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  • C#的特性学习草稿

    原文发布时间为:2008-11-22 —— 来源于本人的百度文章 [由搬家工具导入]


    public class MyAttribute:Attribute


    public class Entity
    private int m_MyProperty ;
    public virtual int MyProperty
    get { return m_MyProperty; }
    set { m_MyProperty = value; }


    class program
    static void Main()
    Attribute attr = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(Entity), typeof(MyAttribute),false);


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;

    using System.Reflection;

    namespace baidu

        class Class5

            //[Obsolete("no use forever",true)]
            //static void Old() { }

            //static void New() { }
            //public static void Main()
            //    Old();
            //static void Main()
            //     Console.WriteLine(typeof(HumanBase).IsSerializable);
            //     Console.ReadLine();

            //static void Main()

            //    BoardingCheckAttribute boardingCheck = new BoardingCheckAttribute("1", "dsf", 1, 1, "df", "df");
            //   Console.WriteLine(boardingCheck.Name
            //                   + "'s ID is "
            //                + boardingCheck.ID
            //                  + ", he/she wants to "
            //                   + boardingCheck.Destination
            //                   + " from "
            //                    + boardingCheck.Departure
            //                    + " by the plane "
            //                   + boardingCheck.FlightNumber
            //                    + ", his/her position is "
            //                 + boardingCheck.PostionNumber
            //                     + ".");
            //    Console.ReadLine();
            //static void Main()
            //    Attribute attr = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(Base), typeof(HelpAtrribute),true);
            //    if (attr is HelpAtrribute)
            //    {
            //        HelpAtrribute help = (HelpAtrribute)attr;
            //        Console.WriteLine(help.Description);
            //    }
            //    Console.ReadLine();


            static void Main()
                Type type = typeof(Class1);
                HelpAtrribute helpAttr;
                foreach (Attribute attr in type.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                    helpAttr = attr as HelpAtrribute;
                    if (helpAttr != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Description of Class1: {0}", helpAttr.Description);

                foreach (MethodInfo method in type.GetMethods())
                    foreach (Attribute attr in method.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                        helpAttr = attr as HelpAtrribute;
                        if (helpAttr != null)
                            Console.WriteLine("Description of {0}: {1}", method.Name, helpAttr.Description);

                foreach (FieldInfo field in type.GetFields())
                    foreach (Attribute attr in field.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                        helpAttr = attr as HelpAtrribute;
                        if (helpAttr != null)
                            Console.WriteLine("Description of {0}: {1}", field.Name, helpAttr.Description);


            [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
            public class HelpAtrribute : Attribute
                protected string description;
                public HelpAtrribute(string description)
                    this.description = description;
                public string Description
                    get { return this.description; }
                protected string version;
                public string Version
                    get { return this.version; }
                    set { this.version = value; }

            [HelpAtrribute("this is a donothing class")]
            //[HelpAtrribute("this is a doNothing class")]
            public class AnyClass
                [HelpAtrribute("this is a doNothing class")]
                public void AnyMethod()

            public class Base
            public class Derive : Base

            [HelpAtrribute("this is class1")]
            public class Class1
                [HelpAtrribute("this is doNothing Method")]
                public void Anymethod()
                [HelpAtrribute("this is an integer")]
                public int AnyInt=0;
            [HelpAtrribute("this is Class2", Version = "2.0")]
            public class Class2

            //[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Class)]
            //public class BoardingCheckAttribute : Attribute
            //    private string id,name,dep,des;
            //    private int flightnum, positionum;
            //    public BoardingCheckAttribute(string id, string name, int flightNumber, int PostionNumber, string departure, string destination)
            //    {
            //        this.id = id;
            //        this.name = name;
            //        this.flightnum = flightNumber;
            //        this.positionum = PostionNumber;
            //        this.dep = departure;
            //        this.des = destination;
            //    }

            //    public string ID
            //    {
            //        get { return id; }
            //        set { id = value; }
            //    }
            //    public string Name
            //    {
            //        get { return name; }
            //        set { name = value; }
            //    }

            //    public int FlightNumber
            //    {
            //        get { return flightnum; }
            //        set { flightnum = value; }
            //    }
            //    public int PostionNumber
            //    {
            //        get { return positionum; }
            //        set { positionum = value; }
            //    }
            //    public string Departure
            //    {
            //        get { return dep; }
            //        set { dep = value; }
            //    }
            //    public string Destination
            //    {
            //        get { return des; }
            //        set { des = value; }
            //    }



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/handboy/p/7148481.html
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