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    print "Hello World!"
    action = raw_input("please select your action{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, o}: ")
    print action
    if action == str("1"):  #print hello name
    	name = raw_input("what's your name?  ")
    	print "Hello "+name
    elif action == str("2"): #print hu and chongshi
    	hu =["hu", 25]
    	chongshi=["chongshi", 32]
    	database = [hu, chongshi]
    	print database
    elif action == "3":
    	greeting = "chongshi" #print c
    	print greeting[0]
    elif action == "4":
    	fourth = raw_input("year:")[3] #year:2013 print 3
    	print fourth
    elif action == "5":
    	tag = '<a href="http://www.python.org">Python web site</a>'
    	print tag[9:30]
    	print tag[32:-4]
    elif action == "6":
    	permissions = "rw"
    	print "w" in permissions
    	users = ["hls", "lisi"]
    	r = raw_input("enter you user name:") in users #return true or false check input value is not at users
    	print r
    elif action == "7":
    	numbers = [100, 34, 678]
    	print "max(numbers) "+ str(max(numbers)) #get max value for numbers
    	print "min(numbers) "+ str(min(numbers)) #get min value for numbers
    elif action == "8":
    	lis = list('chongshi')
    	x = [1,3,4]
    	x[1] = 2
    	print x  #update item value
    	del x[1]  #delete a item
    	print x
    	x[1:] = list("111v123") #append a list at index 1 of x
    	print x
    	print 'there have '+str(x.count("1"))+' "1"' #get contains "1" of list x's value
    	y = [4,5,6,7,8]
    	x.extend(y) #extend y to x
    	print x
    	print x.index("1") #get index for "1"
    	x.insert(5, "5.5") #insert a value at index 5 later
    	print x
    	x.pop() #delete a last item
    	print x
    	x.pop(1) #delete index 1's value
    	print x 
    	x.remove() #delete a first item
    	print x
    	x.reverse() #reverse items
    	print x
    	print x
    elif action == "9": #tuple
    	z = 1,2,3
    	print z
    	z = tuple("12346abc")
    	print z
    	print '''this is a  very long string.
    		It continues here.
    		and it's not over yet.'''
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/haoliansheng/p/4965948.html
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