1 环境准备
软件名称 |
功能 |
ypserv |
NIS Server端的服务进程 |
rpcbind |
提供RPC服务 |
软件名称 |
功能 |
yp-tools |
提供NIS相关的查询指令功能(yp-tools和ypbind必须同时安装) |
ypbind |
NIS Client端的服务进程(yp-tools和ypbind必须同时安装) |
- [root@node2deps-centos72_1511]# rpm -ivh yp-tools-2.14-3.el7.x86_64.rpmypbind-1.37.1-7.el7.x86_64.rpm
Hostname |
IP地址 |
角色 |
软件 |
node0 | |
NIS Master Server,NIS Client |
ypserv, rpcbind, yp-tools, ypbind |
node1 | |
NIS Slave Server,NIS Client |
ypserv, rpcbind, yp-tools, ypbind |
node2 | |
NIS Client |
yp-tools, ypbind |
NIS 的域名为 hikuss
2 搭建
2.1 Masterserver 端配置
2.1.1 设置NIS域名
设置 NIS 的域名,新增如下内容:
- [root@node0 nis]# nisdomainname hikuss
- [root@node0 nis]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network
- # Created by anaconda
- # 设定nis的域名
- NISDOMAIN=hikuss
- # 设定nis固定在1011端口,方便设定防火墙规则
- YPSERV_ARGS="-p 1011"
2.1.2 设置hosts
- [root@node0 nis]# cat /etc/hosts
- node0
- node1
- node2
2.1.3 设置主要配置文件/etc/ypserv.conf
- [root@node0 nis]# cat /etc/ypserv.conf
- #
- # ypserv.conf Inthis file you can set certain options for the NIS server,
- # andyou can deny or restrict access to certain maps based
- # on theoriginating host.
- #
- # Seeypserv.conf(5) for a description of the syntax.
- #
- # Some options for ypserv. This things are all notneeded, if
- # you have a Linux net.
- # NIS 服务器大多使用于内部局域网络,只要有/etc/hosts 即可,不用 DNS
- dns: no
- # How many map file handles should be cached ?
- # 默认会有30个数据库被读入内存当中,账号多的话,可以调大点。
- files: 30
- # Should we register ypserv with SLP ?
- # slp: no
- # After how many seconds we should re-registerypserv with SLP ?
- # slp_timeout: 3600
- # xfr requests are only allowed from ports <1024
- xfr_check_port: yes
- # The following, when uncommented, will give you shadow like passwords.
- # Note that it will not work if you have slave NISservers in your
- # network that do not run the same server as you.
- # 与 master/slave 有关,将同步更新的数据库比对所使用的端口,放置于 <1024 内。
- # 底下则是设定限制客户端或 slave server查询的权限,利用冒号隔成四部分:
- # [主机名/IP] : [NIS域名] : [可用数据库名称map] : [安全限制security]
- # [主机名/IP] :可以使用network/netmask 如
- # [NIS域名] :hikuss
- # [可用数据库名称]:就是由 NIS 制作出来的数据库名称;
- # [安全限制] :包括没有限制 (none)、仅能使用 <1024 (port) 及拒绝 (deny)
- # 一般来说,你可以依照我们的网域来设定成为底下的模样:
- # Host : Domain : Map : Security
- #
- # * : * : passwd.byname : port
- # * : * : passwd.byuid : port
- : * : * : none
- : * : * : none
- * : * : * : deny
- # 星号 (*) 代表任何数据都接受的意思。上面三行的意思是,1)开放 lo 内部接口、
- # 2)开放内部 LAN 网域,3)且杜绝所有其他来源的 NIS 要求的意思。
- # 还有一个简单作法,你可以先将上面三行批注,然后加入底下这一行即可:
- * : * : * : none
- #这样会允许任何主机连接到 NIS server,可以配合防火墙规则再做过滤。
- # Not everybody should see the shadow passwords,not secure, since
- # under MSDOG everbody is root and can access ports< 1024 !!!
- * : * : shadow.byname : port
- * : * : passwd.adjunct.byname : port
- # If you comment out the next rule, ypserv andrpc.ypxfrd will
- # look for YP_SECURE and YP_AUTHDES in the maps.This will make
- # the security check a little bit slower, but youonly have to
- # change the keys on the master server, not theconfiguration files
- # on each NIS server.
- # If you have maps with YP_SECURE or YP_AUTHDES,you should create
- # a rule for them above, that's much faster.
- # * : * : * : none
2.1.4 设置防火墙
- [root@node0 nis]# vi /etc/sysconfig/yppasswdd
- YPPASSWDD_ARGS="--port 1012"
2.1.5 启动及开机启动
- [root@node0 nis]# systemctlstart ypserv
- [root@node0 nis]# systemctlstart rpcbind
- [root@node0 nis]# systemctl statrtyppasswdd.service
- [root@node0 nis]# systemctl enable ypserv
- Created symlink from/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ypserv.service to/usr/lib/systemd/system/ypserv.service.
- [root@node0 nis]# systemctl enable rpcbind
- Created symlink from/etc/systemd/system/sockets.target.wants/rpcbind.socket to/usr/lib/systemd/system/rpcbind.socket.
- [root@node0 nis]# systemctl enableyppasswdd.service
- Created symlink from/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/yppasswdd.service to/usr/lib/systemd/system/yppasswdd.service.
2.1.6 建立NIS账户和资料库
1. 新建5个账号
- [root@node0 nis]# for i in `seq 1 5`; do echo"=====create nisuser$i====="; useradd -u 100$i nisuser$i; echopassword | passwd --stdin nisuser$i; done
2. 建立资料库
按照提示 ctrl+D,确认即可完成资料库建立。
- [root@node0 nis]# /usr/lib64/yp/ypinit -m
- At this point, we have to construct a list of thehosts which will run NIS
- servers. node0 is in the list of NIS server hosts. Please continue to add
- the names for the other hosts, one per line. When you are done with the
- list, type a <control D>.
- next hostto add: node0
- next hostto add:
- The current list of NIS servers looks like this:
- node0
- Is this correct? [y/n: y] y
- We need a few minutes to build the databases...
- Building /var/yp/hikuss/ypservers...
- Running /var/yp/Makefile...
- gmake[1]: Entering directory `/var/yp/hikuss'
- Updating passwd.byname...
- Updating passwd.byuid...
- Updating group.byname...
- Updating group.bygid...
- Updating hosts.byname...
- Updating hosts.byaddr...
- Updating rpc.byname...
- Updating rpc.bynumber...
- Updating services.byname...
- Updating services.byservicename...
- Updating netid.byname...
- Updating protocols.bynumber...
- Updating protocols.byname...
- Updating mail.aliases...
- gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/var/yp/hikuss'
- node0 has been set up as a NIS master server.
- Now you can run ypinit -s node0 on all slaveserver.
- [root@node0 nis]#
2.1.7 更新NIS账户和资料库
在 server 端新增账号或者删除账号或者修改账号信息后,就得要重新制作数据库,make -C /var/yp
- [root@node0 nis]# cd /var/yp
- [root@node0 yp]# make
- [root@node0 nis]# make -C /var/yp
- make: Entering directory `/var/yp'
- gmake[1]: Entering directory `/var/yp/hikuss'
- Updating netid.byname...
- gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/var/yp/hikuss'
- make: Leaving directory `/var/yp'
- [root@node0 nis]#
把信息写进资料库,让后 client 端才可以读取到最新信息
2.1.8 与Slave相关的设定
当执行了 ypinit -m 之后,所有的主机上面的账号相关档案会被转成数据库档案, 这些数据库会被放置到 /var/yp/"nisdomainname" 当中,
- [root@node0 nis]# ls /var/yp/hikuss/
- group.bygid hosts.byaddr mail.aliases passwd.byname protocols.byname rpc.byname services.byname ypservers
- group.byname hosts.byname netid.byname passwd.byuid protocols.bynumber rpc.bynumber services.byservicename
- [root@node0 nis]#
1. 若变更了使用者帐号密码参数,针对这个档案进行数据库更新:
- [root@node0 nis]# cd /var/yp/
- [root@node0 yp]# make passwd
[root@node0 nis]# make -C /var/yp passwd
- make: Entering directory `/var/yp'
- Updating passwd.byname...
- Updating passwd.byuid...
- make: Leaving directory `/var/yp'
2. 开启Slave服务推送
将 /var/yp/Makefile中的NOPUSH定义修改为false
- [root@node0 nis]# grep "NOPUSH="/var/yp/Makefile
- # slave servers (NOPUSH=true). If you have slaveservers, change this
- # to "NOPUSH=false" and put all hostnamesof your slave servers in the file
- NOPUSH=false
- [root@node0 nis]#
3. 指定Slave服务主机,告诉master要把数据给谁->node1
- [root@node0 nis]# cat /var/yp/ypservers
- node0
- node1
- [root@node0 nis]#
4. 启动 ypxfrd服务
可以让 slave 服务器主动链接上 ypxfrd 来更新数据库, 可以免除系统管理原自己手动更新。
- [root@node0 ~]# systemctl start ypxfrd
- [root@node0 ~]# systemctl enable ypxfrd
此外,如果 master 机器想要直接将某些特定的数据库直接传给 slave 主机的话, 那么可以使用 yppush 这个指令。
例如:#yppush -h slave.abcnis passwd.*
2.2 Slave server端配置
2.2.1 设置NIS域名
设置 NIS 的域名,新增如下内容
- [root@node0 nis]# nisdomainname hikuss
[root@node0 nis]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network
- # Created by anaconda
- NISDOMAIN=hikuss
- YPSERV_ARGS="-p 1011"
2.2.2 设置hosts
- [root@node0 nis]# cat /etc/hosts
- node0
- node1
- node2
2.2.3 设置主要配置文件/etc/ypserv.conf
- [root@node0 nis]# cat /etc/ypserv.conf
- #
- # ypserv.conf Inthis file you can set certain options for the NIS server,
- # andyou can deny or restrict access to certain maps based
- # on theoriginating host.
- #
- # Seeypserv.conf(5) for a description of the syntax.
- #
- # Some options for ypserv. This things are all notneeded, if
- # you have a Linux net.
- # How many map file handles should be cached ?
- files: 30
- # Should we register ypserv with SLP ?
- # slp: no
- # After how many seconds we should re-register ypservwith SLP ?
- # slp_timeout: 3600
- # xfr requests are only allowed from ports <1024
- xfr_check_port: yes
- # The following, when uncommented, will give you shadow like passwords.
- # Note that it will not work if you have slave NISservers in your
- # network that do not run the same server as you.
- # Host : Domain : Map : Security
- #
- # * : * : passwd.byname : port
- # * : * : passwd.byuid : port
- : * : * : none
- : * : * : none
- * : * : * : deny
- # Not everybody should see the shadow passwords,not secure, since
- # under MSDOG everbody is root and can access ports< 1024 !!!
- * : * : shadow.byname : port
- * : * : passwd.adjunct.byname : port
- # If you comment out the next rule, ypserv andrpc.ypxfrd will
- # look for YP_SECURE and YP_AUTHDES in the maps.This will make
- # the security check a little bit slower, but youonly have to
- # change the keys on the master server, not theconfiguration files
- # on each NIS server.
- # If you have maps with YP_SECURE or YP_AUTHDES,you should create
- # a rule for them above, that's much faster.
2.2.4 设置防火墙
- [root@node0 nis]# vi /etc/sysconfig/yppasswdd
- YPPASSWDD_ARGS="--port 1012"
2.2.5 启动及开机启动
- [root@node0 nis]# systemctlstart ypserv
- [root@node0 nis]# systemctlstart rpcbind
- [root@node0 nis]#
- [root@node0 nis]# systemctl enable ypserv
- Created symlink from/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ypserv.service to/usr/lib/systemd/system/ypserv.service.
- [root@node0 nis]# systemctl enable rpcbind
- Created symlink from/etc/systemd/system/sockets.target.wants/rpcbind.socket to/usr/lib/systemd/system/rpcbind.socket.
- [root@node0 nis]#
2.2.6 拉取数据库
- [root@node1 nis]# /usr/lib64/yp/ypinit -s node0
- The local host's domain name hasn't been set. Please set it.
- [root@node1 nis]# nisdomainname hikuss
- [root@node1 nis]# /usr/lib64/yp/ypinit -s node0
- We will need a few minutes to copy the data fromnode0.
- Transferring netid.byname...
- Trying ypxfrd ... not running
- ….
- node1's NIS data base has been set up.
- If there were warnings, please figure out what wentwrong, and fix it.
- At this point, make sure that /etc/passwd and/etc/group have
- been edited so that when the NIS is activated, thedata bases you
- have just created will be used, instead of the /etcASCII files.
- [root@node1 nis]#
原因是Master server端ypxfrd没有启动。解决方案如下:
- [root@node0 ~]# systemctl start ypxfrd
- [root@node1 nis]# /usr/lib64/yp/ypinit -s node0
- We will need a few minutes to copy the data fromnode0.
- Transferring netid.byname...
- Trying ypxfrd ... success
- Transferring mail.aliases...
- Trying ypxfrd ... success
- …
- Transferring ypservers...
- Trying ypxfrd ... success
- node1's NIS data base has been set up.
- If there were warnings, please figure out what wentwrong, and fix it.
- At this point, make sure that /etc/passwd and/etc/group have
- been edited so that when the NIS is activated, thedata bases you
- have just created will be used, instead of the /etcASCII files.
- [root@node1 nis]#
- [root@node1 ~]# ypcat -h localhost passwd.byname
- nisuser1:$1$2e4n/ePv$xnfaSHSSUZhApRpjHn1Lw.:1001:1001::/home/nisuser1:/bin/bash
- nisuser2:$1$NBitWXE9$43ezdKoamgw0ze8PnIOtT/:1002:1002::/home/nisuser2:/bin/bash
- nisuser3:$1$GUtQO.zB$38oGHfzgWGYG84cKa7bkZ0:1003:1003::/home/nisuser3:/bin/bash
- nisuser4:$1$nc3FDwqx$aKhlazecXTmDSmGciCBkG1:1004:1004::/home/nisuser4:/bin/bash
- nisuser5:$1$krWvFybT$yUwL3dCDVz0qp5Sg7wifX1:1005:1005::/home/nisuser5:/bin/bash
- [root@node1 ~]#
2.2.7 设置数据同步时间
- */5 * * * * /usr/lib64/yp/ypxfr -h node0 passwd.byname
- */5 * * * * /usr/lib64/yp/ypxfr -h node0 passwd.byuid
更改配置文件/usr/lib64/yp/ypxfr_1perday,/usr/lib64/yp/ypxfr_1perhour, /usr/lib64/yp/ypxfr_2perday:
- $YPBINDIR/ypxfr $map -h node0
2.3 Client端配置
- [root@node2deps-centos72_1511]# rpm -ivh yp-tools-2.14-3.el7.x86_64.rpmypbind-1.37.1-7.el7.x86_64.rpm
/etc/sysconfig/network:加入 NIS 的域名
/etc/hosts:至少需要有各个 NIS 服务器的 IP 与主机名对应;
/etc/yp.conf:这个则是 ypbind 的主要配置文件,里面主要设定NIS 服务器所在
/etc/pam.d/system-auth :因为账号通常由 PAM 模块所管理, 所以必须要在 PAM 模块内加入 NIS 的支持才行!
/etc/nsswitch.conf :设定账号密码与相关信息的查询顺序,默认是先找 /etc/passwd 再找 NIS 数据库;
2.3.1 设置NIS域名
设置 NIS 的域名,新增如下内容:
- [root@node0 nis]# nisdomainname hikuss
[root@node0 nis]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network
- # Created by anaconda
- NISDOMAIN=hikuss
- YPSERV_ARGS="-p 1011"
2.3.2 设置hosts
- [root@node0 nis]# cat /etc/hosts
- node0
- node1
- node2
2.3.3 设施ypbind连接server-方法1 账户信息的读取顺序
- [root@node2 nis]# vim /etc/nsswitch.conf
- …
- passwd: files nis sss
- shadow: files nis sss
- group: files nis sss
- …
- hosts: files nis dns
- …
- [root@node2 nis]# 配置/etc/yp.conf
- domain hikuss server node0
- domain hikuss server node1
- ypserver node0
- ypserver node1 设置账号登入认证机制
- [root@node2 nis]# grep NIS/etc/sysconfig/authconfig
- USENIS=yes 设置PAM授权
- …
- password sufficient pam_unix.so md5shadow nis nullok try_first_passuse_authtok
- …
2.3.4 设施ypbind连接server-方法2
- [root@node1 nis]#setup
1. 第一步:选择authentication
2. 第二步:设置nis
3. 第三步:设置nis服务器
2.3.5 启动及开机启动
- [root@node0 nis]# systemctlstart rpcbind
- [root@node0 nis]# systemctlstart ypbind
- [root@node0 nis]#
- [root@node2 nis]# systemctlenable ypbind
- Created symlink from/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ypbind.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/ypbind.service.
- [root@node0 nis]# systemctlenable rpcbind
- Created symlink from/etc/systemd/system/sockets.target.wants/rpcbind.socket to/usr/lib/systemd/system/rpcbind.socket.
- [root@node0 nis]#
2.4 Client测试
2.4.1 yptest
yptest用来测试 server 端和 client 端能否正常通讯
- [root@node2 nis]# yptest
- Test 1: domainname
- Configured domainname is "hikuss"
- Test 2: ypbind
- Used NIS server: node0
- Test 3: yp_match
- WARNING: No such key in map (Map passwd.byname, keynobody)
- Test 4: yp_first
- cephceph:$1$X9Z9IOh1$QJtLqBSk75qIf/h3oaRBO0:1000:1000:ceph:/home/ceph:/bin/bash
- Test 5: yp_next
- …
- Test 6: yp_master
- node0
- Test 7: yp_order
- 1478832908
- Test 8: yp_maplist
- …
- Test 9: yp_all
- …
- 1 tests failed
- [root@node2 nis]#
从这个测试当中可能发现一些错误,就是在 Test 3 出现的那个警告信息啦。只是说没有该数据库而已~ 该错误是可以忽略的。
重点在第 9 个步骤 yp_all 必须要有列出你 NIS server 上头的所有帐户信息,如果有出现账号相关数据的话,那么应该就算验证成功了!
2.4.2 ypwhich
1. 查看NIS domain
- [root@node2 nis]# ypwhich
- node0
- [root@node2 nis]#
2. 查看数据库映射
- [root@node2 nis]# ypwhich -x
- Use "ethers" for map "ethers.byname"
- Use "aliases" for map "mail.aliases"
- Use "services" for map "services.byname"
- Use "protocols" for map "protocols.bynumber"
- Use "hosts" for map "hosts.byname"
- Use "networks" for map "networks.byaddr"
- Use "group" for map "group.byname"
- Use "passwd" for map "passwd.byname"
- [root@node2 nis]#
2.4.3 ypcat
- [root@node2 nis]# ypcat -?
- Usage: ypcat [-kt] [-d domain] [-h hostname]mapname | -x
- ypcat - print values of all keys in a NIS database
- -ddomain Use 'domain' instead of thedefault domain
- -hhostname Query ypserv on 'hostname'instead the current one
- -k Display map keys
- -t Inhibits map nickname translation
- -x Display the map nickname translationtable
- -?,--help Give this help list
- --usage Give a short usagemessage
- --version Print program version
- [root@node2 nis]#
1. 查看数据库映射
- [root@node2 nis]# ypcat -x
- Use "ethers" for map "ethers.byname"
- Use "aliases" for map "mail.aliases"
- Use "services" for map "services.byname"
- Use "protocols" for map "protocols.bynumber"
- Use "hosts" for map "hosts.byname"
- Use "networks" for map "networks.byaddr"
- Use "group" for map "group.byname"
- Use "passwd" for map "passwd.byname"
- [root@node2 nis]#
2. 查看数据库映射ypcat -k <map>
- [root@node2 nis]# ypcat -k passwd
- cephceph:$1$X9Z9IOh1$QJtLqBSk75qIf/h3oaRBO0:1000:1000:ceph:/home/ceph:/bin/bash
- nisuser1nisuser1:$1$2e4n/ePv$xnfaSHSSUZhApRpjHn1Lw.:1001:1001::/home/nisuser1:/bin/bash
- nisuser2 nisuser2:$1$NBitWXE9$43ezdKoamgw0ze8PnIOtT/:1002:1002::/home/nisuser2:/bin/bash
- nisuser3nisuser3:$1$GUtQO.zB$38oGHfzgWGYG84cKa7bkZ0:1003:1003::/home/nisuser3:/bin/bash
- nisuser4nisuser4:$1$nc3FDwqx$aKhlazecXTmDSmGciCBkG1:1004:1004::/home/nisuser4:/bin/bash
- nisuser5nisuser5:$1$krWvFybT$yUwL3dCDVz0qp5Sg7wifX1:1005:1005::/home/nisuser5:/bin/bash
- [root@node2 nis]#