-4178 Positioning problem when using TabPanel and a custom stylesheet
      • EXTJSIV-5315  Closing a tab moves to the first tab rather than going to the previous tab
      • EXTJSIV-5448 Tab icon is cut off in IE8 strict and IE9 strict
      • EXTJSIV-5613 Tabs - Advance Tab - All tabs are closing when closable check box is selected from submenu
    • Theme (3)
      • EXTJSIV-5542 Hard coded value in variables/_grid.scss
      • EXTJSIV-5547 Some values are hard-coded values in the SASS files
      • EXTJSIV-5590 Opacity is compounding for components in a deeply nested disabled container
    • ToolTips (1)
      • EXTJSIV-5408 Show delay not always working for qtips in tree grid
    • Toolbars (1)
      • EXTJSIV-5742 Toolbars and Menus : Basic Toolbar : Top and Bottom arrows are not displaying when click on the scrolling menu button for the second time.
    • Tree (7)
      • EXTJSIV-1887 Tree does not allow horizontal scrolling
      • EXTJSIV-3935 TreeStore doesn’t allow root property to be an object path
      • EXTJSIV-4437 BorderLayout accordion region has buggy expand/collapse behavior when floated
      • EXTJSIV-4476 NodeInterface can lose dirty state and fail to send batched updates
      • EXTJSIV-4815 Trees : Drag and Drop reordering : After clicking on ‘Expand All’ and ‘Collapse All’ tree is not behaving as expected.
      • EXTJSIV-5219 Problem whith TreeGrid node (greater than 600 leafs)
      • EXTJSIV-5387 Trees : Drag and Drop Reordering: Expand All button is not responding for the second time.
    • Window (4)
      • EXTJSIV-1732 Hiding the progress dialog window while it is being dragged breaks draggability
      • EXTJSIV-5310 Window position changes when resized
      • EXTJSIV-5507 Drag and drop on overlapped windows fires events in both windows
      • EXTJSIV-5608 zIndex is wrong for floated windows
    • Total: 212
                <h4>Known Issues</h4>
    • Animation (1)
      • EXTJSIV-5487 accordion animation doesn’t always complete if you click frequently
    • Button (1)
      • EXTJSIV-4768 Layout Managers - Border Layout: “Center” layout and “Splitter above me” layouts are overlapping when clicking three times on “Add Region” button.
    • Charts (2)
      • EXTJSIV-5108 can’t create label for type area series
      • EXTJSIV-5657 Charts : Grouped Bar :Displaying Js error upon clicking on “Legends” in the “grouped bar” chart on IE9
    • Core (1)
      • EXTJSIV-4942 Element#tgetWidth() returns an incorrect result for naturally widthed absolutely positioned elements in some cases.
    • Data (4)
      • EXTJSIV-3316 Ext.ux.grid.FiltersFeature cannot restore state
      • EXTJSIV-4319 Use a parameter other than ‘id’ for server calls
      • EXTJSIV-4335 Duplicate records when calling sync() on a autoSync store
      • EXTJSIV-4372 Grid Filtering Example: Bug with database return packet
    • Documentation (3)
      • EXTJSIV-4296 Ext JS 4 and Sencha Touch Docs examples fail on Chromebook, can’t use Example viewer, ReferenceError: Ext is not defined
      • EXTJSIV-5148 Ext.selection.Model documentation bug
      • EXTJSIV-5156 Update documentation that fields (id,text,leaf) are expected
    • Examples (1)
      • EXTJSIV-4951 ToolBars and Menus : Basic Tool Bar : All States are not displaying in the combo box once the state is selected in the “Button w/ Menu” through key board .
    • Forms (2)
      • EXTJSIV-2081 Issue with “Bullet list” in the form widget editor
      • EXTJSIV-2425 HTMLEditor corrupted when changing background color of selection
    • Grid (4)
      • EXTJSIV-5595 Last selected row maintains selection after unchecked on column sort
      • EXTJSIV-5607 Grid: getEditorParent is ignored - nested cell editing is not possible
      • EXTJSIV-5776 Bug relating to a stateful grid with a checkbox selection mode - in applyColumnsState function
      • EXTJSIV-5783 Grid header resizer chooses incorrect resize target when hovering left edge next to a group header
    • Layouts (1)
      • EXTJSIV-3704 Ext.layout.container.Box: wrong children margins if using CSS rules
    • Misc (12)
      • EXTJSIV-3932 dom.style.setExpression not implemented in IE8
      • EXTJSIV-4091 Grid filters: initial value can be set, but it is not applied
      • EXTJSIV-4421 x-tab-top-over never inserted into any element
      • EXTJSIV-4545 Kitchen Sink - Basic Tabs : By default tab headers are not displaying in Basic tabs.
      • EXTJSIV-4873 Errors calling add method in a checkboxgroup
      • EXTJSIV-4937 Combination Examples : Web Desktop : Notepad :Displaying errors in error console upon double clicking on empty space in the note pad.
      • EXTJSIV-4954 Store Grouping Not Cleared Properly
      • EXTJSIV-5075  NodeInterface “deep” copy only copies a single level
      • EXTJSIV-5125 FiltersFeature - Updating column header class when using a column group
      • EXTJSIV-5130 Neptune theme missing resources
      • EXTJSIV-5254  HTMLEditor.insertAtCursor issues in “Source Edit”; mode
      • EXTJSIV-5484 Ext.form.field.File buttons don’t get the mouse over effect that buttons do
    • Panel (4)
      • EXTJSIV-5488 Panel collapse/expand behavior not as expected when called on hidden panel
      • EXTJSIV-5489 preventHeader not honored when panel is programmatically collapsed.
      • EXTJSIV-5544 Intermittent issue with collapseOnDblClick set to true on IE
      • EXTJSIV-5716 Panels with min/max constraints misbehave in a box layout with stretchmax
    • Tabs (1)
      • EXTJSIV-3625 TabPanel: defaults: closable true not configurable
    • Theme (2)
      • EXTJSIV-3712 4.0.5 tabpanel shows blue strip in header in IE
      • EXTJSIV-5764 Theme slicer requires new build of SDK Tools
    • Tree (1)
      • EXTJSIV-4243 Synchronous loading fails if async loading of same class is on going
    • Total: 40

  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hainange/p/6334267.html
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