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  • 9.1 4*4矩阵键盘驱动

    1. 4*4键盘的结构为4行4列,共16个交叉点,代表16个按键,行编号为A,列编号为B。按下某键后,辨别和读取键值一般采用如下方法:


    2. 整个键盘扫描检测,设计思想还是编码译码。扫描时钟用1KHz,用一个模4的计数器,每个计数值对应一行,编码A。组合读入的列编码,


    3. 4*4矩阵键盘扫描检测程序:

     1 /*4*4 keyboard scan and display */
     2 //2020-11-04
     3 //by YongFengXie
     4 module key4x4(rst,clk50M,a,b,led7s);
     5 input clk50M;   //keyboard scan clock 
     6 input rst;
     7 input [3:0] b;
     8 output reg [3:0] a; // output scan signal to keyboard
     9 output reg [6:0] led7s;
    10 reg [3:0] keyvalue;
    11 reg [1:0] q;        //counter 4
    12 reg clk;            // 1KHz
    13 reg [14:0] count;   //div counter,50M to 1K
    15 always @(posedge rst or posedge clk50M)
    16 // 50M divide 25 000 to 1K Hz
    17 begin
    18   if(rst)
    19   begin
    20     clk <= 0;
    21     count <= 0;
    22     q<=0;
    23   end
    24   else if(count == 25000)
    25   begin
    26     count <= 0;
    27     clk <= ~clk;
    28   end
    29   else
    30     count <= count + 1;
    31 end
    33 always @(posedge clk)
    34 begin
    35   q <= q+1;
    36   case(q)     // send data to keyboard A port
    37     0: a<=4'b1110;
    38     1: a<=4'b1101;
    39     2: a<=4'b1011;
    40     3: a<=4'b0111;
    41     default: a<=4'b0000;
    42   endcase
    43   case({a,b})  // judge keyvalue
    44     8'b1110_0111: begin keyvalue<=4'b0000;
    45                         led7s<=7'b1000000;
    46                   end  // key0
    47     8'b1110_1011: begin keyvalue<=4'b0001;
    48                         led7s<=7'b1111001;
    49                   end  // key1     
    50     8'b1110_1101: begin keyvalue<=4'b0010;
    51                         led7s<=7'b0100100;
    52                   end  // key2
    53     8'b1110_1110: begin keyvalue<=4'b0011;
    54                         led7s<=7'b0110000;
    55                   end  // key3                 
    56     8'b1101_0111: begin keyvalue<=4'b0100;
    57                         led7s<=7'b0011001;
    58                   end  // key4
    59     8'b1101_1011: begin keyvalue<=4'b0101;
    60                         led7s<=7'b0010010;
    61                   end  // key5     
    62     8'b1101_1101: begin keyvalue<=4'b0110;
    63                         led7s<=7'b0000010;
    64                   end  // key6
    65     8'b1101_1110: begin keyvalue<=4'b0111;
    66                         led7s<=7'b1111000;
    67                   end  // key7 
    68     8'b1011_0111: begin keyvalue<=4'b1000;
    69                         led7s<=7'b0000000;
    70                   end  // key8
    71     8'b1011_1011: begin keyvalue<=4'b1001;
    72                         led7s<=7'b0010000;
    73                   end  // key9     
    74     8'b1011_1101: begin keyvalue<=4'b1010;
    75                         led7s<=7'b0001000;
    76                   end  // keyA
    77     8'b1011_1110: begin keyvalue<=4'b1011;
    78                         led7s<=7'b0000011;
    79                   end  // keyB
    80     8'b0111_0111: begin keyvalue<=4'b1100;
    81                         led7s<=7'b1000110;
    82                   end  // keyC
    83     8'b0111_1011: begin keyvalue<=4'b1101;
    84                         led7s<=7'b0100001;
    85                   end  // keyD     
    86     8'b1110_1101: begin keyvalue<=4'b1110;
    87                         led7s<=7'b0000110;
    88                   end  // keyE
    89     8'b0111_1110: begin keyvalue<=4'b1111;
    90                         led7s<=7'b0001110;
    91                   end  // keyF 
    92     default:begin keyvalue<=4'b0000;led7s<=7'b1111111;end
    93   endcase
    94 end
    96 endmodule


     1 /*4*4 keyboard scan and display testbench */
     2 //2020-11-04
     3 //by YongFengXie
     4 `timescale 10ns/1ns
     5 module key4x4_tb;
     6 reg clk50M;   //keyboard scan clock 
     7 reg rst;
     8 reg [3:0] b;
     9 wire [3:0] a; // output scan signal to keyboard
    10 wire [6:0] led7s;
    12 key4x4 ub(rst,clk50M,a,b,led7s);
    14 initial begin
    15           clk50M=0;
    16           rst=1;
    17           b=4'b0000;
    18           #2 rst=0;
    19           #1600000 $stop;
    20         end
    22 always #1 clk50M=~clk50M;
    24 initial begin #100000 b=4'b0111;
    25               #100000 b=4'b1011;
    26               #100000 b=4'b1101;
    27               #100000 b=4'b1110;
    28         end
    30 endmodule


    4. 总结:


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/halflife/p/13927857.html
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