- 基于正文文字 + 资源名 + 套系书名,推荐话题
- 排序:
====阅读话题关键字表(kid_reading_topic_keyword) id - ID type - 类型(1正文/2书名/3套系书名) keyword - 关键字 topic_id - 话题ID ====临时表(kid_temp_data) id - ID data - 数据 ====话题(kid_edu_resource_topic) id - ID title - 标题 reading_record_punch_user_count 阅读记录打卡孩子数 ...
// serviceImpl
private List<IdName> getRecommendTopicForReading(String content, String resourceName, String taoxiName, int offset, int limit) {
boolean hasContent = !TextUtil.isNullOrWhiteSpace(content); boolean hasResource = !TextUtil.isNullOrWhiteSpace(resourceName); boolean hasTaoxi = !TextUtil.isNullOrWhiteSpace(taoxiName); if (!hasContent && !hasResource && !hasTaoxi) return getHotPunchTopic(offset, limit, 2); long tempDataId1 = 0; long tempDataId2 = 0; long tempDataId3 = 0; KidTempData tempData; try { if (hasContent) { tempData = new KidTempData(); tempData.setData(content); tempDataMapper.insertSelective(tempData); tempDataId1 = tempData.getId(); } if (hasResource) { tempData = new KidTempData(); tempData.setData(resourceName); tempDataMapper.insertSelective(tempData); tempDataId2 = tempData.getId(); } if (hasTaoxi) { tempData = new KidTempData(); tempData.setData(taoxiName); tempDataMapper.insertSelective(tempData); tempDataId3 = tempData.getId(); } return readingRecordV2Mapper.getRecommendTopic(tempDataId1, tempDataId2, tempDataId3, offset, limit); } finally { if (tempDataId1!=0) tempDataMapper.deleteByPrimaryKey(tempDataId1); if (tempDataId2!=0) tempDataMapper.deleteByPrimaryKey(tempDataId2); if (tempDataId3!=0) tempDataMapper.deleteByPrimaryKey(tempDataId3); } }
<select id="getRecommendTopic" resultType="xhs.appApi.defineClass.IdName"> ( SELECT a.id pk, a.title name, a.count, COUNT(*) matchCount FROM ( SELECT t.id, t.title, t.reading_record_punch_user_count count FROM kid_temp_data d, kid_reading_topic_keyword k, kid_edu_resource_topic t WHERE d.id=#{id1} AND LOCATE(k.keyword, d.data)>0 AND k.type=1 AND t.id=k.topic_id AND t.`status`=1 UNION ALL SELECT t.id, t.title, t.reading_record_punch_user_count FROM kid_temp_data d, kid_reading_topic_keyword k, kid_edu_resource_topic t WHERE d.id=#{id2} AND LOCATE(k.keyword, d.data)>0 AND k.type=2 AND t.id=k.topic_id AND t.`status`=1 UNION ALL SELECT t.id, t.title, t.reading_record_punch_user_count FROM kid_temp_data d, kid_reading_topic_keyword k, kid_edu_resource_topic t WHERE d.id=#{id3} AND LOCATE(k.keyword, d.data)>0 AND k.type=3 AND t.id=k.topic_id AND t.`status`=1 ) a GROUP BY a.id ) UNION ( SELECT t.id pk, t.title name, t.reading_record_punch_user_count count, 0 FROM kid_edu_resource_topic t WHERE t.reading_record_punch_user_count>0 ) ORDER BY matchCount DESC, count DESC LIMIT ${offset}, ${limit} </select>