select sid, username, round(100 * total_user_io/total_io,2) tot_io_pct from (select b.sid sid, nvl(b.username, username, sum(value) total_user_io from sys.v_$statname c, sys.v_$sesstat a, sys.v_$session b, sys.v_$bgprocess p where a.statistic#=c.statistic# and p.paddr (+) = b.paddr and b.sid=a.sid and in ('physical reads', 'physical writes', 'physical writes direct', 'physical reads direct', 'physical writes direct (lob)', 'physical reads direct (lob)') group by b.sid, nvl(b.username,, (select sum(value) total_io from sys.v_$statname c, sys.v_$sesstat a where a.statistic#=c.statistic# and in ('physical reads', 'physical writes', 'physical writes direct', 'physical reads direct', 'physical writes direct (lob)', 'physical reads direct (lob)')) order by 3;