Time Limit: 1000MS | Memory Limit: 65536K | |
Total Submissions: 9997 | Accepted: 2736 |

Several S, each consisting of a line containing an integer 1 <= n <= 1000 indicating the number of elements in S, followed by the elements of S, one per line. Each element of S is a distinct integer between -536870912 and +536870911 inclusive. The last line of input contains 0.
For each S, a single line containing d, or a single line containing "no solution".
Sample Input
5 2 3 5 7 12 5 2 16 64 256 1024 0
Sample Output
12 no solution
题解:给一个序列,让找不同的a,b,c,d在集合s中,使得a+b+c=d,如果能找到输出d,否则输出no solution;
extern "C++"{ #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<queue> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; void SI(int &x){scanf("%d",&x);} void SI(double &x){scanf("%lf",&x);} void SI(char *x){scanf("%s",x);} //void SI(LL &x){scanf("%lld",&x);} void PI(int &x){printf("%d",x);} void PI(double &x){printf("%lf",x);} void PI(char *x){printf("%s",x);} //void PI(LL &x){printf("%lld",x);} } const int MAXN = 1010; int a[MAXN]; int main(){ int n; while(scanf("%d",&n),n){ for(int i = 0;i < n;i++)SI(a[i]); sort(a,a + n); int ans,flot = 0; for(int i = n - 1;i >= 0;i--){ if(flot)break; for(int j = n - 1;j >= 0;j--){ if(flot)break; if(i == j)continue; int sum = a[i] - a[j],l = 0,r = j - 1; while(l < r){ if(a[l] + a[r] == sum && i != l && i != r){ ans = a[i]; flot = 1; break; } if(a[l] + a[r] > sum) r--; else l++; } } } if(flot) printf("%d ",ans); else puts("no solution"); } return 0; }