假设有一个订单交易系统,通过Call Center来完成客户的订单交易。这时你会涉及到一个客户对象。代码如下所示:
public class Customer
public Customer()
// Properties to access and modify customer fields:
public string Name { get; set; }
public Address ShippingAddr { get; set; }
public Account CreditCardInfo { get; set; }
// create customer on the server.
Customer c = Server.NewCustomer();
// round trip to set the name.
c.Name = dlg.Name;
// round trip to set the addr.
c.ShippingAddr = dlg.ShippingAddr;
// round trip to set the cc card.
c.CreditCardInfo = dlg.CreditCardInfo;
// create customer on the client.
Customer c2 = new Customer();
// Set local copy
c2.Name = dlg.Name;
// set the local addr.
c2.ShippingAddr = dlg.ShippingAddr;
// set the local cc card.
c2.CreditCardInfo = dlg.CreditCardInfo;
// send the finished object to the server. (one trip)
首先,你会想到一次返回所有用户的订单不现实,100万*15个/年=1500+万个/次。由于Call Center 的接线员一次只处理一个用户的订单,所以你会想到要根据用户名来过滤某个用户的订单。所以查询订单的方法你会定义如下:
public OrderDataCollection FindOrders(string customerName)
// Search for the customer by name.
// Find all orders by that customer.
public OrderData FindOpenOrders(string customerName)
// Search for the customer by name.
// Find all orders by that customer.
// Filter out those that have already
// been received.
public CustomerSet RetrieveCustomerData(
AreaCode theAreaCode)
// Find all customers for a given area code.
// Foreach customer in that area code:
// Find all orders by that customer.
// Filter out those that have already
// been received.
// Return the result.
public CustomerSet UpdateCustomer(CustomerData
updates, DateTime lastUpdate, AreaCode theAreaCode)
// First, save any updates.
// Next, get the updates:
// Find all customers for a given area code.
// Foreach customer in that area code:
// Find all orders by that customer that have been
// updated since the last time. Add those to the result
// Return the result.